HomeMy WebLinkAbout8.3 DRFA BudgetModif .,""! " . . CITY OF DUBLIN AGENDA STATEMENT CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: October 24, 1994 SUBJECT: Dougherty Regional Fire Authority 1994-95 Budget Modification (Prepared by: Richard C. Ambrose, City Manager) EXHIBITS ATTACHED: 1. / Dougherty Regional Fire Authority Agenda statement dated October 17, 1994 2. / Budget Change Form RECOMMENDATION: 1. ~2. Receive Staff Presentation and approve concept. Approve Budget Adjustment to Fire Services Budget in the amount of $40,917 for Fiscal Year 1994-95. FINANCIAL STATEMENT: An additional appropriation of $40,917 from Unallocated Reserves would be required for Fiscal Year 1994-95. Dublin'S share of the additional program costs for the next 5 years will increase from $175,534 to $217,349 based upon the current sharing ratio between Dublin and San Ramon. These amounts would vary depending upon the additional growth in assessed valuation each community experiences in the future. Dublin's additional future costs would be offset by revenues generated from the Eastern Dublin Specific Plan Area. DESCRIPTION: On October 17, 1994, the Dougherty Regional Fire Authority approved the concept of taking steps necessary to secure and open a new Fire Station (Fire Station No.3) on the Santa Rita Property and begin the development of a Firefighter Paramedic Program in conjunction with the opening of that new station. Due to the significant budget implications to the City of Dublin and San Ramon, the Authority's action was predicated upon each City Council approving the concept and the necessary budget modification for Fiscal Year 1994-95. The Authority Board of Directors authorized the opening of Fire Station No. 3 and the Firefighter Paramedic Program at this time for the following reasons. 1. The Santa Rita Property is currently within the Fire Authority's Service Area and is experiencing development on the property that will require greater fire protection and aedical response services than are currently available. The addition of the proposed Homart Shopping Center to existing public facilities including the Santa Rita Jail, California Highway Patrol Offices, Alameda County Corporation yard, Alameda County (new) Animal Shelter creates the need for the Fire Department to maintain a physical presence in that area in order to meet Fire Authority Service Response Time Standards. 2. The nature of providing Advanced Life Support Services (ALS) in Alameda County is rapidly Changing. Alameda COunty recently allowed American Medical Response (Dublin'S current Ambulance/Paramedic Provider (ALS) to increase its response time from 8 minutes to 10 minutes. The Alameda COunty, Livermore, Fremont, and Union City Fire Departments have or will be implementing Firefighter Paramedic programs. Contra Costa County and San Ramon Valley Fire Protection District are evaluating the need to revise their current ALS Response. 3. The City of Dublin is processing an annexation through the Alameda COunty Local Agency Formation Commission which will require additional Fire Equipment in the near term and additional Fire Service capability ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ITEM NO. -8. j COPIES TO: Herb Moniz, City of San Ramon CITY CLERK FILE ~ to. -II, . . after development plans are approved. This annexation is scheduled to become effective October 1, 1995. 4. Certain areas of the developed portion of DRFA' s service area are currently underserved. (See attached map in the DRFA Staff Report). To address these concerns, DRFA's management has developed a cost effective approach to enable the Authority to accomplish the following objectives. 1) Secure an existing Fire Station facility (Fire Station No.3) on an interim basis from Alameda County which will service the Santa Rita property, the undeveloped annexation area and existing DRFA Service Area which is underserved. This location will be adequate until the street and actual development patterns are better established when a permanent facility could be developed. The capital cost of this facility will be approximately 25% of the cost of a stand alone interim facility and 6% of the cost of a permanent facility. The Santa Rita Fire facility is currently being used primarily for the COunty Office of Emergency Services. Capital costs for Fire Station No 3 will be covered by Fire Impact Fees which the Authority will recei ve from the Homart Shopping Center Project. 