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(¡,oo- '10
Tri-Valley Transportation Development Fee
Joint Powers Agreement
Report Prepared by: Lee S. Thompson, Public Works Director
1. Resolution No. 142-97 Approving Principles of Agreement
for Adoption of the Tri-Valley Transportation Development Fee
2. Draft Resolution Approving Joint Exercise of Powers Agreement,
together with Attachment 1, the proposed "Joint Exercise of
Powers Agreement Pertaining to Tri- Valley Transportation
Development Fees for Traffic :Mitigation"
RECOMMENDATION: - ~ Receive Staff Report
~'-(:;,.~: Adopt Resolution Approving Joint Exercise of
Powers Agreement
DESCRIPTION: The Tri- V alley Transportation Council (TVTC) has been working for
several years on common transportation issues, as well as on a proposal to establisb a regional
transportation fee which would be collected on new development. On November 18, 1997, the Council
adopted a "Resolution Approving Principles of Agreement for Adoption of the TIi-Valley Transportation
Development Fee" (Exhibit 1). Since that time, the TvrC bas prepared a draft "Joint Exercise of Powers
Agreement Pertaining to Tri-Valley Transportation Development Fees for Traffic Mitigation" (Exhibit 2).
At its Apri122, 1998, meeting, the TVTC unanimously recommended the approval of the proposed Joint
Powers Agreement (Attachment 1). The other parties to the agreement will be considering this same joint
powers agreement at their first meetings in May.
Parties. The Joint Exercise of Powers Agreement (JEPA) is between the Counties of Alameda and Contra
Costa., tbe Cities ofDub1in, Livermore, San Ramon and Plea.santon, and the Town ofDanville. It does not
create a new legal entity (Section 22) but, rather, establishes the mechanism for pooling the traffic impact
fee revenues for payment to "project sponsors" for design and construction of the selected transportation
Tri- Va.llev Transportation Develooment Fee. Each party agrees to impose a "Tri- V alley TransportÍ1tion
Development Fee" on new development (Section 5). The Fee will be used to pay for eleven (II)
"Transportation Improvement Projects" in the Tri- Valley area (Section 8). The first project to be funded
with the Fee revenues will be the 1-580/I-680 Interchange project for local matching requirements. .
The Fee will be 51,500 per singIe-fa.rnily dwelling unit, $1,050 per multi·fa.rnily dwelling unit, 51 per square
foot for office and reta.il, 5.75 per square foot for industrial, and 51,500 per average a.m./p.m. peak hour
trip for other uses (Section 9). The agreement provides that the parties' ordinances or resolutions will
provide for automatic increase in the Fees by the change in the cost of construction and other costs
(Section 13).
The parties will adopt the Fee so that it will be effective on September 1, 1998, in all jurisdictions (Section
10). Staff will retum at a future meeting with a proposed resolution for the Council to consider for
adoption of the Fee, together with a reduction in the City's Eastern Dublin Traffic Impact Fee for these
regional projects which overlap.
Treasurer. Through the TVTC, the parties will unanimously select the finance officer of one jurisdiction to
act as the "Treasurer" (Section 2[m]). The duties of the Treasurer are specified in Section 4 and include
keeping a record of the Fees paid by each party (subsection [a]); disbursement of the Fees to entities for
planning, design and construction of the Transportation Improvement Projects (subsection [fj); and
accounting for the Fee revenues (subsection [i)). The party which acts as the Treasurer will be reimbursed
for the time and expense of such duties (Section 4[j], Section 14).
Collection of Fee. Once the Fee is effective, each party will collect the Fee. Each party will transmit to the
Treasurer at least 80% of the Fee revenues on a quarterly basis (Section 6). If the City retains 20% of the .
Fees, it must use those revenues for one of the eleven projects listed in Section 8.
I·580/I·680 Interchan¡re Proiect. The first project to receive Fee revenues will be the I·580/I-680
Interchange project which is being constructed by Ca.ltrans.
Dublin entered into a "Loca.l Match Agreement" with Alameda County Transportation Authority (ACTA)
in May of 1997 whereby the City of Dublin conunitted to contribute a tota.l of$2,043,560 beginning in the
1996-97 fiscai year and ending in the 2000/01 fiscal year. With the exception ofDanville, the other parties
all entered into Loca.l Match Agreements with ACTA as well. These agreements enabled ACTA to
provide the necessary funding to Caltrans so it could proceed with the interchange project in advance of
imposition of the proposed Tri- Valley Transportation Development Fee.
Because six of the seven jurisdictions have Local Match Agreements with conunitments for differing
amounts to be paid at different times, the JEP A includes provisions in Section 7 specifically written to
protect those parties with Loca.l Match Agreements.
The Treasurer will receive the Fees from the parties and will remit the Fees directly to ACTA (Section
4[b )). Section 7[b] requires the Treasurer to provide both ACT A and the parties with an accounting of the
payments made to ACTA in order that both ACTA and the parties can track the amount of Fees received
by ACTA from those parties with ''Loca.l Match" obligations to ACTA.
If the combined parties collect more in Fee revenues than their ''Local Match" obligations, the parties will.
be in compliance with the individual "Local Match Agreements," regardless of which entity the Fees come
from. However, if the parties collect less in any year in Fees than the total "Local Math" obligation, there
will be a "shortfall" in Fees which will have to be paid to ACT A pursuant to the "Local Match
Agreements" Section 7[c] specifies how a "shortfa.ll" win be funded. It provides examples which show
that it is possible for one or more parties to have to use funds other than Fee revenues to meet the
obligation to ACTA If that occurs, Section 7[e] provides for reimbursement from Fee revenues.
Section 7[ d) provides that those parties that have met their "Local Match Agreements" with revenues other
than the Fee will be reimbursed from Fee revenues after the tota.! "Local Match" obligation of all parties is
paid to ACT A. To date, the only parties that have made such payments to ACTA are Dublin and
Pleasanton. Section 7[d] provides that Dublin will be reimbursed in the amount of$753,500 plus interest
from Fee revenues. In addition, the City will be reimbursed for the additional payment it must make to
ACTA by the end of the 1997.98 fiscal year (approximately 5171,290) from Fee revenues after ACTA
receives its total "Loca1 match" of 55,548,300 Oess the contributions by Dublin and Pleasanton).
Section 7[e] provides that any party that must make up a "shortfall," as discussed above, will be
reimbursed from Fee revenues after ACT A receives the entire "Local Match" and reimbursement is paid
pursuant to Section 7[ d].
Stratelric Exoenditure Plan. The TVTC is to prepare a Strategic Expenditure Plan (SEP) which must be
approved by the parties unanimously (Section 11 [ cD. The SEP will include the next project or projects to
be funded with the Fee revenues after the I-580/I-680 Interchange project (Section 11[b D· The SEP will
include provisions for indemnification and insurance, as appropriate (Section 11 [b D·
Credit Or Reimbursement For Developer-Constructed proiects. As with the City's Eastern Dublin Traffic
Impact Fee program, it is possible that a developer may construct all or a portion of one or more of the
Transportation Improvement Projects. With respect to Transportation Improvement Projects that are
included in the SEP as "funded" projects (i.e., the next project eligible for the fees), Section 15 provides
that a developer would be entitled to a credit against the Fee in the amount of the project constructed and,
if the cost of the project were in excess of his Fees, the developer would be entitled to reimbursement ftom
Fees collected in the future (Section 15[a».
