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File # DODD-DO
Facility Use Policy and Fee Schedule for Community Gymnasium at
Valley High School. Report by Diane Lowart, Parks & Community
Services Director
1) Agreement Between City and District Regarding Joint Funding
of Community Use Gymnasium
2) Resolution Establishing Facility Use Policy
Adopt Resolution
DESCRIPTION: In October of 1997 the City of Dublin and the Dublin Unified
. School District entered into an agreement regarding joint funding of a community use gymnasium at
Valley High School (Attachment 1). Under the terms of the agreement, the District will construct the gym
and pay 100% of the total cost of constructing the gym. The City will reimburse the District for part of
the cost of construction of the gym estimated to be $1,004,016 or 34.3% of the cost of construction.
The agreement also addresses maintenance and operating costs of the gym as well as use of the gym. Key
elements of these sections are summarized below.
Maintenance and ODeratine: Costs
. District shall provide all maintenance for the gym
. City shall reimburse District for its prorated share of expenses related to maintenance
. District may close gym for a period of up to one month on an annual basis to perform deferred
City and District Use of Gvm
. Use durin!! times when school is in session
District City/Community
Monday - Friday 8 :00 a.m. - 3 :00 p.m. 3 :00 p.m. - 10:00 p.m.
Saturday * by reservation only 8:00 a.m. -10:00 p.m.
. __~~~~__________________________~~~:~~~~tiO~:~________________1_~~~~_:~~_=_~~~~~~~::~__________
COPIES TO: Parks & Community Services Commission
G\usepolicies\cc 1215gymusepolicy .doc
. Use during times when school is not in session (holidavs/summer break)
District City/Community
Monday - Saturday * by reservation only 8:00 am. - 10:00 p.m. .
Sunday * by reservation only 10:00 am. -10:00 p.m.
. District may reserve the gym ten (10) times each school year not later than October 1. Requests for
use after October 1 shall be subject to availability. Requests for use which exceed the ten times each
year are subject to written approval from the City Manager and District Superintendent or their
designated representatives.
. City shall schedule use of gym for City and community use and shall provide qualified supervision
during all times the gym is used for City or community use. City may impose and re~n use fees for
City or community use of gym.
Construction of the Community Gymnasium at Valley High School is nearing completion and it is
anticipated that the gym will be available for use in January of 1999. To prepare this facility for
community use a Facility Use Policy and Fee Schedule must be adopted. Although this facility is located
on school property and built cooperatively with the school district it will operated much like a City owned
facility .
Individual use policies and fee schedules are in place for each City facility that is available to the public
including the Civic Center, Heritage Center, Senior Center, Shannon Community Center, Sports Grounds
and Swim Center. Each use policy is tailored to the specific facility however the format of the policy is .
standardized to include the following eight sections:
1. Classifications of Users
2. Priority of Users
3. Reservation Procedure
4. Cancellations
5. Payment Schedule
6. Hours of Use
7. Insurance Certificate
8. General Regulations
- The proposed Gymnasium Use Policy is shown in Exhibit A to Attachment 2. As proposed, the policy
reflects the standardized format that was adopted in 1992. The policy has been tailored to meet the
specific needs of the gymnasium. A discussion of each of the sections follows.
Classification of Users
The six user classifications are consistent with all other City use policies. Although it is doubtful whether
some of the groups would be users of the gym, in order to maintain consistency with the other policies,
Staff would recommend that the classifications remain as shown.
Reservation Procedure
Staff proposes to have two reservation periods per year. Reservations for use during the regular school .
year would be accepted beginning August I, September 1 or October 1, depending on the classification of
the user. Reservations for use during the summer would be accepted beginning April 1, May 1 or June 1.
Reservations submitted after these dates would be accepted on a space available basis. The District has
until October 1 to identify the ten dates that they require however they have indicated that is their intent to
coordinate use with the City prior to school starting each fall.
Reservations by the community must be made a minimum of ten working days prior to the requested use.
The Agreement between the City and the District requires that a City staff member be in attendance
during all scheduled community use. In order to schedule staff, it is necessary to have this lead time.
This section is in accordance with other City use policies. Cancellations 30 days or more prior to the use
would result in forfeiture of the deposit unless another user rebooks the date." Cancellations 30 days or
less would result in forfeiture of the deposit and one-half of the fees paid.
Pavment Schedule
A security deposit would be required for all use and would be payable at the time that an application for
use is submitted. Applications for a single use of the gym would be required to pay the hourly fee at the
time that the application is submitted. Applications for multiple uses of the gym would be billed with
final payment due two weeks after receipt of an invoice.
Hours of Use
The gym would be available for use by the community during the hours previously shown on page two of
the agenda statement. The minimum reservation is for two hours.
Insurance Certificate
This section is in accordance with other City use policies. Applicants would be required to provide a
certificate of liability insurance at a minimum limit of $500,000 per occurrence and the certificate must
. name the City and the District as additional insured.
