HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem 6.3 Fallon Cross Attch 3-6 1~5Lf~ 2.; 3 AGJENIOlA STATEMENl' PJLANNING COMMISSION MlElETING IOlA l'lE Novem hen- Jl3, 2007 SUBJECT PUBLiC HEARING .r A 04-016 Fallon Crossmg submItted by Standard PacIfic Homes to consider a Stage 2 Planned Development Plan, SIte Deve I opment RevI ew, and Vestmg T entatI ve Map 761 7 for 106 resIdential lots Report Prepared by MIchael A Porto Consulting Projec.t Planner ATTACHMENTS 1) ResolutIOn recommendmg the CIty CounCIl adopt an Ordmance to approve a Stage 2 Planned Development Plan (wIth the proposed Ordmance attached as ExhibIt A) 2) ResolutIOn approvmg a Site Development Rcvlew for Fallon Crossmg PA 04-016 and Vesting TentatIve Map 7617 3) fallon CroSSing Project Plans submItted November 5, 2007 RECOMMENDATiON 1) Recelvc Staff presentatIon, 2) Open the publIc hearmg, 3) lake testImony from the Applicant and the pubhc, 4) Close the pubhc heanng, 5) Delrberate, 6) Adopt ResolutIOn recommendmg the City CounCIl adopt an Ordmance approvmg a Stage 2 PLmncd Development Plan (Attachment 1), and 7) Adopt ResolutIon approvmg a Site Developmcnt RevIew for Fallon C fOssmg P A 04 -016 and V estmg TentatIve Map 761 7 (Attachment 2) PROJECT DESCRIPTION Background On May 16,2006, the CIty CounCil approved PA 04-016 for Fallon Crossmg whIch mcluded a Planned Development (PD) prezone and Planned Development (PD) rezone/Stage I Development Plan and Mitigated NegatIve DeclaratIOn The annexatIon apphcatIon and pre.annexatlon agreement were approved by ResolutIOn No 73-06 AnnexatIon to the City and the Dublm San Ramon Services DIstnct (DSRSD) was approved by LAFCO on September 14, 2006 The annexatIOn became effective on July 1, 2007 COPiES TO ApplIcant Property Owner Ftle ( Page 1 of 18 ITEM NO c G IPA#12004\04 016 M'~~lOn Peak Standard PacificlPC II 13 07\CC PCSR-Stage2-SDR TTM F1NALdoc / ATTACHMENT 3 155~2)3 The Stage 1 Development Plans approved wIth the pre-zonmg mcluded the 1) development concept, 2) permItted uses and condltIor1dl uscs, 3) general project access and cIrculatIOn concept, 4) master mfrastructure pIan, 5) conceptual landscape and open space pIan, and 6) antICipated phasmg The preZOnIng and annexatIOn applIcatIon mcluded two parcels 1) the 6 l7-acre Frednch property 10cated between TassaJara Road and an east fork tnbutary of TassaJara Creek, and 2) the 67 8-aere Fallon Crossmg property (formerly known as MISSion Peak) The pre-annexatIOn agreement and the Stage 1 Planned Development plan pertamed to the larger of the two parcels whIch represents the Fallon Crossmg project This property currently IS owned and proposed for development by Standard PacIfic homebmlders who InItIated the annexatlOn At that tIme, ZOnIng of the area to be annexed was approved as PD-Smgle Farmly ResIdentIal, PD-MedIUm HIgh DensIty ResIdentIal, PD-NeIghborhood Park, and PD-Open Space wIth a range of approxImately 150 to 188 umts between the two parcels The Eastern Dublm SpecIfic Plan specIfied up to 120 umts for the Fallon Crossmg/MlssIOn Peak SIte The Fredflch property was zoned for PD-Medmm HIgh DensIty ResIdential development, and IS not a part of this apphcatlOn The Fallon CrossIng project site generally IS located northeast of the Tassajara Road and Fallon Road mterseetIon near the northeasterly City hmIts and abuts the hIgh hIlls of rural acreage m the unIncorporated area of Alameda County The project area IS bounded a) to the north by unmcorporated vacant land known as the Richey & Hunter Property [Mollcr Property], b) to the east by an umncorporated vacant area whIch IS part of the Dublm Ranch ProJect (Lm FamIly holdmgs) known as RedgewIck, dnd c) to the south by Stlvena Ranch/Pmn Brothers (Tract 7540), a resIdential proJect of approxImately 250 umts currently under constructIOn south of the Fallon Road nght-of-way whIch IS under constructIon The Frednch property, annexed along wIth the proJect SIte, IS located west of the project SIte across an unnamed east fork dram age tnbutary of TassaJara Creek ThlS area IS vegetated wIth dense trees, shrubs, and ground cover but also supports abundant npanan vegetation Arroyo WIllow and Valley Oak are found m the lower areas of the channel whIle the top of bank IS covered mamly wIth largely non-natIve grasses that have been degraded by long-term cattle grazmg PrOject Locatzon, Surroundmgs, and EXlstmg Condltzons I -N- r PROJECT SITE ~"r' _"" r!<' ~ ~C' ""~A WI ~ ~ ~ "" Gl.IASOO /)fI;[ PKwr h OJ VICINITY MAP !lOT ro SCAlI The Fallon Crossmg SIte IS charactenzed by hIgh hIlls m the north and east, 10wer hIlls m the southeast, and rollmg terram wIth steep to moderately steep topography charactenstIc of the upper TassaJara Creek watershed The project area generally consists of vacant hillSIde and non-natIve annual grasslands Smaller patches of natIve perennIals may be found on the north-facmg slopes The property currently and III the past has been used for farmmg/grazmg LIttle vegetatIOn remams where the grazlllg occurred The unnamed tnbutary of TassaJara Creek along the westerly border IS a Wide mtermrttent perenmal creek generally flowmg from north to south 2 oft 8 15b ~ 2-1 3 Site topography for the entIre Fallon CroSSIng sIte ranges m elevatIOn from 429 feet along the east fork TassaJara Creek tnbutary to approxImately 883 feet at the -top of the northeasterly ndgelIne of Fallon CrossIng The project site has slopes thdt range from 5% along the area east of the dry creekbed to more than 50% on the upper elevatIOns along the northern and eastern borders Another natural mtermlttent dramage area slopes generally to the west and southwest toward the east fork tnbutdIY of TassaJara Creek ~W1"" ~~~ t::l: ~>t___ -- ..........-- :::+"__P'.......... __,+:to -<: :::=-;:..'V'I(I~-....".. 19ffitu..~b!1d~ 1.411 b~ -- ~l; ~ ,"" ::.=..1:' - ~.,,:~"---JJj ~ t.l";;.,""",ea.J__l<u"" ~~ r-M___ """,r,,""l"""'"" l..Jd G~~ ""-~,' \ ~-:-"" _"" ST AGE 2 SiTE PLAN Improvements on SIte currently are limIted to a well, pump house, and two small constructed pond features or stock ponds Thc lower pond is located m the northwest area of the SIte close to the creek where Cahforma Red-Legged Frogs (CRLF) are known to occur The upper pond IS located III the easterly portIOn of the proJ ect site half way mto the mtermlttent dramage way at the base of the hillSIde ThIS area IS known to support breedmg of the CalIforma TIger Salamander (CTS) Both ponds are fed by seasonal seeps, and both were constructed as a water quahty mItIgatIOn measure or for sensItIve or endangered species habItat that potentIally could be found or mIght mIgrate to the project SIte Both ponds WIll be preserved m theIr eXlstmg condItIOn and neIther wIll be dIsturbed by the proposed development BIOlogical assessments were conducted as part of the envIronmental process, and no Identified wetlands arc located wlthm the proposed project, no speCIal or endangered plant specIes were IdentIfied on the project Site, and no trees eXIst on site that meet the City'S defimtIOn of hentage trees Also, the project IS not located wlthm a 100 year flood plam accordmg to map~ by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) 3 of 18 15'7~213 PrIor to Its annexatIon the project site had been mcluded for plannmg purposes m the Generdl Plan and Eastern Dublm SpecIfic Plan Area The property lIes wIthm the Foothill ResIdentIal subarea of the Eastern Dublin SpecIfic Plan east of TassaJara Road Smce adoptIOn of the mltIal Eastern Dublm SpecIfic Plan, precise alignments have been estabhshed for the TassaJara Road and Fallon Road nght-of-way, wIth Improvements to Fallon Road nearIng completIOn m thiS vlcImty The proposed locatIon for resIdentIal development on the project site IS proposed to be located 10 southwest portIOn of the project SIte near the mtersectlon of TassaJara Road and Fallon Road WIthIn a relatIvely level area east of the creek WIth mIldly slopIng areas that elevate In to rollIng hIlls thereby allOWIng much of the hIllSIde area to be preserved Proposed Development The proposed Fallon Crossmg IS a low densIty resIdentIal neighborhood of 106 SIngle farmly homes With assocIated mfrastructure, open space, and envlTonmental protectIOn features WIth a French hIllSide theme, It would