HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem 4.02 I-580/Fallon Road Improvements K.~ Of [)VLJLA 6~~ r~@I~~~ ~~.~ Gt/'/fD"Q,'t-,\'1:, CITY C File# D~IOJ ERK -BlOJ AGENDA STATEMENT CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: May 16, 2006 SUBJECT Approval of Freeway Maintenance Agreement with Calt ans for the I-S80/Fallon Road Interchange Improvement Project Report Prepared by' Melissa Morlon, Puhlic Works Dir clor i Resolution, together with Exhibit "A," Maintenance Agr1ement ATTACHMENTS ~ Adopt the resolution approving the Freeway Agreement with Caltrans for the I-S80/Fallon Road Improvement Project. aintcnanee nterchange RECOMMENDATION FINANCIAL STATEMENT Under this agreement, Dubhn will maintain the new and sea ping included in the I-S80/Fallon Road Interchange Improvel nt Project. In addition, Dublin will share equally with Caltrans in paying Ihe maintenance and energy costs for Ihe two proposed tr ffie signals and safety lighting. Following is a breakdown of Ih eSl1malcd annual maintenance costs: Landscaping and Irrigation: Trank SIgnals/safety lighting (Dublin's share)' Approximate annual maintenance cost: ,000 500 ,500 The cost of landscape maintenance will he paid out of e General Fund budget, safety lighting costs will be paid out nf th street light maintenance assessment district, and traffic signal maint lance costs will be paid from the Gas Tax traffic safety funds. An pavement maintenance required on Fallon Road (i.e., pothole repair and overlay) will be paid out of the City's Gas Tax funds. DESCRIPTION On Febnmry 1, 2005, the City Council approved t e Frecway Mamtenanee Agrecment with Caltrans for the I-S80/Fallon Road Interchange Improvcment p jcet. That Agrcement had been required h) Caltrans in order to issuc of an cneroaehment permit to c nstrucl the -----------------------------------~~~~---------------------------------------------------------- ~~~-------- COpy TO: ITEM NO. ~ Page I of2 G:\MISCPROJ\1-:580 Palloll Rd\Caltrans1agst l.altrans MaintJ;:nll.llce Agreemt=n13-~-Otl.d{){; I-S80/Fallon Road Interchange Improvement project. The improvcments include new landsc ping on the Duhlin side (north side) of the interchange, installation of a new traffic signal and safety Ii hhng at the intersechon of EI Charro Rnad and the easthOLmd off-ramp, installation of a ncw traffic sign 1 and safety lighting at the intcrscetion of Fallon Road and the westbound off-ramp, and wldenmg of allon Road within Caltrans' nght-of-way Undcr this proposed Freeway Maintenance Agreement with Cal1rans, the City agrees to mam ain any new landscaping installed within the DuhIm City limIt Ime north ofthc frecway, and thc new wide cd segment of Fallon Road within the freeway right-of-way up to the City limit line. Thc City had also originally agreed to operate two new traffic sIgnals at the Fallon and El harro Road off-ramps as previous Iv described ahnve and pay 100% of the operation cost. However, 'altrans has Slllce changed 1ls traffic signal operation policy to now rcquire Caltrans to operate these sign s instead of the City Caltrans will provide thc labor necessary to operate these two ne'" IIlterchange tr ffie signals and will pay SO'Yo of the operation cost. The traffic sIgnal mamtenance cost, including rc laeement of light buIhs, repaIr of eqLl1pment, and energy costs of the traffic signals and safety lighting, will remalll equally sharcd bctween Dublin and Caltrans. Due to the pohcy change, Cal1rans opted not to sign the agreemcnt approved by the Cit Council III Fehcuary 2005 and instcad requested that the City approve the current proposed agreem nt with the revised responsibility for traffic slgnal operatl(lll. All other features of the agreement prcviou lyapproved III February 2005 will remain the same. Staff recommends that the City Council adopt the resolution approving the Freeway aintenance Agreement with Caltrans lur the I-S80/Fallon Road Interchange Improvement ProJect. .