General RelZUlations and Information
This section outlines rules and regulations for use of the gym such as youth to adult supervision ratios,
parking regulations, and restrictions on food, alcohol and smoking.
The Agreement between the City and the District allows the City to impose and retain user fees for use of
the gymnasium. The Fiscal Year 1998-99 Budget allocates funds for maintenance and supervision of the
gym which would be offset by revenue collected from users of the gym.
Based on the preliminary figures compiled by the District maintenance and utilities are estimated at
approximately $10.00 per hour. Supervision costs are estimated at approximately $12.00 per hour.
Consequently, in order to cover the direct cost to the City, a minimum fee of $22.00 per hour would need
to be assessed.
Staff proposes that community groups be assessed a fee of $22.00 per hour; private groups or individuals
be assessed a fee which is 1/3 more than the fee charged to community groups; and commercial groups be
assessed a fee which is 1/3 more than private or individual groups. Further, Staff proposes that non-
resident groups be assessed a fee which is 20% higher than the resident rate. This methodology is
.consistent with the formula used in setting fees for use of other City facilities. For comparison, fees
assessed by the City of Pleasanton for use of the middle school gymnasiums by community groups range
from $20.00 - $25.00 per hour.
Using this methodology, the proposed fees for use of the gymnasiwn are as follows:
Group 2 - Public Agencies
Group 3 - Dublin Chamber of Commerce
Group 4 - Community Groups
Group 5 - Private Groups or Individuals
Group 6 - Commercial Groups
$22 per hour
$22 per hour
$22 per hour
$26 per hour
$33 per hour
$38 per hour
$44 per hour
$51 per hour
In addition to the hourly fee, a $200 refundable security deposit would be collected. If these fees are
acceptable to the City Council, Staff will prepare the appropriate public hearing notices in order that the
fee schedule can be adopted at the next meeting of the City Council.
The proposed Facility Use Policy and Fee Schedule for the Community Gymnasium at Valley High
School was reviewed at a special meeting of the Youth Sports Liaison Committee and by the School
District. Conceptual approval of the use policy and fee schedule was given by both the Committee and
the District.
The Parks and Community Services Commission also reviewed and approved the proposed Facility Use .
Policy and Fee Schedule at a special meeting of the Commission held on December 7, 1998.
Staff recommends that the City Council adopt the Resolution Establishing a Facility Use Policy For Use
of Community Gymnasium (Attachment 2). Further, Staff recommends that the City Council give
conceptual approval to the proposed fees and direct Staff to initiate a Public Hearing on the fee schedule
at the next meeting of the City Council.
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/ ~ c/D
TIlis Agreement ("Agreement") is entered into this .l2.tday of October . 1997.
by and between the City of Dublin. a municipal corporation ("City") and the Dublin
Unwed School District. a subdivision of the State of California ("District").
A. City and District are parties to an agreement dated September 25, 1989
entitled "Agreement Betv\'een City of Dublin and Dublin Unwed School Dist.rict
Regarding Use of Facilities" (the "Master Joint Use Agreement") which provides for
joint use of various City and District facilities.
B. City and District are also palties to an agreement dated January 28.
1991 entitled "Agreement" ("Dublin High Baseball Fielel Agreement") which provides
[or funding to renovate tlle Dublin High School baseball fields and,tlle gids' atllletic
C. City and DistIict are also parties to an agreement dated October 24,
1995 entitled "AgI"eement Between City of Dublin and Dublin Unified School
DistIict Regarding Joint Use of School Facilities (Gynmasium) and Amending
September 25, 1989 Joint Use AgI"eement" ("Gymnasium Agreement") which
provides for constIuction and annual funding of maintenance costs of a gymnasium
to be constructed at Valley High School.
D. . City has identified a need for additional gymnasium space in the City
for corrununity recreational purposes.
E. DistIict plans to remodel Valley High School. Such remodeling'vill.
include offices, reception, conference, toilet and workroom aI"eaS;
Agreement Between City of Dublin <lnd Dublin
Unified School District. V.::Illey High School Gym
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September 10, 1997
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F. District has identified funding for a multi-pmpose room at Valley High
School but has inadequate funding to construct a gynUlasimu at Valley High School.
G. City and District representatives have met and have identified the
expansion of the proposed 11111ltippu rpose room as tlle prefened means of providing
the needed gynmasium space.
H. City and District desire to provide for the expansion of the proposed
Valley High School multi-porpose room so tllat it can function as a community use
gynUlasium to meet the needs of organized SpOlt.S leagues and local conununity
groups in City.
1. City and District are authorized to enter into this Agreement by
Education Code Sections 10900 et seq. And Section 10905 in part.icular, for the
purpose of improviilg and maintaining recreation facilities for the benefit of students
of the District and residents of the City.
Now, therefore, City and District agree as follows:
1. Repeal of Dublin High Baseball Field Aereement and Gynmasium
The Dublin High Baseball Field Agreement (Exhibit A hereto) and the
. .
