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File # D~(l][QJ~[QJ
Tri~Valley Convention and Visitors Bureau (CVB)
(Report by: Greg Reuel, Economic Development Manager)
EXIllBITS ATTACHED: Exhibit 1: Memorandum dated April 30, 1996 from Tri~Valley
Convention & Visitors Bureau
Exhibit 2:. Memorandum dated April 26, 1996 from Tri~Valley
Convention & Visitors Bureau
Exhibit 3: 1996~97 Budget for Tri~ Valley Convention & Visitors
RECOMMENDATION: 4J< Receive report and provide appropriate direction to Staff.
The City's assessment for Fiscal Year 199()"97 is $9,000 with future .
years likely to exceed the initial investment of $9,000.
S:uMMARY: The City of Dublin is being asked to join the cities of Pleasant on and Livermore in funding
'the newly established Tri~ Valley Visitors and Convention Bureau. The Tri~ Valley CVB hopes to
consolidate resources of the Valley's cities into a focused marketing plan that will benefit each of the
participating cities via increased convention activities and tourist trade. Hotels, restaurants, theaters,
amusement enterprises and general merchandising stores have the greatest opportunity to benefit from
increased conventioneer traffic generated by the CVB.
The Tri-Valley CVB started in January of 1996 with Pleasanton and Livermore contributing $55,000 and
$25,328 respectively for the first six months of operation. The CVB is requesting $9,000 from Dublin as
part of their $295,650 budget for Fiscal Year 1996~97. TheCVB will track their performance during FY
199&.97 and provide data on the number of visitors brought to the area via their professional services.
Staff anticipates that the City's $9,000 membership fee could potentially double or triple in subsequent
BACKGROUND: The Tri~Valley CVB is a not-for~profit organization that evolved in January 1996,
from the Pleasanton CVB that was formed in 1987. The Pleasanton CVB was operated under the
Pleasanton Chamber of Commerce until 1993 when it split off from the Chamber and became a separate
entity. The City of Pleasant on funding of the CVB has ranged from $100,000 to $185,000 over the years,
with private membership dues and fund raisers adding an additional $20,000 to $40,000 to their budget.
ITEM NO. ~.1
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Begjniling in April of 1995, Staff met periodically with the Cities of Pleasanton, Livermore and San
Ramon regarding ,the formation of an expanded CVB that would represent all of the Cities in-the TPi~
Valley. The mission of this new and expanded CVB would be to stimulate economic development in the
area by creating and supporting jobs, generating new money being spent on the purchases of goods and
services and filling va~t hotel rooms. !he CVB would conc~trate on attracting business which US.'::~."
hotel rooms during traditional off~peak penods (weekends andhobdays) . , :>
The CVB targets their marketing efforts towards meeting planners and site decision makers of
associations, professional organization' and religious and fraternal organizations. The fOnDer Pleasanton
CVB was instrumental in recruiting the Caledonian Games to the Alameda County Fairgrounds which
attracts aPJ1r<>>timately 50,000 visitors each year.
ANALYSIS: From the meetings held with the other cities, the following information was compiled on
'.number of rooms and transient oco-qpan.cy tax '(TOl).
, # of Rooms % of Total FY 92~93 TOT % of Total
Livermore 586 23% $ 323,793 12%
San Ramon 474 190.41 $ 734,083 26%
Pleasanton 1,252 49% $1,645,183 59%
Dublin 22S 9% $ 90,051 3%
After reviewing a number of btldget sharingpptions, it was decided to assess cities a membership fee
based on the number of hotel roorns in each city. The $9,000 assessment to Dublin was based on the
percentage of hotel rooms in Dublin as shown above and was for a six month time period.
The Tri.V~ey ~'is currently enjoying a heal~y weekday occupanc~ of hotel space.~!h mati}i:bf~:)
hotels expenencmg 90% to 100% occupancy that 18 generated from business related 8CtiVltie&.~ds " '.
see a considerable 'c:Jropln"oceupancy and .t1Jis is, the' area of concern that the CVB is,.trying to fill.