~ {JOb;).. < I ~ RRSOLUTION NO. - 06 A RRSOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DUBLIN i", ********* "::~'1f,1_';:,,~~, :~"".! ;b:;,. .,~,..:,",f.' ''<f,' APPROVING FREEWAY MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT WITH THE STATE DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION (CALTRANS) FOR I'H 1-580/FALLON ROAD INTERCHANGE IMPROVEMRNT PROJECT WHRRRAS, thc City of Dublin plans to Improve the I-S80/Fallon Road freeway III erchange 10 mitigate the Dubhn Ranch area devclopment; and WHEREAS, City Staff has been working cooperatively WIth Caltrans on the design and environmental documentatIOn of the I-S80/Fallon Road Interchange Improvement Project; an I WHEREAS, one of Caltrans' requirements pnor to ISsuance of an eneroaehme4t penmt to construct the project IS to enter into a freeway maintenance agreement to idcntify jnaintenance responsibilitics of the proposed lmprovements; and WHEREAS, the project will reqUIre maintenance of new landscaping, two new tram signals and safety lighting, and new pavement construcled on Fallon Road within Caltrans' nght nfway; NOW, I'HRREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council of the City of Dub in approves the freeway maintenance agreement with Caltrans for the 1-S80/Fallon Road Interchangc r1nprovcment ~~ I , BR IT FURTHER RESOL VED that the Mayor IS authorized to execute the agreement. , , PASSRD, APPROVED AND ADOPTED this 16th da) of May, 2006. AYES NOES .,.,. ABSENT ABSTAIN ,~,: Mayor ATTEST City Clerk g:miscpruj\I-580-rilllun Rl'ad\Rc50 Caltram Ml:I.int o\grnl I f.. z. t;fk/X:' AJ.-580-R26.2/R27.2 ,2 of 7 FREEWAY MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT, made and entered into in duplieatc, effect1Ve thIS , da) of ... , 20_, is by and hetween the Statc of California, actlllg by and through the Department of Transportation, herem after referrcd to as "STATE," and the City nfDublin, hcrcinafter referred to as "CITY" WITNESSETH. WHEREAS, under STATE CooperatIve Agrcement No 4-1820-A1 between STATE and CITY, CITY will construct improvements to State Highway Route 580 at the 1-580/Fallon Road Interchange, and WHEREAS, the parties hereto mutually desire to clarify the divIsion of maintenance responsibility, upon completion ofimpnlvements and acceptance by STATE, under said Cooperative Agreement, as to separatIon structures, and local CITY streets and roads, or portions thereof, and landscaped areas lying within or outside the freeway limits. WHEREAS, a new plan map has been prepared ShOWlllg the reviscd area to be mallltained hy the City, whIch plan map is allached hereto as Exhiblt "A"; and NOW THEREFORE, IT IS AGREED' 1 The parties maintenance responsibilitIes shall be as set forth in Exhibit "A" and as provIded for hereinafter. When a planned future improvement has been constructed and/or a minor reVIsion has been effected within the limIts oflhe frecway herem described, which affcets the parties division ofmamtenance responsibihty as deserihed herein, STATE will provide a new dated and reviscd Exhihit "A" which will he made a part hereof by an amendment to this Agreemcnt when executed by both parties, which will thereafter supersede the attached original Exhihlt "A" and which will then bceome part of this Agreement. 2. VEHICULAR OVERCROSSINGS STATE will maintain, at STATE expense, the entIre strueturc of any vehicular and pcdestnan overerossings below the deck surface except as hereinafter provided. CITY will maintain, at CITY expense, the following surfacing and appurtenances, provided that such surfacing aud appurtenances are located within CITY hnuts: the dcek and/or surfacing (and shall pcrform such work as may be necessary to ensure an impervious and/or otherwise suitable surface) and all portIOns of the structure ahove the bridge deck, including, but without limitatIOn, lighting installatlOns, as well as all tcame serVIce facilities (signals, signs, pavcment marklllgs, rails, etc.) that may be required for the benefit or control of traffic using that overcrossing. Sereenlllg shall be placed at such locations (as shall be detennincd b) STATE), on STATE freeway overpasses on whIch pedestrians arc allowed (as directed by Sect. EXHIBIT A. To the Resolution Ala-580-R26.2iR17.2 30f7 92.6 of the Strects and Highy"ays Code). All screens installed under this program will be maintained by STATE (at STATE expense) 3 LANDSCAPED AREAS ADJACENT TO CROSSING STRUCTURES Any plantings or other types of roadside dcvc10pment Iymg outsidc of the area reserved for exclusive freeway use shall he mamtained by CITY at CITY e'pense. CITY shall also maintain, at CITY expense, landscaping wlthlll the area reservcd for frecway use as shown on Exhibit "A" CITY shall not enter said landscaped areas within freeway limits via the freeway side nnless an encroachment permit is obtained from STATE. 