Gyrrmasium Agreement (Exhibit B hereto) are hereby repealed in their entirely. By
repealing the Gyrrmasium Agreement, City and DistIict intend that the amendment
made by the Gymnasium Agreement to Paragraph 3 of the Master Joint Use
Agreement shall be repealed and Paragraph 3 of tlle Master Joint Use Agreement shall
continue in effect as set forth in tlle Master Joint Use Agreement.
2. Descliption of Gym
The gymnasium at Valley High School ("gym") shall be approximately 17,500
s.f. consisting oftlle following approximate areas: A) 10,000 SF gymnasium with
hardwood floor and bleacher seating for 200 people per side which shall
accommodate one full sized basketball court (84' x 50'), 1'\'\1'0 half-court basketball
courts (74' x 42'), one full sized volleyball court (60' x 30') and m'o half-court
Agreement Between City of Dublin and Dublin
Unified School District - Vo.11ey High School Gym
~age 2'Of10.
September 10, 1997
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/7 ,:; '/0
:7 ry C"'
volleyball COU1ts; B) weight room and stol"age - 1050 SF; C) fam.ily room 1050 SF; D)
offices, reception, conference, toilet and workroom fOl" Valley High - 2000 SF; E)
kitchen/concession ~ 260 SF; F) lobby - 940 SF; G) toilets/dressing areas - 670 SF; H)
janitOlimechanicaJ,/electrical areas - 310 SF; I) storage - 600 SF; and J) corridor - 150
3. Construction of Gvm
District shall construct the gym to District specifications. Construction shall
conunence no later than November 1, 1997. District shall proceed diligently '\'Vitll
constnlction. City may, but is not obligated to conduct periodic inspections of tlle
gynmasiums construction. City agrees to make all reasonable effolts to notify
District of City's plans to inspect. District shall notify City of construction
conferences and City may be present at tllese conferences.
4. Fundinr for Constmction of Gym
District shall pay for 100Wl of the total cost of constructing tlle gym 'which
shall consist of preliminary engineering, design, construction engineering,
. construction, inspection and all required permits.
5. Payment by City of Incremental Cost of Construction
City shall reimburse DistIict [or part of tl1e cost of constlUction of the gym.
The amount to be paid by City to Disuict, referred to as tlle "Incremental Cost of
Construction," shall be One Million Four 1110usand and Sh.'teen Dollars
($1,004,016.00), which is 34.396 of the cost of constructiOll of Two Million Nine
Hundred Twenty-Seven 1110usand One Hundred Fifty Nine Dollars ($2,927,159.00),
not including tl1e cost of preliminalY engineeling, design, consuuction engineeling,
inspection and permits.
City shall pay 34.396 of change orders related to tl1e base construction plans
and completion oftl1e facility in accordance with current codes and regulations
provided that: 1) tl1e changes are directly related to the gym (defined as areas 2A, 2E,
2G and 2I); and 2) the City has approved such change orders. DistIict shall pay
100% of change orders related to areas other than the gym (defined as areas 2B, 2C,
2D, 2F, 2H and 2]). All other change orders that relate to the base construction
Agreement Between City of Dublin :lnd Dublin
Unified School Dh::tricl . Vnlley High Sdvm] Gym
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September 10,1997
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plans shall be negotiated separately and, if approved by both City and District. shall
be apportioned as follov\'s (City 34.3%/District 65.7%).
City's payment to District of the Incremental Cost of Constmction, plus any
increase in such amount due to change orders, shall be in four equal payments to be
made no later thart January 30, 1999, January 30, 2000, Janu~uy 30.2001, and
January 30. 2002.
6. Maintenancl.": and Operating Costs of Gym
A. District will pr"ovicle all maintenance for the gym. Such
maintenance will include custodial services (on a daily. wec;:k1y, monthly and annual
basis as set forth in Exhibit C hereto); both inter'ior' and eAlerior surface maintenance;
maintenance of electrical. plumbing and mechanical systems; roof maintenance; floor
maintenance; and similar maintenance necessary to keep a gynulasium in first-class
B. City will reimburse DIstrict for its prorated share of expenses
related to repair and maintenance of gym furnishings, "\vhich include bleachers,
backboards, scoreboards and floor surfaces. .
C. City will rdmburse District for tlle cost of repair of any damage
(excluding general wear and tear) to tlle interior of the gym which occurs during tlle
times City has the exclusive light to use of tl1e ,gym, provided tl1at if District
anticipates that the cost of such n:pnirs will exceed $500.00, District shall provide
City with advance wlitten notice of the estimRted cost of such repairs and shall allow
City the right to perfOlID the repairs itself.