2) Keep the additional fire service operational costs to a minimum in the early years of development for new growth areas, while maintaining comparable service levels in the existing community. This proposal results in the addition of 4 additional fire personnel as opposed to 11 additional positions which usually would be required to provide an additional engine company. The cost of additional positions will be offset in the future by growth. 3) Improve the delivery of emergency medical services to the entire DRFA Service Area by providing one trained paramedic on each of DRFA's three (3) engine companies. 4) Enable DRFA to provide a more uniform service in Dublin and San Ramon by transferring ambulance transport services to another provider in the San Ramon portion of the District in exchange for providing first responder paramedic services. 5) Improve DRFA's ability to deliver Fire Services to large grassland areas, in addition to structural fires. A new piece of fire apparatus will be financed through the Authority's Fire Capital Replacement Fund and annexation fees from the Eastern Dublin Annexation No 1 proponents. ImDlementation Timeframe It is important to take steps now in order that building modifications, equipment acquisition, personnel recruitment and training can occur so that the service will be available once the Homart Development is underway and the Annexation is complete. The implementation timeframe is outlined in more detail in the DRFA Staff Report (see attached). Should the Homart Project and Annexation not proceed as planned, the Fire Authority could delay or defer equipment acquisition and additional personnel to coincide with a revised development schedule. Reconunendation It is recommended that the City Council approve the concept and approve the attached budget modification for Fiscal Year 1994-95. a:l024drfa.agenda#1S DATE TO FROM SUBJECT EXHIBITS e e DOUGHERTY REGIONAL FIRE AUTHORITY RECOMMENDATION ~y . \ October 17, 1994 BOARD OF DIRECTORS Fire Chief Opening Fire Station 3 and Implementing an Engine Company Paramedic Program. Exhibit A: Station 3 and Paramedic Program Spread Sheets Exhibit B: Engine Company Paramedics: By Jim Call Exhibit c: Map of Fire Station 3 Service Area 1. Authorize the opening of Fire Station 3 at the Santa Rita Jail subject to an appropriate agreement with Alameda County. 2. Authorize the development of a pilot, Engine Company Paramedic, project for Fire Station 2 in cooperation with SRVFPD. 3. Authorize the implementation of an Engine Company Paramedic Program for the Dublin Engine Companies. 4. Authorize the transfer of one Engine Company from Fire Station 2 to the new Fire Station 3. 5. Authorize the upgrade of one Patrol Unit to a Type 3 Brush Unit subj ect to an agreement to annex for the subject project. This approval acknowledges that the unit will be funded in FY 95-96 but ordered in FY 94-95. ------------------------------------------~;~~-;;~~----~:-~----- 1 ..... '. , .".. t.L7 .$1:1 ~ I J e e 6. Authorize three (3) Firefighter II positions (to be paramedic qualified) and one (1) Fire Captain position. 7. Authorize the implementation schedule outlined in this item. 8. Direct Staff to meet and confer with Local 1885 with regard to the proposed program changes. 9. Approve the method of cost allocation and authorize the necessary budget adjustments to implement this item. 10. Direct Management Committee to make a presentation to each Member Agency City Council due to the significant current and future budget implications to each City. FINANCIAL IMPACT: In order to implement this proposal the FY 94-95 budget will require an adjustment in the new capital budget to reflect additional expenditures of $115,682 and additional revenues of $150,000. Operating budget expenditures will increase by $70,632 which will require additional allocations from the Cities for FY 94-95. These costs are estimated to increase in future Fiscal Years as shown in Exhibit A. ISSUE: The Authority in recent weeks has had to consider two significant