HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem 4.03 Murray Schoolhouse Exhibit CITY CLERK File # rnQ]~-~OJ AGENDA STATEMENT CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: April 18, 2006 SUBJECT: MUrray Schoolhouse Exhihit Design Consultant ServIces Change Order Report hI' John Hartnett, Heritage & Cui/ural Arts Supervisor ATTACHMENTS: :r' I) Proposal Cost Inl<mnation 1N' 2) Proposed Change Order j. ,\ RECOMMENDATION: \ I\pprove Change Order #2 for Additional Services FINANCIAL STATEMENT: Onginal Contract for Oe~]gn/Project Managcmcnt ServIces $23,1)00 Content Development Services - Change Order #1 $3,200 Proposed Change Order #2 $2,000 Total RevIsed Contract Amount $29,j()() Sufficient funds al'e available wIthin the FY 2005-06 project budgel DESCRIPTION: On March 1 st, 2005 the City Council approved an Agreement with John Vieira of Vieira Oesigns to completc graphic design and project mallagement services 1<)[ the Murray Schoolhouse Exhibit Re~toralion project. The scope of work included schematic dcsign, design development, final design, produclH)I] and detail drawmgs, alId installation phase. The scope of work also called for project management services throughout the onhre project. In May 2005, the City Council approved a ChalIge Order to the contract in tho amount of $3,200 for content development services, where the consultant ]S required to creato a mISsIOn and theme for the project, as wcll as research historical inf(mnation and create text panels that tcll a cohesive story of the exhibit. During the process of devcloping construction drawings, additional comments from both the Building and Fire Department required several dcslgn adjustments by the Consultant, adding to hIs scope of work. Also, in light of the added costs for the construction contract and the need to now valuc engmeer the proJect, whH;h also may rcquire moddkatiolls to the construction documenlS, additional review and coordinahon of thc deSIgn constmction by the contractor will be required. John VieIra has indicated that he could provide this addlhonal service. Given the importance of staymg within the time frame to complete the resloration project and Mr. Vieira's involvement as design and project milllager, it would be to the CIty's advantage to add this additIOnal service to his scope of work. -~------------------~--------------------------~-----------------~-------------------------------~-~~--~---~~ COPY TO: ITEM NO. L\-.~ Page] of2 (I.\cnlJNL'JI.\Agcnda StatemeIlM20lJ6\4-'1 R-Ol't Vieir::l Cuntract Change Order #2.doo Tn the onglllal 2005-06 Budgct, $30,735 was set asidc for Dcsigll Scrviccs, which provides more than enough runds to cover the additional Change Order request. RECOMMENDATION: It is the recommendation of Staff that the City Council approve the Changc Ordcr #2 fur VieIra Designs in the amount or $2,000 Vieira Designs /o-f3 Proposal for Services: Under thIS Contract John D Vieira of Vieira DcsigllS will providc additiollal constmction documcnt dcsign scrviccs for the City of Dublin's exhibition. 17w Murrav Schoolhouse Exhibit Restoration. The scope of work mcludes: . Gcncrate design changes to <;onstmction documcnts as requested by City Departmcnts. . Additional review and coordination of desIgn cOllstnlct]On, as needed. . 2. Proiect Schedule: John D Vieira wJ!1 deliver the serV]<;es as noted based on construcbon schcdulcs lor the proJe<;t. 3 Comoensation: For the services outlined above, the City ofDuhhn agrees to pay John D. Vieira a fcc of ($2,000.00). ServIces other than those listcd abovc will rcquirc prior written authorization from John D Vieira of Vieira Designs. 