D. City will reimburse Distdct for its prorated share of the District's
annual cost of operations and maintenance of the gym excluding tllOse areas
desclibed in 2B, 2C, 2D, 2F, 2H. and 2J ("operating costs"). City's pl"Orated share is
agreed to be 69%, based on the amount of time City has the use of the gym in relation
to the amount of time the Distlict has the use of the gym. Such operating costs shall
only include custodial SClviccs and supplies, utilities and an annual sct.asidc for floor
refinishing. District's operating cost.s (excluding the annual set aside) shall include a
percentage increase equal to Distlict's State approved actual indirect cost rate. District
shall provide City Witll a statement of actual annual operating costs for tl1e prior fiscal
year no later than September 30. City shall pay such costs vvithin 30 days of
presentation of such statement. City shall have tl1e right to inspect DistIict's records
Agreement Between City of Dublin and Dublin
Unified School Di!:tricl- Valley High School Gym
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5" ~~D
relating to such costs upon advance written notice.
City and District shall annually, no 'later than September 1 of each year,
reconcile the City's actual use of the gym in relation to the District's use of the gym to
determine whether the City's prorated share of use is greater or less than 69%. In the
event that the use is greater or l,ess than 69%, the amount paid by City or District for
operating costs shall be adjusted accordingly.
7. City's Use of Gym
A. City shall have the exclusive use of the gym for City and
conununity use for sports practices and events typically held in gymnasiums, as follows:
Use during times when school is in session:
Monday to Friday
3 :00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m.
8:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m.
10:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m.
Use during times when school is not in session Q10lidavs and summer break):
Monday to Saturday
8:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m.
10:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m.
Notwithstanding the above, the parties acknowledge that District may close the
gym for a period of up to one month on an annual basis to perform deferred
maintenance (typically during the summer). The times shall be scheduled by District by
written notification to City no later than three months prior to the work being initiated.
B. City shall schedule all use of the gym for City and community use
during the times that City has exclusive use of the gym. City shall require all users to
carry public liability insurance in an amount and form acceptable to and approved by
City naming both City and District as additional insureds and shall require all users to
indemnify and defend both City and District against any claims arising as a result of
such user's negligence in use of the gym.
C. City shall provide qualified supervision during all times the gym is
used for City or community use during the times that City has exclusive Use of the gym,
at no cost to District. At a minimum, supervision shall meet the specified criteria set
forth in Exhibit D hereto. The provision of such supervision shall be at City's expense.
Agreement Between City of Dublin and Dublin
Unified School District ~ Valley High School Gym
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b qf;D
D. City shall notifY DistIict if tl1e gym is damaged dUling the times
City has exclusive use of the gym or appears in need of repair. City shall promptly
notify the Police Depaltment of any vandalism which City observes has occurred.
E. City may im"pose, collect and retain [(Icility use fees [or City and/or
community use of the gym during hOllrs thnt the City has tlle exclusive use of tlle gym.
City's fee schedules shall be in accordance with tllOse fee schedules imposed by DistIict
for similar facilities.
8. District's Use of Gym.
A. Dishiet shall have the exclusive use of the gym at all times during
wh ir.h City cioe:s not h::nre: e:XdllSive: 11Sf" of the': gym.
B. Notwithstanding the provisions of paragraph 7, Distlict may
reserve t11e gym for Distlict.related use deemed appropriate by District ten (10) times
each school year at no cost to DislIict. The times shall be sdleduled by District by
','rinen notification to City no later than October 1 of each school year. Requests for
use by Disuict received after October I shall be subject to availability. .
C. Requests for use by District which exceed the ten times each school
year identified in pal-agI-aph 8(B) are subject to v"'linen approval from tl1e City Manager
and DistIict Superintendent or their designated l-epresentatives. .
9. Inocmnificfltion and Insunmcc
A. City and Dist~ict shall cany generalliability insumnce in ~n
amount of at least $1.000.000 combined single limit per occurrence for bodily injUlY,
personal injUlY and property damage. to insure against claims for injUlies to persons or
damage to property which may aIise from or in connection witll the use of tlle gym by
eitl1er party. City shall name District as an additional insured on its policy and Dimict
shall name City as an additional insured on its policy.
R. Dir>tlic:t sh,lll de: fe:nrI. incie:mnify ,inri hnlrI City h,nmle:ss fmm ::111
claims for loss. liability. expense, or damages (including costs of suit) arising as a result
of the Distlict's use of tile gym pursuant to this Agreement. TIlis provision shall not be
constnled to exempt the City. its employees or officers, from its own fraud. willful injUlY
or violation oflaw.
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Agreement Between City of Dublin and Dublin
Unified School District. Vnlley High School Gym
C. City sl1<\11 defend, indemnify and hold District hannless from all
claims for loss, liability, e).."pense, or damages (including costs of suit) arising as a result
of the City'.s use of the gym pursuant to this Agreement. TIlis provision shall not be
construed to exempt the Distliet, its employees or officers, from its own fraud, willful
injury or violation of law.
10. Annual Review
Eacll year for the first three years of the AgreementdUling the month of Iv1arch,
City and Distlict, through their respective staffs, shall meet to review the Agreement.
