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4.7 - 3166 SB1205 Report for Fiscal 18 19
Page 1 of 2 STAFF REPORT CITY COUNCIL DATE: April 7, 2020 TO: Honorable Mayor and City Councilmembers FROM: Linda Smith, City Manager SUBJECT: Annual Fire Inspection Compliance - SB1205 Report for Fiscal Year 2018- 19 Prepared by: Bonnie Terra, Division Chief EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: In accordance with the requirements set forth in Senate Bill No. 1205, the City Council will receive an informational report outlining Alameda County Fire Department's compliance with the annual inspection requirements set forth in California Health and Safety Code Section 13146.2 and 13146.3. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Receive the report. FINANCIAL IMPACT: None. DESCRIPTION: In accordance with the requirements set forth in Senate Bill No. 1205, the City Council will receive an informational report outlining Alameda County Fire Department's compliance with the annual inspection requirements set forth in California Health and Safety Code Section 13146.2 and 13146.3. Alameda County Fire Department personnel completed 35 insp ections of educational Group E occupancies and 225 residential Group R occupancies. This represents a 100% compliance rate for known occupancies for this reporting period. A list of the inspections including inspection dates is included as Attachment 1. STRATEGIC PLAN INITIATIVE: None. Page 2 of 2 NOTICING REQUIREMENTS/PUBLIC OUTREACH: None. ATTACHMENTS: 1. SB1205 Compliance Report for Fiscal Year 2018 -19 SB1205 Compliance Report Fiscal 18/19 Dublin Address# 'Street 6665 Amador Plaza Rd 66701Amador Plaza Rd 6.937 1Amador Valley Blvd 7606 `Amador Valley Blvd 7571=7585 1 Amador Valley Blvd 11925 Amador Valley Ct 7250iAmadorr Valley Blvc 3300 Antone Wy 3106 Aran Wy 3122 Aran Wy 3150'Aran Wy - 3168Aran Wy .._. - -- — 3643Aviano Wy 3677 €Aviano Wy 3697 Aviano Wy 3729;Aviano'Wy --- - _ 4151, Blackrock Rd 3645-3365 3663 3677 3682-3698 3685=3699 3713-3727 3728 3744 3761-3773 3801-3813 4199BIackrock Rd 3640Branding Iron PI 3662 Branding Iron PI 374513randing Iron PI 37741 Branding Iron PI 3802�Branding Iron PI 3819:Branding Iron PI Branding Iron PI ;Branding Iron PI ,Branding Iron PI Branding Iron PI "Branding Iron PI ;Branding Iron PI Branding Iron PI Branding Iron PI 5100 Brannigan St 3800 Camino Loop 3819 Camino Loop 3820Camino Loop 3859Camino Loop 3879Camino Loop 38861Cam1no Loop_ 5550ICampbell Ln 5 5312Campus Dr 3450 Capoterra Wy 3506 Capoterra Wy 3550Capoterra Wy 3574 Capoterra Wy -- - __.... __........ ... 2216 Carbondale Wy 600Campbell Ln 5250,Campus Dr Fountainhead Montessori Fountainhead Montessori Nurture Kids Montessori Wicklow Square Amador Valley Al Kindercare Learn Joyful Kids Acade John Green Elem Westport Village rtments Center Westport Village Bldg. 5 Westport Village Bldg. 6 _Westport Village Bldg. 7 Sorrento -Multi -Family Sorrento-Multi-Fam{ly Sorrento-Mu{ti-Family Sorrento -Multi -Family Trio Bldg. 5 Trio Bldg. 4 S{Ivera Ranch -Multi -Family Silvera Ranch -Multi -Family :Silvera Ranch-MultkFamily — S{Ivera Ranch-Multkl`amily _......... n . -- — ..._....... Silvera Ranch -Multi -Family ;Silvera Ranch -Multi -Family Silvera Ranch-Mult4amily ;Silvera Ranch -Multi -Family !Silvera Ranch -Multi -Family ;Silvera Ranch -Multi -Family !Silvera Ranch -Multi -Family Silvera Ranch-Multkl`amily — !S{ivera Ranch -Multi -Family ,Silvera Ran_ ch-Multi-Famiiy `Sprinfield Montessore - -- Kingswood Bldg. 13 ......