modifications to its service area. First, is the prospective annexation of 1500 acres in East Dublin. Second, is the first development within the now approved Eastern Dublin Specific Plan area. The annexation, when completed, will place new service demands on the Authority which it is not properly equipped to service. The development project will place a new property outside of the recognized service area for a Fire Station. Even though there is existing development in the Fire Station 3 service area, the Eastern Dublin Specific Plan requires the opening of a Fire Station in this area (see Exhibit C). In addition to the development related issues, the Emergency Medical Response standard of service in this region for First Responder (Engine Companies) is rapidly shifting from Basic Life Support (BLS) to Advanced Life Support (ALS). BACKGROUND: Ambulance service has long been a service provided by DRFA within all of its service area. Two major events for the ambulance program were the expansion of ambulance service in San Ramon to offer a full time BLS ambulance in the early 1980's and the elimination of ambulance service in Dublin in the late 1980's. 2 e e In San Ramon, ambulance service is based upon a model established by the San Ramon Valley Fire Protection District (SRVFPD) which requires one Engine Company and one Ambulance Company in each Fire Station. The Ambulance Company crew can also be assigned to operate an Engine Company, as DRFA currently operates. The Ambulance Company offers BLS transportation as a supplement to the ALS ambulance service provided by SRVFPD. CUrrently, DRFA's BLS transports average 2 to 5 per month. SRVFPD is the primary contractor for ambulance service in San Ramon and as such our operations must fit their model. In Dublin the Fire Authority provided ambulance service on a regular basis until Alameda County established a County-Wide ALS Ambulance Program in the mid 1980's. After the Alameda County Ambulance Program was established, DRFA continued to respond to medical incidents in an ambulance and occasionally provided transport service when the ALS ambulance was delayed. Later with improvements in the County ambulance service, DRFA discontinued all transports. In the early 1990's DRFA discontinued using ambulances to respond to medical calls in Dublin. This change was made to clarify in the public'S mind that DRFA's was not an ambulance provider in Dublin. Today, DRFA offers BLS First Responder at the EMT-D level on all of its Engine Companies and BLS ambulance transport service only in San Ramon. In recent months there has been increasing movement to either explore or implement Paramedic (ALS) Engine Company Programs as an operating component in fire departments. In Alameda County, the County, San Leandro, Livermore and Newark Fire Departments have begun to implement ALS Programs. Union City now receives the service as part of its new contract for fire protection with Fremont. In Contra Costa County all fire agencies are exploring the proposition and the County EMS management has expressed interest in pilot project. In 1989, DRFA retained Hughes, Heiss & Associates, a San Mateo consulting firm to conduct a Fire Station Location Study. While this study explored the issue of how and why to locate Fire Stations and companies, it made several key points which are relevant to the current situation. . In Dublin expansion in the number of Fire Stations will be driven by growth which is projected to occur. . All future Fire Stations should be built to accommodate a single Engine Company. . In a consolidated fire service framework, the second Engine Company at Fire Station #2 can be transferred to another Fire Station. 