offer sIgmficant vIews of the hIllSIdes, grassland comdors, and natural landscapes of the TassaJara Creek area The resIdentIal mIX IS compnsed of 98 detached smgle famIly umts and 8 umts developed as patred or duet homes A duet home IS defined as an mdlvldual house on an mdIvldual lot With a common wall Each residentIal umt IS on ItS own lot Of the 98 umts detached, 10 umts near the project entry are located off of three pnvate motorcourts for the purpose of hmItmg back-out dnveway movements m that locatron The other 88 have dIrect access to the 10ternal publIc road circulatIon system and senes of cul-de-sacs The proposed proJect would be developed as one neIghborhood III one phase SIte arnemtIes mclude open space, pedestnan comdors, mfrastructure, landscapmg, traIl system, commumty vmeyard, and natural areas The development concept for the area stnves to preserve the natural enVIronment and create a communtty that IS compatIble With the natural terram A large portion of Fallon Crossmg, 468 acres or (69% of the property), Will be permanently deSIgnated and preserved m perpetUity as open space Most of thIS area IS steep slope and vIsually sensItIve ndgehnes To mmlmIze visual Impacts, most of the resldentIal development would be tucked behmd the ndgehne vIsIble from Fallon Road The proposed open space configuratIon would enhance the natural enVIronment by preservmg hIllSIdes, creek comdors, wJldlIfe habitat, and stream restoratIOn TassaJara Road and Fallon Road have bcen IdentIfied m the CIty'S General Plan as Scemc COrrIdors The polICies related to Scemc Comdors reqUire preservatIon of VIews of scemc ndgelmes, knolls, and backdrops from both of these TOads Gradmg and retammg walls Will be reqUired for mtenor roads, proper dramage, park space, and sUitable bUIldmg pads whIle takIng mto consideratIOn the hilly terraIn The proposed hIllSide gradmg WIll mcorporate contours blended WIth the natural topography to aVOId, as much as posslblc, exceSSIVe cuts and fills Only 8 acres of the 19 5 acres of smgle-famIly development w111 have slopes m excess of 30% However, other remedIal hlllslde gradmg may be requIred to cAtend beyond the proposed on-SIte development envelope for the purpose of SUitable slope ratIos, shde repaIr and correct SOlI conditions Also, some off-SIte gradmg of an eXIstmg hillSIde on the property south of the project SIte Will be reqUired to meet the slope ratIO standards of the Eastern Dublm SpeCific Plan The proposed plan mcludes a Imear park north of the reSIdentIal development and along the creek comdor at the base of the slope ThIS lmear traIl also extends along the east fork of the unnamed tnbutary of TassaJara Creek Imtml plans and PD-Platmed Development zonmg establIshed the NeIghborhood Park at one acre SInce the park WIll be less than two acres, It WIll remam under the ownershIp and mamtenance responsIbIlIty of the homeowners aSSOCIatIOn (HOA) but also WIll Include a pubhc access easement WIth expressed access to the required pubhc art In addItIOn, several pocket parks, a traIl system, and a commumty vmeyard compnse the Improved open space and recreatIon areas wlthm the neighborhood 4 of 18 /'58 ~ 2-13 A detentIon basin system, with upper and lower water quahty ponds nearby, IS proposed north and west of the lInear park All surface runoff from the developed areas of the Site will be collected and dIscharged Into thIS system General Plan/Zonm2 Land Uses - The land uses wIth the mltIal Planned Development ZOnIng were approved as 1) PD- Smgle-FamIly ResIdentIal - 195 acres, 2) PD-Open Spacc - 468 acres, and PD-Nelghborhood Park ~ 1 acre Net density for the 106 UnIts WithIn the resIdentIal zone IS 5 44 UnIts per acre when utIhzmg Just the developed portion of the site and 1 6 dwellIng UnIts per acre gross density when the entIre SIte IS taken mto account o Smgle-Famlly Residential - The residentIal area has been desIgned to take advantage of the natural features of the site Home Sites step up the hIlls wIth the nsmg topography All of the umts wIll be sold as a smgle-famIly product No multI-famIly rental or apartments are proposed o Neighborhood Park - ThiS Neighborhood Park acreage adopted wIth the PD zoning IS satisfied by the lmear park along the westerly boundary of the project and the TassaJara Road/Fallon ROdd landscapIng on Parcel C shown on the TentatIve Map, Attachment 3, book 2 of 2, "CIVIC Drawmgs" tab, page 8 Slllce the City polIcy IS not to accept public park area less than two acres, the lInear park (Parccl B) and Parcel C WIll have pubhc access easements, but will be pnvately owned and mamtaIned by the HOA The lInear park would be accessible from a tratlhead on TassaJara Road or from Street "B," whIch would be publIc nght-of-way o Open Space As stated above, open space and preservation represents a SIgnIficant theme of the Fallon Crossmg project Open space areas mclude a) the hIllsIde slopes, b) the creeksIde Imear park (mcludmg an Arts Park), c) the commumty vmeyard, d) the neIghborhood trail system, mcl ud mg the s ysterns 0 f mmI-parks and greenbelts , e) T assaJ ara Road I andscaped setbacks, and f) the natural floodwater drainage system, mcludmg the proposed water qualIty ponds and detentIOn basm These areas are proposed to be owned, managed, and mamtamed by publIc agenCIes, the HOA, specIal dIstncts, or a conservatIon management orgamzatIon or land trust ANALYSIS The ApplIcant has submltted detalled matenals for 1) Stage 2 Planned Development Plan, 2) SIte Development ReVIew mcludmg archltectural and landscape gUIdelInes, and 3) VestIng TentatIve Tract 7617 The apphcatlOn mcludes a detaIled SIte Development Plan, landscape plan, and streetscape plan WhICh address typIcal lot layout, plant palette, hardscape Improvements, parks, traIls, open space, conservation areas, and water qualIty measures, mc1udmg water qualIty ponds and a detentIon basm All proposed uses are consistent WIth the permItted uses approved by the Stage 1 Development Plan, and proposed denSItIes remam wlthm the standards The necessary findmgs for conSIstency are contaIned m the proposed Stage 2 Development Plan Ordmance (mcluded as ExhIbIt A of Attachment 1) Sta2e 2 Development Plan The proposed Stage 2 Development Plan has been prepared In accordance With SectIOn 8 32 of the ZOlllng Ordmance It mcludes 1 SIte Development Standards, and 5 of 18 )5~ ~ 2-13 2 Parkmg Standards The followmg reqUIrements wIll also be mcluded m the Ordmance adoptmg the Stage 2 Development Plan but are addressed In the SIte Development Review sectIon of thIS report 3 ArchItectural DesIgn Standards 4 Traffic, CIrCUlatIOn & Streetscape standards 5 Landscape & Open Space Standards 6 Phasmg ResIdential sIte development standards generally mclude mmlmum 10t area, mInImUm lot wIdth (street frontage), mInImUm lot depth, maxImum lot coverage, mlOlmum setbacks (for front, rear, and sIdeyards), maXImum bmldmg heIght, maXImum buIldmg separation, allowable setback encroachments, and reqUired parkmg ReSIdential SIte Development Standards have been proposed for both the smgle famIly detached reSIdentIal structures and the paIred or duet UOltS The standards m Table 1 and assocIated notes have been prepared and are mcluded as part of the proposed Stage 2 PO zonmg ordmance for thIS project whIch IS mcluded as ExhIbIt A of Attachment I) Site Development Standards to U)iI.kl ~~ ~ MInimum Lot Area 3 760 square feet 2 550 square feet Average Lot Area 4 712 square feet 2 813 square feet MInimum Lot Width 35 feet 20 feet (Street Frontage) Mmlmum Lot Depth 47 feet 38 feet MaXimum Lot Coverage 55% 55% MaxImum BUlldmg Height 3S feet 3S feet MInimum BUlldmg Separation I 0 feet I 0 feet Minimum Setbacks Front 12 feet 12 feet to garage door I 8 feet I 8 feet to porch 10 feet I 0 feet Rear I 0 feet I 0 feet Side Intenor 5 feet 5 feet street Side/corner lot J 0 feet I 0 feet Parkmg 2 covered I covered and - Per Unit I uncovered tandem space Guest space per Unit I curbSide I curbSide Table 1 Site Development Standards NOTES I Garage setback reduced to 17 feet on pnvate dnveways (motorcourts) 2 Setbacks measured from property line 3 Items such as but not limited to air conditiOning condensers porches chimneys bay wmdows retaining walls less than 4 feet 10 height, media