- Kingswood Bldg. 15 I Kingswood Bldg. 14 (Kingswood Bldg. 20 Kingswood Bldg. 19 Kingswood Bldg 17 .,,. Tribeca Bldg 8 Tribeca Bldg 6 ....................................... Esprit Bldg 6 Esprit Bldg 7 Sorrento Multi -Family }Sorrento Multi -Family Sorrento -Multi -Family _ Sorrento-M u Iti-Fa m i ly Trio Bldg 22 Fisca 1 it 10/26/2018 10/27/2018 SB1205 Compliance Report Fiscal 18/19 Dublin 2236Carbondale Wy 'Trio Bldg. 15 2256;Carbondale Wy '.Trio Bldg. 13 228_2 Carbondale Wy ITrio Bldg. 11 2318:Carbondale Wy =Trio Bldg. 10 2378Carbondale Wy ,Trio Bldg.�3 _.__._ 4000,Cashel Rd Westport Village Bldg. 8 _..._ _ ___...._� _..—._.._ ___ ---- ___-.....r�.. _.__._ . 4012Cashel Rd :.Westport Village Bldg. 9 4026'Cashel Rd Westport Village Bldg. 10 2010 Central Pkwy � Kingswood Bldg. 11 2050Central Pkwy ;...Kingswood Bldg. 10 ^2076_ Central Pkwy ;.Kingswood Bldg. 9 2178 Central Pkwy ;Kingswood Bldg. 2 2200Central Pkwy ;Kingswood Bldg 1 2201'Central Pkwy 2221;�Centra) Pkwy 2267;Central Pkwy _ _—_ .._ .. 2301 Central Pkwy __.__. 2321Central Pkwy ._ 2399 Central Pkwy __E__..___,__� ._ __ _ _ , 3201Central Pkwy 3237 Central Pkwy 3273,Central Pkwy _ ... __ 3303 Central Pkw 3335;Central Pkwy .............. 3369°;Central Pkwy 3551 Central Pkwy _ _ --- 3607,'Central Pkwy --_ 3639Central Pkwy 3701 Central Pkwy 3713 Central Pkwy 3731,Central Pkwy __ 3749Central Pkwy _ _. . 3751;Central Pkwy 3951,CIare St 3967 Clare St 3987CIare St 4023CIare St - -_ ._ __ 4053CIare St 4301rClarinbridge Cir 6500,Cottonwood Cir ._ _.._...... _8435Davona Dr _ _ _ . --- _, _ 8850;Davona Dr ___� T ..._ _. 5450' Demarcus Blvd 5501: Demarcus Blvd _ 3979 Dobbins Loop 4 10 9 Dobbins Loop 4051. Dobbins Loop 7495:Danohue Dr Trio Bldg. 19 Trio Bldg. 18 Trio Bldg. 13 -----.._ ................ Trio Bldg. 12 __. Trio Bldg. 7 ;_ Trio Bldg. 6 __._._, ._ Ravello @Sorrento Ravello @Sorrento � __ __ __ Ravello @Sorrento Ravello @Sorrento Ravello @Sorrento I Ravello @Sorrento __- Sorrento -Multi -Family _ Sorrento�� � ��� -Multi-Family Sorrento -Multi -Family Sorrento -Multi -Family j Sorrento -Multi -Family -- .... Sorrento -Multi -Family Sorrento -Multi -Family Sorrento -Multi -Family Westport Village Bldg. 1 Westport Village Bldg. 2 Westport Village Bldg_. 3 _ _... Westport Village Bldg. 16 _ .w_ - __._.-__..:_ _---- WestpartVillage Bldg. 15 The Villas Cottonwood Apts. Murray Elementary St. Phillip's Lutheran Church Camellia Place ___ � _ _ Elan -- _ _ Kingswood Bldg 7 _.