3 e . In 1993, the Authority established a master plan for staffing, titled "Organizational Proposal", which established a multi-year staffing plan. This plan called for the transfer of one Engine Company from Fire Station 2 to a new location in East Dublin. This proposal did not speak to the consolidation of services issue in San Ramon or propose any change in ambulance service. Recently, DRFA staff has responded to two inquiries which will impact service in the East Dublin service area. The first inquiry is related to the annexation of 1500 acres east of Tassajara Road. This project requires no additional staff if an Engine Company is transferred from Fire Station 2. Staff has approached its responses to the annexation by relying on the transfer of an Engine Company before the proposed October 1995 annexation. The Authority, however, will require an upgrade of one of its patrol units to a Type 3 Engine Company. The second inquiry relates to the Homart Project which is a large commercial project west of Tassajara Road and North of 580. The East Dublin Specific Plan requires that a Fire Station be opened in the Santa Rita area before the Homart Project or any similar project is built. There is an existing Fire Station at the Alameda County Jail (Santa Rita) which will soon be under control of the Alameda County Fire Department. DRFA will be offered the use of the existing Santa Rita Fire Station until development patterns and road networks are better established in Eastern Dublin and a more appropriate location can be secured for a permanent facility in that response zone in the future. The Authority's budget currently reflects: FY 94-95 Replace Ambulance: Fire Station 3: Sub-Total: $ 90,020.00 $ 30.000.00 $120,020.00 FY 95-96 Fire Station 3: Replace patrol: Sub-Total: $184,000.00 $169,410.00 $353,410.00 The annual cost for operating a typical Fire Station is estimated at $24,960 per year. The value of ambulances in DRFA's fleet is $180,040 and they require $4,000 per year in maintenance. Each ambulance has a life expectancy of 7 years. DISCUSSION : For Fire Station 3, the Authority can enter into an agreement with Alameda County to occupy the Santa Rita Jail Fire Station. Preliminary discussions with Alameda County indicate that in addition to the usual move-in costs, DRFA would 4 e . be required to make some minor modifications to the facility and provide some incident response assistance in the unincorporated area of the County near Dublin (details are not finalized). This agreement would benefit DRFA by placing a response unit in an area which is currently under served. Costs for the station would come in well under the $460,000 estimated for a temporary Fire Station, as identified in the current Five Year Capital Improvement Plan. Additionally, the developer would not be required to advance Fire Impact Fee funds beyond those which would be paid for the proposed projects which are currently estimated at $150,000 (500,000 sq.ft. of commercial space) if paid during the current Fiscal Year. The annual operating expenses for this facility will be absorbed by the Jail for the most part since the facility is not separate from the Jail which will result in a reduction of the station operating costs identified above. It will require approximately three months from the date of approval to complete a move-in to the Santa Rita Jail Fire Station. Since the project is relatively small and does not require work which is unfamiliar to staff, it will not be necessary to retain a consultant to manage the move. A Fire Captain could be temporarily promoted to Battalion Chief to serve as the project manager. In order to provide apparatus for the Fire Station 3 service area, the fire engine currently operated by the crew to be transferred will be transferred. In order to accommodate a new risk (for DRFA) related to the area to be annexed, the Authority will need to upgrade one of its existing fire patrol units to a Type III Engine. The cost for the upgrade is $80,590 and the patrol value is $169,410 making a total cost of $250,000. In order to accommodate the Eastern Dublin annexation, the vehicle can be ordered with the delivery date scheduled after the new budget year begins. The patrol is currently proposed for _ replacement in FY 95-96 when funds are expected to be available. The proponents of the annexation can be expected to advance the remaining $80,590 and all payments can be made at the time of vehicle delivery. A policy decision may be necessary to determine if the $80,590 can be credited toward Fire Capital Fees for future projects of the annexation proponents. During the evaluation of the need to establish a Fire Station in East Dublin, it became apparent that there could not be the simple transfer of a company from Fire Station 2. The issues of equity of service within San Ramon and the operating model itself presented problems. Apart from the staffing related issues those issues related to station location and timing require attention. Fortunately, the regional discussion and implementation of Paramedic Engine Companies has occurred concurrent with Fire Station 3 planning. 