HomeMy WebLinkAbout8.2 StNmForRdParallelToDB CITY CLERK
File #
St. Patrick Way
Street Name for the Road Parallel to and South of Dublin Boulevard
Report prepared by: Lee S. Thompson, Public Works Director
Map of Location
Municipal Code 7.08.070 Regarding Slxeet Names
Review the suggested names, add other names to the list,
if appropriate, and reduce the list to the preferred 3 names.
Direct Staffto send the three preferred street names to the
various reviewing agencies and report back at a later Council
Meeting for the final street name choice.
No financial impact to the City. The street name signs will be
installed as part of the 1-580/I-680 Flyover project.
DESCRIPTION: The Alameda County Transportation Authority (ACTA) is nearing
completion of the plans for the 1-580/1-680 Flyover project and are going out to bid in Spring of 1998. As
part of this project, ACTA has requested that the City of Dublin provide a name for the proposed roadway
at the end of the new hook ramps that connects Amador Plaza Road and Golden Gate Drive so that the
street name can be included in the plans for installing the street name signs.
The process for naming streets includes sending a list of preferred names to the various agencies that deal
with addresses for safety response and mailing (fire, police, post office, etc.) prior to having the City
Council approving the final name.
Public Wor~ Staff solicited suggestions from City Staffmembers and received about 50 suggestions, with
some duplicates and some names having already been used elsewhere in the Tri-Vailey Area.
The following is a condensed list, in alphabetical order, of the names Staff feels are the most appropriate
for Council's review:
Alamilla (Historical)
2) Clover (Irish)
3) Cronin (Dublin Family)
4) Enea Plaza (Proximity of Commercial Center)
5) Heritage (Historical)
6) Michael Murray (Historical)
7) Murray (Historical)
8) Phillips (Past Fire Chief of Dublin)
Staff is recommending that Council review these names and any additions, if appropriate, and narrow the
list to three names for sending to the reviewing agencies. Staff will report back to City Council at a later
date for a final decision on the slzeet name.
Page 2
after ten (10) days' written notice install
nmnbers and names as reqnired or shall be
guilty of an Infraction.
B. Each owner or occupant shall be
guilty of a separate offense for each mid
every day durlug any porliou of which any
violatiou of any provision of this section Is
committed, continued, or permitted by such
person. (Ord. 5-89 § 1: Ord. 4-8"/§ 6)
7.08.060 Enforcement olllcer
This chapter shall be euforced by the
City Massager or his desiguated representa-
tive. (Ord. 4-87 § 7)
7.08.070 Street name changes.
The following procedure shall apply to
the changing of street names:
A. Authority, The City Council may, by
resolution, change tile name of any street
within the city if the street name is identical
or sitnilar to auother street name in Alame-
da County, If one continnous stseet ts
known by more thm~ one name, tfa street
different from the official name Is lu com-
mon use, or for other just cause.
B. Initiation. Except as otherwise provi-
ded in this section, a street name change
may be initia~ed by any of the following
I. By action of Ihe City Council;
2. By acliou of the Planning Commis-
3. By reqnest of any adjoining local
d. By pelition reptesealing upi less Iban
Iwenly percent (20%) of the households or
addresses on the street lo be renamed, ex-
cept Ihal tl~e petition need not tepresenl
more than ten (10) addresses.
C. Procedme. When a slteel name
chauge bas been initiated pursuant to snb-
section B of this section, a public hearing
shall be scheduled before Ihe Planning
Commission, At least ten (10) days prior to
the public hearing, the city Community
Development Director shall cause notice of
said he~ing to be posted in conspicuous
places along said street, said notice Io con-
taiu letters a minimum of one-eighlh (~/s)
inch in height reading "NO'IICE OF PRO-
with a geueral description of the proposal.
'll~e city Cmmnunity Development Director
shall also cause notice of said he.lng to be
m~led to each owner, as shown on lhe
latest eqnali~d assessment roll, of prope~y
along said street at least ten (10) days prior
to the public being.
After the closing of the public bearing,
the Planning Commission shall make a rec-
ommendation to the City Council. If the
Planning Commission recommends a
change, the City Council may adopt a teso.
lution pulling the recommended change luto
effect without a heating, or the City Council
may hold a public hearing at its option. The
City Couucil shall not change any street
name contra~ to the Planning Commission
recommendation without first holding a
public hearing thereon. If the Planning
Commission recommendation is for no
change, the matter may be summarily dis-
missed by the City Council or a public
he~ing ou the proposal may be scheduled.
, If the City Conncil is to conduct a public
heating, the notice requirement for said
bearing shall be the same as contained iu
the first paragraph of this subsection.
D. Exceptions. In the event there are no
addresses in use on a street Ihe name of
which is lo be changed, or If all honseholds
or occupants on snch street consent tn writ-
lng to the change, the Conncil may make
such change without referral to the Plamfing
Commission and witho,t a public hearing.
~. New Street Names. Names for new
stteels shall be established by the adoptio.
of a resolution by the City Council or by
approval of a final subdivision map or final
parcel map containing staff-reviewed and
approved names. No public hearing need be
F. Refenal. No new slreet shall be
named nor shall any sl~eel name be changed
without first refening all proposed names to
the City l'l~ning Department, l)oughe~ty
Regional Fire Aulbofily, United States Post
Office, county of Alameda, each adjoining
city, the city Police Depaflment, and any
other agency as approved by the City Coun-
cil. Upon receipt of replies from these agen~
cies, or upon the expiration of fifteen (15)
days after notice was sent, Ihe city Commu-
nity Development Director shall fonvard his
findings and recommendations lo the l'lnn-
ning Commission or City Council, whichev-
er has prima~ jurisdiction.
~. Cily Clerk Duties. Whenever fl~e name
of any slreet is adopted, established or
changed, the City Clerk shall promptly for-
ward a copy of the tesohuion lnoviding fi~
such new name, change of nalll~, or holsse
number to the Dooghetty Regional Fire
Aulhorily, United Stales Post Office, COllllly
of Alameda, each adjoining city, the city
Police Depmtment, and any olher agency as
approved by fl~e City Council, and II.,se
property owners affected by Ihe name
change. (Ord. 5-96 ~ I (pall); O.1. I-9~ ~ I)