If the developer constructs all or a portion of a Transportation Improvement projecrt which is not listed in
the SEP as a "funded" project, he will be eligible for reimbursement only, and only if the Project becomes a
"funded" project in the SEP within ten years (Section 15 [b D·
In both scenarios, reimbursement will be only from the Fee revenues and will terminate in ten years.
Term Of The Jena And Fee. The JEPA provides that the Fee will remain in effect until the Transportation
Improvement Projects are constructed. This commitment is more in the nature of a political commitment
than a legal commitment jnasmuch as the current Council cannot "contract away" the police power of a
future Council which may wish to modifY or repea.l the Fee.
Staff recommends that the Council adopt the Resolution Approving the Agreement (Exhibit 2).
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WHEREAS, the City of Dublin bas joined with other Tri- Valley jurisdictions to form the Tri- V alley
Transportarion Council (TVTC), and cooperatively participated in the development and adoprion of the
T ri- Valley Transportarion Plan! Action Plan for Routes of Regional Significance (TVTP), and
WHEREAS, the TVIP identified improvements to the Regional transportation system necessary to
accommodate traffic growth £Tom ongoing development in the Tri- Valley Are and elsewhere, and
WHEREAS, the TVTP recommended the adoption and implementation ofa Tri-Valley
Transportation Development Fee (TVTDF) to fund all or part of the necessarytransportarion
improvements identified in the plan, and
WHEREAS, the TVTC has directed the prepamtion of studies and documentation for the adoption
wd implementation of the TVTDF Regional Fee Program, and
WHERE.4S, the City of Dublin supports solution of regional traffic problems through
implementarion of the TVTP and the TVTDF Regiona.l Fee Program.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City of Dublin does hereby endorse and adopt
the following Principles of Agreement for the establishment and implementation of the TVTDF:
1. That the TVTDF sball be used to fund all or part of the following Transportation Improvement
Projects iD the Tri- Valley Area. It is acknowledged that at the proposed fee rates, the TVTDF will not
fund the project list in its entirety:
a_ I-580/I-680 Interchange Improvements
b_ Improvements to State Route 84 between 1-580 ¡md 1-680
c. 1-680 Auxiliary lanes between Bollinger Canyon Road and Diablo Road
d. West Dub!in/Plea.santon BART station
e. 1-580 HOV Lanes between Santa Rita road ¡md Greenville Road
f 1-680 HOV Lanes between SR$4 and Sunol Grade
g_ I-5801F0othill Road Interchange Improvements
h. 1-680/AJcosta Boulevard Interch¡mge Improvements
L Crow Canyon Road Safety Improvements west of Bollinger Canyon Road
J- Vasco Road Safety Improvement north ofT-580
k. E},,-press Bus Service in the Tri- Valley !\rea.
2. . That the highest fundixIg priorityfor the ryrDF shall be the 1-580/I-68~ Improvement project
<'Local Matcb," which shall be funded at 1 00% of remaining local-resPonsibility (~5.5 milliOIi), including
- reimbursement to those ic,cal Juzisdictions which have ¡Üready advanced or are to advance monies or in-lieu
contributions to the 1-580/1-680 project. r""'¢c~- r .., F ::"':). !"""1'.I
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3. That the following criteria shall be considered in establishing the priority of other projects on the
TVTDF funding list
Project Rea.diness: examples of project readiness milestones include: comp]etion of
e1lviromnental documentation, inclusion in RTIP/STIP, preparation of Plans, Specifications
and Estimates, right-of~way acquisition, etc.
Project Funding: Ability of project to "leverage" funding, eligibility for e>.1:ernal funding,
and! or colDlIlitment of e.>-1:ernal funding.
Project Effectiveness: Ability of the project to effectively address Tri-Valley traffic
congestion and!or safety problems.
4. That the TVTC Technical Advisory Committee will prepare within 6 months ofTVTDF adoption a.
Strategic Expenditw'e Plan for delivery of the improvement projects. The Strategic Expenditure Plan will
include prdiminary cost and revenue estimates of the TVTDF, a prioritization plan and timeline for project
delivery. The Strategic Expenditure Plan will be reviewed and approved by the TVTC and subsequently
revíewed and approved by the seven member jurisdictions.
5_ That the TVTDF Fee will pay for a portion ofsome or all of the previously-listed projects, on the
basis of the following Fee Schedule:
Land Use Cate~orv
Single-Fa.rnily Residential
Multi-Fa.rnily Residential
Industrial Warehouse
· Other Uses/Alternative Rate
TVJDF Fee Rate
SI,500 per dwelling unit
$1,050 per dwelling unit
$ L 00 per square foot
$1. 00 per square foot
S .75 per square foot
$1,500 AMlPM Average Peak Hour Trips
.. (TVIDF fees for other uses not listed shall be based upon the average AMlPM peak hour trip
generation, as estimated by the most recent edition of the ITE Trip Generation M=l. Technical
procedures for the calculation ofTVTDF fees will be adopted by the TVTC.)
6. The TVIDF Program will be reviewed biennially, and adjusted as necessary to reflect changes in
project list, project cost, program revenue and other factors_ The criteria established in Item 3 above shall
be considered in the biennial update, as appropriate_ Exawples of "other factors" include amendments to
state or regional gasoJir¡e taxes, reauthorization of County Sales Tax transportation program, identification
of supplemental funding sources for Strategic Expenditure Plan projects, etc. Fee increases beyond
inflationary and cons1ruction cost adjustments shall be approved unanimously by all seven jurisdictions_
7. Each juriscliction may retain 20 percent of the TVIDF revenues collected within its juriscliction for
e}.-pencliture on projects included under Section J or as the listis modified by the TVTC.
.-- .
_ 8. --:)'hat each rvrC juriscliction shall levy the 'TYTP!'.on allTri- Valleyßevelopment notlegal!y
preCluded fn:~mth~ fue~ :- :;:- -. ~:~~, :;c_ ~ ~~~:-_:" _~-'-:--_: -:_::~,,~- ~ _«'-.:~ -: :c~ 'C- _"'C_ ~:-
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9. That each TVTCjurisdiction shall Jevy the TVTDF on all Tri-Valley development with CUlTent
development agreements/entitlements which incJude language requiring that a regional transportation fee
be paid when enacted.
10. That the TVTDF shall be applied to all significant changes to existing development agreements or
other entitlements approved after January 1, 1998. The TVTDF shall be applied to all components of a
project which are subject to the amended or renewed development agreementfdevelopment entitlement.