centers, etc may encroach 2 feet IOta the reqUired setback of one SIde yard prOVided that a minimum of 36 mches of flat and level area IS mamtamed for access around the house 4 Setback for accessory structures shall be In accordance With the bUlldmg code In effect at the time of constructlon!installatlon NOise generatmg uses such as pool and spa equipment shall be acoustically screened or outsIde of the setback area 5 Retaining walls up to 4 feet high may be use to create a usable level area Retammg walls 10 excess of 4 feet to create usable area are subject to revIew and approval of the Community Development Director Retaining walls over 30 mches In height are subject to safety crltena as determmed by the BUlldmg OffiCial 6 of 18 /&012-/3 6 Budding setback shall be subject to review and approval of the BUilding OffiCial for bUilding code and fire code compliance Setback to bUilding overhang may be a 3 foot minimum or as required by current City budding code standards 7 Where a minimum 5 foot Wide Homeowners ASSOCiation (HOA) parcel lies between a lot and an adjacent street the lot IS not conSidered a corner lot, and Interior lot setback standards shall apply 8 CurbSide parking may be counted toward required number of guest spaces 9 MaXimum bUlldmg height IS sublect to bUilding code reqUirements for access laThe third floor must be stepped back from the front and rear elevations to reduce bUilding mass Third floor IS avaIlable on Duet Plan 52 only Parkmg - The proposed project meets the parkmg reqUirements establIshed m the General Development Standards Generally, the parkmg standard for a detached reSIdential umt IS a mmlmum of two covered/enclosed spaces plus a mmlmum of one guest space per UnIt AU smgle famIly detached umts are proVIded, at a mlnlmum, With a two-car garage PIan lIS proVided WIth a third car tandem space wlthm the garage which may be Improved as an optIOnal fifth bedroom on the ground floor Each duet umt IS proVIded With an oversized I-car garage WIth a tandem space m the dnveway between the garage face and public nght-of-way wlthm the front set-back area Smce the duet umts represent the affordable component of thIS project, one garage space and one uncovered space IS conSIstent WIth prevIOusly approved standards Guest Parkmg IS prOVided curbSIde throughout the neIghborhood The Parkmg Plan shows 119 curbSIde spaces which would proVide for 1 12 guest spaces per umt The development standards referenced herem would become part of the Stage 2 Planned Development (See ExhIbIt A to Attachment 1) Should thIS Applicant or any future Applicant propose modIficatIons to these standards, a revIsed Stage 2 Planned Development would be reqUIred Site Develooment ReView The SIte Development ReVIew for the Stage 2 PD Development Area addresses 1 proposed uses 2 SIte layout 3 access 4 compatIblhty With surroundmg and adjacent uses 5 effects on reSIdents and workers, and 6 msunng an attractIve enVIronment The Site Development ReVIew matenals begm With a Master Site Plan showmg the locatIon of the lots, CirculatIon system, open space, recreation areas, mfrastructure, and the preservatIOn or conservatIOn areas The SIte layout has been deSIgned WIth attentIOn to natural dram age and hIllSIde preservatIon Matenals for the landscape, hardscape, and structures emphasIze natural matenals and colors The neIghborhood theme relies on a comprehensIve traIl system that mtegrates the creekSIde lInear park With the commumty vmeyard, and pocket parks VIa lmks through the cul-de-sac to the upper levels of the SIte whIch offer eommandmg VIews ofthe surroundmg valley 7 of 18 I'" 1:&s./3 The extenor elevatIon mixture of the homes alms to create a vaned and visually mterestmg street scene through a mIxture of archltectural plans and styles Such technIques would mclude, but not be limIted to 1) reversmg and varymg adjacent plans and extenor styles, 2) aVOldmg repetitIOus patterns, 3) varymg heIghts and setbacks, 4) mcorporatmg single-story elements mto two-story bUlldmgs, and 5) mlnImlzmg the vIsual Impact of garages by varymg methods to lImIt garagcs facmg the street or Impactmg the street scene Homes located on publIc streets would wrap the comer to create an artIculated bUIldmg fayade frammg the mtersectlOn For the smgle famIly detached homes, vanous techmques are employed to reduce the perceIved mass and scale of the bUlldmgs through broken and varymg rooflmes and bUIldmg footpnnts and the IncorporatIon of lower heIght massmg elements such as front porches, stoops, and balcomes that may wrap around more than one elevatIOn Other design elements for thIS purpose mclude the use of wrap-around front porches, garage faces setback from the bUlldmg front, SIde entry garages, and garage 10catlOn near the rear of the structure wIth entry through a motorcourt Floor Plans - The floor plans provide a vanety of bedroom and bathroom combmatIOns, as well as flexIble space optIOns Some flexlble optIOns mclude offices, dens, and guest quarters All smgle-famlly detached Units are two stones, each has non-wood burnmg fireplaces and ground floor laundry areas AIl detached homes offer an optIOnal second floor 10ft WhICh would be open to ground floor ltVIng below A wrap around front porch optIOn IS presented for comer lots wIth Plan 1 for the English and Normandy styles A SIde-entry garage IS also Incorporated and used III two Instances on motorcourt umts thereby glvmg additional archltectural mterest and vanatIOn The wrap around porch element would typIcally be used to complete the extcnor elevatIons facmg each street frontage, provIde addItIonal artIculatIon to the bUIldmg facades, and mInImIZe the perceptIOn of bUlldmg mass by steppmg back the second story from the ground level extensIOn of the bUIldmg The dIstnbutlOn of the floor plans by umt type, mcludmg bUlldmg area and resIdentIal fcatures, IS provided III the followmg Table a e oor ans 'Y m ype ~ (rl):m @rffi ~ ~ . ~Gir~~'+ Smale Famll ~ Detached\ I}\~J Plan 1 2314 sf 4 bedroomsJ2 5 baths 2 car + optional 3m 18 Units (optional 5th bedroom and loft) tandem space Plan 2 2 554 - sf 5 bedrooms!3 balhs (opllo01alloft) 2 car 20 Units 2566(1) Plan 3 2522 sf 4 bedroom/2 5 baths (optional loft) 2 car 28 units Plan 4 2944- 5 bedrooms/4 baths (opllo01alloft) 2 car 32 Units 2955(1) SUBTOTAL 98 umts PalredfDuets Plan 5 1 1368 sf 3 bedroom/2 5 baths 1 covered + 1 Units Plan 5 2 1596 sf 4 bedroom!2 5 baths uncovered Units Iandem space SUBTOTAL 8 units I Grand Total I I 106 units I T bl 2 FI PI bUtT Notes (1) The square footage range In Plans 2 and 4 IS due to balCOnies bay Windows and other vanatlons In architectural projections among the dlfferenI elevaIIOO1 sIyles Plan 1 - ThIS plan provIdes four bedrooms on the second level The thIrd car tandem space wlthm the garage may be Improved as an optional fifth bedroom on the ground floor The 2-car garage face IS set back from the bUIldmg front It IS the least frequently used plan wlthm the proposed proJect, but 8 of 18 1?:2 ~ 2-J 3 the only plan WhICh provIdes for a wrap around front porch avaIlable on the EnglIsh and Nonnandy styles It IS most commonly used on the comers Plan 2 - ThIS plan IS arranged wIth the master SUIte on the ground floor and the optIon of Improvmg a ground floor area at the front of the resIdence as a den or office, formal dmmg room, parlor, or fifth bedroom wIth full bathroom Bedrooms 2,3 and 4 would be 10cated on the second floor Plan 2 also has a 2-car garage face that IS set back from the bUIldmg front or an optlOnal SIde entry garage face for motorcourt umts m the EnglIsh archItectural style PIan 3 - The bedroom space wlthm thIS plan IS located on the second floor Llvmg and dmmg areas are 10cated at the front of the umt wIth an mformal family room area at the rear The 2-car garage IS located at the rear of the structure requInng cars to enter the garage beneath a porte cochere and through a motorcourt Plan 4 - Plan 4 IS the largest and most common pIan WIthm the proJect at 30% of the umts ThIS 5- bedroom plan has four bedrooms and threc bathrooms on the second floor wIth a fifth bedroom on the ground floor near the entry whIch maybe utIlIzed as guest quarters or office, mcludmg a full bath Plan 4 allows for a SIde-entry garage face on the