Thereafter, the Agreement shall be so reviewed on a biennial basis.
I I. Tf'ITn of Agrf:f:mf:nt
TIle term of thit Agreement th~ll be 99 ye.An', conunencing on the effective d~te.
12. Early Tennination
111is Agreement may be terminated by either party by one year's advance 1:vriuen
IlUU<.:e: lu Lhe: ulherparly.
13. Reimbursement to City ofIncremental Cost
In the event that Disuict elects to tenninate this Agreement pursuant to
Paragraph 12 District shall reimburse City in the manner set forth in Exhibit E, an
amortization schedule. The amortization schedule shall be updated to reflect the City's
. total reimbursement pursuant to Pamgrnph 5, including any change orders.
14. School Sale or Closure
If District sells such property to a person or entity otller than City, City shall be
reimbursed for its Incremental Cost of Construction as set forth in Exhibit E.
Tn thf> f>Vf>nt. thM_ thf> District dosf>s V::lllf>Y High School hut. Tf>t::lins thf> school for
future use, District shall continue its maintenance of the gym, as provided in paragraph
6 and City will reimburse Dishiet for .1 00% of ule operating costs of the gym provided
that the City has exclusive use of the gym. At its option, City shall be entitled to
increase the hours of use of the gym over those set forth in paragraph. 7.
Agreement Between City of Dublin am; Duhlin
Unified School DiGtrict. VnlIey High School Gym
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15. Additional Documents and Agreements
The.parties agree to cooperate in the execution of any additional documents
which may be required to carry out the terms of this Agreement.
16. Successors
This Agreement shall bind and inure to the benefit of all successors and assigns of
the parties and any associates in interest, and their respective directors, officers, agents,
servants, and employees, and the successors and assigns of each of them, separately and
17_ Constnlction of A~eement
This Agreement shall be constmed and enforced pursuant to the laws of the State
of California. The foregoing Recitals are tnle and correct and are made a part hereof.
IS. Notices
Whenever notice is required hereunder, it shall be given to the parties as follows: .
To: City
City Mana gel'
City of Dublin
P.O. Box 2340
Dublin, CA 94568
To: District
District Superintendent
Dublin Unified School District
7471 Larkdale Avenue
Dublin, CA 94568
19 _ Entire Av-eement
TIlis document embodies the entire telms and conditions of the Agreement
described herein. This Agreement may be executed in nvo counterparts, each of which
shall constitute an original.
Agreement Between City of Dublin and Dublin
Unified School District. Valley High School Gym
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7 ~ ;1-D
20. Effective Date
The.effective date of the Agreement shall be October I, 1997.
Da ted:
I (
Approved as to form:
~akJ,,- tfrI. ); ~
. CiL Y ALLoITley
Dated: (),..tnn.:>'r 1 J 1 qq7
Clerk of the Board
Agreement Between City of Dublin and Dublin
Unified School District - VaIley High School Gym
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Approved as to fonn:
/ f) ~ ~D
~'u1k- ~ {O(1(C,1
District Counsel
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September 10. 1997
Agreement.Between City of Dublin and Dublin
Unified School District. Valley High Sc:hnol Gym
/ / ~c-Jo
Routine Ploor Care
Sweep and damp mop Zl.J.J. restro010, locker, and shower :floors using an
approved non-toxic germicidal. disinfectant clQart;;r and cl.ean water.
Remove all spills, sticky areas, gum, etc.
_ .2l,nnu?!11,y: . .
". .-.:.: .. . ; .. .. -:; ..
and. wooz rIoors to remove dust, dirt, ana
finish as necessary to maintain an acceptable
If f~cility is ~n use, dust mopping with a
dust lnOp shall be performed in lieu of damp
Mop hardwood floors with treated dust mop: spot mop a22 ~pill&
using neutral (pH 7 or 8) cleaner.
Machine buff all floors, ~taircases, and landings to a high sheen.
nnmp ~~p har~wooQ ~~oors using an neutral oleaner when needed.
B;-wp'pkJy (Every ~ weeks):
Clean tile grout with approved cleaner as needed.
Scrub v~yl, linolGum, and tile floors to remove scuff m~rks or
other marks that have not been removed by normal mopping_
Pour water in al~ floor drains~
Mop linDleum/vinyl
spills; spray buff
surface condition.
. 1
. .
shall be completely
. .
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Q!!jces. Common Areas. Kitchens
and other Miscellaneous Rooms and Facilities
Users shoUld leave the facility in the condition they found it.
Kitchen appliances and, stainless steel should be polished to
restore original finish. Clean interior of stoves, refrigerators,
microwaves i~ neeaea. This item shal2 include heavy scrubbing or
appliancGg to ramove built up material. \
Mop floors with treated dust mopi spot mop ~12 spills using a damp
EOp and neutral'cleaner~
Clean all glass doors' '(both sides) in buildings, including glass
partitions, to remove fingerprints~
Clean and,sanitize drinking fountains_
SpDt clean :fingerprints ana Other lDarks :Erom woodwork,.. walls,
d~Drs, and glass partitions, and the inside surfaces of exterior
w~ndows . ,,',
SpDt clean walls, doors, door frames,' and counters.