Conventioneers look to ~ with.8Dlple meeting space, quality restaurants, recreational facilities, golf
course andcoDvenient shopping area'
According to the Tri. V alley CVB, the average ,stay of a visitor is 3 days arid average expenditure per day
is $157. A.waytodetel1ninethe benefit of a CVB lsto determine the actual nights at the hotels booked
because ofanevent gamered by the CVB. It should be noted that 'a CVB acts as a middle man, does not
. represent anyone hotel specificallytaitd"gives leads to all of its members after doing the front end work of
attracting an organi~ontotheatea..According to statistics given staff from the Tri.Valley CVB, they
have confirmed 10 :group leads. represeating ,445 room nights in their latest four month period. (See
Exhibitl) In contacting the sales mRmlgers of the major hotels in the area, the majority feel that the Tri~
Valley CVB is an asset to their operation and praiSe their new management team, while one hotel feels
that their inside sales staff generate the majority of their bookings independent of the CVB.
FINANCIAL IMPACT: Dublin has'5eeD an iricrease over the last few years 'in occupaneyattheDublin
Park HoteL TOT generated from the Dublin Park Hotel has doubled from FY 1993~94' to FY 1995~96
without being members of the cv:a. Currel;1t occupancy is approximately 60% , following the same trend
as other Tri~Val1ey hotels (high bookings during the week and lower weekend bookings). The 60%
occupancy level of the Dublin Park Hotel is about 10% less than other Tri~Valley hotels.
Dublin's assessment of $9;000 per year was predicated. on its 9% share of hotel rooms in the valley. ' It is.:~":'';
anticipated that leads generated by the Tri-Valley CVB will help increase occupancy at the hotel that will
result in increased TOT revenue to the City. 'An additional.2,225 rooms/year would need to be booked at
the Dublin Park Hotel in order to return $9,000 in TOT revenue back to the City. This would represent an
approximate 4% increase in overall occupancy at the hotel.
Budget planning for the creation of the Tri~Valley eVB was predicated on the cities of Pleasanton,
Livermore, Dublin and San Ramon participating in the bureau. San Ramon has opted not to participate
making the assessments to Dublin, Pleasanton and Livermore increase if the current budget of the CVB
remains. CVB staff decided not to increase Dublin's assessment of $9,000 for FY 1996~97. The CVB
would like Dublin to evaluate their performance for a year before presenting a revised budget for
FY 1997~98. Pleasanton and Livermore will be asking for additional money to fund. FY 1996~97 in the
amount of $165,000 and $77,000 respectively (see CVB budget for FY 96~97). If San Ramon continues
not to participate in the Tri~Valley CVB. Then the following financial analysis should be anticipated as a
tool in developing a sharing ratio between Pleasanton, Livermore, and Dublin, based on the proposed
FY 1996-97 Budget of $295,650.
Convention & Visitors Bureau Sharing Ratios Worksheet
Total Budget $295,650 City Contributions $251,000
Livermore Pleasanton ' Dublin
587 1,252 225
28% 61% 11%
$70,280 153,110 $27,610
Total # of rooms
% of total rooms
Room sharing ratio
applied to budget
BY 1994~95 TOT
% of total TOT
TOT sharing ratio
applied to budget
* If San Ramonjoins the CVB; :then Dublin's ratio based on rooms drops to 9% or an annual
contribution of$18,000. If the sharing ratio is based on a percentage of TOT, then Dublin's ratio
drops to 4% or a contribution of $8,OOO/year.
Is Dublin a tourist attraction city? A destination resort city? Why should Dublin invest in a CVB if we
lack large indoor convention space, golf courses, wineries and other tourist attractions? San Ramon
seems to have passed on joining the CVB because they answered no to these questions. Although we do '
not have a major tourist attraction such as a natural wonder or amusement park, it seems likely that the
City will benefit to a certain degree by an increase in tourist/conventioneer dollars that are spent in Dublin
due to the efforts of the Tri-Valley CVB. It is reasonable to expect a percentage of new conventioneer/
tourist dollars being spent at Dublin restaurants, theaters, general merchandising stores and specialty
amusement businesses such as Q~Zar, Dublin Bowl and Dublin Iceland.
Also, Tri.Valley CVB bylaws preclude the majority of Dublin companies from joining the bureau unless
the City joins. Management of the Dublin Park Hotel have committed to joining the CVB if the City
becomes a member. They forecast a 5~ 10% increase in occupancy if they can join the CVB and receive
the sales leads generated by the bureau. Major renovations are being contemplated for the Dublin Park
Hotel including management bya new operator. Membership in the CVB is extremely important in the
business plan of the new operator for the hotel.