4 INTERCHANGE OPERATION It is the responsibility of the STATE t() provide efficient operation of freeway interchanges including ramp connectIOns to local streets and roads. The maintenance and cnergy costs or safety hghting, traffic signals or other necessary electrically operated traffic control devices at ramp eonneehons to CITY strects shall be shared, eqnally; between the STATE and the CITY STATE will operate the trarfie control sIgnals as shown on Exhibit "A" and pay for the costs of such operatIon. STATE will maintain thc safety lighting, traffic slgnals and othcr necessary electrically operated traffic control devices. CITY shall reimburse STATE for CITY's proportionate share of said maintenance costs, such share to be an amonnt equal to fifty percent (50%) of the total maintenance custs mcluding electrical energy costs. S. LEGAL RELATIONS AND RESPONSffiIUTIES A. Nothing in the provisions uf thIS Agreement is intended to create duties or oh1igations to (If nghts III third parties not parties to this contract or am'Jetthe legal hahihty of either party to thc contract by Imposing any standard uf care wIth respect to the maintenance of ST A TE hIghways differcnt from the standard of care imposed by lay" B It IS understood and agreed that neither STATE nor any officer or employee thereof is rcsponsible tor any damage or liability occurring by reason of anything done or umltted to be done by CITY under or m connection with any work authority or jurisdiction delegated to CITY under this Agreement. It IS understood and agreed that, pursuant to Govcrnment Code section 895 4 , CITY shall defend, mdenmify and save harmless STATE and all of its officers and employees from all claims, suits Or actJons of every name, kInd and description brought for or on account oflllJunes to or death or any person or damage to property resull1ng from anything done or omiUed to be done by CITY under or III cOlmection with any work, authority or Junsdietion delegated to CITY under this Agreement. 2 - Al.-580"R26.2/R27.2 4 r(7 C. It IS understood and agreed that neither CITY nor any officer Or employee thereof is rcsponsihle for any damage or liability occurring by reason of anythmg donc or omitted to be done by STATE under or in connection with any work, authority or junsdiction delegated to STATE under this Agreement. It is understood and agreed that, pursuant to Government Code seehon 895 4, STATE shall defend, llldemnify and save harmless CITY and all ofrts officers and employces from all claims, suits or actions of every name, kmd and deseripbon brought for or on account of mjuries to or death of any person or damage to property resulting from anything done or omitted to be done by STATE under or in connection with any work, authority or jurisdiehon delegatcd to STATE under this Agreement. 6. EFFECTIVE DATE ThIs AgrecmCllt shall be cffeetive upon the date appearing on ItS face, it being understood and agreed, however, that except as express] y provided for III this Agreement, the execution of this Freeway Maintenance Agreement shall not affect any pre-existing obligations of CITY to mamtain other desIgnated freeway, highway, or road areas pursuant to prior written agreements with STATE. 3 '\Ja-5RQ-R26.2!R27.2 5,.,L 7 TN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parhes hereto have set theIr hands and seals the day and year first above wnt1en. CITY ofDUBLTN STATE OF CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION Mayor Date WILL KEMPTON Director of Transportation Alles!: By City Clerk Date Y ADER A. BERMUDEZ Deputy District Dircetor Mamtenance Date Approved as to form. City AUomey Date 4 , ;t ~ -I (') :I: r- :z m ~, ...' - N 0',. '% '1l'" - ~ ~: ~.. 3;1 "-".' _.::...,,~_.. (.", /,..", "J . ....._ ~~_.~ ) L:. o V <hi (" 't , ~ " , \ \ " \ \ t~ .'! 1 :' ~ ~ , " .-----_. ;'" '!:; .. l' 3 o .; L f! 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" EXHIBIT "A" ELECTRICAL FACILITIES MAINTAINED BY THE STATE Distribution of Costs 50% STATE 50% CITY of Dublin I Location !P05t Mile Type of Fad Illy Fallon & 1-580 North of intercha e 04335800016822 16,8 04335800016822 16.8 El Cha!TO & 1-580 South of intercha e 04335800016813 16.7 04335800016613 16.7 Controller No. or Units xxxxx 4-310wh xxxxx 3 - 310 w h s Effective Revised 1 Pole/Ugh! Number 1 Meier # 16822- TOU? 16622 16842 16862 16882 Meier # 18813-TOU? 16753 16773 16793 "J a ~ "-.)