- -- _.. Kingswood Bldg 5..... _ _ _. Kingswood Bldg. 3 Evan Alan �� 10/� 10/� 10/� 19 19 18 18 0181 018 018 018 01$ 018 018 018 2/17/2019 2/17/2019 2/17/2019 2/17/2019 2/17/2019 2/17/2019 2/17/2019 2/17/2019 1/13/2019 1/13/2019 1/13/2019 7 561205 Compliance Report Fiscal 18/19 Dublin Address# Street =Occupancy Fiscal 18/19 6044 Dou hert Rd 'Genius Kids Club 6/21/2019 6233'Dougherty_Rd iron_Horse Trail Apts. 12/29/2018 6450 Dougherty Rd Park Sierra Apts 5/15/2019 _._ --- 3255'Dublin Blvd The Terraces 10/17/2018 4500'Dublin Blvd Extended Stay 8/24/2018 4556'Dublin Blvd Little Hearts Learning Center 3/25/2019 4564.Dublin Blvd .Little Hearts Learning Center 3/25/2019 - r-_........_.... _— ..-...-_..... __... - ---- _ 5562 Dublin Blvd Esprit Bldg 12 10/1/2018 _..--._ .. - ._._........_....__... - 5582,Dublin Blvd Esprit Bldg 13 10/1/2018 4 _ -_.__ .._.__...-- — - 5850 Dublin Blvd ,Tribeca Bldg 4 12/18/2018 5900:Dublin Blvd Tribeca Bldg 3 12/27/2018 6275Dublin Blvd La Quinta Inn 4/29/2019 6599 Dublin Blvd Tralee Village Apartments 9/18/2018 6601 Dublin Blvd Tralee Village Apts 9/18/2018 _.— _ ...,__.... _. _ _..__.. - , __ ......... --- 7035,Dublin Blvd Bright Horizons Children's Center 3/8/2019 - - ........__ _ -t- - --- - - -...... -- - -- - 9801 Dublin Blvd ;School of Imagination 6/24/2019 11760,Dublin Blvd Genius Kids 1/7/2019 ---- - -- - ....-._ . .._._. _..._.__ _ 324,534,653,475 Dublin Blvd The Terraces 10/22/2018 — _ - -- 2100f E. Cantara Dr Amador Elementary 1/13/2019 5500 Esprit Wy ;Esprit Bldg 5 2/5/2019 _ _.._. 5503Esprit Wy Esprit Bldg_8 2/5/2019 7904'Fall Creek Rd :Avalon Dublin 5/3/2019 --- _ _........_.... ----- - - -- - 31151 Finnian Wy .The Groves Senior Apts 10/31/2018 ............. _ ......__ - - _-_ . 4348;Fitzwilliam Dr :Courtyards 10/31/2018 41521Forest Hills Rd Trio Bldg. 8 10/14/2018 ......--... . 4180;Forest Springs Rd ;Trio Bldg 9 10/31/2018 3250iGiovanni Wy Ravello @ Sorrento_ 10/31/2018 3276,Giovanni Wy _ Ravello @ Sorrento 1/13/2019 --- — 3300iGiovanni Wy ;Ravello @ Sorrento 1/13/2019 33301Giovanni Wy Ravello @Sorrento 1�13/2019 _....._..-----.._.. - .....:-- _ - 3356Giovanni Wy ,Ravello @ Sorrento 1/13/2019 _........., . _. _ -- ----- - -- .. -- --... 3378 Giovanni Wy ;Ravello @ Sorrento 1/13/2019 _-..._....... - ................ -.._-..... ._.. - g - 4163Goodyears Rd Trio Bldg. 17 10/14/2018 - _..... -- -_.. ----.._......-_. — -- -- 4181:Goodyears Rd Trio Bldg. 16 10/19/2018 p -� --- - 4078;Grafton St Tull Afterschool 6/18J2019 ----- 4075Grafton St Aloft ---_ _-_ 1 7/27/2018 _. _ _..-- - - -- 4950 Hacienda Dr Hyatt Place 10/29/2018 5050,Hacienda Or Emerald Park Lux. Apts 5/21/2019 5095;Haven PI ;Fountain Emerald Park 5/30/2019 ......... __...... ...... .-------- 5301Hibernia Dr Dougherty Elementary 5/21/2019 --- g Y Y _..._ --- --- 7500 Inspiration Dr Valley Christian Center 11/14/201$ 5286 Iron Horse Pkwy, #D Genius Kids - - 2/27/2019 5200 Iron Horse Pkwy Avalon @ Dublin Station 2/22/2019 _.. 5265 Iron Horse Pkwy 'Esprit Bldg 1 9/20/2018 5300]Iron Horse Pkwy Eclipse 5/21/2019 ` 4161 Keegan St 'Oak Groves- Multi Fam 5/26/2019 4050 Kinsale St ;Westport Village Bldg. 17 j 10/17/2018 - -- _.. -... _ - .- 4051 Kinsale St ;Westport Village Bldg. 13 1/3/2018 S 11205 Compliance Report Fiscal 18/19 Dublin 4075Kinsale St iWestport Village Bldg, 12 4076.Kinsale St Westport Village Bldg. 18 3601 Kohnen Wy IFallon Middle School 3062'Maguire Wy Westport Village Bldg. 14 3102Maguire Wy iWestport Village Bldg. 11 3156IMaguire Wy :Westport Village Bldg. 19 6880'Mariposa Or ;Carlow Court L. -- _..._...........