Significant changes are defined as follows:
a. Change in Land Use type (e_g., Office to Retail)
b. Intensification of Land Use Type (e.g., increases in square footage ofapproved Office)
c. Expiration ofTerm of Development Agreement(s)
d. Reduction or Removal of project Mitigation requirements/Condicions of Approval
Other, "non-significant" amendments to development agreements (e.g., Architectural changes or
changes to site plans with no net traffic increases shall not be subject to the TVTDF.
11_ That these Principles of Agreement for the TVTDF shall take effect upon their adoption by the
seven member jurisdictions of the Tri-Valley Transportation Council.
PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED this 18th day of November, 1997.
Councilmembers Banæs, Burton, Haward, Lockhart and Mayor Houston
NOES: None
. K"/G-'11-18-97/resotl,rddoc
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WHEREAS, the City Manager has presented the Council with an agreement entitled "Joint
Exercise of Powers Agreement Pertaining to Tri- Valley Transportation Development Fees for Traffic
mitigation," between the County of Alameda, the County of Contra Costa, the City of Dublin, the City of
Livermore, the City of Pleasant on, the City of San Ramon and the Town ofDanville (Attachment 1
hereto); and
WHEREAS, the City Manager has recommended approval of the agreement; and
WHEREAS, prior to adopting a fee, as provided in the agreement, the Council will comply with the
Ca.lifornia Environmental Quality Act;
NOW, TIIEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council approves the "Joint Exercise of
Powers Agreement Pertaining to Tri- Valley Transportation Development Fees for Traffic Mitigation"
(Exhibit A) and authorizes and directs the Mayor to sign the agreement.
PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED this 5th day of May, 1998.
City Clerk
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Tri-Valley Transportation Developn1ent
Fees for Traffic Mitigation
The County of Alameda,
The County of Contra Costa,
The City of Dublin,
The City of Livermore,
111e City of Pleasant on,
The City of San Ramon, And
111e Town of Danville
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Tri-Valley Tran_sportation Development Fees for Traffic Mitigation
This JOINT EXERCISE OF POWERS AGREEME]\'Tf (the "Agreement") is entered
into this 22nd day of April, 1998 (the "Effective Date") pursuant to Government
Code §6502 by and among the COUNTY OF CONTRA. COSTA ("Contra Costa"),
a political subdivision and body corporate and politic of the State of California; the
CITY OF SAN RAMON ("San Ramon"), a murucipal corporation duly organized
and existing under the laws of the State of California; and the TOVvN OF
nA.J\T\TILLE ("Danville"), a murucipal corporation duly organized and existing
under the laws of the State of California; the COUNTI' OF ALAMEDA (''Alameda
County", togethenvith Contra Costa, the "Counties"), political subdivision and
body corporate and politic of the State of California; the CITY OF DUBLIN
("Dublin."), a municipal corporation duly organized and c;:xisting under the laws of
the State of California; the CITY OF LNERMORE ("LiveITI1ore"), a municipal
corporation duly organized and c;:xisting under the Jaws of the State of CaJifomia:
the CITY OF PLEASANTON ("Pleasanton", together with the other cities and .
lOwn, the "Cities"), a municipal corporation duly organized and existing under the
laws of the State of California. The Cities and Counties may be refened to
collectivelv as the "Parties."
This Agreement is based on the following facts and circumstances:
A Tri-Valley Development Area. There exists in Alameda County and
Contra Costa County a geographical area comprising the San Ramon Valley,
livennore Valley and Amador Valley. This Tri-Valley area contains the
Ciues and portions of the Counues. The approximate boundaries of the Tli-
Valley Development Area are shown on the map attac:hed as Exhibit A
B_ Impact of Development. The Association of Bay Area Governments
forecasts that by the year 202q the Tri-V?-lley Developm,ent Area will
_ _ _ __n~_--:= --=-- tö.rttaifi ~ "áddificiiiãl157 ;SJDQ-riew-rEsiaen:ts, - 58;000:iièW -hous-¡:h¿;Jds and
.~. _ _ _ __~ ~: 12 :LOOO new.jo1ïs~ The :traffic-impaC'lfrOrritbese-newresidentiaTunits and
- -. __ _. _-cpmmerciaLuses,.as well.asª-d_ªitio:illJ-_¡)ey~opmentÞeÿond theyëãr 2020, .
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JOL'1t Exercise. of Powers Agreement ..
1YTD Fees for T r,,£fie Mitig.t5o_n_
Pagt 1 of 22
April 24 ]oog
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and Counties within the Tri-Valley DevelopmentAæa unless ùl0se ægional
impacts are mitigated by off-site street improvements.
Regional Projects. The Cities and Counties have identified, through the
Tri-Valley Trnnsportation Plan/Action Plan for Routes of Regional
Significance (the Plan), regional Trnnsp0I'tation Improvement Pwjects, listed
in Section 8 of this Agreement. which are designed to help mitigate the
regional impacts of forecast development within the Tri-Valley Development
Tri-Valley Regional Fee. State law allows the Cities and Counties to
establish a fee on all new development within the Tri-Valley Development
Area which would finance all or a portion of these Trnnsportation
Improvement Projects.
E. Collection and Use of Improvement Fees. The Pa1i.Îes agree to collect
fees for the Trnnsportation Improvement Projects on a W1ifonn basis and to
use the fees collected in a coordinated manner to provide for financing and
constJ:uction of the Transportation Improvement Projects.
NOW, THEREFORE, the Parties agree:
Section l.
The Parties to this Agreement aœ the Cities and Counties.
SectioIl 2.
a. "ACTA" refers to the Alameda County Transportation Authority, a
legal entity created by statute. ACTA and several of the Pm1.ies are
parties to separnte agreements, entitled "Local Match Agreements,"
whereby such partie~ have committed to provide funding to ACTA for
construction of the 1-580/680 Interchange improvements.
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Joint E:{erciie of P{)W~TS Agreem'""t
nTD Fees fo.r T raffic Miti~ation
Page 2 of 22
ApriJ 24 1998
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architectural setbacks or projections. Included are all stories or areas e
that have floor surfaces 'with clear standing head room (six feet, six
inches minimum) regardless of their use. ìVhere a ground level area.,
or part thereof, within the principal outside faces of the e:>..'terior walls
is left unenclosed, the gross area of the unenclosed portiOrt is to be
considered as a part of the overall square footage of the building. All
unroofed areas and unenclosed roofed-over spaces, e.xcept as dewed
above, are to be e.xeluded from area calculatiortS. The gross area of
any parking garages 'within the building shall not be included withirt
the gross area of the entire buildirtg.
c. "Irtdustrial" refers to developments for the pwpose of manufacture or
fabrication of products, the processing of materials, the warehousing of
merchandise for sale or disuibution, research and development of
indusuial products and processes, and the wholesaling of merchandise.
