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File # D[k][[][QJ..[2]~
cny COlUNC~l MEIET~NG DATIE February 19,2008
2007 OrgamzatIOn of the Year NomInations
Report Prepared by Carolme Soto Deputy Clerk
NOmInatIOn Forms SubmItted
RECOMMEN][)ATrrON ~ Present Certificates ofRecogmtIOn to Nommees
DESCRIPTION Each year, the City of Dubhn recognizes a Dubhn-based non-profit
organIzation that has proVIded services WhICh have substantIally benefited reSIdents of the commumty
Mayor Lockhart and VIce Mayor SbrantI currently serve as the Citizens and OrganIzation of the Year
CommIttee ImmedIately after close of the nOmInatIOn penod, the Committee arranged for the Judgmg to
be done by Impartial mdIvIduals or organIzatIOns outsIde the CIty ofDubhn
The wmnmg organIzatIOn WIll be announced at the CIty'S "Jazzed About Our Volunteersl" event bemg
held on Fnday, February 22, 2008 at the Dublm Semor Center In addition, the wmmng organIzation's
name WIll be engraved on the perpetual plaque, WhICh hangs Just mSIde the Council Chambers
The organIzations nom mated thiS year are Fnends of the Dublm LIbrary, General Federation of
Women's Club Dublm/San Ramon Women's Club, and School of ImagInatIon/Happy Talkers
Representatives from each organIZatIOn were mVlted to attend thIS CIty CouncIl meetmg and mVltatIons
have been extended for them to attend the Volunteer Recognition event on February 22nd
Staff recommends that the Mayor present each nomInee WIth a CertIficate of RecogmtIOn for bemg
nom mated as Dubhn's 2007 OrganIZatIOn of the Year
COpy 1'0 Nommees
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G \CC MTGS\2008 cc mtgs\2008 qtr 1\02 Feb\02 19 08las-org of the year doc
2007 OrgaruzatlOn of the Year NommatlOn -Fnends of the DublIn Library
The Fnends of the DublIn LIbrary IS a non-profit orgaruzatlOn dedIcated to supportmg and
enhancmg the Dublm LIbrary With fundmg for programs and matenals, as well as by provIdmg
volunteers for lIbrary actIvItIes Members of the Fnends are passIOnate about the Importance of
the Dublm LIbrary m the CIty, and work tIrelessly to promote publIc mterest m the lIbrary
Dunng 2007, the Fnends supported the DublIn LIbrary by raIsmg nearly $19,000 to fund lIbrary
programs and matenals Some of the hlgWIghts were
o Donatmg $5,000 to the lIbrary's Trust Fund, to purchase an AWE computer lIteracy station
pre-mstalled WIth 26 educatlOnallearmng programs for chIldren ages 2 through 8
o Purchasmg 632 DVDs for the lIbrary's cIrculatmg collection, as well replacement CDIDVD
cases, replacement computer headphones, and a DVD player
o ProvIdmg all the matenals and supplIes for the wIldly popular "Mother Goose on the Loose"
program, whIch offers chlldren the opportunIty to lIsten, love and learn language whIle
explonng mUSIC, rhythm and nursery rhymes
o ProvIdmg polo shIrts for lIbrary staff and Fnends to wear at events such as booksales, St
Patnck's Day parade, and Day on the Glen
<II Fundmg 14 sessIOns of the FamIly Smg-Along program wltn a $1 750 grant FamIly Smg-
AJong proVIdes an nour of musI~al fun usmg vanous mstruments su~n ac; arums, Dells, and
kazoos as well as smgmg:
0> Major sponsor of the Dubhn Reads program With a $1,400 grant mdudmg the ourchase of
multIple copies of Snow Mountain Passage to donate to Dubhn High School, and enough
copIes of Patty Reed's Doll so that each DublIn elementary school received a classroom set
o UnderwrItmg the hbrary's Chautauqua Lectures program With a $")00 grant mcludll1g an
honoranum to storyteller Olga Loya who recreated the life of a llmeteenth-century
COIr(0/11I0 woman, Juana Bnones
o Supportmg the Homework Center, which helps students m grades 3 to 8 WIth a grant of $785
for purchasmg "thank you" gIft cards for the Homework Center's staff of volunteers
o Underwntmg the popular summer chIldren's programs WIth over $800 m grants The summer
chIldren's programs proVIde specIal events, mcludmg puppet shows, musIc and storytellIng
and magIC shows These programs entIce chIldren to the lIbrary dUrIng the summer months