RECOMMENDATION: Staffrecommends that the City Council review the merits ofjoinin( the Tri-
Valley CVB and give direction to Staff. It should be noted that the City Manager has not recommenKad
this item for fundini in the Prelimimuy 1996~97 Bud~et. Should the City Council decide to join the
bureau, Staff recommends joining the organ.i2:ation with membership fees based on a percentage of TOT
as outlined in the Staff hpQrt. Staff also recotnmends that the City be represented. on the Tri~ V all~:,~.
CVB Board of Directors with a noil-voting /Staff membershnilar to Pleasanton and Livermore, if the~::"::'-
decide to join the bureau.
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TI"E .13: 0.5 F.li 510 846 9502 PLEAS.-'l..KTO~ C&HI
5AJ-.'1]pPle.y ~ d, ~ 9Juuau
lOW. .ltCeal Sbte.e:t, f/'~ ea 94566
ff.lume: 510..846-8910 fi.ll!l.: 510-846-9502
Greg Reuel
Lisa Dial
Additional Information
I am pleasl:d to provide the following information you requested:
Pri v ate funding
Public Funding
Caledonian Games
Good Guys
approx. 40,000 people
(still researching numbers)
3) 36 Leads ~enerated since 1/1/96, representing;
4,276 roomnights
7,778 attendees
4) 10 Leads booked since 1/1/96, representing;
445 roomnights
1,168 attendees
Greg, I apI ,reciate the opportunity to provide any information
you need t< I assist with your staff report. Please feel free to call
me directly at 846-8910 with any other questions. Thank you!
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Greg Reuel, Redevelopment Manager
City of Dublin
Lisa C. Dial, Executive Director
Tri- Valley ConlVis Bureau
April 26, 1996
CVE participation
Thank you for your phone call. I am pleased to hear that we will have an
opportunity to discuss the benefits of Dublin's participation in the Tri- Valley
Convention and Visitors Bureau. I am sending a copy of our budget request for
the fiscal year 1996/1997.
To summarize key points I have included important elements from my letters to
you dated 1/19/96 and 3/11/96:
*The standard industry multiplier for day trip visitors is the following:
Business Traveler $61.00 per day, Leisure Traveler $39.00. These
statistics are from the California State Office of Tourism for Alameda
County. The industry standard multiplier for overnight visitor is
$157.00 per person. This multiplier takes accommodations, food and
beverage and meeting room costs into consideration. The statistic is
derived from the Western Association of Convention and Visitors
Bureau and represents an average for California.
*To date the Tri- Valley Convention and Visitors Bureau has generated
43 group sales leads representing 9,672 roomnights and 61,998 people.
When utilizing the standard industry multiplier, the projected potential
income is $1,518,504.
*To date the Tn-Valley Convention & Visitors Bureau has confirmed 14
group sales leads representing 1341 roomnights and 51,368 people.
Utilizing the industry multiplier of 157.00 per person, the projected
income is $210,537.
*Our current funding level is $108,000 form the City of Pleasanton and
$25,368 from the City of-Livermore giving us a total of $133,369. We
have been able to almost double that investment in less than 8 months.
" Our organizations' primary focus is to generate revenue from the tourism
industry. Our criteria for measurement is based on the amount of group sales
leads we produce on an annual basis. We also need to have a representative
membership from each funding city. We actively pursue membership from
hospitality based businesses. The strength of a convention & visitors bureau
lies in it's ability to aggressively market and sell the destination. We are not a
fundraising entity nor do we pursue members who do not directly benefit from
tourism dollars. Our membership is comprised of direct benefit business such
as hotels, restaurants, community centers, transportation, attractions, travel
companies and receptive operators. Though we are a small industry in numbers
we generate significant money for cities general funds in the fonn of transient
occupancy tax and retail sales tax. Our promotional and public relations
experience allows us to gain exposure for a destination that would be financially
prohibitive for a single business or entity. Cooperatively we win.
I am happy to provide you with any additional infonnation you need. Greg, we
look forward to working with you and the City of Dublin!
enclosurerrVCVB budget
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