"Land Use Erttitlement" means a pemút or approval granted for a
development project as that term is defined in Govemment Code
"Multi Family Residential" refers to buildings or parts thereof designed
and used exclusively as a dwelling unit among other dwelling units,
either on the same parcel (e.g., apartments and mobile home parks) or
under separate ownership (e.g., condominiums, townhomes, duplexes,
or duets).
f. "Office" refers to developments for the pwpose of housing non-
commercial, non-manufacturing businesses.
g. "Other Uses" refers to land use categories not impliciùy included
within the land use categories of "Single Family Residential", "Multi
Family Residential", "Retail", "Office", or "Industrial", and for which
alternative rates can be found in the Institute of TranRportation Engineers
Trip Gme/"4tion Mmmal or in a list of peal(-hour trip rates that the Tri-
Valley Transportation Council has e:>..-pliciùyapproved.
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..-.:¡:;: '--_~;m:,j~-;;tSp;~~~r;ç¿f~~tò the Palëy designãtedinù-H~ Suategic
EÀp~~ditUre Plan (SEP) {ö 6,'erSee the use ofTri-vaIfeý -'
.-.Tronsportation Development Feei-þeil'lles ill ùiedevelopment ofa
. - specific ¡:egional-T r'.m.sportatiõñ Im:pi-òvemeñTProjeci- The PartY
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designated as Project Sponsor may be, but need not be. We lead
agency for envi.ronmental clearnnce or We agency responsible for the
design or construction of the project itself.
"Retail" refers to developments for the pwpose of the retail sale of
merchandise and services.
"Single Family Residential" refers to detached buildings designed for
occupation as the residence of one fanûly.
"Subsidized Housing Development" refers to housing facilities
developed by public agencies, limited dividend housing COlpOI<ltiOnS,
or nOD-profit corporations, and maintained exclusively for persons or
fanûlies of very low, low or modernte income, as defined in Section
S0093 of the Health and Safety Code.
'T mnspmtation ImprovemeDt Projects" or "Projects" refers tD those
public improvements required to mitigate the regional traffic impacts
of development within the Tri-Valley Development.Area as specified
in Section 8.
ill_ 'Treasuxer" refers tD the finaDce director or treasurer of the Party
unanimously selected by the TVTC to act as Treasurer pursuant to
this Agreement.
n_ 'Tri-Valley TmnspOl1.ation Development Fee" or 'TVfD Pee" refers tD
the fees to be imposed by the Cities and Counties on development
'within the Tri-Valley Development .Area. The project list for the T ri-
Valley Tmnsportation Development Fee is in Section 8 of this
,-----_., -----..
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"TVfC" refers to the Tri-Valley Transportation Council which is
defined in the "Joint Powers Agæement by and among the County of
Alameda, County of Contra Costa, Town of Danville and Cities of
Dublin, livermore, PleasanlOn and San Ramon," dated March 1,
___}99 L -_ ___u ._____ __ - nn___
_, . joint E,,,erci.e of Powers Agr~ement
~-,_ __n_ T\TDFeesforTrafficMiûga"¡on
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_ _____ _AEriJ 24 _1."98
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Section 3.
This agreement is made pmsuant to Law for the following pmposes:
a. To establish a framework for the enactment by the Parties of a TIi-
Valley Transportation Development Fee (TVTD Fee), a uniform
regional fee on development within the TIi-Valley Development Area
not legally PI-ecluded from the fee, to fund all or part of the necessary
tJ'ansportation improvements identified in the Plan.
b. To help resolve regional tntffic problems thmugh implementation of
the Plan and the TVTD Fee program.
c. To establish funding goals for identified TI<lnsportation Improvement
Projects and to seek commitments regarding funding for the
T ransporta tion. Improvement Projects.
To establish mechanisms for collecting, managing and disbursing the
TVTD Fee and to formalize institutional arrangements for the
implementation of the Projects to be const.ru.cted with fee revenues.
Section 4.
Duties of Treasurer
The Treasurer shall perform the following Duties:
a. Keep a rec:ord of all TVTD Fees paid to the Treasurer by any Party; all
TVTD Fees retained by any Party pursuant to Section 6(b); and all
disbmsements and e:\penditlll"eS made by the Treasurer in accordance
'with this Agreement;
Remit all TVTD Fees, including interest eamed thereon, to ACTA on
a quanerly basis until ACTA has received $5,548,300 (less any
c:ontribution by Parties subject to reimbmsement pursuant to Section
Z.d), which isthetotal amc:~t du~ ~ ACJ:0,UJ:1de:r:allofthe Parties'
.' Local Matëh Agreements; - ~ ...
.... --. .-.- ...
n_ ___.
. -.- -.--.
." _~. n ___n _
.n ___ __
.. .
... -- ,--
---=______._.~,~_~._. ___ - ~___' __0. ___._ ~_
---- .-' -- -
-. .
... .-.'. Toint wri:i.. of Powers AQ'feement..
. '. _ _' . . ' , ð
._ .:. T\TD Feedor Traffk Mitigation
. Paoe 5 of '22
April 2~ 1998
. --....-- ---- .
-.- --.
_____.___._.____..._ .. n_..____',_··_ ____
- .. - ..'-"
/( ~;27
Coordinate with the Parties and ACTA to assure that no more than
$5,548,300 in TVTD Fees an.d con.tributions are paid to ACTA, by
the Treasurer from the Joint TVTD Fee Accou:nt;
d. Reimburse Parties &om the Joint TVTD Fee Account pursuant to
Section 7;
e. Calculate interest due on reimbursements to Parties, pursuant to
Section 7;
f. T ransrnit monies from the Joint TVTD Fee Account to Project
Sponsors for the planning, design and construction of the
Transportation Improvement Projects listed in Section 8 and in
accordance with the SEP;
g. Reimb=e project devdopers from the Joint TVTD Fee Account
p=uant to Section 15;
Prepare reports required by Government Code §66000 a 8:q.
annually in a form that can be used by each Party to comply with
Government Code §66000 a 8:q. ("ABI600");
¡. .Accou:nt for all monies from the Joint TVTD Fee .Account received in
accordance with Government Code §6505;
J. Keep a reçord of the Treasurer's time and eJ..-penses in performing the
Treasurer's duties hereu:nder; and
k. Other duties as specified by law or as required by the TVTC.
Section 5.
Colleçtion of Tri-Valley Transport.ation Development Fees
Each Party agrees to collect the Tri-Valley Transportation Devdopment Fee on
devdopment located within the T ri-V alley Devdopment Area that receives a Land
_ Use Entitlement from that Party. The amount of that fee is ~~s5=ribe~ inSection 9.
-~.:-~ ~____::] Q~~_~~õITïplicsh ~~e_c:oHe-=ti()n~?!!ees,each P1n"tj agre,eE ~~ _ C_..-- -- - .
---.-..---.., - .._.'~
__ ___ _. ___'__." =_~._~, _ _.~__C__,._ ~.-_..c·'- ~·.-c· -~.
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_ J oint Exerci-,,~ of Powers Agree_merit ~=:
_ _ nerD Fee' forTraffiç Mitigation. - .
Page 6 of 22
. April 24 199B
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/J if" Ji
To adopt the necessary oroinance(s) and/or resolution(s) to authorize
tJle collection of the Tri- Valley Transportation Development Fee
'within its jurisdiction;
b. To require each project developer to pay the Tli-Valley Transportation
Development Fee prior to issuance of building permits for the project
to the ô.1.ent permitted by law.
c. To levy the Tli-Valley Transportation Development Fee on all
development projects not legally precluded from the fee.
