HomeMy WebLinkAbout8.3 DLL ReqBallfieldMurray CITY OF DUBLIN AGENDA STATEMENT CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: March 25, 1991 SUBJEC'I' : Request from Dublin Little League for city assistance with construction of a 90-foot baseball field (Report by Diane Lowart, Recreation Director) EXHIBITS A~~ACHED : City council Agenda statement, March 11, 1991 RECOMMENDATION : ~. ~vvI FINANCIAL STATEMENT : Direct Staff to consider request as part of the 1991-92 update to the Five Year Capital Improvement Program Estimated cost to City: $12,676-$16,579 Funds are not available in the FY90-91 Budget DESCRIPTION : At the March 11, 1991 meeting of the Dublin City Council, the Council considered a request from Dublin Little League for assistance with the construction of a 90-foot baseball field at Murray School. As recommended by Staff, the City Council deferred the request pending further information from the Dublin Unified School District and the Dublin San Ramon Services District. Staff has discussed the proposed baseball field with representatives from the Dublin Unified School District. Although the District is amenable to the concept of a non-profit group making improvements to school property, they are concerned with the proximity of the field to homes and the uncertainty associated with the availability of water. In addition, the area suggested for the 90-foot diamond is not irrigated and, consequently, develops large cracks in the soil during the late spring and summer as the weather warms up. These cracks pose a potential liability to the District should a field be developed in this area. District Staff recommended that the City direct Dublin Little League to discuss the proposed project with representatives of the District prior to the City taking any action on the request. As described in the attached city Council Agenda Statement dated March 11, 1991, Dublin Little League has experienced tremendous growth in enrollment, however the number of fields available for use has not increased. The most critical shortage is in 90-foot fields which are utilized by the senior division youth. When Dublin Little League originally approached Staff about the need for additional 90-foot diamonds, Staff was led to believe that the shortage was due to the Dublin High School (DHS) athletic fields renovation which would take the two 90-foot diamonds at DHS out of service for the 1991 Little League season. In recent conversations with representatives from Little League, they indicate that even if the fields at DHS are available this season, they still need an additional practice field. As the city does not currently have land available nor the funds budgeted to construct a 90-foot baseball field, and given the fact that the School District has not yet committed school property for this use, it is recommended that the city Council defer action on the request and direct staff to consider the project as part of the 1991-92 update to the Five Year Capital Improvement Program. ::::-::~~-~-------------::::::-::~--;;;;;;-;;;~;;::;;;;;:-:::::::: /}. ,/7 ,-'1 ~£.-J ,<80 -~O o ~ CITY OF DUßLIN !\ÇEN!2/1. SW..'J1';!,\ENT CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: March 11, 1991 EXIIIBl'l'S A'l"l'ACHED Request from Dublin Little League for city assistance with construction of a 90-foot baseball field (Report by Diane Lowart, Recreation Director) ~correspondence from David Distad, President SUBJECT HECOHMENDA'1'10N /7: Defer request pending further information from '\1\\. (\/1p-the Dublin Unified School District and the ~ ~' the Dublin San Ramon Services District FINANCIAL S'l'ATEMEN'l': Estimated cost to city: $12,676 - 16,579 Funds are not available in the FY90-91 Budget DESCRIPTION Correspondence has been received from Dublin Little League requesting assistance from the city with the construction of a 90-foot baseball field at Murray School. Currently there are three 90-foot baseball fields in Dublin; one at the Dublin Sports Grounds and two at Dublin High School. The city's planned renovation of the two high school fields, scheduled to begin in late May, impacts Dublin Little League's ability to serve the senior division youth whose enrollment has increased in recent years. In scheduling the renovation of the Dublin High School athletic fields, staff considered the schedules of the high school baseball, softhall, soccer and football teams, as well as the physical education classes, all of which use the area planned for renovation. From the ~,;till1dp() i nt of the ~'.chool ,the he~,t time to scheduJ e the actual rcoll"tnwt:ioJl of pnJjr.cl: ir; ¡'roil) mid-May tJlrough Auqust. Dublin Little League would like to utilize the baseball fields from March through June. However, in order to have the turf area completed for use by the football team for practice in August, the project cannot be delayed until July. In order to make up for the lack of 90-foot fields, Dublin Little League is proposing that the city and Little League work cooperatively to construct a field at Murray School. Staff has reviewed the site and developed a preliminary scope of work and cost estimate. For the purpose of this estimate, the only labor costs included are for equipment operation (i.e. loader, trucks) based on the assumption that Little League would provide the needed manpower for other activities. Labor and equipment costs are taken from the city's current maintenance contract with NCE. Gradin~emoval of Existing Material Removal and disposal of approximately .009 to .012 cubic yards per square foot............................