HomeMy WebLinkAbout4.1 - 3265 Draft Minutes of the May 19 2020 Regular M Page 1 of 1 STAFF REPORT CITY COUNCIL DATE: June 2, 2020 TO: Honorable Mayor and City Councilmembers FROM: Linda Smith, City Manager SUBJECT: Approval of the May 19, 2020 Regular City Council Meeting Minutes Prepared by: Marsha Moore, MMC, City Clerk EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: The City Council will consider approval of the minutes of the May 19, 2020, Regular City Council meeting. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Approve the minutes of the May 19, 2020, Regular City Council meeting. FINANCIAL IMPACT: None. DESCRIPTION: The City Council will consider approval of the minutes of the May 19, 2020, Regular City Council meeting. STRATEGIC PLAN INITIATIVE: None. NOTICING REQUIREMENTS/PUBLIC OUTREACH: None. ATTACHMENTS: 1. Draft Minutes of the May 19, 2020 Regular City Council Meeting MINUTES OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DUBLIN REGULAR MEETING – MAY 19, 2020 DUBLIN CITY COUNCIL MINUTES 1 REGULAR MEETING MAY 19, 2020 Closed Session 6:10 P.M. I. Conference with Legal Counsel—Anticipated Litigation Significant Exposure to Litigation Pursuant to Paragraph (2) or (3) of Subdivision (D) of Section 54956.9: 1 Case II. Conference with Legal Counsel—Anticipated Litigation Initiation of Litigation Pursuant to Paragraph (4) of Subdivision (d) of Section 54956.9: 1 case Regular Meeting A Regular Meeting of the Dublin City Council was held on Tuesday, May 19, 2020, remotely via Zoom Video Communications. The meeting was called to order at 7:00 PM, by Mayor Haubert. 1. Call to Order Call to Order and Pledge of Allegiance Attendee Name Title Status David Haubert Mayor Present Arun Goel Vice Mayor Present Melissa Hernandez Councilmember Present Jean Josey Councilmember Present Shawn Kumagai Councilmember Present 2. Report on Closed Session - The City Council, unanimously, authorized the City Attorney to file a complaint. The action, the defendants, and the other particulars shall, once formally commenced, be disclosed to any person upon inquiry. 3. Oral Communications 3.1. LGBTQ Pride Month Proclamation The City Council received the proclamation. Ryan Forsyth provided public comment. Ingrid Register, Dublin resident, provided public comment. DUBLIN CITY COUNCIL MINUTES 2 REGULAR MEETING MAY 19, 2020 On motion of Councilmember Kumagai, seconded by, Councilmember Josey, and by unanimous vote, the City Council proclaimed June 2020 as LGBTQ Pride Month in Dublin and approved the flying of the rainbow flag, and will replace it with the Philadelphia version of the rainbow flag, if one can be procured, at City Hall during the month of June 2020. RESULT: ADOPTED [UNANIMOUS] MOVED BY: Shawn Kumagai, Councilmember SECOND: Jean Josey, Councilmember AYES: Josey, Kumagai, Goel, Haubert, Hernandez 3.2 Annual Presentation by Youth Advisory Committee The City Council received the presentation by the Youth Advisory Committee. 3.3 Public Comment The Mayor and City Councilmembers provided public comment in recognition of Public Service Month. 4. Consent Calendar 4.1. Approved the minutes of the May 5, 2020 Regular City Council meeting with a correction to the vote for item 7.1 to show the motion was made by Mayor Haubert and seconded by Vice Mayor Goel. 4.2. Adopted RESOLUTION NO. 37 - 20 ACCEPTING THE AMADOR VALLEY BOULEVARD – WILDWOOD ROAD AND STAGECOACH ROAD INTERSECTION IMPROVEMENTS, CIP NO. ST0317; AND ACCEPTING THE PUBLIC ACCESS EASEMENT AND PUBLIC UTILITY EASEMENT 4.3. Adopted RESOLUTION NO. 38 – 20 APPROVING A COOPERATIVE AGREEMENT WITH THE ALAMEDA COUNTY TRANSPORTATION COMMISSION AND THE CITY OF LIVERMORE FOR THE FINAL DESIGN PHASE OF THE DUBLIN BOULEVARD EXTENSION – FALLON ROAD TO NORTH CANYONS PARKWAY PROJECT DUBLIN CITY COUNCIL MINUTES 3 REGULAR MEETING MAY 19, 2020 4.4. Received the Payment Issuance report and electronic funds transfers. 