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Meeting Date: August 9, 1982
SUBJECT: Unemployment Insurance Program
RECOMMENDATION: Authorize City Manager to notify State Employment Development
Department that the City has selected the Individuate Reimbursement Account method
for financing Unemployment Insurance costs.
FINANCIAL STATEMENT: No anticipated cost during Fiscal Year 1982-83.
DESCRIPTION: In 1976 Congress passed Public Law 94-566 which required all
States to provide unemployment insurance coverage to State and local government
employees effective January 1 , 1978. On January 1 , 1978, the Governor signed
AB 644 (State companion legislation)which implemented the Federal Law requiring
local government employers to provide unemployment insurance to their employees.
The City has several options available to it, for the provision of unemployment
compensation benefits to former employers. These options are briefly summarized
below. The selection of any one of these methods does not preclude changing to
another option at a later date.
1 . Contribution Rate Method This method requires the employer to pay 3.6% of
the first $6,000 of taxable wages per employee to the State. After three
years, an employee becomes rated according to its experience, and thus
permits an adjustment of the tax rate charged from 1 .4% to 4.9%. This method
is similar to the purchase of an insurance policy in that once the employer
pays its contribution, that contribution becomes the property of the State
Unemployment Insurance Fund. This method is usually considered to be the
most expensive method of financing, unless high turnover and high claim volume
is anticipated.
Estimated Cost - First Four Years of Program
1982 - 83 $ 864 •
1983 - 84 864 +
1984 - 85 864 +
1985 - 86 336 + *
TOTAL - $2,913 Copies To:
ITEM NO. 67 f
AGENDA STATEMENT Unemployment Insurance Program Page 2
+ Assumes City's work force remains static at four (4) employees.
* Assumes that the City has low turnover, and therefore would receive
lowest rate possible in the fourth year.
2. Individual Reimbursement Account Under this option the City would agree
to reimburse the Unemployment Fund for every dollar of Unemployment
Insurance benefits paid to its former employees. This is the best method,
if the number of former employees who receive benefits is low, because:
1 ) no advance payment is required and 2) the cost of the program is not
affected by other employers as is the case with the Contribution Rate
Method and the Local Public Entity Fund. It should be pointed out that
this method may result in extremely high costs, if the number of former
employees receiving benefits is high. The maximum that the City could
conceivably have to pay for a former employee over a 2 year period would
be $9,360. This assumes that an individual is unemployed for a period
greater than 2 years due to no fault of his/her own and that the City is
the sole employer for the entire base period. If the City selects this
financing option, it must retain this option for a minimum of two complete
calendar years. Further,:the City would retain liability for all benefits
paid on wages reported under this method. This method is the most difficult
for budget purposes because the costs are not known until after they are
incurred. However, given the fact that Dublin is a new City, with new
employees, it is Staff's opinion that employee turnover during the first
four years of the program would be low or possibly non-existent. Thus,
resulting in a minimal cost to the City.
3. Local Public Entity Fund This method is offered as a compromise between
the contribution method with its relative high cost but low risk and the
Individual Reimbursement Method with its relative low cost but high risk.
This method would result in the same costs to the City as the Individual
Reimbursement Method, eventually. Yet, should the City experience a high
rate of turnover, the method would delay the impact of these benefits
until a later time. The basic requirements of this method are as follows:
1 ) costs are set at .8% of gross payroll for a period of three years;
2) costs after the third year would be based on the City's experience;
3) once this method is used it must be retained for a period of two full
calendar years; 4) should the City wish to withdraw from the fund, all
credits against the City's account would have to be paid, while any
excess monies would be refunded to the City. The main disadvantages of
this method are first, the costs for the first three years while
building a reserve could be greater than an Individual Reimbursement
Account and second, the funds would be out of the City's control . The
advantage of a three year flat rate would allow the City an opportunity
to gain actual experience, while at the same time limiting expenditures.
If this method generates a large reserve for the City, then the Individual
Reimbursement Method can be selected after two years and the reserve
used to cover the claims benefit expenditures. If this method created
a negative reserve over the first two or three years, the City would
have to assess the negative reserve to see if it is large enough to
warrant converting to the Contribution Method and, if not, then staying
in the Local Public Entity Fund would require paying off the negative
reserve at an additional .2% of payroll until the debt was paid.
AGENDA STATEMENT Unemployment Insurance Program Page 3
Conclusion After considering the various financing methods, and their
respective advantages and disadvantages, the Individual Reimbursement
Account gives the City the greatest amount of control over the Unemployment
Insurance Program and provides the City coverage at the lowest long-term
cost. However, since this method involves the highest risk it is recommended
that a reserve of .8% of gross payroll (approximately $900) be established
each year commencing with fiscal year 1983-84 to cover the risk. It is
also recommended that the City Council authorize the City Manager to notify
the State Employment Development Department that the City has selected the
Individual Reimbursement Account method for financing Unemployment Insurance