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DATE: June 2, 2020
TO: Honorable Mayor and City Councilmembers
Linda Smith, City Manager
Future City Council Meetings During COVID-19 Pandemic
Prepared by: John Stefanski, Assistant to the City Manager
The City Council will discuss the form of future City Council Meetings. Since March 17,
2020, all City Council and City Commission meetings have been held virtually due to the
circumstances surrounding the COVID-19 Pandemic. The City Council will consider
continuing in this format or returning to in-person meetings.
Receive the report and provide direction on the form of future City Council meetings
during the COVID-19 pandemic.
On March 4, 2020, the Governor of California proclaimed a state of emergency exists in
California related to the spread of COVID-19.
On March 16, 2020, the City Manager acting in her capacity as Director of Emergency
Services, proclaimed the existence of a local emergency within the City of Dublin
pursuant to Dublin Municipal Code Chapter 2.44.060(A).
On March 16, 2020, the Alameda County Health Officer issued an order directing all
individuals living in the County to shelter at their place of residence, subject to certain
exceptions. This Order has been amended and superseded several times, most
recently on May 18, 2020. The Order allows for Essential Governmental Functions to
continue as long as such functions are performed in compliance with the Order’s Social
Distancing Requirements to the greatest extent feasible.
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On March 17, 2020, the Governor issued Executive Order N-29-20. This Executive
Order suspends certain requirements of the Brown Act and the means in which public
meetings can be held. Since that time, all City Council and City Commission meetings
have been held virtually due to the circumstances surrounding the COVID-19
As the County moves into later phases of shelter-in-place orders (SIP), Staff is seeking
direction from the City Council on how they wish to conduct their meetings. Please note
that the past and current SIP orders have never precluded the City Council from
meeting in person or for providing an option for the public to meet.
Options for Future Council Meetings
Having conducted several virtual City Council meetings over the past two months, Staff
wanted to provide the City Council an opportunity to provide direction on the form of
future public meetings.
Below are three options for holding City Council meetings. Staff has confirmed with
TV30 that the options below would allow for the broadcasting/recording of the City
Council meeting and that public comment could be conducted virtually via Zoom.
Option 1: Shannon Community Center In-Person City Council Meetings
The first option would relocate City Council meetings to Ambrose Hall at the Shannon
Community Center. Ambrose Hall would provide enough space for the City Council,
Staff and the public to be present and participate in the meeting while remaining
physically distanced. This facility provides ample space to allow for physical distancing
for all individuals present.
Option 2: Council Chambers In-Person City Council Meetings
The second option would resume City Council meetings in the Council Chambers.
Several physical distancing modifications would be required, such as expanding the City
Council to sit throughout the entirety of the dais and relocating other staff to designated
physically distanced audience seats. However, in comparison to Option 1, there would
be less space to physically distance staff, potentially limiting the number that can attend.
Additionally, this option presents space constraints for when in-person public comment
resumes. Staff does not recommend this option.
Option 3: Continue Virtual Zoom City Council Meetings
The third option would continue regular City Council meetings as they have been held
over the past several weeks. This method would allow for the greatest extent of social
distancing for everyone involved. This could continue until the Governor issues a
revision to his Executive Order that no longer allows meetings to occur in this format.
Hybrid Option Not Recommended
Aside from the three options listed above, Staff explored the possibility of a hybrid in-
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person and virtual City Council meeting in which the City Council and staff participate
via Zoom and in person. This would present a number of complications for TV30’s
broadcasting and therefore Staff does not advise this method.
What Other Jurisdictions are Doing?
The County of Alameda is currently holding in-person meetings of the Board of
Supervisors. However, neighboring jurisdictions including Danville, Pleasanton,
Livermore, San Ramon, and Hayward have been holding their City Council meetings
virtually and have not made determinations on when they will resume in-person
Next Steps
Staff will prepare the next City Council meeting to take place in accordance with the City
Council’s direction on this item.