HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem 3.2 Dublin 101 Participants C~TY CLERK F~le # OIIJ[1J[QJ..crJ[2J AGENDA STATEMENT CITY COUNCil MEIETING DATE FebruaD"Y 5,2008 SUBJECT RecogrutIon of the Partlclpants of the 2007-2008 CIty of Dub 1m 101 Report Prepared by Jom Pattillo Assistant Czty Manager ATTACHMENTS None RECOMMENDA Tl02~ecogruze the PartIcipants of the 2007-2008 DublIn 101 FINANCIAL STATEMENT None DESCRIPTION The CIty of DublIn 101 Academy, an II-week program, was deSIgned to mform partlclpants about the lssues facmg the commuruty, and to encourage commulllty mvolvement at all levels The last class for the Dubhn 101 was held on January 31,2008 TOpICS that were covered dunng the Academy were publIc safety, local government and commulllty servlces There were 18 mdlvIduals that were accepted and 15 partIcIpants completed the DublIn 101 Academy They were Martm Baron, Rodelyn Coppock, Travls Cox, Llsa DIllon, Barbara Donnell, Sam Enochlan, Annette L FreImuth, Andrea Gnffin, Tlm Hall, ConnIe Mack, Tnnh Nguyen, Peter Perez, Dehlah Vanderpool, SImon Wu, and John ZukoskI COpy 1'0 AnI Pall"tIclpallUts Page I of] 3,~ fflEM NO G \Dublln leadership Academy\Leadershlp Academy 2007 08\MI~cellaneous Prcparatlon\2 5 08 Dublin 101 Recognition doc ~