HomeMy WebLinkAbout8.2 RampMetering I-580 . . . . . ~' CITY CLERK File # D~[Q][(2]-~[Q] AGENDA STATEMENT CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: February 17,1998 SUBJECT: Ramp Metering on 1-580 Report prepared by: Lee S. Thompson, Public Works Director EXHIBITS ATTACHED: 1) Figure 1. Location Map 2) Figure 2. Ramp meter and HOV Lane Locations 3) Figure 3. Travel Time RECOMMENDATION: ~ Ramp metering is expected to reduce through-traffic on Dublin Boulevard. Staff recommends Council support this project. FINANCIAL STATEMENT: No financial impact to the City of Dublin DESCRIPTION: Staffhas received a report from Caltrans which indicates they propose to turn on the ramp metering (traffic signal lights) for the eastbound 1-580 on-ramps at Hopyard- Dougherty Road, Hacienda Drive, and Santa RitalTassajara Road. Please see attached Figure 1 - Location Map and Figure 2 - Ramp Metering Locations. Due to congestion on eastbound 1-580, Caltrans is proposing ramp metering for eastbound traffic only. This study shows that the average daily traffic on 1-580 between 1992 and 1996 has increased between 21 % and 28% among divided roadway segments on 1-580 from 1-680 to El Charro/Fallon Road. Segment on 1-580 1992 ADT* 1996 ADT* I -680 to HopyardJDougherty Road 145,000 177,000 Hopyard/Dougherty Rd to Santa RitalTassajara Rd 135,000 164,000 Santa RitalTassajara Rd to El Charro/Fallon Rd 125,000 160,000 * ADT: Average Daily Traffic The study also shows that lane capacity on eastbound 1-580 during afternoon peak hours at the Santa RitafTassajara Road interchange has been reduced from 9,100 in 1994 to 8,000 in 1997. The reason for -----------------~------------------------------------------------- COPIES TO: Ray Ovaici, Caltrans ITEM NO. 8.2 g:agenmisc\rampmetr "" this reduction is that the public is using local surface streets, such as Dublin Boulevard and Stoneridge . Drive, to bypass 1-580 from San Ramon Road to Tassajara Road freeway and then accessing the freeway at the Santa Rita/Tassajara Road interchange. Due to this movement,' weaving and merging by vehicles entering eastbound 1-580 is causing the reduction in freeway speed and capacity and increasing congestion. Therefore, the lane capacity for P.M. peak hours has gone down wbile the total daily volume has gone up. In addition, accidents not related to construction also increased during P.M. peak hours between 1990 (125 accidents) and 1996 (200). The study shows that during 1993, drivers traveling on 1-580 from Foothill/San Ramon Road to El Charro/Fallon Road took approximately 5 minutes during non-rush hours, and about 7 to 8 minutes during the PM rush hour. The study indicates that in 1997, it still takes approximately 5 minutes to travel the same distance during non-rush hours; however, during the PM rush hour, it takes drivers approximately 22 minutes. Please see attached Figure 3 for travel time differences. Drivers using Stoneridge Drive take approximately 11 minutes to travel from the Foothill Road to Santa Rita Road interchanges during non-rush hours, but during the P.M. rush hours take 14 minutes to travel the same distance. Drivers using Dublin Boulevard take approximately 9 minutes to travel from San Ramon Road to the Tassajara RoadlI-580 interchange during non-rush hours and during the PM rush hours approximately 12 to 13 minutes. The Caltrans study shows that drivers can and are saving travel time by using Dublin Blvd. and Stoneridge Drive rather than using eastbound 1-580 during the PM rush hour. . Due to the results of the study, Caltrans is planning to turn on the metering signals on the eastbound on- ramps. It is hoped that the additional delay at interchanges will cause drivers to stay on the freeway and not use local streets. There should also be more controlled merging at the various interchanges which will restore the capacity of the freeway. The metering lights will only be on during the PM rush hour, between 3:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m.. Between 3:00 p.m. and 4:00 p.m., drivers will not see much ofa delay; however, between 4:00 p.m. and 5:45 p.m., the drivers at different interchanges will experience various delay times with the maximum being 4 minutes 31 seconds on the Santa RitalTassajara Road onramp. After 5:45 p.m., drivers again would not experience any significant delay. Caltrans has sent the study reports to the Cities of Dublin and Pleasanton for comments and approval. If no objections are received from Dublin and Pleasanton, Caltrans would propose to turn on the metering signal lights by the end of February. Staff believes that the ramp metering would aid in decreasing the cut-through traffic on Dublin Boulevard and improve the freeway congestion. Caltrans has stated that they will monitor the ramp metering to see how the freeway and local streets are operating, and if ramp metering causes back-ups onto City streets, Caltrans will change the timing to reduce queuing. If Council supports the ramp metering, Staff will so notify Caltrans. . Page 2 "'"' .. .. , .;: '- ." .. ~ ". ., "'" .. '. .. '. ." .. . .' . z+ ._.~ : ~ .' ,_-'::>~":-~8 ..---_...~- ".'- ....-... ...: ~.... . : --- - . ";:-. ._'~;"'!i;?;'~'- .. <:.:~~:~:4~~~~ . .." '--ii<:.."'"' ff~i . :--,: ...:. -. "-~_":_'-~-"'--~~ ""':3 ..... ..':.. 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