Normandy style PIan 5 - The floor pIan for the duet umts IS represented by the Plan 5 m eIther a 3-bedroom (PIan 5 1) or four-bedroom (Plan 5 2) arrangement For Plan 52, the fourth bedroom, but no bath, would be located on a thIrd floor Smce the eight duet UnIts would satIsfy a portIOn of the affordable UnIts reqUIred by the CIty'S InclusIOnary Ordmance, they may be provIded WIth only one covered parkmg space However, the garage space on these plans IS somewhat larger than m a typlcdl one-car garage An uncovered space would be permItted on SIte m each dnveway ArclJltectural Style Standards - The resIdentIal archItecture for thIS Stage 2 Development Plan has been deSIgned m the style representmg French hIllSIde theme Each floor plan of the smgle farrllly detached UnIts may be constructed m at least three dIfferent elevatIon styles consistent With the ArchItectural Style GUIdelmes presented WIth thIS Stage 2 Development Plan All archItectural elements WIll be reqUIred to be artIculated on all elevatIons of each bUlldmg Each of the architectural styles mclude a vanety of textures, colors and matenals The color schemes are mtended to complement the elevatIOn styles, roof types, and accent matenals mcludmg roof and extenor matenals, wmdow frames and mullions, tnms, raIlmgs, metal, stone, and wooden elements, and other detaIls The color schemes combmed WIth the vanety of elevatIon styles and the floor plans contnbute to an mtegrated street scene A color and matenals board wlll be lllcorporated and adopted as part of the Archltectural DeSIgn Standards All styles have a gable or hIp roof configuratIons at a fatrly steep pItch, gencrally betwccn 8 and 10 mehes per foot The roof matenal on aU styles IS a flat concrete tIle WIth varIOus accents and features based on the style of the home Garage doors are alumlllum roll-up m a rustIC or barn door motIf The archItectural styles proposed for thiS project are descnbed as follows Enghsh Country (A) - The EnglIsh Country style IS represented on Plans 3 and 4 m equal numbers It features steep gable roofs, stucco extenor fimsh, narrow vertIcal elements, and both real and snnulated wooden accents Lower railIngs and posts are wooden whIle upper raIls are metal Wmdows are flanked by box panel shutters Box bay wmdows are capped With metal seam roof where gable ends are accented With louvered vents and board and batten EnglIsh (B) - The EnglIsh style proposed for the Fallon Crossmg project IS the only one represented on all five floor plans Plan 4 dIsplays the most English style extenors along With an equal number m the EnglIsh Country style A vanety of matenals and elements are used to accent the stucco-fimsh 9 of 18 1~3~2-/3 extcnor mcludmg stone veneer and bnck borders along sIlls and headers Roofs are steep gables or gablelhlP combmatIOns WIth dormer windows above, bay wmdows below, and wooden shIplap accents In the gable ends along wIth vertIcal louvered vents Other vertIcal elements mclude pIcket shutters and wooden porch posts A precast keystone entry accent IS applIed to certam plans French Country (C) - French Country IS the least represented style appearIng on Plans 2 and 5 This style IS typIfied by stucco extenor, bflck accents, and shed-roofed dormers on a steep-pItched gable roof Lower bay wmdows are shaded wIth metal seam roofing m a faux verdlgfls fimsh As wIth the EnglIsh Country style, gable ends are accented with board and batten and vertIcal 10uvered vents Plan 5 which IS 3 stones features wooden porch rads, box-paneled shutters, and gable ends accented WIth shIplap French (D) - This style IS lImIted to Plans 1 and 2 and IS charactenzed by steep gable roof, a second story balcony on Plan 1, gabled dormer wmdows on Plan 2, and shiplap accents III the gable ends Extenor fimshes are pflmanly stucco WIth partIal facades ofbnck veneer Normandy (E) - In addItIon to the EnglIsh style, the Normandy style IS second most style dlsplayed and expresses the French hIllside features of the Fallon Crossmg theme In addItIon to the flat concrete tIle, the Normandy style uses S-tI1eS along the ndges as an accent and nbs of a typIcally hip roof Bnck veneer and faux cross or vertlcal cut tImbers embellIsh the stucco extenor fimsh Bmlt- out foam bands delmeate the first and second stones, and shallow box bay wmdows proJect from the upper floors ThIs style IS presented on Plans 1, 3 and 4 10 of 18 / ''-I ~:2-/3 Table 3 rc Itectura es .Y oar an I ElevatLon~ I EnglIsh English French French Normandy County Country 1-& Plan I (A) (B) (C) (D) (E) Plan 1 5 7 6 Plan 2 4 9 7 Plan 3 11 8 9 Plan4 11 11 10 Plan 5 1 2 2 Plan 5 2 2 2 Totals 106 22 32 13 14 25 A h I Styl b FI PI Other Elements - There are a number of reqUired elements that should be mstalled with convemence and safety m mmd, such as entry hghtmg, house addresses, and mailboxes Homeowners ASSOciatiOn rules or standards m the CIty'S Zomng Ordmance would be applIcable to other elements and potentIal nmsance Items such as awmngs, antennas, satellite dIshes, trash receptacles, and storage structures AddItIonally, thIs proJect shall conform to the Umversal DeSign Standards m the City of Dubhn Mumclpal Code Chapter 7 90 PrOject Access and CirculatIOn Tassajara Road currently IS a two-lane road extendmg from Dublm Ranch over the hIlls and across mto Contra Costa County The Eastern Dublm SpecIfic Plan antIcIpates that Tassajara Road eventually would bc expanded to SIX lanes Fallon Road, proposed as a thoroughfare, ends at TassaJara Road as a four way mtersectIOn at the entrance to Fallon Crossmg near the southwest comer of the project sIte Fallon Road IS neanng completIOn as the Stlvera/Pmn Brothers project to the southeast IS bemg developed VehIcular and pedestnan access to Fallon Crossmg WIll be from thIS IntersectIon Tassajara Road frontage Improvements and completIOn of the Tassajara RoadfFallon Road mtersectIon, mcludmg traffic sIgnal modificatIon, would be conditIons of approval for thIS project Access to the Fallon Crossmg proj ect would bc from Street "A' at the mtersectIon of TassaJ ara Road and Fallon Road Just past the entry, Street "A" transItions to Street "B" whIch loops through the project and connects to a street wIthm SIlvera Ranch to thc southeast as a secondary access pomt Three cul-de-sacs take access to Street "B," these are shown on the sIte pIan as Courts "C," "D," and "E" These would be pubhc streets The end of each cul-de-sac connects to a trail system through the communIty vmeyard Proposed publIc street sectIOns are comparable and sImIlar to those already approved or bUllt III other areas of the Eastern Dublm SpeCific PIan area AddItIonal cIrculatIOn elements wlthm the project WIll mclude three short motor courts, essentIally functIonmg as pnvate streets For safety and mamtenance purposes, a 15-foot WIde emergency vehicle and mamtenance road surrounds the penmeter of the developed area and separates It from the natural areas Street bulb outs are used at comers and median Islands are used at nght angle turns to slow traffic and provide traffic calmmg measures Open Space, RecreatIOn, and Dramage As stated above, open space and preservatIon represents a sIgmficant theme of the Fallon Crossmg prOject The proposed project WIll maIntam approxImately 52 acres of open space mcludmg a) the creeksIde lmear park (mcludmg the arts park), b) the communIty vmeyard, c) the neIghborhood traIl system, mcludmg the systems of mml-parks and greenbelts, and d) TassaJara Road landscaped setbacks 11 of18 Ib~~ AJ3 The maJonty of the open space preservatIon IS located on the htlbIde slopes and m the natural floodwater dramage system, Includlllg the proposed water qualIty ponds and detentIOn baslll ,~ -~~ _..2.'\ -- - \ ;.....r.... ""'m_ tu.::: ~~.w.....,"",,__ I ~ I ~~~ k'l. ~huw~.,,_- E!.S .-.p_-.....-t _ ~,......... Wi- g - - -- ~ ----.