To apply the fee on all "significant" changes to existing development
agreements adopted after January 1, 1998. The TVTD Fee shall be
applied to all components of a project that are subject to an amended
or renewed development agreement. As used herein. "significant"
means any of the following: (i) change in land use type (e.g.. office to
retail); (ii) intensification ofIand use types (e.g., increases in square
footage of approved Office); (iii) ôc'tension oftenn of development
agreements; and (iv) reduction or removal of project mitigation
requirements or conditions of approval.
e. To exempt from the fee public schools. Subsidized Housing
Development, and the governmental buildings owned by any public
entity unless a Party can and does impose the TVTD Fee on
govenunental buildings of a public entity other than one of the
a. Each Party shall place the TVTD Fees in an interest-bealing individual
account to be used specifically for the Transportation Improvement
Projects. The deposits in each account shall be invested in the same
manner as other funds of the Party. FOT investment pwposes the
funds may be pooled 'with other funds as long as separateaccoUJ1ting
is maintained and the aCCOUJ1t is credited with the investmem
___eä~~~\-,c _ _. __: _ __ _____::~-'----~ .~ _
--. ---.. --
- .-
--. .--
.",.---.... ---.---.-.- -- - _.,-
- - ..-...
Section 6.
Tn-Valley Tran~portation Development Fee Accounts
. ... -- ..-. ,"" - --- ._,-_.. -.---
- ...,-
- ...-
- -
- -.' -_-- -__ -·-,···_--:..'c o_:_.'L-_A:'10-¡¡{t1VT.t;>-peeAx;o:W-lt"shãl1 ?e~e~tablished_by- the_"TTeasurer".
--,~=.~~:.:.~ - - u-:~~-:'_~åC?-:~~~Šh~1:1in5ffiit-:"tô :the-T-reasurer ~~tlrin 30. days- of the end
----. .,
. : JointþœrcÌ<e of~ov~'.",_Aw.eme;';t-
'DTD :Fee, for_Traffiç Miti~tion _ _
-- ....-
.-.---. ---.. -.----
Page 7 of 22
April 24 1998
~._- -
- -.
- .n ___. _ _ _..
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-- - -- --
I J <"Í d.-l
of each quarter not less than 80% of all TVTD Fees collected by that
Party during the quarter, and any interest or income generated on
such 80% amount, together with notification of the Transportation
Improvement Projects that the Party intends to fund with the retained
portion of the revenues.
Each party shall maintain a current record of all funds retained by that
Party. including interest or income on such funds and annually furnish
the Treasurer an accounting for inclusion in any audit of TVfD Fees.
Section 7.
Payments to ACTA and Re]mburs~ment for ACTA Local Match
Payment to ACTA for 580/680 Int~rchange Proj~CL Commencing
with the first quarter after the Fee Effective Date, the Treasurer shall
pay to ACTA all of the TVfD Fee revenues received from all Parties,
including interest earned thereon. Such payments shall continue on a
quarterly basis until ACTA has received $5,548.300, less any
contributions by Parties subject to reimbursement pursuant to Section
7.d. of this Agreement.
b. Satisfaction of Local Match Ar;reements for the 580/680 Interchange
Project. Several of the Parties have individual agreements with ACTA
to provide Loca.J Match Funds for the 580/680 interchange project. It
is the intent of all of the Parties that the TVfD Fees collected by the
Parties shall be used to satisfy tbese Local Match Agreements, In
order to carry out this intent, the Treasurer, as part of the quarterly
payments to ACTA described irI Section 7.a, shall provide ACTA and
eac-b of the Parties with an accounting b'acldng each Party's total
cumulative payments until ACTA has received $5,548,300, less any
contributions by Parties subject to reimbursement pursuant to Section
7.d of this A","Teement.
c. Shortfall in Pavments to ACTA The pwpose of this subsection is to
specify how a shortfall will be funded.
..___~"_.._ ___. ._ __ .._m _,.,.__'."__'._ ...-_. ,--....."...-
._.. _0"- _._~' ~....._.__...- ...,...: ..-..--.'-"--..
. .
_~- c. ,. _ ..;..: At :t1ie-"eriàõf åPi-fiscal yeai;-ifACTA hasrecëived -(via the T n~as=er)
- less-tJ:lan the iotal cum'-4atÎVe arripun!, (up toañdincludirlg the
-. -cumulative _amo\JI1ts for that fiscalJear) that ACTA should -have
Joint E."~rci;e ofPt>Wers Agr"em~:,t "._:
T\'1'D F~/:S.ÍOI: Tr~ffic Mjtig~tion
P~ge 8 of 22
ApriJ 24 1998
.. ---. --.. ..
.- -- .-.-
_____u___..._·_ _.__ ----.-.-~-'-_.
. -
.. --- -- ----------
..----. -. ---
,.,-, .
received from Parties with Local Match Agreements. ACTA shall
declare a shortfall and shall notify the Treasurer.
The Treasurer and ACTA shall determine which Party (or Parties) is
short in its cumulative Local Match obligation through the fiscal year
for which there is a cumulative shortfalL
If there is only one Party that is short, that Party shall fund the
If more tl1an one Party is short, then those Parties shall fund the
shortfall as follows: The amount of each Party's shortfall in its
cumulative Local Match obligation shall be compared to the amount
of that Party's cumulative Local Match obligation, eJ..:pressed as a
percentage. That percentage shall be multiplied by the amount of the
shortfall in order to determine each Party's share of the shortfall.
When ACTA receives monies from the Party (Parties), ACTA shall
declare the shortfall funded.
1. Cumulative .Amount Paid to
Local Match
Treasurer/ACTA Shortfall
City X $ 600.000 $ 700.000
City Y $ 300,000 $ 300,000
City Z $ 300,000 $ 200,000
TOTAL $1,200,000 $1.200,000 $0
__ 1:0 this example, even though City Z is $100,000 hehind in its cum.ulative
u.::- =cibligafion t:é:) ACTA-there.is _noshordalt anduhenceCity Z owes no additional .
- revenues, because ACTA has received the total amount oithe cumulative Local
-~alch obligation through that fiscal year._
........ _..~:_ ...___ _,.,~ ,. .__ .,'::-'.,' .. _._ __._ '__0"
-----_...,-". --_.,- --~-,---
joint E."{ercise of Power:; Agr;",rnem _ --
TVTD Fees.forTra.ffic Mitigation -'
Pag~ 9 of 22
. April 24 1998
--.--- -- --
. -- -----
----- -.----
- --- ---
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. ---.-.-....--.
..-- ---.
----- - - --- - -
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)§ if ' -
/. i
. 1
2. Cumulative Amount Paid to
Local Match
Treasurer/ACTA Shortfall
City Y $ 300,000 $ 300,000
CityZ $ 300,000 $ 150,000
TOT.AL $1,200,000 $1.l50,OOO $50,000
In this example, there is a $50,000 shortfall. City Z will nero. to fund the $50,000
shortfall from sources other than TVTD Fees.