5 / e . Equity of service for San Ramon could be a real issue because of the two service providers, if either provider were to operate differently without cooperation from the other provider. The Fire Station Location Study presumes a consolidation of service providers before it would be reasonable to consider Fire Station 2 for a single Engine Company. The current contract with SRVFPD requires the maintenance of an ambulance at Fire Station 2. Several things which have, will or can occur, facilitate the conversion of Fire Station 2 to a single company station: . During the past year, a number of operational improvements in the working relationship between DRFA and SRVFPD have been made. These improvements help create a more transparent operation. . Communication improvements between the two communication centers for DRFA and SRVFPD will be made before January 1995. . DRFA will improve its radio communications system by early 1995. . San Ramon Valley Fire Protection District is prepared to modify DRFA's contract to accommodate a pilot Paramedic project which eliminates the ambulance. . Alameda and Contra Costa County EMS agencies are prepared to support pilot ALS Engine Company projects. . DRFA's employees can support a proposed modification to the service delivery model. A proposal to move one company from Fire Station 2 and satisfy those parties which have an operational interest would make the remaining Engine Company a Paramedic Engine Company with a staffing of four persons daily, one of which is a Firefighter II who is a qualified Paramedic. This change would insure adequate fire and medical responses in the Station 2 service area and the elimination of two ambulances. In order to avoid differing levels of service within DRFA's service area, it would be appropriate to modify the staffing and operating plans so that the Alameda County Engine Companies are also paramedic capable. The Engine Companies ih Alameda County would not require a fourth person since there would be no equity issue. The upgrade to Paramedics would also help make up for any degradation in service which may have been caused by the recent increase in ambulance response time standards in Alameda County. PERSONNEL IMPACTS: The proposed Engine Company Paramedic Program would require three new Firefighter II positions for staffing the additional positions on the station 2 Engine Company. These 6 e . employees would be recruited only from currently available qualified Firefighter/Paramedics. To complete the staffing required to make all Engine Companies Paramedic qualified, nine incumbent employees will need to be trained. Six of the employees would be assigned to units and three employees would be available for relief when at full staffing. There will be a need for one employee to coordinate the program on a daily basis. The most appropriate level for this position will be a Fire Captain assigned to a modified 40 hour schedule. This position is necessitated to insure that the quality of service is maintained and to manage a rigorous in-service training program. This position will need to be filled with an employee who has paramedic experience if possible. This proposal makes no changes to the basic structure of DRFA's current Organizational Plan. It does expand some roles and creates four new positions. IMPLEMENTATION : In order to satisfy the need of opening Fire Station 3, the following schedule will apply: November 1994 - . Conclude agreement with Alameda County on the use of the Santa Rita Jail Fire Station. . Go to bid on Type 3 Engine. . Meet and confer with Local 1885. December 1994 - . First week, appoint Acting Fire Captain as Paramedic Implementation Coordinator (3 month appointment) . . First week, appoint Acting Battalion Chief as Station 3 Project Coordinator (3 month appointment) . . Recruit Paramedic/Firefighter II's. . Select current employees to receive paramedic training. . Secure Pilot Program approvals/agreements, with ,San Ramon Valley Fire Protection District, Alameda County EMS, and Contra Costa County EMS, for ALS Engine Companies. January 1995 - . First week, select Paramedic/Firefighter II's. . Select permanent Paramedic Coordinator (Fire Captain) . . Order any equipment/furnishings required for Fire Station 3. . Award bid for Type 3 Fire Engine. . Third week, Paramedic/Firefighter II's begin work. February 1995 - . Complete necessary improvements. 