-----'~~=~~ ODen Snace Htllslde and Creekbed ConservatIOn -1 hese two arcas compn~e 468 acres ofnatJve hIllsIde grassland m the northerly and easterly portIOns of the project SIte and the east fork tnbutary of Tassapra Creek along the westerly boundary of the project site These areas are represented by Parcels A and H, respectively, on both the TentatIve Tract Map (Attaclunent 3, book 2 of2, "CWIC DrawIngs" tab, page 8) and on the Open Space Ownership and Mallltenance ResponsIbIlItIes exhIbIt (Attachmcnt 3, book 2 of2, "CIVIC DrawIngs" tab, page 7) The open space COrrIdor WIll mamtaIn the "vIsually sensItIve ndgelands" III accordance With the Eastern Dublm SpecIfic Plan PreservatIOn of the western hIllSIdes also contnbutes to thc SCClllC corndor status of TassaJ ara Road The east fork tnbutary of TassaJara Creek I~ the natural course for storm water runoff [he creek bank and corndor WIll be subject to a creek bank restoration and stablhzatJon plan A 100-foot setback from the top-of-bank on the east fork of TassaJara Creek has been mcorporated mto the deSIgn to protect wtldhfe habItat from human dIsturbance and protect development from major flood events The two man- made retentIOn ponds are 10cated wlthm each of these preservatIOn areas and WIll be retamed m theIr eXIstmg condItIOn and m accordance WIth the habItat preservatIOn mItIgatIOn measures prevIOusly adopted ImplementatIOn of Improvements wlthm thIS dramage way WIll reqUIre a streambed alteratIOn agreement from CalIfornIa Department of FIsh & Game and the U S Army Corps of Engmeers and an NPDES permIt from the RegIOnal Water QualIty Control Board Two areas WIll be protected through a conservatiOn agency or land trust AddItIonally, a GeologIC Hazard Assessment Dlstnct (GHAD) WIll bc establIshed on a portIOn of the property Lastly, the developed open space (parks, traIls and vmeyard open space) will be mamtamed by the HOA whIch IS mcluded as CondItIon of Approval #4 12 of 18 Itb ~2/3 Water QualIty and Dramage System - Water qualIty Improvements adjacent to the creek area wI11 mclude a detentIOn basIn between the upper and 10wer water quality ponds This area IS located wlthm Parcel H on both the Tentative Trdct Map and on the Open Space OwnershIp and Mamtenance ResponSIbIlItIes exhIbIt (Attachment 3, book 2 of 2, "CIVIC Drawmgs" tab, page 7) The on-sIte storm dram system wIll be designed to collect storrnwater runoff from the neIghborhood streets, parks, and open space and dIrect It mto one of the two water qualtty ponds After settlmg and filtratIon, the runoff would be released through an outfall and discharged Into TassaJara Creek As a supplement to the made-man water qualIty Improvements, vegetatIOn would remaIn In the dram age area after development of the property, and the ponds and basIns would be planted WIth trees, shrubs, and grasses as natural filtratIOn measures SpecIfically, these facIlItIes wlll be subject to an easement to allow the HOA access to perform ItS responsIbIlIttes for mamtenance RecreatIon Areas - Developed open space and recreatIOn areas wIthm the proposed Fallon Crossmg proJect mclude the lInear park, the pocket parks, the commumty vmeyard, and the trall system The Imear park, aSSOCiated pocket parks, and traIl system serve the purpose of the one-acre NeIghborhood Park deSignation adopted With the PD zonmg, although It Will be pnvate1y owned and mamtamed by the HOA The park IS located along the west SIde of Street "B," the mtemal 100p road wlthm the resldenhal development and east bank of the east fork tnbutary to TassaJara Creek behmd the rcqmred setback The detentIOn basm, water quahty ponds, and natural drdmage way separate the Imear park from the westerly boundary of the project SIte The park IS accessIble from Street "B," the neIghborhood trall system, and a trailhead at the edge of the landscape buffer along TassaJara Road It Will mclude a pedestnan traIl, paSSIve recreatIOn areas, sIttmg areas, small lawn areas, natIve landscapmg, and an Arts Park sectIOn m accordance WIth the CIty'S PublIc Art Ordmance A pubhc art easement IS depleted on the map for the futurc placement of art There IS also a publIc access easement wlthm the Imear park to access the public art area A focal pomt of the pedestnan traIl systems IS the stone-clad entry tower WIth a steep, square-capped hIp roof, archway opemngs, and stone-clad theme wall proposed at the transItIon of Streets "A" and "B " ThiS theme feature marks the traIlhead of the mtcmal trail system which IS a scemc and safe method for traversmg the site and accessmg the commumty opcn spacc arcas The trml connects several pocket parks, mml-parks, and greenbelts WIth access through the commuOlty vmeyard dlso Via pass-throughs at the end of each cul-de-sac SpecIal traffic calmmg proVIsIOns, such as bnck pavers and a knuckle Island would be placed ncar pedestrian crossmgs TraIls WIll be located, desIgned, and constructed outside of the conservatIon areas to mmI01IZC dIsruption to WIldlIfe and maIntamed by the HOA Smce the Imear park Will have publIc access, thIS portIOn of the trail system Will be ADA accessIble Additionally, dccess to and through the Imcar park for the publIc art IS mcluded as part of the project CommunIty VIneyard - The communIty vmeyard (Parcel D) IS a 3 I-acre SIte whIch proVIdes a method of slope management and preservatIOn of open space In keepmg WIth the French hIllSIde theme It WIll be planted by the developer under the gUIdance of vmeyard speCialIst The HOA Will be responslble for ItS management and upkeep The optIon ofproduemg frUlt-beanng vmes has yet to be determmed based on a cost shanng arrangement With a local WInery, the proceeds may be used to off-set mamtenance expenses In the case of non-fruIt beanng vmes, color and folIage would be proVided on the slope while mmlmIzmg the need for complex maIntenance deCISIOns and harvest actIVItIes Details of the plantmg, mamtenance and harvestmg Will be part of the final landscape plan Landscapmg The landscape plans prOVided With thIS applicatIon layout the streetscape and treatment of pubhe or roadSide nght-ofMway areas In terms of landscape matenals, hardscape design, and typIcal front yard 13 of 18 70'1 ~2-)j landscapmg for resldentIal lots A conceptual landscape pIan has been prepared for the project as a whole It mcludes a palette of landscape matenals mc1udmg a hierarchy of street trees, flowenng shrubs, medIan plantmgs, and ground covers Common area compnses a large part of the landscape area In addItion, the project IS desIgned to physIcally and Visually connect to the natural enVIronment at dIfferent scales by onentmg UnIts and VIews to the open space and mcorporatmg traIl access mto these spaces CommUnIty elements and landscape deSIgn components WIll create and enhance the IdentIty and character of thIs neighborhood CommunIty elements are sItuated pnmanly wIthm the publIc flght-of-way and other publIc spaces throughout the project They mc1ude comillumty walls, theme walls, sculptured seat walls, accent pavmg, and street furnlshmgs such as mmlboxes, benches, and arbors In additIon to the tratlhead tower and park elements, the project entry IS Identrfied by a landscaped medIan and CIrcular fountaIn remmIscent of a roundabout The pnrnary functIOn of the medIan IS to separate mcommg from outgomg traffic whIle provldmg a Visually dIstIngUIshmg landmark for this project Management and mamtenance of the common landscaped areas Will generally be the responsibilIty of the HOA Some of the hIllSIde slopes around and above the development where remedlal gradmg was necessary to correct slope defiCienCies or where transItIonal gradmg was necessary WIll be hydroseeded WIth natIve grasses to qUIckly vegetate the hillSIdes and control erOSIOn Walls & Fences A master plan of waUs and fences IS also mc1udcd With thiS Site Development RevIew m a range of desIgns based on functIOnal separatIOn of uses The decoratIve communIty wall would be constructed along Tassajara Road The communIty wall design mcludes elements of old world stone, quoms, parapet cap, and detatls such as battlements, arrow loops, and crenellatIons charactenstIc of French or Norman castles Elements of the commumty wall also are to bc used for some retammg walls The entry or theme wall located at the trailhead tower was prevIOusly mentIOned Fences define thc common open space areas and prOVIde separatIon from pnvate areas or open tratl areas Detatls for these fences mc1ude good neIghbor fences, ranch rail fences, comblOatIon view fences, dlld retammg walls A plan for speCIal condItIon fences between 10ts related to the topography has also been proVIded as part of the proj ect Other SIte