where they can then sign up to play the Summer Readmg Game
The Fnends raised most of these funds by holdmg book sale events m the spnng, autumn, and
wmter where the publIc was mVIted to purchase donated used booles, DVDs and CDs Each
year members of the FrIends spend hours collectmg sortmg, and pncmg donated Items In
oreparatlOn for the sales as well as puohclzmg settmg up, staffing, and tearIng-down each book
sale event Other funds come through membership fees, cash donatIons, the sale of Dub 1m Reads
t-shtrts, and a perpetual book sale held In the lObby oftne Dubhn LIbrary as well as at the
Starbucks cafe on Regional Street
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2007 CIty ofDubhn
OrgamzatlOn of the Year
The GFWC Dubhn/San Ramon Women's Club was formed In 1965 and currently has 103 members We are a part of
the CahformaFederatIon of Women's Clubs and the General FederatIOn of Women's Clubs Our commumty servIce
work encompasses work rn SIX major areas They are the Arts, ConservatIOn, EducatIOn, Home LIfe, Int'I AffaIrs,
Public Affairs CItizenshIp and Safety DUrIng the year 2007 our members accounted for 29,623 hours of commumty
servIce ill these major areas
Our members started 2007 WIth a gIft to the CIty of Dubhn In the amount of$12,375 to be used for upgrades at Old
SaInt Raymond Church to create a VISItor center These funds came from a major fund-raiSIng event that has been held
annually for the past 13 years
The club members sponsor a Student Art Contest In the pubhc and prIvate schools We had more than 300 entries
Thirty-five WInners were selected These wrnmng entrIes were entered mto a dIStnct competItIon and then SIX from
that contest were entered In a state level competItIOn Four of those entrJes took home state awards
The club members donated $340 to purchase five plantations for reforestatIon ofthe Stamslaus NatIonal Forest One
hundred flower seed packets were secured from the AmerIca the BeautIful Fund These seeds were scattered by our
members on theIr faVOrIte walkmg traIls or any place that needed beautIficatIOn
Every third grade class In all publIc dOd pTlvate school 10 DublIn receIved a subSCrIptIon to the KIND news for each
student This IS a pubhcatlon from the NatIOnal ASSOCiatIOn for Humane and Envlfonmental Educations Our club
receIved many letters of apprecIatIOn from our thIrd bJfade students mforrmng the club how much they love their
VI. e do volleet prInte- ~annage<; and cell pnones and mall them to a recycle firm mus Keepmg tnem out of tne land
l.Jwmg 20(}7 till'> ~Iu') i'-dV:::: I1we $100(, s~ho,ar<;nlD<' 10 '>IU(.ent~ 11 Du::mG and Sa, Ramon ..nc. TWO re eml\ S1.Uoenrs
at La" POSltas College The \ allev HIgh Schaal V edrbool~ receives a donatIOn for tn'::Ir pUDlIcanon and DublIn HIgh
S~hOOl di~O ret.elved OOl1atlons for tnelf 'Grad NIgll" Two memoers partlvlpated de; Judges at tile Scnoo! D'SlTlC~
SCIence r::ali \Veils Middle School IS the reCIpient of a donation to tlie ,>chool Sock Monkey ProJect Our preSident
was inVIted to Judge the ,>oct. monkey entrIes Dubnn HIgh was gIfted WIth $500 for start up funds for the Wmter
Percussion Ensemble
In the Home LIfe area we supported the ChIldren's Emergency CouncIl WIth food and member service on the councIl
board The club was one of the founders of thIS councIl 10 the late 60's Mervyn's KId's Spree has been a reCIpIent
of $1 000 and hours of our service
F or many yedrs the member; of the club have been performmg V I'>Ion ScreenIng of preschoolers for amblyopIa or "lazy
eye" In 2007 we screened 775 students A parent of one chIld came to one of our General Meetmgs to express her
gratItude for our program and the early diagnOSIS of amblyopIa In her aaughter
Hope HospIce - Lights of the Valley had our club servmg as hostess In 2007
Weare members ofthe DublIn Chamber, Dubhn SIster CIty Dubhn Htstoncal PreservatIOn A~SOeIatlOn and the Dubhn
FrIends of the Library MembershIp IS more than Just paymg dues, but It IS also about Demg Involved In the events
of these groups
Tht- Gr::WC Dublm/San Ramon Women's ClUb IS proud to be a sponso- of the Dublm PRIDE WLel student poster
