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Report from Business Task Force on Formation of a
Business Association
(Prepared by: Paul S. Rankin, Assistant city
I Exhibit 1:
/ Exhibit 2:
summary Notes from Business Forums
Survey Results from Business Forum
Receive Report and authorize t.he Mayor to send a
letter to the Chamber of Commerce leadership to
encourage their effort.s to address issues facing
the retail business community.
The availability of Staff to respond to issues
generated by a Chamber SUboommittee may be limited
due to current vacancies.
DESCRIPTION: The Business Task Force was charged with the
review of recommendations contained in the 1987 Dublin Downtown specific
Plan. The focus was on elements which had not been implemented and
required direct participation from the business community to succeed.
The Special Programs Subcommittee of the Task Force focused efforts on the
reoommendation to establish a Business Association. The purpose of the
Association was to effectively market the DUblin area and respond directly
to the needs of the businesses which participated. There was also a
oonsideration that if a local business organization was in existence, it
might be a logical entity to carryon the study of other issues in the
Specific Plan.
The specific Plan suggested that the City utilize Stat.e legislation which
aut.horizes the establishment of a special Business Improvement District
(BID). This creates a funding mechanism to carryon promotional activities
determined by the businesses being assessed. The conoept of a BID is to
provide a group of businesses with t.he advantages typically associated with
a large shopping center (i.e. joint promotions, cost savings from pooling
resources, marketing staff or consultants, etc.). The members of the Task
Force were ext.remely interested in looking at opportunities oreated by a
local business organization.
The following outlines the various tasks undertaken by the Suboommittee to
evaluate the potential for a Business Association.
. Surveyed all businesses in the Specifio Plan Area to assess interest
in conducting joint promotions.
. The Suboommittee partioipated in a panel disoussion with Exeoutive
Directors from Business Associations in three Bay Area oommunities.
. The Subcommittee sponsored a Business Forum to solioit input from the
entire business community on the ooncept of establishing a Business
Throughout the process, the Subcommittee found that businesses were
interested in the ooncepts; however, there was not a strong sense of
commitment to establish an Association. Despite efforts to oontaot all
businesses and solicit their input, the response was minimal. Consultants
have advised Staff that this was not any different than the experience
found in many oommunities. This is partly due to the nature of small
businesses and the difficulty in spending time away from their business.
To be successful, there needs to be a core group of businesss which
enthusiastioally support the effort.
ITEM NO. -'J. 2
COPIES TO: Business Task Foroe Members
Nancy Feeley, Chamber of Commerce
Attached as Exhibits 1 and 2 are summaries of the information gathered from
the Business Forum. The subcommittee hosted two meetings to discuss the
conoept of a Business Association. Each business in the specifio Plan area
was mailed an invitation. In addition, Committee members made telephone
calls to encourage attendance. The format of the. meeting included:
. A videotape on the success of Business Associations.
. A panel discussion with representatives from the Business community,
City staff, and a Guest Consultant.
. An opportunity to discuss the ideas and concepts which had been
Overall, the participants were supportive of any effort to improve the
business community. This was also the type of response found in the survey
of all businesses in the specific Plan Area. The key issues became how you
get the information out t.o more businesses and actually get them involved.
The Task Force and program participants also recognize that current
economic conditions may be impacting the response. Businesses are
reluctant to commit additional resources, given the uncertainty of the
The eventual deoision to pursue a Business Improvement District typically
requires the development of a specifio work plan and marketing the proposal
among the affected businesses. The Subcommittee found that the most
successful Assooiations relied upon a variety of funding sources and
professional Staff. In the examples reviewed, the BID provided a base
level of funding with the use of fundraisers and other revenues to carry
out the programs. The Business Association also provided a recognized
interest group regarding issues affecting the community.
At the Task Force Meeting on February 17, 1993, Staff presented the. results
of the Business Forum as well as an outline for a Consultant to develop a
Business Association Work Plan. The Task Force had previously identified
the use of a Consult.ant as the preferred means to accomplish this task. A
consultant which has specific background in issues related to BID formation
would allow the Task Force to review the concept without committing to the
hiring of a regular Staff person. The intent was to have the Consultant
work with the businesses to develop and market the Plan, which would be
presented to the City Council. Staff indicated that the only identifiable
source to fund the Consultant services appeared to be the City and Task
Force would need to approach the City Council regarding the request to fund
this effort. The end result would be the presentation of a specific
Business Association proposal. The City Council would also know for
certain the level of support for a Business Association.