4 Ownership of Proiect: It is hereby acknowledged tbat Ihls proJect <;onshtutes a work made for hirc purposes for the COPYTIght Act, and that all writings and other tangible items provided undcr this agrccmcnt shall be the property ofthc City of Dublin. To the extent that a court might find thIS not to be a work made for hire, John D Vieira herehy aSSIgns all cOPYTIghts III the project to thc City of Dublin. .....,. 4~18-06 John D Vieira Vieira Designs Date If 3 t.t/,-g!Or.:, ATTACHMENT #1 CITY OF DUBLIN CONTRACT CHANGE ORDER NO.2 .{ 0+.3 PROJECT: TO: Murrav Schuolhouse Exhibit Restoration \i ieira Designs, Consultant PAGE 1 OF 1 AGREEMENT DATED March 1,2005 between" ieira Designs and the City uf Duhlin You are hereby dired,t::d In rn~kc the herein described changes from the scope of services or do the following described work not inL:luded in the scope of services on this colltmct. NOTE: This chanl!e order is not effective until aooroved by the City Mana2:er- Description ofwol1 t,o he <1{)n~l estimate of quantities, and prices to be paid. Segregate between additional work at contract price, agreed price and force account. Unless Mhelwise stated, ra.l.t:$ fOT rcnti;11 of equipment cove:r only su(,:h limf,; ,15 equipment is actually Llsed and no alluwance will he made lllr idle time. Chanee reauf!iltcd bv: Citv ufDublin Th.~..JftS.t.n.~.r~~.r~lag~, ::;hCl';\fll ;~ the net l:tceumulated increase or decrease from the ori(!inal fee in the AO"reement.. t Vieira desigIls l,n' a lotal Ilot to exceed $2,000 based On the scope of work dated April! t, 2005 for additiunal l.:onstTllction documents design services. I attached hereto). COST INCREASE $2,000 trTED If'! c--I- .tf1\J'.;{';,.Ja,{,J 'I-. Ii (, f::-. Diane Lowart Datc' 041 m() Pa.rks and Communily S~rvi(,:e;:5 Dircr.;tor SU APPROVAL RECOMMENDED BY i\.PPROVED BY Dato' 041 /00 .hmet Lockhart Datc; 041 106 Mayor RiCh Ambrose City Manager We, the undersigncd contractor, have given careful considr..'Tatiun to the change propof::icd and hereby agrec~ if this proposal is approved, Ihat we will pwvidc all cquipmcnt~ furnish all materials, except as rnav otherwise be noted above, and perfiiI"T'n all services ntct:ssary for the work above specified, and will (l(,:(,::t;"pt ~I!j full pa)'ll1cnt therefor the prices shown above. 4.(,:cepled, Dat.e;= Contractor Vieira Designs By Title: John Vit:ir~l Ift.he Contractm doeS [In! sign acccptanc(~ of this order, his/her attention is directed to the requirements of the :,:pec:itications as lo proceeding with [he lHtiel'ed work. ~T1d filing a writtcn protest within the time therein specified. ATTACHMENT #2 DATEo PROJECT NAME: CIP#: CHANGE ORDER NO. PERCENT COMPLETE: CONTRACTOR: CONTRACT AMOUNT CHANGE ORDERS AS % OF CONTRACT CONTRACT CHANGE ORDERS: CHANGE ORDER #01 CHANGE ORDER 1102 CITY OF DUBLIN CONTRACT CHANGE ORDER #2 3/1/2005 Murray Schoolhouse Exhibit Restoration 95566 2 85% Vieira Designs $23,900 22% Provide content development services Additional construction dOGuments design servicl!!ls TOTAL OF ALL CURRENT AND PRIOR CHANGE ORDERS: ADJUSTED CONTRACT AMOUNT REMAINING CONTINGENCY PROGRESS PAYMENTS MADE: PAYMENT #0'1 PA (MENT #02 PA YMENT #03 PAfMENT ff04 PA YMENT #05 PAYMENT #06 PAYMENT ff07 PAYMENT #08 APYMENT #09 PA (MENT #10 PAYMENT #11 PAYMENT #1. TOTAL ACTUAL PAYMENTS: ADJUSTED TOTAL CONTRACT REMAINING BALANCE ON CONTRACT RECOMMENDATION: SIGNA TURE APPROVED DENIED ~/ ^-~h"tJ a~ Supervising Dept. Head AMOUNT 3,200.00 2,000.00 5.200.00 735.00 1.225 00 1,015.00 2.600.00 3,325.00 3,185.00 3.500.00 2,765.00 3,570.00 3,265.00 525.00 59500 APPROVED DENIED City Manager $5,200.00 $29,100.00 1,63~.00 $ 26.~0~.00 $29,100.00 $2.~9~.00 APPROVED DENIED 3 o-t 3 Mayor