LOntes- We had 537 emnes In grader; J~mdergdnen tnm 12 grade<: from all PUultC' dnd rmvate senoo1s We ,>et the
rule~, delivered the supplles, colle:::ted the art and then fudgec; for wmners litll ail: \'vas tl1en retLlrned to the student"
at each "choo} wltn a oartlclDatton certIficate for each ,>tudent
Our goal Wd:; III 2007 dnd WIll contmue fo- Y'::dI"S to come to <;e.-ye the neeo,> or our communltv and to keep DuolIn d<;
a grand pla"e to reSIde for all re<;Id~ms young and not so young
2007 OrgamzatlOn of the Year - School of ImagmatlOn & Happy Talkers
Imagme bemg the mother of a chIld who can not speak play wIth other chIldren or even show you simple
e"\.preSSIOns oflove You want to help your chIld but vou don't know where to turn or what to do ThIS was
my child and I tha.nh. god everydav for findmg School of ImagmatIOn & Happy Talkers There IS NOTHING
ltke It m the Bav Area
School of ImagmatIOn serves the chIld care pre-school and kmdergarten readmess needs of chIldren WIth
developmental disabIlIties and typIcally-developmg chIldren m the Bay Area It IS a non-profit education
center bUIlt on the award wmnmg methodology of the Happy Talkers program estabhshed In 2000 SInce
2000, over 2,500 chIldren WIth autIsm speech delays and developmental disabIlItIes have found thiS program
to be the answer to theIr prayers
As parents, words WIll never express Just how grateful we are to Mavor Janet Lockhart and the CIty of DublIn
for helpmg thIS mcredlble program survIve After 7 moves m 3 years, the future of the School ofImagmatIOn
and all of our chIldren was In Jeopardy But the commufllty rallIed together, and With the CIty ofDublm's
support, volunteers bUIlt a playground to make CrosSWInds Church a temporary home for thIS wonderful
In 2007, School oflmagmatIOn also launched the Parent Support Network to aSSIst famIlIes m the communIty
The onlme and toll free support center for parents mcludes reference matenals, lmks to Important InfOrmatIOn
and educatIOn SItes as well as a network of parents and for parents who are expenencmg SImIlar challenges
Staffed by volunteer parents m the commUnItv \\1\\\\ c.,choolofinldUll1dllOn om and 877-KIDS- TLC has
become dn Invaluable resource fO! famIlIes m need
As If creatmg a scnoo] \I, as not enougl< one of the most extraordll1arv accomplIsnment<:; of 2007 veal hdS been
the creatIOn of the En!!h! Be2:mnll1!!s can1Dal!!n an oUTreach and c;uppm I progl am 11 hose n7Z<;\1017 1\ 10 em 111 e
thaI (vel v chzld gelS the nelo thev nee(} ar; emlv at;; pO'l'izble Havll1g ~een far too manv children mIss then
cntIcal wmdow of OppOrtulllt) for early mtelventIOn School of ImagmatIon launched thIS grow1dbreakll1g
volunteer effort to proVide free screenmg, educatIOnal and support progrdIDs for the communIty In 2007,
volunteers through School of ImagmatIOn & Happy Talkers screened over 100 chIldren for Autism and
developmental delays But they aren't stoppIng there School of ImagmatIOn & Happy Talkers IS prodUCIng
the first ever event to IdentLfy and support familIes With partners ll1cludmg Doug FlutIe Jr FoundatIOn
AutIsm Speaks CalIfornIa FIrst Five Alameda County, and KKIQ RadIO, tills mcredlbly Innovative program
promIses to extend ItS reach to famIlIes
School ofImagmatlOn was developed by Charlene Sigman and her husband, MItch Charlene IS a true
mspIratIOn and VISIOnary creatmg a school deSIgned to meet the needs of all children In 2007 Charlene
received the prestigIOUS Jefferson A. ward at Herbst Theatre m San FranCISCO The Jefferson A wards were
establIshed m 1972 by JacquelIne Kennedy Onassls, U S Senator Robert Taft, Jr and Sam Beard as a Nobel
Pnze that honors mdIvIduals for extraordmary publIc and commulllty service
At the Ribbon Cuttmg on lune 30 2007 Mayor Lockhart said It best, "What you have done for my
commum!) means the most to me We are so proud to say that School of ImagmalIon & Happy Talkers eXIsts
m the CIty of Dublm
Thalli, you for consldenng recogmzmg Scnool ofImagmanon & Happ) Talkers for tne 2007 01 gamzatIon of
the Year