At the Task Force meeting on February 17, 1993, the Chairman of the Speoial
Programs Subcommittee expressed a concern with having enough support to
recommend that the City invest further financial resources in a consultant
process. The small amount of participation throughout the effort by the
Committee made it difficult to draw a conclusion that there was widespread
support. This position was developed despite the fact that the
Subcommittee found that when businesses took the time to look into the
benefits of an Association, they typically could see distinct advantages.
The consensus reached at this meeting was that it would not be prudent at
this time to pursue a Consultant as presented by Staff.
Representatives of the Dublin Chamber of Commerce were present at the
February 17, 1993 Task Force meeting. During the discussion of what
efforts oould continue, it was suggested that the opportunity existed for
the Chamber of Commerce to actively work to address these issues. It was
noted that in some cases, Chamber membership was not reflective of the
business community as a whole, and in fact included a great many businesses
located outside the community.
The Chamber representatives noted that they recently felt t.hey had positive
interaction from members and non-members on the issue of allowing outdoor
sales. It was also indicated that in the past the Chamber had a "Retail
Subcommittee. II The suggestion was made to consider whether this type of
structure might be possible to address issues facing the retail community.
It was noted that the Chamber could utilize information which had been
gathered from the Task Force process. Due to the need to evaluate the
concept further with the Chamber Board of Directors, there was not a final
conclusion reached on the nature or scope of activities to be evaluated by
a Chamber Subcommittee.
The consensus of those participating in the Task Force meeting was for the
City to encourage the Chamber of Commerce to undertake a leadership.role in
addressing the needs and concerns of the Dublin Retail community. staff
would recommend that this effort be structured to identify specific issues
and topics to be addressed. It is not foreseen that the City would have a
direct role beyond having a Staff Kember available to respond to any issues
which come up where the City has an obligation.
staff recommends that the City Council accept this report. If it is deemed
appropriate, Staff would also recommend that the Kayor send a letter to the
Chamber of Commerce encouraging their development of a specific structure
and work plan to address business issues.
PSR/lss a:38BusAsn.agenda#11
1\. r(\,
September 30, 1992
7:30 a.m. - l\.ttached is a list of attendees.
The open discussion provi(lc(] an opportuni ty fOJ: qucstions ano. dialoguc
regarding the presentation. '1'he follmling comments and ideas Here shared:
" Surrounding communi ties have embarkeo. on this type of effort ano. it
has been success [ul . (i ,e. P leasan ton & Livermore). 'l'here is a sense
that it is time for Dublin to seriously consider doing the same thing.
!:l The presentation resulted in confusion or at least questions as to
Hhat a specific organization Houlo. - look like, do, and how it Hould
be funded. The focus of the presentation Has to provide an overview;
these questions cannot be ansHered until a decision has been made to
actively see if there is interest in an organization.
" A potential difficulty idenl:ified was in financing . Given current
economic climate, the Chamber has found it difficult to collect dues.
It has been necessary to actually invoice by quarters or mont~ly, in
order to meet the members cash flow requirements.
" It viaS indicated that in the past the Chamber had been involved in
discussions involving signage. '1'here was a quesl:ion as to what sign
relateo. issues were bcing explored.
I t Has e}{plained Lha I: the Speci fic plan included programs to address
visibility and continui ty of si9nage. '1'he plan sugges ted project
entry signs, Hhich could have a theme and provide increased
visibili ty. There Has also an e}{ample given of a Pleasanton Center
Hhich has recen I:ly added a Illonumen t sign Hi th modern graphics and also
includes the addresses. It Has noted that the Chamber of Commerce
Hould continue to be involved and invited to co~nent on these issues.
" l\. question Has raised re]n!:et1 to the potential for duplication by the
CllClmbcr of COl1l1nerce i11\(1 Hlw!:her the issues are alrendy being addressed
by Chamber spunsoretl efforLs.