4.5 Adopted RESOLUTION NO. 39 - 20 DIRECTING PREPARATION OF ANNUAL ENGINEER’S REPORT FOR CITY OF DUBLIN STREET LIGHTING MAINTENANCE DISTRICT 1983-1, LANDSCAPE AND LIGHTING DISTRICT 1983-2, LANDSCAPE AND LIGHTING DISTRICT 1986-1, LANDSCAPE AND LIGHTING DISTRICT 1997-1, AND STREET LIGHTING MAINTENANCE DISTRICT 1999-1 RESOLUTION NO. 40 - 20 APPROVING THE PRELIMINARY ENGINEER'S REPORTS AND APPOINTING TIME AND PLACE FOR HEARING PROTESTS FOR STREET LIGHTING MAINTENACE DISTRICT 1983-1, LANDSCAPE AND LIGHTING DISTRICT 1983-2, LANDSCAPE AND LIGHTING DISTRICT 1986-1, LANDSCAPE AND LIGHTING DISTRICT 1997-1, AND STREET LIGHTING MAINTENANCE DISTRICT 1999-1 4.7 Received the City Treasurer's Informational Report of Investments for the Quarter Ending March 31, 2020. RESULT: ADOPTED [UNANIMOUS] MOVED BY: David Haubert, Mayor SECOND: Melissa Hernandez, Councilmember AYES: Josey, Kumagai, Goel, Haubert, Hernandez 4.6 Appointments to the Youth Advisory Committee and Student Representative to the Parks and Community Services Commission The City Council (Vice Mayor Goel recusing himself due to a familial conflict of interest) confirmed the Mayor's recommended appointments of three middle school and 10 high school youth, along with three alternates, to the Youth Advisory Committee for the term of June 2020 through May 2021. The City Council also confirmed the Mayor's recommendation of appointment of Trishala Jain as the Student Representative to the Parks and Community Services Commission for the term of July 2020 to June 2021. DUBLIN CITY COUNCIL MINUTES 4 REGULAR MEETING MAY 19, 2020 On motion of Mayor Haubert, seconded by Councilmember Hernandez, and by unanimous vote (Vice Mayor Goel recusing himself), the City Council approved the appointments. 5. Written Communication – None. 6. Public Hearing 6.1. Dublin Municipal Code Amendments Repealing Chapter 8.66 and Amending Chapters 5.60, 8.08, 8.12, 8.16, 8.20, 8.40, 8.64, 8.76, 8.102, 8.104, 8.116, and 8.124 (PLPA-2020- 00005) Mayor Haubert opened the public hearing. There were no public comments. Mayor Haubert closed the public hearing. On motion of Mayor Haubert, seconded by, Councilmember Hernandez, and by unanimous vote, the City Council waived the reading and INTRODUCED an Ordinance Approving Amendments to the Dublin Municipal Code Repealing Chapter 8.66 and Amending Chapters 5.60, 8.08, 8.12, 8.16, 8.20, 8.40, 8.64, 8.76, 8.102, 8.104, 8.116, and 8.124 Effective City-Wide, PLPA-2020-00005. RESULT: ADOPTED [UNANIMOUS] MOVED BY: David Haubert, Mayor SECOND: Melissa Hernandez, Councilmember AYES: Josey, Kumagai, Goel, Haubert, Hernandez 6.2. Public Art Master Plan Update and Related Zoning Ordinance Amendments to Chapter 8.58 (Public Art Program) Mayor Haubert opened the public hearing. Steve Minniear, Dublin resident, provided public comment. Mayor Haubert closed the public comment. On motion of Mayor Haubert, seconded by, Vice Mayor Goel, and by unanimous vote, the City Council waived the reading and INTRODUCED an Ordinance Approving Amendments to Chapter 8.58 (Public Art Program) of the Zoning Ordinance related to additional use of Public Art Funds, and adopted: DUBLIN CITY COUNCIL MINUTES 5 REGULAR MEETING MAY 19, 2020 RESOLUTION NO. 41 - 20 ADOPTING THE 2020 PUBLIC ART MASTER PLAN RESULT: ADOPTED [UNANIMOUS] MOVED BY: David Haubert, Mayor SECOND: Arun Goel, Vice Mayor AYES: Josey, Kumagai, Goel, Haubert, Hernandez 7. Unfinished Business – None. 8. New Business 8.1. Future Cultural Arts Center - Review of Costs, Floor Plan and Schematic Design The City Council received the presentation. Sawsan Wolski, Dublin resident, provided public comment. On motion of Councilmember Hernandez, seconded by, Mayor Haubert, and by unanimous vote, the City Council approved the design of the proposed Cultural Arts Center, and provided direction on use of funds to cover the estimated project budget shortfall. The overview of reserves will be brought before the City Council in June 2020 for consideration. These sources of funding may include the General Fund Reserves for the Cemetery Expansion project, the Internal Service Fund, and the Information Technology Fund. RESULT: ADOPTED [UNANIMOUS] MOVED BY: Melissa Hernandez, Councilmember SECOND: David Haubert, Mayor AYES: Josey, Kumagai, Goel, Haubert, Hernandez 8.2. Informational Report on Commercial Cannabis Delivery Regulation and Taxation The City Council received the report, provided feedback, and agreed to not proceed with the presented proposals at this time. DUBLIN CITY COUNCIL MINUTES 6 REGULAR MEETING MAY 19, 2020 8.3. Dublin Municipal Code Amendment to Facilitate Business Operations During COVID19 Pandemic The City Council received the report and directed Staff to move forward with a proposed amendment to the Dublin Municipal Code (DMC) Chapter 8.128 (Authority to Administer Title 8). 9. Other Business Brief information only reports from City Council and/or Staff, including committee reports and reports by City Council related to meetings attended at City expense (AB1234). 10. Adjournment The meeting was adjourned at 10:05 p.m. in honor of Sean Diamond and all of our fallen troops. Mayor ATTEST: ___________________________ City Clerk