Development RevIew Plans Other plans reqUired and mtegral to the SIte Development ReVIew submlttalmclude a mallbox plan, an open space wIld fire management plan, and an eroSIOn control plan Phasmg Storm dramage, sewer, and water backbone Improvements WIll be constructed as a smgle phase for the proJect ActIvatIon and servIce WIll be tImed WIth the development of the assocmted phYSical Improvements and the homes The developable portIOn of the SIte WIll undergo bulk gradmg to accommodate thc varIOUS uses of the property to achIeve a balance cut and fill All site retdlmng walls essentIal to the development of the lmear park, home Sites, and entry feature elements WIll be constructed as part of the SIngle phase KncluslOnary Zonmg/Affordable lHrousmg 14 of18 1~~~'2j3 The project would be reqUired to comply wIth the City's IncluslOnary Zonmg Ordmance for affordable housmg ThIS provIsIon requues new resldentIal projects to offer 12 5% of the umts wlthm the new resIdentIal project as affordable Based on the total number of umts, 13 25 umts would be requIred to meet the affordabllIty standards The Ordmance also allows for payment m-heu of construction up to 40% of the reqUIred affordable UnIts Fallon Crossmg proposcs to provide the eIght (8) paIred or duet UnIts on Lots 19, 20, 33, 34, 52, 53, 63 & 64 These UnIts represent 67 % of the obltgatlOn whtle the remamder would be covered by payment of an Ill-heu fee The affordable housmg component wIll be addressed m a separate affordable housmg agreement pnor to recordatIOn of the final subdIvISion map The locatIon of the umts on comers, WIth front doors for each umt facmg opposite streets along wIth the paued garage doors, wI11 give the appearance of a smgle separate UnIt ThIS IS the first project m DublIn to use thIS desIgn solutIOn ThIS umque sItmg technIque has been used very successfully m surroundmg conununItIes, most notably DanvIlle Public Art The proposed project IS subject to complIance wIth the CIty'S Pubhc Art Ordmance The Ordmance reqUires the Apphcant's contnbutIOn to be 5% of the aggregate value of the home constructIOn to be detenmned and calculated by the CIty'S BUIldmg OffiCial ThiS calculatIon would be made m conjUnctIOn wIth the SIte Development RevIew (See CondItIon No 6, Attachment No 2) The Fallon Crossmg project proposes to mtegrate an Arts Park area as a supplemental part of the neIghborhood lInear park along the westerly boundary The Arts Park would be located at the north end of the park The PrelImmary Landscape Plan delineates thIS area In addItion to landscapmg, the Arts Park portIOn would ll1c1ude the desIgn, constructIon, and mstallatIon of a commIssIOned sculpture or sculptures The PublIc Arts Park portIOn would be owned and mamtamed by the HOA subJect to a public access overlay easemcnt A determmatlOn on the art to be provIded wtll be finallLed as a cooperatIve team approach between the City of DublIn Parks and CommunIty ServIces Department, the proJect landscape archItcct and the artIsteS) at a future date The SItc Dcvelopment ReVIew IS consIstent WIth the Stage 1 and Stage 2 Planned Development and the requIred findmgs are mc1uded ll1 Attachment 2, page 2 Vestmg Tentative 'Iract Map Vestmg TentatIve Map 7617 estabhshes 10610ts for smgle-famlly (low denSIty) reSIdentIal of WhICh 98 of the umts are detached and 8 are paIred or duet umts wIth a common wall Vestmg TentatIve Map 7617 IS conSIstent WIth the adopted PD ZOnIng and IS III conformance wIth the Development Standards Table 4 below hsts the lots and parcels to be created by thiS Map The Vestmg Tentative Tract Map IS consIstent WIth the Stage 1 and Stage 2 Planned Development and the Site Development RevIew The reqUIred findmgs are mc1uded III Attachment 2, page 3 a e ummary - es Ing en a Ive ap Parcel No Acreage +/- land Use DeSIgnation/Zone Use Lots 1 thru 11 2 ac SIngle-Family ResIdential single family detached and duet homes 106 Parcel A 389 ac Open Space conservation management- pOSSible Geologic Hazard Assessment Dlstnct Parcel B 1 0 ac NelQhborhood Park City Linear Park - Includes Arts Park Parcel C 02 ac SlnQle-Famlly Residential Tassajara Road r/w landscaPlnq Parcel D 31 ac Sin Q le-F am Ily Reside ntlal Vineyard/landscaped Trail System T hi 4 5 V t T t t M 7617 15 of 18 I ~/1:J213 Parcel E Parcel F Parcel G Parcell 01 ac 01 ac 01 ac 79 ac 49 ac 67 5 ac TOTAL DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT As part of the annexatIon of the land mto the City of Dublm, the ApplIcant entered mto a pre-annexatIon agreement wIth the City of DublIn The Pre-AnnexatIon Agreement covered the advance, payment, or reimbursement of fundmg for the area That agreement WIll serve as thc framework for the reqUlred Development Agreement to follow between the CIty and the ApplIeantlDeveloper as an Implementation measure and IS reqUlred of the Eastern Dublm Specific PIan The Development Agreement wIll be based on the standard form prepared by the CIty Attorney and adopted by the City CouncIl for proJects located wlthm the Eastern Dublm SpecIfic Plan area The proposed Development Agreement between the ApplIcant and the City WIll be presented to the Plannmg CommISSIOn for recommendatIOn at a later date ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW An ImtIal Study was prepared for the project and cIrculated for public reVIew as part of the pre-zonIng, pre-annexatIOn agrecment, and Stage 1 Planned Development pldll m February/March, 2006 Based on the project descnptlOn whIch retams more than two-thirds of the SIte m open space, and the updated techmcal studIes, the ImtIal Study determmed that the project could result In slgmficant but mltIgatable site-specific Impacts MItIgatIOn measures added from preVIOUS envIronmental reVIews pertamed mamly to storm water run-off measures and traffic Improvements reqUIred by Improvements plans and regulatIons not aVdllable or m effect dUTIng pnor envIronmental assessments Although the project SIte was located wlthm the unIncorporated area at the time, the Fallon Crossmg project was mcluded m the Eastern Dublm SpeCIfic Plan area by VIrtue ofbemg wIthm the CIty'S Sphere of Influence The EnVironmental Impact Report for the Eastern Dublm SpeCIfic Plan area was certified by the CIty Council on May 10, 1993 (SCH # 91103064, Resoluhon 51-93, mcorporated herem by reference, hereafter "Eastern Dublin EIR") The Eastern Dubhn EIR IS a program EIR that antIcIpated several subsequent actions related to future development m Eastern Dublm The ErR IdentIfied some Impacts from ImplementatlOn of the General Plan/SpecIfic Plan that could not be mItIgated Upon certificatIon of the EIR, the CIty adopted a statement of ovemdmg conSIderatIons for such Impacts The CIty also adopted a mitIgatIon momtonng program, whtch mcluded numerous measures mtended to reduce Impacts from the development ofthe Eastern Dubhn area AdditIonally, based upon preVIOUS envlfonmental documentatIon and the analYSIS of the proposed project, the CIty of Dublm, as the Lead Agency, prepared and adopted a Mitigated NegatIve DeclaratIon for the project The publIc review penod was from February 14, 2006 to March 16, 2006 Dunng the publIc reVIew penod, the City receIved 3 letters commentmg on the proposed project dUrIng the publIc reVIew penod The City Council adopted the MltIgated NegatIve Declaration on May 16, 2006 therefore, no addItIonal envIronmental analYSIS IS reqUIred at thIS tIme PUBLIC NOTICING 160f18 11 0 ~ '2-} 3 In accordance wIth State law, a publtc notIce was mailed to all property owners and occupants wlthm 300 feet of the proposed proJect to advertIse the project and the upcomIng public heanng A public notIce was also pubhshed III the Valley Times and posted at severallocatIons throughout the CIty CONCLUSION The proposed Fallon Crossmg proJect provides a practical and efficient land use pattern for preservIng the topography of the hillsIdes and natural draInage system of the upper TassaJara Creek comdor whIle mamtammg scemc corndor quahtIes and enhancmg the natural envIronment The proposed Stage 2 Development Plan and SIte Development ReVIew are compatIble and consIstent WIth the Stage I Planned Development zomng, and the Vestmg TentatIve Map IS are consistent WIth the perrmtted uses and development