7 e . March 1995 - . First week, Acting Battalion Chief returned to former position. . First week, Paramedic Implementation Coordinator returned to former position; permanent Paramedic Coordinator/Fire Captain assigned. . Update dispatch files. . Test all systems. April 1995 - . First week, transfer one Engine Company to Santa Rita Jail Fire Station and begin operations. . First week, implement ALS Engine Company at Fire Station 2. Terminate ambulance service. August 1995 - . Receive Type 3 Engine. January to July 1996 - . Implement Alameda County ALS Engine Companies. FINANCIAL IMPACTS: This project will require several adjustments to DRFA's budget. The adjustments are as follows (Exhibit A offers a 6 year summary) : FY 94-95 New or Modified Expenses for Capital - Fire Station 3 - While a final budget cannot be developed until an agreement is reached with Alameda County, the move-in to Santa Rita Jail can be expected not to exceed $121,682. $30,000 for communications equipment, $30,000 for furnishing equipment and supplies, $25,000 for renovations, $25,620 for project management and $11,062 for contingency. Revenues for Fire Station 3 would include $30,000 from the current year budget and $150,000 from the Homart Project, which was not anticipated in the FY 94-95 budget. That would leave some funds from the 500,000 sq.ft. Homart Project available for the future construction of a permanent Fire Station 3 and paramedic equipment. Paramedic Project - The upgrade to Paramedic Engine Companies requires approximately $12,000 per Engine Company for equipment. This would require a one time expense of $60,000 in order to equip 5 existing pieces of apparatus. $24,000 is anticipated in FY 94-95 and 8 e e $36,000 is anticipated in FY 95-96. Revenues for the Paramedic Project can come from funds not expended on the replacement Ambulance Project and the remaining Homart Funds. It is possible that some of this expense can be eliminated if the County EMS Agencies provide some of the equipment as they often do. FY 95-96 New or Modified Expenses for Capital - Brush Engine - This is an upgrade of a patrol which is expected to be replaced. This project will cost $250,000 and it will be necessary to order the vehicle in FY 94-95. No funds will be expended until FY 95- 96. The remaining expense for paramedic equipment will be expended this year. Revenues for the Brush Engine will be $169,410 from the equipment replacement program and $80,590 from the East Dublin Annexation. FY 94-95 Operating Expenses - Implement Paramedic Engine Company Program - There will be a need to assign a Fire Engineer temporarily to the rank of Fire Captain to serve as Project Manager. The temporary assignment will last three months and have a value of approximately $19,571. Revenues for implementing the Paramedic Program can come from unexpended funds from the replacement ambulance program. Training of Existing Staff to Paramedic Level - It will be necessary to train nine members of the existing staff to serve as Paramedics. The program can be one which will allow for the training of staff within the duty schedule. The expected cost of $3,000 per student, $27,000 total. Revenue for this project can be obtained from funds unexpended on the replacement ambulance. 