VacuUlD. all carpQted .surfaces. Spot vacuum traffic lanes:, - Qto.. ':'.,:,
. . -~ :
spot' clean spills or other spots on all upholstered furni ture ,_
c~pets, anc1, mats beneath __ desks and IIwalk-offn mats, . using a
District approved ~ethod..
, -
~pty and replace liners in all wastebaskets and carry trash to
specified containers at:, each site..' Material' in. recycling
conto.iners sha2~ be' coll'ected seDarZltely am! placed in a bin
specifiCallY Ior recyc3;eq..'paper~ ... ,
Leave all lights off (except designated night lighb? or those in
areas being used by employees or 'the public,). ,
Dust,. with feather duster or treated dust cloth where necessary,
all horizontal surfaces.. (below the eyes and above the-knees) of
Office t'urniture,_ (:as:much as can be done without disturbing ,:papers
on- desks), pa.rti i::ions, ledges, windowsil.l.s t ant! counters.., '" ' ,
Disinfect all kitchen and coffee bar sinks and counters: and
adjacent walls and ~abin~ts_
Report burned out l.ight bulbs, grc.ffi ti,
situations to the Building Manager..
and other
Clean and disinfect surfaces of exercise eguipment which comes in
contact with the User of the equipment (~.e., handgrips, pedals,
seats, and backre~ts, Qtc..)_
:.:": ...
.~ .:-: -:-;";.
, ....
:;.- :
/J qf ~~
'\-veekl v:
clean and POlish metal chairs, orrice equipment, and wooden
furni tura _
wipe down plastic and leather furniture.
Thoroughly vacuum and spot clean upholstered furniture.
Clean and disinfect handsets of phones.
.Clean and wipe down all wastebaskets (interior enu exterior) ana
interior trash cans.
, ,
Monthl v:. .
'Per~Drm high du~ting (i.a., door sashes, tops of partitions, high
cabinets, ledges, vents, and hanging light fixtures). Cobwebs are
to ,be removed to the extent that they can be removed with an
extenOable pole and only to the extent that special equipment
(i.e.,'~echanical lifts) is not required_
Clean exterior of air duct receptacles.
Clean . and ~ polish all interior metal.' fixtures and surfaces r
including door push and kick plates and pulls. .
: . semi-annually:
.,,: "
.... Thoroughly clean venetian and vertical. blinds.
Vacuum al~ ~abric windOW coverings (drapes, shades, etc.).
Vacuum and dust al~ fabric walls and partitions.
" ." j ..
Remove. and clean back side of air duct recGptaclg grilles to rQJUove
Restrooms and showers
Clean and. d.i::infect restroom ~ixtures T toilets, urinals and. basins,
plu:mbing, lIll.rrors, deoorati ve and protgcti va xngtaJ..s r incl uding
undersides and tops of toilet seats Using a disinfectant cleaner.
We.sh wODdwork, ceramic tile rand torlIlica surIaces and relD.ove splash
marks from ~alls, u:~alsr and toilet partitions. .
.... . .....'O.'O.. 'O..~.. ....... ... . -. ..~~.-.. ........: ....:. -. ... ...: ... : ... ... :"".. :. ~: ..~......:.: "-.r:'..... ..... ...... ....... _.:. _.o~. .... ... :... ..::....:~....:.:_ _.:.....:-.... .:.:::::0.;..:.: .:.... .. ...:.~" :. :".", ....... ". :. ::.:. _ ..:.: ,I,.!: ... >.
11/ 1I;ZO i
Spot clean and dust walls, partitions, splashplates, windowsills, /.
doors, an~ related structures.
Clean, refill, and restock soap, towels, toilet tissue" sea't
covers, and sanitary napkin/tampon dispensers. These dispensers
shall be restocked with sUfficient supplies to last until the next
servicing. Disi?fect dispen~ers.
Empty and wipe down waste and sani tary containers, disposa of
contents, replace liners.
CleaJl entrance doors, reIIlOVe hand.prints from push plates and
i-iash/scrub and disinfect all showers with approved non-toxic
germicidal disinfectant cleaner.
Report burned out light bulbs, graffiti, and any other abnormal
situations ~o the Building Manager.
Month] y:
Clean exterior of air duct receptacles.
Remove air duct grilles. and wipe back side of grille clean to
reJDove dust/dirt. .. .
: ~...::~:;:.
... ..
Remove a.l~ sc::ole using approved non-abrasive :material using a light
phosphoric, acid clea~er/disin.fQctant.
~. .
0..,,," 0
/ c:; ,..---:'" 3
--- ~/ .
Under general supervision, .oversees the proper use of a community recreational facility; perfoIIIl5 a
variety of custodial tasks; and assists the public and staff in their use of the facility.