standards ofthe proposed Stage 2 PD zonIng IRJECOMMENDA TKON Staff recommends that the Plannmg Commlsslon I) ReceIve Staff presentatIOn, 2) Open the pubhc heanng, 3) Take testImony from the Appllcant and the publIc, 4) Close the publIc heanng, 5) DelIberate, 6) Adopt ResolutIon recommendmg the City CouncIl adopt an OrdInance approvmg a Stage 2 Planned Development Plan (Attachment 1), and 7) Adopt ResolutIon approvmg a SIte Development RevIew for Fallon Crossmg PA 04-016 and Vestmg Tentative Map 7617 (Attachment 2) 17 of 18 GENERAL INFORMATION PROPERTY OWNER APPLICANT LOCATION EXISTING ZONING GENERAL PLAN DESIGNATION & EASTERN DUBLIN SPECinC PLAN {"l/12-J3 Standard PacIfic Homes 3825 Hopyard Road, SUite 195 Pleasanton, CA 94588 Attn Mlchael WhItby Standard PacIfic Homes 3825 Hopyard Road, SUIte 195 Pleasanton, CA 94588 Attn Michael WhItby Northeast area of the City of Dublm bounded on the north by unmcorporated County area (RIchey & Hunter propertylMoller), on the west by an unnamed east fork tnbutary of TassaJara Creek east of TassaJara Road, on the south by the SIlvena Ranch!Pmn Brothers project (Tract 7540) wlthm the DublIn CIty limits, and on the east by Dublm Ranch wlthm the Dublm Clty lImIts and unincorporated Alameda County All umncorporatcd areas abuttmg the project sIte are wlthm the CIty of Dub 1m Sphere ofInfluence APN 985-0002-001 PD-Smgle FamIly ReSIdentIal PD-Nelghborhood Park PD-Open Space Smgle-Famlly Resldenttal, NeIghborhood Park, and Open Space (all areas mclude public nght-of-way) 18 of18 DRAF'f /7oZ~t3 Planning Coml111ssion Minutes CALL TO ORDER/ROLL CALL A regular meetmg of the CIty of Dublm Planmng CommISSIOn was held on Tuesday, November 13, 2007, In the CouncIl Chambers located at 100 CIVlC Plaza ChaIr Schaub called the meetIng to order at 7 00 P m Present ChaIr Schaub, VIce ChaIr Wehrenberg, COlmmsslOners, KIng and BIddle, Mary Jo WIlson, Planmng Manager, MIchael Porto, Contract Planner, Martha AJa, AssIstant Planner, and Debra LeClaIr, RecordIng Secretary Absent ComrmsslOner Greg TomlInson ADDITIONS OR REVISIONS TO THE AGENDA - NONE MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETINGS - MInutes of the October 23, 2007 meetIng were approved WIth a modIfIcatIOn requested by Cm KIng regardmg hIS comments on the West Dublm BART StatIOn and the VIllage Green Issue and a modlflCatIOn requested by Cm Wehrenberg regardIng PA 07-012 NatalIe's Daycare ORAL COMMUNICATIONS - NONE CONSENT CALENDAR - NONE WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS - Cm Kmg mdIcated that he had received an anonymous letter and asked If the CommIssIOn wanted to dISCUSS It ChaIr Schaub stated that the CommISSIOn would not dISCUSS anonymous correspondence 8 PUBLIC HEARINGS 8 1 P A 07-040 Chevron Gas StatIon Remodel CondITIonal Use Perrrut and SIte Development ReVIew at 7007 San Ramon Road ChaIT Schaub asked for the Staff Report Martha AJa, ASSIstant Planner presented the project as stated In the Staff Report ChaIr Schaub asked for a sample of the pamt color (Southern Breeze) Ms AJa passed a color board to the Plannmg ComnusslOn ChaIT Schaub asked where the Southern Breeze color would be on thc proJcct Ms AJa answered that It would be on the food mart q>(amltHg ( ommnSJOIT ~fgu/4r 'Aleetrog 118 %wem6er 1) 2001 Amtacll:nmeltll1l: ~ /73 ~ '2-13 DRAFT DjRAvr Cm Wehrenberg asked why the San Ramon Road Store dId not change the pnce sIgn to LED and asked why It was not changed In eIther of thcn San Ramon stores Cm Wehrcnbcrg also asked If the law had changed regardIng the vapor recovery systems and that she thought that all gas statIons were reqUIred to have those systems now Ms AJa stated that all gas statIons mu~t be converted by the end of 2009 ChalI Schaub opened the publIc hearIng ApplIcant, TIm Johnson, spoke In favor of the project He addressed the questIon of the pnce sIgns on the San Ramon Store on BollInger Road - he stated that the reason the prIce sIgns had not been changed was becausc of cost He contInued that the rcason to change to the LED prIce sIgns at the project locatIon IS because of the rapId pnce changes They prevIOusly receIved them once every other week, now they recelVC them 2-3 tImes per day He statcd that there are also safety concerns and the new sIgn can be changed remotely He felt that the mdustry IS gOIng to the LED sIgns eventually Chmr Schaub asked why It's unsafe for employecs to walk to the area of the pnce SIgn but IS not unsafe for reSIdents domg busmess there The ApplIcant answered that It IS a manpower Issue as well as a safety Issue Cm Kmg asked how long It takes to change the numbers The Apphcant answered the employee would be away from the counter for approxImately 10 nunutes ChaIT Schaub mentIoned the letter from Gettler Ryan and what was meant by reducmg "lIght pollutIon" LIddy McKenzIe, Gettler Ryan, answered that she meant that the lIghtIng IS more effICIent and uses less wattage ChaIT Schaub stated that m the letter she mdICated that the new LED pnce SIgn would "reduce lIght pollutIOn" and agam askcd her to explam She stated that she meant that less lIghtIng conserves more lIght and energy and that the words "lIght pollutIon" was how she worded It Kathy Johnson, ApplIcant stated that there IS only one employee for 15 hours per day Therefore It IS dIffIcult for the SIngle employee to leave the counter unattended and change the pnces Cm Wehrenberg asked about the vapor recovery system and If It was beIng funded by Chevron The ApplIcant answered that only the LED hghtmg would be funded by Chevron If the change IS completed wlthm a certam tImeframe But the vapor recovery system must be Installed by AprIl 2009 and IS pmd for by the mdIVldual statIOns He stated that most statIOns are mstallmg energy effICIent lIghtmg WIth low watt bulbs ChaIT Schaub asked If the LED lIghts take up less lIght then the tubes that are m the SIgn currently Mr Johnson answered that they were about the same m the pnce SIgn but the LED lIghts around the canopy would be more energy effICIent pfanmng (ommHsum ~gufar :Meeting 119 'Y~em6(:r 13 20{): DRAFT Cm BIddle stated that he apprecIated that theIr land~capmg bemg kept up l '1Lf @/! 2-/3 rifilRAFT Chair Schaub closed the publIc hearmg Chalr Schaub asked for a dISCUSSIOn regardmg LED lIghts He felt that they are Inappropnate m Dublm He stated that he understands Issue of safety and felt that It was not any more unsafe for the employees as the patrons He dIscussed the reasons why he cannot make the fIndmgs for thIS prOject He stated that he felt the project IS mconslstent WIth the General Plan and the speCIfIc plans for that area He mentIoned that lIght colored or flashmg lIghts are not allowed on VIllage Parkway per the SpeCifIc Plan The Scarlett Court SpeCIfIC Plan references not allowmg neon SIgns, bIllboards and overly bnght shmy lIghts He felt that SIgnS should be In harmony WIth the on-SIte bUIldmgs and would be more appropnate m the lIght mdustrIal area but not across the street from the hlstoncal area In the HIstoncal DIStrICt SpeCIfIC Plan It states that mternally Illummated SIgnS are dIscouraged m the Dublm VIllage area, and also stated that electnc or neon SIgns are prohIbIted also He stated that he understands the I~sue WIth effICIency, but he truly belIeved that If we start down the path, there WIll be neon lIghts and SIgn changes on every bUIldmg m our CIty and It WIll not be He dOtS not belIeve the colors are conSIstent WIth the project or WIth the colors proposed for the bUIldmg He stated that the only way he would consIder approvmg the project IS If the lIghts are blue and whIte whICh IS conSIstent WIth the rest of the project He felt that the color red was as dangerous for motonsts trymg to read the LED SIgnS as It IS for employcc~ gomg out to change the pncmg manually He does not belIeve that approvmg thIS project adjacent to the lustoncal dI~trICt speclfrc plan area IS appropnate Cm Wehrenberg asked ChaIr Schaub If he had a problem WIth only red lIght LED pncmg SIgnS ChaIr Schaub answered that he was only concerned WIth the pncmg SIgn and thought the other lIghtmg was appropnate Cm BIddle stated that he would prefer not to have electrOnIC SIgnS but thought that any kmd of sIgnage at a gas statIon WIll attract attentIOn and the