HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem 3.2 PlanningCommissionAppnt CITY CLERK File # n[]]JãJ-~Q] AGENDA STATEMENT CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: January 18. 2005 SUBJECT: Appointment to Planning Commission Report prepared by Kay Keck, City Clerk ATIACHMENTS: 1) Resignation Letter from Todd Machtmes 2) Application submitted by Robert Fasulkey RECOMMENDATION:...... /' Confinn Mayor's appointment of Robert Fasulkey to the Planning /)f/\./'¥ Commission to fill the unexpired tenn (December, 2006) of Todd Machtmes who recently resigned. FINANCIAL STATEMENT: None DESCRIPTION: The City was recently notified that effective January 4, 2005, Todd Machtmes resigned trom his position on the Dublin Planning Commission. The Mayor has appointed former Planning Commissioner Robert Fasulkey to fill the unexpired portion of Mr. Machtmes' term, which ends in December of2006. Staff recommends that the City Council confirm the Mayor's appointment of Robert Fasulkey to the Planning Commission. ---- - COPIES TO: Robert Fasulkey \rq) ITEM NO. 3. ?-I I &þ? \..h::Cfi \I ~J) January 4, 2005 S CITV OF DUBLIN Mayor Janet Lockhart ] 00 Civic Plaza Dublin, CA 94568 Dear Mayor Lockhart: It is with great sadness that I inform you that I am resigning from the Dublin Planning Commission effective today, as my family and I are moving from Dublin in the spring. Unfortunately, for our growing family, as for so many in the Bay Area, the attainable options in housing only seem to become more limited over time, requiring choices be made before they disappear. Our new home will be in Livermore, so we will not be strangers to Dublin as we continue to frequent its businesses and watch its growth. I am truly thankful for having been given the opportunity to participate in the development decisions for the city. It is not a c\icM to say that Dublin is a city with unique opportunities that most cities can only dream of. I hope that I have contributed positively to the planning process for those opportunities, and to current and future residents' enjoyment of their community. Tha%f~OU' L{ì), .-- .....Jz.tt Todd Machtmes cc: Dublin City Council Dublin Planning Commission Dublin Community Development Department Staff \- \~-æ;- ~..z_ ATTACHMENT 1 "" ,~' . ';" . ~' . ,;. I ,."'~ I \ ~. " , . RECEIVED NOV 2 9 2004 PLANNING COMMISSION APP,=ICATIº~rrv OF DUBLIN NAME Robert Michael Fasulkey DA IE November 28. 2004 ADDRESS 7776 TODaz Circle Dublin. CA. 94568 TELEPHONE # (HOME) 925c829·6299 (WORK) 925·584-8880 E-Mail Address bob.fasulkev(ÍÙnacbeILnet 1. Why are you interested In selVlng on the Pla.nnlngCommlsalon? I have been a resident of Dublin for almost two decades and I wish to serve inacat:lacitv where I can contribute nw backll1"ound and relatedexoerierices to the continued il'owth to the this cofiÌmunitv. My experience includesservillll terms on the· Parks and Community Services Commission as well as the PIannillll Commission. 2,What is your knowledge of and experience InPlmmng and Zoning? I have attended LeagueofC¡Ùifomia Cities Planninllconferences. where I received trainimrin the Brown Act. zonin!!constraint&.enviromriental considerations and much more. Additionally. I have acted as a developer of my own home. 3. How do you feel about the growth that has occurred In ~ntyøara in Dublin? tsahe The 4. What should the City's position be regarding groWth? ',"". ""~i'~>"< ~:j:~,,/.:~ *'''''':~\'''' ~neral Plans need to be constantly followed tÎllorouslv. The plans asoftodav include accommodationoffree.space, Å“r~s and rèasonablè.densities ofbysiness andresidenccs. Ii. What type(s) of housing do w. n~d? Housinl! in Dublin needs to incluqe a full ranl!e of single familv to high d.ensitvmulti- family ho~inll that will accommodate allleveIs ofinco\1les and ~e faètors. Special . attention needs to be paid to senior housinll as th.Îs is one demo p'llyhic that is not well .8Q!Ùvzed at this point. . , A TT ACHMENT 2 '. ,~{, ~{: .,,...~ '" ,> ,,, ,. ,"', ' ,,' > .~: ':::-¡: ~" ,'I"':": .. '1'1'''' ,. '~' ',' ::' ,',I '."." ~ ' ~ 6. Whllt do you think are the major concerns of Dublin rer;identaregarding future planning? Residents are concerned about the imnact that additional housinl! will have onlraffic ánd related infrastructure. Also. there is a concern about the mix ofietail and commercia! develoDment. For exarnDle, does the addition oflkea sima! more ' box stores and resultantly fewer emnloyers like Cisco? 7. What, if anything, should be done to enhance the Downtown business districts? Sometimes I wish I couldsimDlv sav tear it down. but the '60's ~ilt-UDS that dominate the area and thev are still functional. We need to find a wav to work with these to e1Ù1/µ1ce the facades and the entire aDtlearance of the downtown area. GatewaYS are a starl but we need to fmd a wav to !let it to be a more a Dedestrianand Dublicllatherin!l area. Tbe most recent buildimzs aDDroved are startirig to change the tone. so continue this iIs well as encouralZe the Dresent owners to make some imDrovements. . 8. What!:lon.lderatlonsshould the City be concerned with ¡nfuture developments In Dublin? Making sure that the Droiects Carry their own costs whil~ contributinlZ to the im¡trovement of the overall communi tv. 9. How do you feel about making adec,-ion for the overallgoodOfthø community, but unpopular withsøme neighbors? It is never fun to see neiihbors react badlv to lII1Dooular decisions. but sometimes this is the case. I havenoissues with this. butI a!Sðwantto~ sure thatevervbodv involved feelª that they have been heard. and more imb0rliUqyt)íat theirnOsition is understood. Otherwise. thev will neverliCCl?'t anv rational tIì{ÛiJIIPWied; , , , " , "," '" ,',"',' , , ',' . " /, ' 10.What Is the most importantcj ntrlbuUc>n you can·make a.a member of the PlannIng CommiSsion? ' We have a tremendous ODtlortunitv to do it ri¢tt ~th the new the develolllnents in the East and in the West Dublin Transit ViIl8Ì\e: Iwant tou~ mvexoerienÅ“ to consistently aDDly the standards that we have develoned. Also, I wantto s~ mvexoerience with the newly aDDointed commissioners so that thevcan become educated onthe Drocess. , Signature up 'nTechnica1 M~er In order to be comlder by the Mayorfi completed form to the atlention of Kay ec WelÚU!sday, December I, 1004. 'inlmefit IOlhe;>/annllig c!Jl'/jN,¡sf0ri,þ/e03er,lUr'! this ity Clerk, 100 Civi¢Plaza. Dublln,CA 94568.þy 4:0Q p,m.,