. Opens and closes facilities"as scheduled for use.
. Sets up furniture or equipment for activities scheduled and sees that it is in proper condition and is
replaced after use.
. Monitors activities of facility users for appropriate and safe conduct.
. Cleans up after facility users and sets up for subsequent activities.
. Sweeps and mops floors as required. .
. Keeps restrooms and kitchen clean and well stocked with paper towels, tissues, etc.
. Empties garbage throughout the facility as necessary.
. Makes written reports of damage to equipment or facility.
· Secures the facility upon leaving.
. Other duties as assigned.
,.uc~ation and Experience
::' . Complf?tion of grade 10 or above; must be 16 years or older.
. Some experience in heavy cleaning or custodial work.
Knowled~e and Abilities
. Ability to do heavy physical work including the lifting and moving of tables and chaL.-s.
· Ability to ,follow written and oral instructions
· Ability to deal effectively and courteously with the public.
· Must be available to work nights, weekends and holidays.
Licenses and Certificates
· Certification in.5tandard First Aid and CPR is desirable.
. /6 ~ ~,,":J
In the event the DISTRICT terminates the Agreement and/or exercises its rights to sell the facility or close the school,
the City shall be remimbursed its incremental cost in accordance with this schedule. In no case shall the amount of
reimbursement exceed the total amo4!lt originally paid by the City in accordance with Section 5 of the Agreement.
Original Cost Shared Per Section 5 of Agreement Dated 8/18/97
Year or Early
(As allowed under Sections 12,
Section 13, and/or Section 14)
$ 1,004,016.00
$ 974,486.12
$ 944.956.24
$ 915,426.35
$ 885.896.47
$ 856,366.59
$ 826,836.71
$ 797,306.82
$ 767.776.94
$ 738.247.06
$ 708,717.18
$ 679,187.29
$ 649,657.41
$ 620,127.53
$ 590,597.65
$ 561,067.76
$ 531,537.88
$ 502.008.00
$ 472,478.12
$ 442.948.24
$ 4131418.35
$ 383,888.47
$ 354,358.59
$ 324,828.71
$ 2~5,298.82
$ 265.768.94
$ 236,239.06
$ 206,709.18
$ 177,179.29
$ 147,649.41
$ 118,119.53
$ 88,589.65
$ 59,059.76
$ 29,529.88
$ 0.00
Draft Prepared 9/8/97
vl::lSicm: 9/10/97 6:07 PM
/ l v<( ~~[)
WHEREAS, .the City of Dublin and the Dublin Unified School District are parties to an agreement
dated October 21, 1997 regarding joint funding of a community use gymnasium; and
WHEREAS, the agreement provides that the City will schedule all use of the gym for City and
community use during times that the City has exclusive use of the gym; and
WHEREAS, in order to commence scheduling of the gym, it is necessary to have an established
Facility Use Policy in place for the gym.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council of the City of Dublin does hereby
adopt the Facility Use Policy for the Community Gymnasium at Valley High School as contained in
Exhibit A.
PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED this 15th day of December, 1998.
City Clerk
/ 7" cy{ c70
Community Gym at Valley High School
The Community Gym is located at 6901 York Drive in Dublin. During those times when the Gymnasium is not
used for City or School District sponsored programs, it is available for rental by the community.
The Gymnasium Use Policy establishes rules, regulations, procedures and fees governing the use of the Gym.
Use of the gym is limited to sports practices and events typically held in gymnasiums..
Group 1. City of Dublin
Group 2. Public Agencies (agencies serving the City of Dublin including Alameda County, Dublin-San
Ramon Services District, Dublin Unified School District, etc.)
Dublin Chamber of Commerce
Community Groups (organized non-profit groups whose membership is open to the public
and whose primary purpose is to serve the community)
a) Resident (51 % of membership must reside or own property within the Dublin City
b) Non-resident
Private Individual or Groups (groups whose membership is not open to the public and/or
activities such as team practices or games, assemblies, etc.)
a) Resident (resides or owns property within the Dublin City Limits)
b) Non-resident
Commercial Groups (companies, groups, or individuals whose events have the primary
purpose of generating a profit such as tournaments, sports camps, etc.)
a) Resident (company facility must be located within the Dublin City Limits, or if there is
no company facility, person responsible for event must reside or own property within
the Dublin City Limits)
1. In order to reserve the Community Gymnasium, a Gymnasium Use Application must be submitted for
approval. Applications for one-time use will be approved or disapproved when submitted.
Applications for multiple uses will be approved or disapproved within 3-5 working days; you will be
notified by mail as to the status of your application.
Applications must be submitted in person at the Shannon Community Center, 11600 Shannon
Avenue. The applicant must be the "user" of the facility. Identification confirming residence address
will be required for those applicants claiming resident status.
Applications are accepted at the Shannon Community Center during the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 5:00
p.m., Monday through Friday, holidays excepted.
