HomeMy WebLinkAbout8.5 PoliceDevReviewSvs a.& 4, --.' 'I~...:' ,,'. . AG,ENDASTATEMeNT, ."', CITY OOU,NO,IL M'eeTING PATe: : APRIL.;S,;1'98e,/' :::--J: . SUBJECT: poli~Dovelopme~~~_ " '; ,.' , ".:' '(ReportPreparedby.lqcMrdC. Amb~;CityrMariager) '. EXHIBITS ATTACHED: Budget Change Form ~"'f ' . RECOMMENDATION: ~ . " . ~ . , . - . 1) Authorize City Manager to ~~ services from. the Sheriff's Department topro\li~pkm 're:\liew for u~g development pr6ject.sd~ the~et~fFisoal'Year 1995-96. 2) Authorize an additiOnalapproPriatiQilfrom,New Revenues. in the amolmt of $19,000; , . FINANCIAL STATEMENT: .' , ' , .". . ., ' , .. . , . , ., Additional cost of plan review ~$'Vi;ceswould not' exceed $19,000 ' and would be recoverecUhroup project applieaHoJ1 fees. .SCRIPTION: The City of, Dublin is,prOce~singa num~l':or 1Jiffere~t applications for various, types of planning reviews and anticipates additional'appliCB:tjo1treq~~fi'om 'pptential developers.' In order to adequately process these applioationS n:qUi1'eS",tl1o$(::,City:Depatt$ents who playa role in the development review process have adeq~ ie$oW'CesJ<> Proees$~app1iOftions in a thnely manner." " " " . " ., . < , . I The PoliCe Department pltiys an impOrtant role mthedevelopmorit:tleviewpr\lCeS$~rr~ ~e stan4point of reviewing project design and making recommendations to Dnproye,the ~ ofPtoj~t:to minimize the potential for criJlle to occur and to provideadequateacees$so thatPolic<<, SeM~s oanadequately respond to ~ls. " . .." ..' ;'" ., . ., . <. " ' . I ,. ",' " . " ...., '"" '. . . , .' . The Police Department presently has one.individual in the Crik1ePreventi<<.lP t}J)it~is'tnUned to review these projects. Unfortunately, dUe to the press of other Critiie'.Ptevention'an4rScho41.U_"dn4uties, this , position does nothavea4equate time to reviewallthe appIicationSthat,the(iii1,i$'~~Y",Focessing. " . .... " ,,~ '. , ' . .. . . ". I',," ':Tl1tp"lice Chiefbas tecOmmended that the CitY securet&.eSdtvi~s.of$gt.,Dave nfFtarito ona part.time ., ;baSis to usistthe development review process for t1uti1extS(w~rai~ntitS:;,s~~bW~ is'currently ,'. worlcing for the Sheriffs Department o~tside of the DublinPGnbeS~rviCes~ ' Sgt.DiPr,nto'~' have ". substantial Qlckground in plan review in the City ofDubthHutd;;W()}lldproVideyji\tjbI~'8sais~dein, processingourapplieationsinatimelymannerfromaP()lice'~pective..., ...... . ',' ..' "', .----------'7'--------'~--C-OP~-IE--S-T-,-O-..-...~7:.-;:<.~~~......-...-t.~~..~.~....-,~.7.~)~~---~'...;---~--- ". :. ". 'j;,' .'" ,": ,,". ..;,' . ,. ',' " , ,'. . A!I-' . " . . '. .'r'" ' . . . , . ., , . .. . . '.': ., ,. "'. ::" ;:. ',. '. ',.; , ,.,. .: ,. ~". ."., .:' .. ..y~MNO',., "','" ",,' "" ", ~.,~..\ ~...,j..'. :.,., ,'" ... .." ,. . ". , " Hlct-mtp!pollce;dot . ,~.. The SherifrsDepartment has agreed to allow the City to utilize the services of Sgt. DiFranco on a ~ .., time' basis to assist with the'plJtnniftS development workload. It is anticipated that the additional costs fottheieservices would not exceed $19,000 for the balance of the Fiscal Year. ~.'.(4~; . '....'ir.~;\ Statfrecommeud:ation is that the Council authorize the ,City Manager to secure additional services from' the Sheriffs Dep~t for purpos~ of plan rm.ewand authorize an additional appropriation froJn New Revenues in theamotmt of$19,000. 1;', rf ,"~ \ .'. , , './" f ,. .- ." :..:;., , /. ,"' l;.: .....- ..{ CITY OF DUBLIN BUDGET CHANGE FORM CHANGE FORM # . New Appropriations (City Council Approval Required): Budget Transfers: From Budgeted Contingent Reserve (1080-799.000) Within Same Department Activity Between Departments (City Council Approval Required) Other mW?D.l.tIMSE.t1D.G&.Titeml.H1~l;fIKq_dUNl$WtM%ml&:e.iSlt:smGBtU\ttCU.1.WW:nFtWmQUN!tit::t:~:m From Unappropriated Reserves x From New Revenues . ::;::::;~:~::::::'....._---...._..............-.......'...................::.......:......:......:::......-......:-....:::.........:.....: ......:.. ....:.... .....::..::....:...;.:.;.:.............:.:.:.: ',"':.;.;.;........... .:." ..,....::..:.....::::.::,.,:::::::,:::,:,~<:::..,.:........::..::..............^w.. ...::.............-....:.:...................:.:a:.......:......:.............:...........;...:.....:.:.:.: :::::;.::,...~::.:::::.;...::...:..............:,..'::: ____u_ ....... Name: Name: Police Services $19 .000 Account #: Account #: 001-2010-740-001 Name: Name: Account #: Account #: Name: Name: Account #: Account #: Name: Name: Account #: Account #: Name: Name: Account #: Account #: Name: Name: Account #: Account #: REASON FOR BUDGET CHANGE ENTRY: Additional temporary Contract Police Services to perform development review due to increased development workload. .__ City Manager: Date: Signature :;:::;:::::::::::::;:;:;:;:;:;:;;:;;:;:;:;:;;;;:;;::::::;:::::::::::: :::::::::'::::;:;:::;:::::::::::::::::;:;:;::=;:;::::::=;::=;:;::=;:;:;:;:;::::"::;:: ::::;:;::::::=;:;:::;:;:;:;:;::=;=::::::;:;;:::.::::;::::"::::::::::::;;':;:::::::::::::::::;:::;:::::;:::;:;:::;:;:;":=::;:;:;::::=;=::;:;:::;:;:;:::;:;"::; ;"": "j,j:",....jj.j.j.j.j.j.j.j.j.........jjj~~'!\PPI9Y~4::,~llli#3J~~'ppWi9~!':M~HPg9P:......paie,:'.......... . ".,............ ....... . . ,.,. ........ ....... .""".. ......... ......... . '" ". ......... ....... ... .... ""..,... ..... ... ... "","."". ... .....""..,.. . Mayor: Date: Signature Posted By: Date: Signature for""lhuJg<:hng