- _..- - 6900'Mariposa Cir 'Wexford Wy @ Emerald Vista -- ............._. --- -- ... _................ - ..}.... 6871 Mariposa Cir Emerald Vista- Multi -Family I 6890 Mariposa Cir Emerald Vista- Multi -Family 69ff Mariposa Cir 'Emerald Vista- Multi Family — 6911 Mariposa Cir Emerald Vista- Multi -Family_ ------ 6920`Mariposa Or Emerald Vista- Multi -Family 6921 Mariposa Cir Emerald Vista- Multi Family 6930 Mariposa Cir Emerald Vista- Multi Family _ _._ __-- 6931 Mariposa Cir Emerald Vista -Multi -Family i 69361Mariposa Cir Emerald Vista- Multi -Family 6940jMariposa Cir Emerald Vista- Multi -Family 6950Mariposa Cir Emerald Vista- Multi -Family 1 6960`Mariposa Cir Emerald Vista- Multi -Family 5551Nartinelli Wy Esprit Bldg 2 4150?_Meadow Vista Rd Trio Bldg 20 ... .. -- —--_.._— _ 4172 Meadow Vista Rd Trio Bldg. 21 E 71 4/2018 7/2019 2/2019 1 2/27, 2/27, 2/27 5601 Melodia Cir Tnbeca Bldg 9 9/20/Z018 5651 Melodia Cir Tribeca Bldg 2 2/25/2019 ---- ......... __. -- 5675 Melodia Cir Tribeca Bldg 1 2/25/2019 5613-29,Melodia Or 'Tribeca Bldg 7 ! 8/21/2018 5631-39 Melodia Cir 7Tribeca Bldg 5 8/21/2018 4500Mirano Ct Sorrento -Multi -Family 1/25/2019 4501,Mirano Ct ;Sorrento -Multi -Family 1/25/2019 —_.._ ..._ - — - — — -- 4516 Mirano Ct Sorrento Multi4amlly 1/25/2019 6350Monterey Wy Emerald Vista- Multi -Family 5/22/2019 — _. ... _...._ _ __— 6351;Monterey Wy ;Emerald Vista- Multi -Family 5/6/2019 5300 N. Esprit Loop Esprit Bldg 9 11/27/2018 5301' N. Esprit Loop Esprit Bldg 11 11/27/2018 5351N. Esprit Loop :Esprit Bldg 10 11/Z7/2018 81051N. Lake Dr Amador Lakes Apts 5/24/2019 6951-6959N. Mariposa Ln Emerald Vista- Multi -Family 1/31/2019 ......... .. -- — _........_ _... - ... — -.. 6961-6969;fV. Mariposa Ln Emerald Vista- Multi Family 1/31/2019 -- ..... --- - -..._ -- — -- 3150,Palermo Wy Kolb Elementary School 1/3/2019 3464Palermo Wy Sorrento Multi -Family 1/25/2019 m 3468Paler o Wy ',Sorrento Multi -Family 1/25/2019 3512 Palermo Wy ;Sorrento -Multi -Family 1/25/2019 3520 Palermo Wy Sorrento Multi4amlly 1/25/2019 4068°Panorama Dr 'Trio Bldg. 24 10/19/2018 ----. Bldg. _ 4106Panorama Dr Trio 23 10/19/2018 --.... .......__......_ ...__-. ...._.. _.. 730_0-7331'Parkwood Cir Parkwood Luxa—ry--Apartments 1/31—/2019 .............- ........ 6800'Penn Dr lWells Middle School 5/22/2019 S 11205 Compliance Report Fiscal 18/19 Dublin cess# 4683 Perugia St Sorrento -Multi -Family 4731 Perugia St Sorrento -Multi -Family 4759;Perugia St Sorrento -Multi -Family 48171Perugia St Sorrento -Multi -Family 4845Terugia St .Sorrento -Multi -Family - _ 3970iPino Grande Rd Kingswood Bldg 8_ _ f __....... .. w R o G 3990 Pinrande d Kingswood Bldg. 6 _ . — .....__ . _. m.. - - --... - ... 4000 Pino Grande Rd Kingswood Bldg. 4 6680Regional St Holiday Inn Dublin 7156 Regional St Shooting Star Preschool 4657Rimini Ct Sorrento -Multi -Family 46224658'Rimini Ct Sorrento -Multi -Family 3662111mini Ln Sorrento -Multi -Family 37211111mini Ln SorrentoWulti4amlly --- _ ....._.