··············· .$2,605 - $3,308 IILstalXation of New Baseball Field Nix Installation of approximately 190 to 250 cubic yards at $20-$28 per yard plus equipment......................···········.···$4,721 - $7,921 lD~tall~ti9n of Cyclone Fence Installation of approximately 160 linear feet of cyclone fence at $20 per linear foot.......................··.······················ .$3,200 Fence Planks for Backstop (Material OnIY).........··············$ 400 'L\iQ..YJ_E:'ªchElJ" Uni t::§.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $1,000 Bench fOJ;: Each ªª'ckstQQ...................······················ $ 250 ;~::-:~~~~,j[-----------------------:~:;::-~:~--:::;;:-:;;;;:-:::::: d~ 280-30 /'""'- \.., 1\ AGENDA STATEMENT - Request From Dublin Little League March 11, 1991 Page 'J'Wo Thus the initial cost estimate for the construction of a 90-foot baseball field at Murray School is approximately $12,676 to $16,579. This cost could be reduced by approximately $1,250 if the bleachers and benches were not included. Obviously it would be nice to have these items, however they are not essential to the overall playability of the field. As this~project was not identified for funding in the Fiscal Year 1990-91 Budget, funds are not available. Funding for a complete renovation of the Murray School athletic fields is currently included in the Five Year Capital Improvement Program and is scheduled for Fiscal Year 1992-1993. The scope of the project includes grading and reseeding of the entire site along with installation of an irrigation system, paved walk and renovation of the backstops. The improvements associated with the construction of the proposed 90-foot diamond could, in all likelihood, be integrated into the future renovation project. Another issue to be considered by the City council is the effect that the drought may have on any proposed improvements to school property. currently the city and the District are facing water cutbacks of up to 50 percent. Additionally the rates for water usage have increased substantially. The anticipated cutbacks combined with the rate increases may delay the scheduled renovation of the Dublin High School athletic fields. If this occurs, the construction of an additional field at Murray School may be unnecessary. Although the city has a master Joint Use/Development Agreement with the Dublin Unified School District, the city does not have the right to authorize construction projects on school property. Therefore it will be necessary for Dublin Little League to obtain permission of the District prior to proceeding with the proposed project. In preliminary discussions between Staff and the District, they indicate that there are plans to place portable buildings at Murray School and, consequently, could not comment on the proposal without further information. As the Dublin Unified School District has not yet committed project and given the uncertainty as to the availability of staff recommends that the city council defer consideration request until such time that these issues are resolved. to the water, of the DUBLIN LITI', ~ LEAGUE P.O, BOX 2037, DUBLIN. CA 94568 PIiONE: March 4, 1991 city of Dublin city Council 100 Civic Plaza Dublin, CA 94568 ATTN: Mr. Peter W. snyder Dear Mr. snyder: The Dublin Little League is seeking the aid and co- operation of the Dublin city Council to provide a 90' base- ball diamond at Murry School. We have experienced a tremendous growth this year and find the baseball fields at the Sports Grounds and at the High School no longer adequate for the expansion of youths in our league. This season alone could be devastating to these youngsters because we will lose the useage of 2 of 3 fields due to the renovation of Dublin High School. The Dublin Little League is prepared to provide all "professional" labor to have a 90' diamond constructed. We have committed parent volunteers that have pledged their time in order to obtain a new field. please keep in mind that these volunteers are licensed contractors and equipment operators willing to donate their labor to the city and to the League for this project. The Dublin Little League request that the City supply the materials and the location for a new field. Hopefully, the City would designate the Murry School property because the cost would be minimal, the location is preferable and most of all, Murry School is scheduled for immediate renova- tions. I certainly do appreciate your consideration in this matter and if I can be of any further assistance, please do not hes- itate to contact me at 828-3957 or call Dale Skinner at 828-7821. Sincerely, ~DUBLIN LITTLE LEAGUE~ ,1 ~~~~-V/t David Distad President "A NON·PROFIT YOUTH SPORTS ORGANlZA nON"