3. Cumulative Amount Paid to
Local Match
Treasurer/ACTA Shortfall
. CitvX $ 600,000 $690,000
CityY $ 300,000 $200,000
City Z $ 300,000 $100,000
TOTAL $1,200,000 $990,000 $210,000
In this e..=pIe, there is a $210,000 shortfal1. Because there are two Cities that
have a shortfall, City Y's shortfall ($100,000) is compared to its cumulative Local
Match obligation ($300,000). That percentage is 33.33%. Therefore, City Y's
share of the shortfall is $70,000 [$210,000 x 33.33%J; City l's share of the
shortfall is $140,000 [$210,000 x 66.67%]. City Y and City Z will need to fund
these shortfalls from sources other than TVTD Fees.
d. Reimbursement for ContJibutions Made PJior to Fee Effective Date.
\Vithin sb.:ty days of the Fee Effective Date or its designation as
Treasurer, willchever occurs later, the Treasurer shall request from
.~--- -. ._no - .n - nACT A a -stateinentuspecifi'1:ng the:contributionsby- the.pà¡"?esto
- -
. u - :ACTA for the 580/680 interchange P'!ojectprior-tothe Fee Effective
.- ----- --- ., . .
_ Date which have been found by _1lle ACTA Board to mee't its "Policy
- .. . -- " .- '.'.~, . - --- -- --.. , '':'' -- .... ~ . ... _u. ..,.--.. u_ _. _ . -' _u - .-
.- - . u u no .. -. ..-- -. n.
) oint E."œrcis~ of PowerS' Agreemo:.ñt ... ... - --.. .--- - .--- - .. n. - . . . Pag<' 10 of 22
TVTD F~es Jor Traffic Miti~tion .-.- - ApriJ 24 1998
- - .... -
". ---. . - . - - u . - u. - ...-- u -
.- - -. .- n.. _ ... - - -
. -. .- .. -- .u .- ..-- - - ... -. -
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--- - .- . - ---- -- - ---- -- _._ _~" ,n_ - --.--.------ - ~_._. -- ----' ----- -- .--" -.--- -_.--- .
- ... - --- n .-
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..........." -..,......-.-
It- :-;0 _J l
on Reimbursement 0, Credit" (Exhibit B hereto). Based on Ù1is
statement and folloV\wg payment to ACTA of $5,548,300 (less any
contributions by Parties subject to reimbursement pursuant to this
subsection), the Treasurer shall reimburse the Party or Parties that
made such contributions, in the chronological order such
contlibutions were made, together with 5% annual simple interest
calculated from the Fee Effective Date, with the exception of the
folloV\.wg contlibutions:
1. County of Alameda, $45,000,
li. City of Dublin, $I1 1.700.
ill. City of Livelmore, SIll ,700,
1'11. City of Pleasanton, $203,700,
v. City of San Ramon. $10,000, and
vi. Tm;vn of Danville, $9,600. .
Such reimbursement shall be from TVTD Fees only and shall be made
as such revenues are available until all contlibutions have been
As of April 16, 1998, the only Parties whích have made contributions
which qualify for reimbursement pursuant to this subsection (d) are
the City of Dublin and the City of Pleasanton. These Parties are
entitled to reimbursement in the following amounts:.
.- ~~.- -..
-- -..-- ---
- -.-
- -- -..
.... .. ~- ~ -.
ì Dint Exerci.e'of Powers Agre=ent .
_ 1YTD :Fee.. for Traffic Mj~gatìon
- Pal'elJof22
April 24 1998
.__ __ __.__ v.__.. _.._
-- ,. - _.,~,~..
.. --- -.---. ------.
. .. ,..
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n. .__._. _ ,.._ _. . _ _ _ .
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City of Dublin City of Pkasanton
1. Southe:rIy e:\'tension 1. Southerly e:\'tension
of 1-580lHacienda of r-5801H0pyard
N.B. Bridge $5 I ,000 N.B. Blidge $I15,OOO
2. Needed project right- 2. 1-5801H0pyard
of-way (Enea Property) Interchange
$552,500 Landscaping $220,000
3. Improvements to 3, Southerly e:\'tension
Dublin Boulevard of 1-580lHacienda
$150.000 N.B. Blidge $51,000
4. Needed project light-
of-way (Rosewood
Dlive) $43.416
Total Total $429,416
Additional contlibutions by these or other Parties for the
580/680 interchange project prior to the Fee Effective
Date which are found by the ACT A Board to meet its
"Policy on Jœirnbun;ement or Credit" (Exhibit B) will also
be entitled to reirnbW'Sement pun;uant to this subsection
(d). All such contributions will be credited by ACTA
against such Parties' obligations. For example, the
contributions by Dublin and Pleasanton through Aplil
16, 1998,'vill reduce those Parties' Local Match
obligations by $753,500 and $429,416, respectively, and
'will reduce the total Local Match obligation to ACTA
from $5,548,300 to $4,365,384. Thus, if the only
contributions to the 580/680 rnterchange project prior to
the Fee Effective. Date .are -the foregoing conuibutions by
... Dublin and plea santon, the total Local Match ()bligajjon .
v.ilLbe met once ACTA ha~ l-eceived $4;365,38_4;
- .' -.' '. '.'
-~,~,~.-~.~..__: :~~_:~~~.~~._-~~~-,.:.,.~,~~~,,~~-=--~'~--
-..-- -
--- ..-.
...-. .-
- Joint Exercise of Powers Agreement .
..:::-... __._; ·)':.l.LJle<:s fO~!~a~~.~ûgation'. ___:
Pa~ 12 of 22
. April 24 19°8
-- ------,~,~-----
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Reimbursement for Pa;'ments Made After Fee EffectivE' Date. If a
Party, after the Fee Effective Date, meets its obligation to ACTA for
Local Match Funds for the 580/680 interchange project from any
source other than TVTD Fee revenues, the Treasurer, upon written
request by the Party and after ACTA has certified that it has received
$5,548,300 (less any contlibutions by Parties subject to
reimbursement pursuant to section 7.d), shall reimburse the Party for
such contlibution, together with five percent annual simple interest
calculated from the date of payment to ACTA Reimbur.;ement shall
be frem TVTD Fee revenues only and shall be made only after the
Treasurer has reimbursed any Parties fOJ'the contributions they made
pJior to the Fee Effective Date, pur.;uant to Subsection (d) above.
Section 8.