Applications submitted less than ten working days prior to the date requested will not be accepted.
Applications are accepted as follows:
Group 3.
Group 4.
Group 5.
Group 6.
For Use Durin/{ the School Year (September 1 - June 15)
Group 1 Reservations accepted up to one year in advance.
Group 2 and 3 Reservations accepted beginning August 1.
Group 4 and 5 (Resident) Reservations accepted beginning August 1.
Group 4 and 5 (Non-Resident) Reservations accepted beginning September 1.
Group 6 Reservations accepted beginning October 1.
For Use During the Summer (June 16 - AURust 31)
Group 1 Reservations accepted up to one year in advance.
Group 2 and 3 Reservations accepted beginning April 1.
Group 4 and 5 (Resident) Reservations accepted beginning April 1.
Group 4 and 5 (Non-Resident) Reservations accepted beginning May 1.
Group 6 Reservations accepted beginning June 1.
/<1 aV rAt)
1. The person listed as applicant on the Gymnasium Use Application must make cancellations in writing.
Refunds will be handled as follows:
a) 30 days or more prior to function date - forfeit deposit unless another user rebooks date.
b) Less than 30 days prior to function date - forfeit deposit and one-half of fees paid.
Occasionally it may be necessary to reschedule, relocate or cancel a request previously approved.
In this event, the group or individual will be given as much advance notice as possible.
1. At the time the application is submitted, the security deposit is required (see Fee Schedule).
2. Payment for one-time use of the gym is due at the time the application is submitted. Payment for
multiple uses of the gym will be billed and is due no later than two weeks after receipt of invoice.
Payments not received within the two-week deadline may result in cancellation of the use and
forfeiture of the deposit
Security deposits will be returned by mail within 30 days of use providing there are no violations of the
Gymnasium Use Policy and/or excessive cleaning or damages to the Gym.
Payment can be made by check, money order or cash. Checks or money orders must be made out to
the City of Dublin. If paying by check, the check must be drawn on the account of the person or
organization shown on the Gymnasium Use Application.
1. The Community Gymnasium is available for rental during the following hours when not scheduled for
City or School District sponsored activities:
For Use When School Is In Session
Monday to Friday 3:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m.
Saturday 8:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m.
Sunday 10:00 a.m. to 10:00 p,m.
For Use When School Is Not In Session (Holidays And Summer Break)
Monday to Saturday 8:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m.
Sunday 10:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m.
The minimum reservation accepted is two hours.
Hours of use must include the amount of time needed for use, including set-up and clean up.
Refunds are not given for hours not used.
Within ten working days of use, requests for changes in hours are subject to availability of staff.
The Gymnasium must be vacated by the time specified on the Gymnasium Use Application.
Applicants shall provide insurance liability information on the City of Dublin's form evidencing such coverage.
. Such certificate shall provide bodily injury and property damage liability protection at a minimum limit of
$500,000 per occurrence. The certificate of insurance shall name the City of Dublin and the Dublin Unified
School District, their officers and employees as the additional insured in conformance with the hold harmless
agreement as outlined in the Gymnasium Use Application, and must specify that the user groups insurance
;< 0 'if.J.D
shall be primary to any insurance carried by the City and/or the Dublin Unified School District. The certificate
shall be properly executed with an original signature of an authorized agent of the insurance company and is
due ten working days prior to use. .
1. Groups composed of minors must be supervised by two (2) adults for each twenty (20) minors at all
times while they are using the gym.
2. Gymnasium Use Applications cannot be transferred, assigned or sublet.
3. Storage is not available either before or after use.
4, Tickets may not be sold at the door as an admission charge unless approved in advance.
5. Parking is permitted in painted parking stalls only. Vehicles parked illegally will be cited.
6. The consumption, serving and/or selling of alcoholic beverages is not permitted.
7. Smoking is prohibited in the gym or on school grounds.
8. Only athletic shoes can be worn on the court, no street shoes.
9. Use of tacks, nails, staples or putty on any walls or bleachers is prohibited.
10. Climate of gym is controlled by the School District and is not readily adjustable.
11. Bleachers are electric and MUST NOT be pulled or moved by the user. A Gym Attendant will be
responsible for moving bleachers. .
12. Only water maybe brought into the gym; food and drink other than water are not allowed inside the
School and City property must be protected from damage or undue wear and tear. Each user of such
property shall be responsible for the condition in which it leaves the building and equipment. Damage to
School and/or City property and/or equipment during use shall be paid for by the user. The Gym Attendant
will record the condition of the facility and equipment used prior and after a use. The user will be billed for
any damages exceeding the deposit and may forfeit future use of the facility.
Any request for exception to the policy must be submitted writing to the City Manager, or his
designee, no later than one month prior to the date of use requested. The City of Dublin
reserves the right to refuse to grant use of the Community Gymnasium to any person or group if
such use is deemed to be contrary to the best interest of the City and/or its residents.