—:..... -- ........ ...... 4593 -M Rimini Ln Sorrentoulti-Family .--...........__......__..._.. . _ _ .._ ...... 4603;Rimini Ln Sorrento -Multi -Family _ ......... —._.. - 46131Rimini Ln Sorrento -Multi -Family 4623 i Rimini Ln Sorrento Multi -Family 4642 Rimini Ln Sorrento-Multi-Fam1ly 4661 Rimini Ln ;Sorrento -Multi -Family _.._._.Y- . --- . -. __.... - -- _ 5200 S Esprit Loop Esprit Bldg 4 — - - +- -- 5201iS Esprit Loop .___...... Esprit Bldg 3_.... .._........._ .._n 6570 S. Mariposa Ct Emerald Vista- Multi -Family 6551-6557 S. Mariposa Ct Emerald Vista- Multi-Famlly 6559-6567S, Mariposa Ct Emerald Vista- Multi -Family 6580 S. Mariposa Ln :Emerald Vista- Multi -Family 6600;5, Mariposa Ln Emerald Vista- Multi -Family _ 6632 S. Mariposa Ln I Emerald Vista- Multi4amily 665fS. Mariposa Ln Emerald Vista- Multi -Family 6671sa ,5. MaripoLn ;Emerald Vista- Multi -Family _- --....__..._ —._._ _.. ._......_.. --- - 6690 S. Mariposa Ln Emerald Vista- Multi Family 6730 S. Mariposa Ln Emerald Vista- Multi Family 6751S. Mariposa Ln Emerald Vista --Multi Family 6761 S. Mariposa Ln Emerald Vista- Multi -Family 6772;S. Mariposa Ln Emerald Vista- MultkFamily .. _ _._-__.—_. -..... 6800 5 Mariposa Ln Emerald Vista Multi Family 6801 S Mariposa Ln Emerald Vista MultkFamily _ . 6810;5. Mariposa Ln Emerald Vista- Multi Family _-....... —... --- _....... ..__.._ 6820;S. Mariposa Ln Emerald Vista- MultkFamily -_-- — __..... _ - .. --- 6821:S. Mariposa Ln Emerald Vista Multi Family -.....__ _ __- _. 6830iS Mariposa Ln Emerald Vista- Multi -Family 6840.S, Mariposa Ln Emerald Vista- Multi -Family 6850:S, Mariposa Ln Emerald Vista- Multi -Family 6851S. Mariposa Ln Emerald Vista- Multi -Family -- - - . .._ -:- - - - 6860 S. Mariposa Ln Kidango 6861 S. Mariposa Ln Emerald Vista- Multi -Family _._ .... .... ---- - 6870:S Mariposa Ln Emerald Vista- MultkFamily 6970{S. Mariposa Ln Emerald Vista- Multi -Family 5/2 5/2 019 019 7J2019 7/2019 7/2019 3/2019 11/27/2018 11/27/2018 11/7/2018 5 7/2018 7/2018 7/2018 7/2018 3/2019 3/2019 3/2g19 3/2019 7/2019 3/2019 S61205 Compliance Report Fiscal 18/19 Dublin ass# Street Occupancy _----....._ _ ....... ...__. 7100'�San Ramon Rd �Sofi Dublin_ 7260'San Ramon Rd ,Beyond Montessori Schi 115555 Shannon Ave St. Raymond's School 6805';Sierra Ct., #A ;CAMP - Sierra Day Progi __— -- — 6680 Sierra Ln 'Learning Grove Academ 11900,Silvergate Dr Learn & Play Montessor _._._.._. _—....._ _N... .... - .. __....... �. _ ....-- 7500 St. Patrick Wy Valor Crossing 7550;St. Patrick Wy Connolly Station --a- ....... _ 7315 7323;Starward Dr. The Green Condos 4201Sunset View Dr Trio Bldg-1 4239 Sunset View Dr Trio Bldg. 2 7243Tamarack Dr Frederiksen Elementary . 4800 Tassaiara Rd ;Waterford Place Apts 6363!Tassajara Rd 'Quarry Land School - -- -- - - _ _.. —.._ ......... 3919!Twain Harte Rd ,Kingswood Bldg. 18 _._ -, - - ----.._.. 3953 1Twain Harte Rd Kingswood Bldg. 16 3977 Twain Harte Rd Kingswood Bldg. 12 8151 Village Pkwy ;Dublin High School 7997 Vomac Rd :Dublin Elementary 6901'York Dr ;Valley High School J 1 f� 1 Il 7 7 018 019 018 018 019 019 19 18 19 19 19 ...._59/7/2018 4/26/2019 4/26/2019