TTan~poTtation Im;provement Projects
The TJi-Valley Transportation Development Fee shall be used to fund all or a
portion of the costs of the following projects:
Impwvements to the I-5801I-680 interchange: constl-uct a southbound
1-680 to eastbound 1-580 flyover and associated improvements (not to
e.,ceed $5,548,300)
b. Impwvements to State Route 84 between 1-580 and 1-680
c. AuxiliaJ)' lanes along 1-680 from Diablo Road to Bollinger Canyon
d. \Vest Dublio/Pleasanton BART Station
e. 1-580 HOV lanes between Santa Rita Road and Greenville Road
f. 1-680 HOV lanes from the State Route 84/I-680 interchange to the
top of the Amador Grade
___ __..::..____~c_-_J:æprovements to the 1-5801Foothill Road/San Ramon Boulevard
.interChänO'e-.---- --- .--------- .m_'____... ----- - --
. _,:, 0
',__.: -:,.: -,:: -, -:-:_ h. __~..:'- Irnproyements_ t<:> 1.:?80!.fJcosta Boulevard interchange
- . --- '_.' -,' - -'---_.,._._,--~_.._,._. .'.. . -
~---,-~'-_..~~- ~-~-_.,_.,~--~'.~--~~- --------- ------ ----.-
.,---......---- -.
-- . Joint E:«:rcise of Powen; Agreem<:nl_
DTD!wJor '!' r~ffiç Miti~til:m _ ___
., ~-'. .------..-.--- '~~"..~----------
_ Page. 13 of 22_ .
April 24 1998
·_no ____ _..
. -
____ ____ .. .__m_ _.
- __. n.
Crow Canyon Road safety improvement west of Bollinger Canyon
J. Vasco Road safety improvements north of 1-580 vvithin Alameda
1<. Express bus service in the Tri-Valley area
Notwithstanding the foregoing, the TVTD Fee imposed and coIJected by the
County of ContIa Costa shall not be used to fund the Projects specified in
subsections (d) and (k) above.
Section 9.
Tn-Valley Transportation Development Fee Amount
The initial Tli-ValleyTrans ortation Develo ment Fees shall be as follows:
Land Use Type Fee Per Unit
. Single Family Residential $1,500 Dwelling unit
Multi Family Residential $1,050 Dwelling unit
Office $1.00 Square foot of gross floor area
Retail $1.00 Square foot of gross floor area
Industrial $0.75 Square foot of gross floor area
Other Uses $1,500 Average a.mJp.m. peal<.. hour tlip*
* Peak-how' trips will be determined from the latest revision to the Institute of
Transportation Engineers' Trip Gmeration Manual or other rate schedule as agreed
to by the TVrc. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the Parties may provide in
their implementing ordinance or resolution that an applicant for a Land Use
Entiùement who is dissatisfied with the number of peak-hour trips, as calculated
by the Party, may appeal the determination to the Party's legislative body. If
such"an appeal is granted by the Party, and the Party adjusts the number of
pe.ak-hour trips, the Party shall have such decision ratified by five members of
__" "_ n ". ___theT~qC."~sent"suGÌl_~ti£ication,-the Patty.shalLpaythe difference_ between
" the ac"!ouaJ fee imposed and the fee sëtforth in tlUs Sectlon9"or the Party shall
4l".,u-- ~ ;;:-;;~.:a~P!ican=_~_a~ ~~!uII a~~~~of the f~e_~~~~~ë paid by th~
.... n. . "..--
Joint Exercise of Pow= Agr~=ent"
_ n'TD hes for Tra~~Mitig".tion
.--- ---- ~-_.-
Page 14 of 22
April 24 1998
----~-" -----
- -. -
" -
--- -- ---
. _n
.....- ---.,.'",
Seçtion. 10.
Effective Date of Fee
The parties desire that the TriNalley Transportation Development Fee shall be
effective in each jUlisdiction on the same date. Accordingly, each party shall time
the adoption of its resolution o:r ordinance imposing the fee in such a manner that
the fee shall be effective as of September 1, 1998 ("the Fee Effective Date").
Section. 1 L
Strategk Expenditure Plan
a. The initial Strategic EÀpenditure PIan C'SEP") is the 580/680
interchange project described in Section 8.a.
The TVTC shall prepare and forward to each Party a draft SEP, wit1ùn
six months of the Fee Effective Date. The SEP shall include project
cost and revenue estimates for the TVTD Fee, a prioritization plan
and a timeline for project delivery. It shall also include reasonable
requirements for indemnification and insurance, as appropriate for
individual projects, and may include requirements that Project
Sponsors or other entities which cons'tI1.1ct any of the Projects defend
and indemnify the Parties. The SEP may also include guidelines
governing credit and/or :reimbursement for developer-cons'tI1.1cted
Projects as authorized by, and consistent with, Section 15.
Appropriate capital improvement procedu:res shall be reflected in the
SEP. Any TVTD Fees retained by the parties and not tr.msrnitted to
the Joint TVTD Fee Account shall also be reflected wit1ùn the SEP.
c. The SEP must be reviewed and approved unanimously by all of the
Parties. The SEP must be revíevlled at least once every two yeaTS by
the TVTC. Each revision shall require unanimous approval by the
d., The TVTC shall consider the following criteriayvhen establishing the .
,- pnority of Transpoi1:ation Improvement Projects-in the SEP:
., . ., .
- -... . ." - ...
..:=-=------=::= .~~~=-~ --=---=-~(i)-----=- -P-rojecLRëãdiriess;::ÄJ:,iliïy'Öf :Pi:ò_jeç:t:spon~9rS_tQ.!l1.P'Y~,g.~ctly.
Joint Exercise ofPOwŒ: Agreement'
TVTD Fees for Traffic Mitigation
..' .'. "-
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April 24 1008
--. ------...--- . -.
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---- ----
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. - - --- ..--. - - ....
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, 'j'7
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to final design aDd construction, which could be represented by.
among other things, completion of environmental
documentation, inclusion of the project in the Regional
Transport.ation Improvement Pro£1"am, preparation of plans,
specifications and estimates.
Project Funding: Ability of project to "leverage" other funding,
eligibility of the project for e::-..1.emal funding, or commitment of
e::-"Lemal funding.
Project Effectiveness: Ability of the project. t.o address traffic
congestion or safety problems.
Section 12.
Time of Payment
The TVTD Fees shall be collected prior to the issuance of a building permit to the
e.'\:tent pe:rmitted by law.
Seçtion 13.
Tri-ValJey Fee Adjustments
Each Pa¡-ry shall include an automatic adjustment of the TvrD Fee as
of March 1 of each year in its fee resolution or ordinance. The
adjustment shall be based on the increase or decrease in the
Engineering News-Record ConstIuction Cost Index for the San
Francisco Bay kea for the period ending December 31 of the
preceding calendar year.
b. In addition to the automatic adjustment provided in the TVTD Fee,
the Parties may agree to adjust the TVTD Fee to reflect revisions in
the project list in the Tri-Valley Transportation Plan/Action Plan,
program revenue, increases in land values over the inflationary
increase or other factors. The amount of such adjustments shall be
included in a written addendum to this Agreement that shall be
apprõved-b);_ each_ Party and in ameIldm!"nts_ 9t each adopted fee
. resoIÙtion ai' ordinance. Concerred' efforts shall be made to attract
- -
and obtain other funds from other- available revenue sou1-ceS for which
:::0, ~ the-projectsaredigibIeo-
". -. -.- -
Page J 6 of ~2
April 24 1998
joint E.-œrdse of Powers Agreemrnt
T\ TD Fees for Traffic Mitigation
--- ------
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'7 'I. ",;(';;'j
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Sedion 14.