It was explained that a business association may have a narrOHer focus
than the Chamber, since its ac ti vi ties typically focuS on a smaller
geographic area, I t Has shared that there are examples of
organizations Hhere the Business l\.ssociation may share Staff or office
space with the Chamber. 'l'his results in cos t efficiencies for both
organizations. There are also examples of effective joint
Chamber / Assoca tion ac ti vi ties. 'rhe 'rask Force has not identified a
recommended structure and has only looked at the spectrum of options
<1: lJ30SlJrmlY. task f orccH
September 30, 1992
7:30 a.m.
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september 30, 1992
6:00 p. m.
Session - Attached is a list of attendees.
'l'lle following summarizes comments and ideas shared during the open
. It is important to SllOW businesses how they would benefit. since
not everyone is in a large center, the opportunity to participate
in events differs by location; for example, businesses in small
pockets or strip centers. It was also noted that current
regulations restrict outdoor sales promotions.
It was indicated that these types of challenges need to be
considered and that in order to be successful, an Association
needs to examine its potential for pooling resources to address
issues such as these.
n A question was asked as to wllether Associations actually work and
have a positive financial impact. Also, how do you measure the
'rhe guest Consultant explained that there are numerous examples
statewide of successful Associations. The Association determines
what programs and events it will pursue, which helps to assure
Ulat it is addressing benef icial needs. As far as measurements
of success, this can be an important element. For example, sales
tax da ta for an area can be used for this purpose. 'l'he
Consul tant noted that, typically, members of Associations vlant to
expend monies mostly on things which benefit them, and monitoring
is not a high priority. It was emphasized that this may not be
the best approach, since monitoring data can be used to gain
support and identify additional needs.
II Does a Business Association take a lot of community involvement?
It was indicated that this was the case in most successful
organizations. It was also noted that most of the examples had
some sort of Staff support to make the programs wor](.. Given that
business ovmers are busy with operating their own business, it
may be difficult for them to be involved on a regular basis.
. Among those who were present, it was indicated that there was a
need to get the type of information discussed out to a larger
number of people. There is a need for businesses to get
. It was noted that the Chamber does some of the suggestions (i.e.
business book).
The list of ideas was intended to be a broad
brainstorming ideas. The actual activities would need
duplicating these types of efforts and avoid competing
Chamber. Instead, a cooperative working relationship
list of
to avoid
with the
would be
. It was indicated that "Value" will become an important theme in
upcoming years. Dublin retailers have an opportunity to build on
this theme. A Business Association may be one way of developing
the theme.
The City was complimented on some of the
undertaken without a Business Association
improvements and seasonal banners}.
efforts already
( i . e. landscape
. A Dublin Business Association would have the challenge of working
wi th many small centers. There are also numerous absentee
It was noted that the property owners also benefit when their
tenants are doing well and that the Association can add strength
through a unified group discussing issues with landowners.
. Since some of the examples of events were fundraisers, it was
noted that in the past these activities had suffered from poor
gate receipts. One example was the Concourse, which was
sponsored by local service clubs.
This difficulty will need to be considered if the Business
Association undertakes similar projects.
PSR/lss a:106Notes.taskforce#3
September 30, 1992
6:00 p.m.
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The purpose of the Business Forum was to share information and obtain
feedback from local businesses. The 'l'ask Force members would appreciate your
time in completing this form.
1. After hearing the presentations on Business Associations, would you
encourage the 'I'ask Force Subcommittee to continue working on this
project? " \
're' ~ -\-." 'I' '1 ~ Yes(~"lo~) j~ No (no4-)
t-\<l ,Ol'\Q.. O\: ""- ~!. rc.,>~o""H" ~.lu..hJ. ~"l ~ ~ t."..l\c:l l.c J<h..ll c..!. r~("~ <r~ ~H, t.~it o~ l'o",,,,el~t.
2. Select three items whicll are the greatest benefits you believe a , .
Business Associa tion can of fer: tlo\.... ';j"",.. ("ot,~~o....j~.J.:!> r''''..r\(.e.J ",ore .\~ ~ I*e""~.
.>l-;;.J ~ ('f\o~1- t='r c,\>"a.;<}.- '~~~to,,~e.l>
-1'<- 'I Ass~!,!~e i!L!'~C;;b:,i!i~.!.!}5La.!HLn~J;ainin9J2..l,!2inesses_
Slc1cHalk7 S tree I: improvemcnl:s
~ -S-- -!ff~~-!:.seJ.~QiI!.LQD2!!!Qli2!')S
~ _f._ ~p.9.~~~L!'lYQP~~-1i...._C~'E!l,~_{!!!Y:;!I_ml'{ilUCS~rt fi1ir~
_')~__ DeCor<ll:iollslbilnners - hol.illay items
_J::_ Ilu:, i Iless d i recl:od(~s, qu i dl~:;
_~ A coordinated "Shop Dublin" campa i.~ln
Technical assistance with retail skills (i.e. inventory
control, merchandising, ctc.)