9 e . Staffing of Engine and Paramedic Coordinator for Remainder of Year - The implementation of the Paramedic Program should be targeted for April 1, 1995 and will require five months for three Firefighter II's and four months for the Fire Captain. The expected cost for employees will be approximately $93,051. Revenue for this expense can come from the remaining funds from the replacement ambulance and additional allocations from the Cities. ~xpenses for Operating and Capital Equipment- The attached Exhibit ,A provides a summary of expected revenues and expenditures related to this Program. It is possible that Dublin can recover its additional expenses related to medical response from an increase in the Alameda County supplemental assessment which is levied by the Alameda County Board of Supervisors upon the request of the Dublin City Councilor the Authority Board of Directors. No comparable program for funding currently exists in Contra Costa County. The adoption of this item will establish a policy for DRFA that new Fire Station operating expenses will be shared in accordance with the usual practice of each City contributing to the expense based upon the assessed valuation formula spelled out in the Joint Powers Agreement. CONTINGENCY PLAN: For the Paramedic Program - In the event that the proposed pilot Program is not successful, it will be necessary to return the Program to its original configuration or to some other modified program. To prepare for this potential, Staff will maintain all existing equipment for the pilot period and develop appropriate fall-back programs with San Ramon Valley Fire Protection District, Alameda County EMS Authority and Contra Costa County EMS Authority. Specific details will be dependent upon the pilot Program agreed to. 10 e . For the Fire Station - In the event that the Homart Project does not occur in accordance with the proposed (April 1 start date) time line, the Board may consider opening the Station to serve the existing service area (Exhibit C). The most critical date after which there will be no significant savings by delaying the opening of Fire Station 3 is the first week in January when the new employees would begin work. For the Type 3 Engine - In the event that the annexation fails there is always a possibility of cancelling the order anytime prior to delivery. There is usually an expense associated with cancellations. The expense for cancellation would depend upon when in the manufacturing process the order was cancelled. SUMMARY : The Authority finds itself uniquely positioned, at this time, to take advantage of what could otherwise be an expensive and difficult project, opening a new Fire Station. The cost of opening a new Fire Station with a single Engine Company could cost the Authority as much as $800,000 per year in operating expenses and as our budget currently reflects $460,000 to construct a temporary Fire Station. By taking time to carefully evaluate the changes occurring within the Fire and Emergency Medical Services in the region and public facilities already in place, this plan has been developed. Our evaluation indicated that the Authority can open and operate a third Fire Station at a reduced cost for both operating and capital expenses. Additionally, the Authority can upgrade its Emergency Medical Response Program when it is most advantageous to the Authority. RECOMMENDATION : Staff recommends: (1) the modification of its Programs to accommodate the opening of Fire Station 3 and implemention of an Engine Company Paramedic Program as outlined in this report if the Homart Project and Eastern Dublin Annexation are approved; and (2) the Management Committee be directed to make a presentation to each Member Agency City Council because of the significant current and future budget implications to each City. c:\admin\agenda\20ct 11 .STATI9N 3 AND PARAMEDIC P~RAM e COST OF OPENING AND OPERATING FIRE STATION 3 INCLUDES PARAMEDIC PROGRAM ITEM FY94-95 FY95-96 FY96-97 FY97 -98 FY98-99 FY99-00 FOR ANNEXATION TYPE 3 ENGINE $0 $250,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 SUB-TOTAL $0 $250,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 FOR STATION 3 COMMUNICATIONS EQUIPMENT $30,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 FURNISHINGS ETC. $30.000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 RENOVATIONS $25,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 PROJECT MANAGEMENT $25.620 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 PROJECT CONTINGENCY $11,062 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 ANNUAL OPERATING EXPENSE $6,240 $24,960 $24,960 $24,960 $24,960 $24,960 SUB-TOTAL $127,922 $24,960 $24,960 $24,960 $24,960 $24,960 FOR PARAMEDIC PROGRAM EQUIPMENT (5 UNITS) $24,000 $36,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 PROJECT MANAGER $19.571 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 TRAIN 9 MEMBERS $27,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 STAFF (3 FF2 & 1 CAPT) $93,051 $255.949 $268,757 $282,210 $293,029 $303,099 PARAMEDIC INCENTIVE (1) $6,583 $35.343 $54,053 $54,053 $54,053 $54,053 ANNUAL OPERATING COST (2) $8,207 $16,480 $22,800 $22,800 $22,800 $22,800 SUB-TOTAL $178,412 $343,771 $345,610 $359,063 $369,882 $379,953 'rOr:'WAl!,W'F'(9IillllJ;1ll'tlllll'Ai'iF.i" " ':'I'$'''3''''Q'''''o'i3'''!5'11i1lli.'illim:nii$''''6''''1' 8" "7"3' "1:' ',' ;::ii'$""3"'i7"Q";:'il\5'-i7R*.Bii"3""8'A~"O' '2'"'3" '\~~'m"M:?'Yit^C4'l')%-'lI'A'n'A,i9"""1' 3 m ", ,:.. L.<i:\I,:If:iI(il':::Jilill . iili,fuI1111:I,'r:t ',," " p"r~"jr,LlI:lJ;1IllicLdl ,,), :,,":,,;::lli:~: Il~"J:{'I~m_'I!:",,",i:D,",:,jj!ffillli'l',,~~~;q'~~:111:<Il:;1:B,i,;.. ... . AVAILABLE REVENUES & UNEXPENDED FUNDS EQUIP. REPLACEMENT RESERVES ANNEXATION FEES FIRE STATION 3 PROJECT (3) VEHICLE MAINTENANCE (4) UNANTICIPATED REVENUE (HOMAR AMBULANCE REPLACEMENT " ""':ToTA~ll11rl~l~i::,:i{llif,':<" ........... . "...,JlBk\rt ,<~,Al".* $0 $0 $30.000 $0 $150.000 $90,020 .. "'I;:~i$"?:t;Qi(l?p~,r,~,,\: $169,410 $0 $0 $0 $80,590 $0 $0 $0 $184,000 $246,000 $0 $0 $4,000 $4,000 $4.000 $4,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $25.720 $25,720 $25.720 $25,720 , .,;$463:7:?Q,,;~i:~!I~~tS~Z?9...,.j,:lli!i~:"$'2~',(~g9111~'?,~~:7;2d;",:\:: $0 $0 $0 $4.000 $0 $25.720 '$29't!2p::, 1. FY94-95 3FF 6 MONTHS. lCAPT. 3 MONTHS; FY9&.96 3FF 12 MNOTHS 1 CAPT. 12 MONTHS, 9 FF 6 MONTHS; FY96-91 AND BEYOND 12 FF AND 1 CAPT 12 MONTHS 2. FY94-95 1 UNIT 6 MONTHS; FY95-96 1 UNIT 12 MONTHS & 2 ADDITIONAL UNITS 6 MONTHS; FY96-91 3 UNITS 12 MONTHS 3. DEVELOPER FEES ALLOCATED TO THE PROJECT 4. SURPLUS 2 AMBULANCE SUMMARY OF EXPENSES AND AVAILABLE REVENUES ITEM FY94 - 95 FY95 - 96 TOTAL CAPITAL EXPENDITURES $145,682 $286,000 TOTAL CAPITAL REVENUES $180.000 $434.000 DVERluNDERI, $34,31,8';:"$148,000 $114,081 $332,731 $370,570 $384,023 $394.842 $404,913 $43,449 $29,720 $29.720 $29,720 $29,720 $29,720 '. ($I(Hp~2)11,1:@:' ($303,Ot1);:I($~4Q;850)'{$3~4/;$Q~j:;:"($365,'12?)':I::($375;193) $46.571 $46,571 ($0) TOTAL OPERATING EXPENSES TOTAL OPE~TIf./(~REVE1IJUE(!1 OvER (U~DER) : :~;::::>:::: .". ??:,::::-.: TOTAL START-UP EXPENSE START-UP REVENUE (11 .. :::::::::-::~:., . . . us,:". .. OVER (UNDER)"<'''''''''' 1. AVAILABLE FROM AMBULANCE REPALCEMENT FY 97 - 98 FY98 - 99 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 .:;.:. $0 .."., . "':::',.,,.... FY99 - 00 $0 $0 ,$0 FY96 - 97 $0 $246,000 $?49;()PO"::": '.' $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 '1$0":'" $0' .. $0 ..,'$0 $0 ..,:..:::.......; ADDITIONAL OPERATING EXPENSE DISTRIBUTION (BASED ON FY 94-95) DUBLIN, 'SHARE . ;; ""$40,9,17:<' "..""$175,534 .' $197,4205,248' SAN RAMoNSHARE.I":$29 715 \,,$1'27,477 '., $14339:149 05S' "',>... , . '" . ,.. ,'I ,d. ,.i,.>, ^'. wu., .. ., \' , .""" ,@, ~':, J . " THIS VERSION ASSUMES THE PURCHASE OF 2 UNITS OF PARAMEDIC EQUIPMENT IN FY94-95 & 3 UNITS IN FY95-96 ~ PARA2.WK4 ~'1;515$217,349 ~~~';997'..'$157,844 : 10/12/9412:43 PM EXHIBIT A . U I- Cll :I: X w I - '.~ . (.; "'-:-'-"- ~~'"'~": !I" {. ~:;,~ i: .:~~? ~.'; .,'> h~, !' .~': I I I !I -, ",.'"' ,; ~, -~ ./" ./" ./" I ~.- o,? , e . CITY Of UUBLIlI lI11llGF.'.l' CHANGE FORM CHANGE FORM -1L- new appropdatlolll.xx.l oudget transfer L--1 oudget change L--1 decrease budget account ~ account /I 1 $ ~ account /I 2 :I; ~ account /I 3 $ ~ nccount /I 1 $ llame aCGount /I 5 $ name 3m:oun t ff 6 $ ----'li!!!!!! account It 7 $ ~ account It 8 $ TOTAL BUDGET INCREASES $ increase budget account I ll~e CONTRACT SERVICES GENERAL (FIRE) laccount II 11 OOL 2060 _ 740 _ 000 $ 40,917.00 !-lli!!!@ \account il 12 $ I name laccount /I 13 $ I-lli!!!@ laGCOulltll 14 $ I llallle laccount /I 15 $ I name laccount It 16 $ I~ laccount /I 17 $ I~ laccount n 18 $ TOTAL BUDGET DECREASES $ REASONS, JUSTIFICATION, AND ITEMIZED COSTS: ADDITIONAL BUDGET APPROPRIATION - TO INCREASE FIRE SERVICES CONTRACT SERVICES FOR ADDITIONAL FIRE STATION #3/PARAMEDIC SERVICE COSTS. Cl'l'Y MANAGER signature \ \ date CITY COUNCIL signature \ \ date ~~]ilj{'] ~ ~~~ .n!~ J.