ðdministrative Costs
Up to one percent of the TVTD Fees received by the Treasurer may be used to
cover the adminisrntive costs of the Party acting as the Treasurer and other costs
associated with the TVTD Fee. Acceptable costs shall be specified in the SEP.
Section 15.
Credit or Reimbursement for Developer-Constmeted Projects
The Parties shall provide in their implementing ordinance 01- resolution that a
developer who constnlcts all or part of one of the Transportation Improvement
Projects may be eligible for a credit or reimbursement, as provided herein. No
credit shall be applied and no reimbursement shall be made until the Parties have
been fully reimbursed pursuant to Section 7(d) and (e).
Credit or Reimbursement for Project Funded in SEP. A developer
may be eligible for a credit to be applied against payment of the
TVTD Fee if the developer constnlcts all or a part of one of the
Transportation Improvement Projects that is, at the time the
developer enters into an agreement for construction of such project.
included in the prioritization plan of the SEP as a project to be
A developer may be eligible for a reimbursement if the cost of
constnlcting such a Transpol1.ation Improvement P1'Oject, or a part of
such project. exceeds the amount of the TVTD Fee to be paid by the
developer. The amount of reimbursement shall equal the difference
between the cost of constru.cting all or a part of the Transpo1la-tion
Improvement Project and the TVTD Fee for the development project..
Reimbursement shall be from TVTD Fee revenues amy, and the right
to reimbursement shall ter.rrùnate· ten years from the date the
developer entered into the agreement for constnlction of the project.
. The amount of the credit, or the credit and reimbursement togethe1-,
_~:_ shall he'in..an.amcnmtequal to. the cost of the-Transportation
-_ Improvements Project or portion thereof, as set fOl1:b. in the SEP, and
. ..... ~ shall be calcUlated by the Public W örks Director or City Engineer of
_ __~_.----; _--:·__c. c.: .:_ thePäriY granting the credit"(and-approved by the"TVTC Teclw.ical
---.. -- . .. ~~- .-=-. --~A?;>isõrý-ë::omniitteer-The'él~dit, Or- t£ë:Úedit añd-rem-¡buñ;ement--
Joint Ex~rcis'- of P()'",~rs Ag;-e=""t
TVTD F~es for Traffic Wl.Îtigation
----.... . ..----. ---
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Page 17 of 22
Apri1 24 19>'8
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together, shall be calculated at the time the developer e:nters into an
agreement for construction of the T ransportatio:n Improvement
Project a:nd posts bonds. The credit shall be granted at the same time.
Once calculated, the amount of reimb=eme:nt shall :not increase for
inflatio:n nor shall it accrue interest.
b. Reimbursement for Projects Not Funded in SEP. If a developer
co:nstn.lcts all or a part of a T ra:nsportation Improvement Project that
is not, at time the developer enters into an agreement for construction
of such project, included in the prioritization plan of the SEP as a
project to be funded, the developer may be eligible for be
reimbursement from the Treasurer, provided that the SEP is
subsequently revised to include the improvement in the prioritization
plan as a project to be funded. In such event, the amount of
reimbursement shall be calcula ted by the Public Works Dh-ector or
City Engineer of the Party in which the development is located (and
approved by the TVfC Technical J\dvisol)' Conunittee) and shall be
equal to the cost of the project or portion thereof, as set forth in the
SEP. The amount of the reimbursement shall be calculated when the
developer enters into an agreement for constIuction of the
T nmsportation Improvement Project and posts bonds. O:nce
calculated, the amount of reimbursement shall not increase for
inflation nor shall it accrue interest. Reimbursement shall be from
TVTD Fee revenues oruy, and the right to reimbursement shall
terminate ten years from the date the developer entered into the
agreement for constIuctiO:n of the project.
Section I6.
This Agreement may be amended at any time by an amendment mutually executed
by the Cities and Counties. Such amendme:nts shall be approved by the governing
board or council of each Party.
- _.. __ _~ ___ __._ ,n.
Section 17.
__ "C- I:ilterpretati6n of Ab'eement~-:-
-.- -
.- _ - l\"othing in this Äg'Teement shall be constIued to' hold a~y Party liable to any other
__ _ _ ~__: -: P.ai-r:y, 6iariyperson ~ota-pariY hereto, for the desigri,conStIuction, installation,
-_~ --::-mspectíön, operation, maIntenance-iricI7Oí-Tëp"ãil--oTaII)' oJ ilie TIiIi.-špõrtatlon --
10int Eoærcise of Powers Agr<:ement .
~ 'D'TD F~es for T raffie Mitigation-
..-. ---- -
Page 18 of2'!.
April 24 1,,>,8 _
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Improvement Projects because the first Party collected TVTD Fees that were used e
for the design, construction, installation, inspection, operation, maintenance and/or
repail- of any Transportation Improvement Project.. This Agreement is designed to
implement Ùle subvention or disbursement of public funds from one public agency
to anoÙler and accordingly is not an agreement as defined in Government Code
A Pa¡1:y is not liable to another Party for Ùle inadvertent failure or legal inability to
collect a TVTD Fee.
Section 18.
Term of Agreement
This 1\,CTTeement shall remain in effect from Ùle Effective Date in the opening
paragraph until the Projects listed in Section 8 have been fully constructed and/or
acquired. The TVTD Fee to be adopted by the Parties shall æmain in effect until
the Transportation ImprovemeT!t Projects aæ fully constructed and/or acquired.
Section 19.
Attorneys' Fees
If legal action is necessary to enforce this agreement, Ùle prevailing Party is entitled
to reasonable court costs and attorneys' fees against the Party found to have
breached Ùle agreement..
Section 20.
The power.; of this Agreement shall be exercised subject to the restrictions upon the
e.;,:ercising of 5\lch powers by the Treasurer, as provided iT! §6509 of the
Government Code.
Section 21.
Sole Agreement
.. ._.~ This_ Agreementis~the..s01e agrec=enJ o~ th<;:Subjeci m~tter$of this Agreement
.. DetWeen _the paJ'ti~s:: ... ..... _ . .. . . -. ..
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--- -~ -
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. Joint E,xlOTcioo of Powers Agreement
.' _ T\TD :r:e~5 for T raffie Wlitigation
.._--~- --..
Page 19 of 22
April 24 199B
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Section 22,
No A,rency or Entity Created
By entering into this Agreement, the Pal1ies are not creating a separate agency 01-
Section 23.
This Agreement may be signed in counterparts with the signatW'e pages attached to
fOlID a complete document.
Clerk of the Board of Supervisors
Clerk of the Board of Supervisors
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Page 20 of 22
Apri1 24 1998
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Citv Oerk
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April 24 1998
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Page 22 of 22
April 24 19SJ.8
J oint Exercise of Powers Agreement
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Tri- Valley Trallsportatiol1 Developll1ellt
Fees for Traffic Mitigatioll
The County of Alameda,
The County of Contra Costa,
The City of Dublin,
The City of Livermore,
The City of Pleasanton,
The City of San Ramon, And
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