:J, Assistance in obtaining better traffic flow within and between
retail centers
~ NCHsletter/Col1ul1unications on issues facing mcrchants
lIow effectively do YOll believe the following entities currently
represent local issues faced by your busilless? I.
,,1\: 1,e.~poN1o,~
@ ~
Dublin City Council -:l~ _.2_
Dublin Chamber of COlllmerce .1.1'& _L
State Elected Officials l.$'~' ~I_
Federal Elected Officials I.LI'!. _11_
'rrade Groups/Associations l/d6 ;t
State Chamber of Commerce ',1..00 _L
Do you believe a Business Association would improve your local
representation? S Yes (b'!.o..{,) .~ No (-~1-o,)
If yes, on what particular issue(s)E~,-\'.,..\..\~\,/C'"l~M.{'(\.l.e.._fno\LC. r;;.~~/\'c.~~;-
IJ.c.,,\~~itA~.-it\(\; Joil;\' 'p(ollVj\-io"~~ rt'1lli:~ t.lf(;.'..J,,{'Q..j ~3,("""'~ ,.h.v)Ve.of-\e.;T.... f\rea....
\'Ihat was the best suggestion you heard at this Business Forum?
:fO\r\.t f\A"eAiS\f~_ (:C(',J.l1A\~lQ. ~j.~~/CD~)\~ j Fc:M(~\-"o"- fl BL1~~"eH II'<1,V'A. \);d'"r\r:~
Oc1,N'\~:CI~:\-~OI).~ :I:rr~)rQ.l~'il~~JJ1hsc c'-I~.h(1\('_(' Tr-C'-~~.i c.; J,,\ ..d' 1"[<:"'''\0-\-: 01\$'-
SQ.IY'.~no-.,S ..
~fhat suggestions do you have for the 'rask Force? On what primary issue
should they focus?
S~e~ A'\h".(!.\,ec\
7. Type of Business:
,Entertainment Office
Retail Restaurant/Food & Drink
Hetail Services (i.e. hair salon, auto repair, etc.)
Professional Services (i.e. doctor, CPA, insurance)
~'ALJ~("~ue... e.()....\c..,jl.a..:\~~ ~'(-C.\IJ.;4r'
W Full Time Employees:
Optional Information:
I would like to pnrt:icip<lte in future mcetings/discussions Yes3:.. No_
\ 0-{" "0 fl.. <"'" re.. So ('of-d.\!..rd
"3,5' # Part Time Employees: ~
.){S ~sPoM&
Business Name:
-:..J e..(l_ ~
(~l:H. o--e.~ed~
rx! p~l~ar
L~ ,~r'~D~ ~ ~
suggestions/Primary Issues to Focus On
. I would like to participate in brainstorming on additional ideas.
. Directory/map of businesses and promotions to get people to shop
in Dublin
. Members
. A recommendation to the city council to pursue a Business
Improvement District.
. Retaining and bringing in new business. Promotion of Dublin.
. Access, parking, signage, joint promotions. Concern with
potential for an Association to drain the Chamber. Could the
Chamber be funded with earmarked monies? Why not use City funds
to have city Staff search for new businesses and promote current
Want To participate
In Future?
Ms. Georgean Vonheeder
Debra Doble, CPA
7060 Koll Center Parkway #334
Pleasanton, CA 94566
Mr. Ted Hoffman, Jr.
Earl Anthony's Dublin Bowl
6750 Regional street
Don Day
D's Arts/Crafts
7054 Village Parkway
Larry Bobbe
Mane Event Hair Design
7059 Village Parkway
Kandis Graves
Factory Shoe Outlet
6954 Amador Plaza Rd
Kim Williams
Stalker Chiropractic
7600 Dublin Blvd
Brad Johnson
The Imprint Works
7603 Amador Valley Blvd #A
PSR/lsB a:l06survR.doc.taskforce#3