LED SIgns do not attract any more attentIon then the old fasll10ned SIgns and thought they were eaSIer to read ChaIr Schaub stated that he dldn't thmk the SIgnS were appropnate and If they could fmd a way to mstall wlute on blue background, low mtenslty LED lights he would support It em Wehrenberg stated that these signs come m vanous colors and asked If that would be an optIOn for thIS project Mary Io WIlson, Planmng Manager mentIoned that the COmmISSIOn could condItIon the ApplIcant that the SIgn and the background must be of a certam color In order to make the fmdmgs to approve the project Cm Wehrenberg stated that she sympatluzed WIth ChaIr Schaub's pomt of VIew but that the project was not m the hIstoncal area She felt that the technology WIll be used by many gas stahons m the future P!r:mnmiJ ( Omm~\SW1l \l(J{lufar :Mcetl1lfJ 120 '7{rrrlem6<< 13 2007 /759-P /2/ 6 DAAfl ~" Chau Schaub asked If the ComrmsslOn would approve a gas statIon SIgn for thIS project but not the .,ame SIgn for a mattress store and where would they stop Cm Kmg stated that there were dIfferences and refE-renced the ApplIcant's t,tatement that pnce changcs take place 2 or 3 tImes per day Cm Wehrenberg statcd that she drove by both the SIte." A1costa Blvd and Bollmger Canyon Road to confum they were the same Shc found that they were the same and dId not have the &Ignage bemg proposed for thIS project She mentIOned that the aquanum store on Dublm Blvd has blue LED IIghtmg m the wmdows as an accent feature only and felt It was appropnate there Cm Kmg was sympathetIc to the ChaIr'S concerns regardmg the look and feel of Dublm Blvd He dId not beheve that there IS a pohcy of how we want Dublm Blvd to look ChaIr Schaub stated that the project locatIon IS not m any of the area specIfIc plans He contmued that 111 the next speCIfIc plan the locatIon WIll be mc1uded and that neon type lIghts and slgnage IS already prohIbIted m the last three speCIfIc plans approved by the CommISSIOn Cm Kmg stated he saw a dlstmctIon between the hlstoncal area and the VIllage Parkway area that the Chau mentIOned and the sechon of DublIn Blvd He stated he was sympathetIc regardmg the safety Issues and felt that 10 mmutes away from counter could be cause a problem He stated that he was not as alarmed by the esthetrc effect of the pnce sIgnage He stated that the ChaIr refcrred to a preVIOUS apphcatiOn of LED pnce sIgnagc that the CommlSSiOn unammously voted agamst Cm Wehrenberg stated that she was the only CommISSIOner that approved It She stated that m that mstance she agreed that It "vas a safety Issue because of the amount of traffIC at that locatIon She stated that she agreed WIth the ApplIcant as far as safety of employees possIbly bemg a cnme target Cm Kmg stated that although he feels that It docs affect the look and feel of Dublm Blvd he does not see It as a sIgmfIcant Impact on esthetIcs Cm BIddle agreed that he dld not want neon SIgnS up and dovvn the Dublm Blvd He stated that he would object to a mattrcss store havmg the same type of SIgn but that It It, a tradItIon for gas statIOns to have theIr SIgns on the street He felt that these SIgns were not more offenslve then the manual SIgns and that the bnghtness could help WIth safety He stated that he lIked the Idea of a dIfferent color then red The ComrrusslOners dIscussed the serVIce statIons on Dublm Blvd and how they could prevent SIgnS of that type from becommg overwhelrmng Cm Wehrenberg stated that she was not opposed to the SIgn because It IS at a low level On a motIon by Cm BIddle and seconded by Cm Wehrenberg, and by a votc of 3-1-L wlth ChaIT Schaub votmg agamst It, the Plannmg CommISSIOn adopted P{aTl1Img Comm~~Sl(m 'if.f911iar 5tf utmg 121 VOl rm6cr 13 2007 DRAFf } 7& ~2I:5 DR~ RESOLUTION NO 07-56 A RESOLUnON OF THE PLANNING COMMiSSiON OF THE CITY OF DUBLiN APPROVING CONDITIONAl. USE PERMIT TO INSTALL AN ELECTRONIC GASOLiNE PIRICE DiSPLAY SIGN AT THE CHEVRON GAS STATION AT 7007 SAN RAMON ROAID ASSESSOR PARCElL NUMBER 941-0305-007-02 PA 07-040 RESOLUTION NO 07-57 A RESOLUTiON OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF DUBLiN APPROVING SiTE DEVELOPMENT REVIEW TO ALLOW EXTERIOR MODIFICATIONS AT THE CHEVRON GAS STATION AT 7007 SAN RAMON ROAD ASSESSOR PARCElL NUMBER 941-0305-007-02 PA 07-040 8 2 P A 04-016 - Fallon CrossmgJormerly known as MISSIon Peak Property, Stage 2 Planned Development Plan SIte Development ReVIew and Veshng Tentahve Tract Map (Standard PacIfIC Homes) ChaIr Schaub asked for the Staff Report and complemented the Apphcant and Staff on the proJect submIttals saymg It was the nIcest set of plans the CommIssIOn had seen In a long tIme MIChael Porto, Contract Planner presented the proJect as stated In the Staff Report ChaIr Schaub stated that Mr Porto mcluded the "net denSIty" of 544 In the Staff Report and commented that he lIked to have the denSity mformatIon because that IS what tells the CormrusslOn what the proJect actually looks lrke He mentIoned that he would lIke to see that "net denSIty" mformahon m future Staff Reports ChaIr Schaub asked what would happen to the space If the vmeyard IS not planted a<:; a vineyard Mr Porto answered that he would need to go back and work WIth the developer to come up WIth a revIsed plan for landscaping In that area He stated that the Issue would be fIre protection and IrrIgated landscapmg ChaIr Schaub asked If the area were left to open space would the area be weed abated every year Mr Porto stated that If the area were left In natural open space, the houses would be deSIgned sIgmflcantly dIfferent ChaIr Schaub commented that It would be a problem If the vmeyard IS not bUIlt Mr Porto stated that they would have to mstall some type of IrrIgated landscape that the FIre Deparhnent would approve ChaIr Schaub felt that It would sIgmfIcantly Impact HOA dues Mr Porto stated that the developer was also conSIderIng a frUItless vmeyard that would produce leaves but no grapes ChaIr Schaub stated that there would be landscape costs and asked If It was ever mtended for the vmeyard to be revenue prodUCing for the HOA ;>[ann<7l0 (omml'.lSlO11 IJ/inufar ~',Jfftmg 122 :NmemGer 13,2007 I iJ 7 19f-2-1 3 DRAFf DRAFT Cm BIddle asked If the SIze of the development would be too small to attract a manager for an HOA ChaIr Schaub discussed HOA costs and hIS concern about the affordable umts, the HOA dues, GHAD and how they wIll affect those people fmanclally Ms WIlson stated that a dIscussIOn regardmg the Affordable Housmg Ordmance would be at a pohcy level WIth the CIty CouncIl ChaIT Schaub was concerned about the Affordable Housmg Ordmance and how the HOA costs affect the people that buy those umts Ms WIlson and ChaIr Schaub agreed that there could be unmtended consequences of the ordmance Cm Kmg asked about the pocket parks and If they were mostly grass Mr Porto answered that the pocket parks are defmed as a trad connectIOn WIth landscapmg and that they are part of the amemtIes of the project along WIth the lmear park and the traIls ChaIr Schaub stated that grass IS the most expensIve part of the landscapmg because of the mamtenance, Ie, water, fertIlIzer and mowmg ChaIr Schaub asked about the lots on the SIlvera Ranch SIde of the project He stated that It looks lIke they have some real yards and abked what they actually look lIke Mr Porto stated that m some mstances there IS a 2-1 slope WIth useable area for rear yards and small retammg walls to make the rear yard more useable ChaIr Schaub asked If the developer could move the wall back another 10 feet and make It bIgger M& Wlbon &tated that the retaInIng wall heIght could potentIally Impact the homes m the SIlvera Ranch development Mr Porto stated that there had been slIdes and slIde repaIr m the area and some of the slIdes arc m relatIOn to the retammg walls There was a contmued dIscussIOn regardmg retalIung wall heIght and the dangers assoCIated when they are too hIgh ChaIr Schaub was concerned about parkmg for the duet umts He felt that the ratIo dId not meet the CIty'S parkIng standards Mr Porto stated that each productIOn UnIt has a mInImUm of a 2 car garage and the duet umts have an oversIZed garage WIth room to park the second car on the dnveway Mr Porto contmued that the InclusIOnary Zonmg ordInance dIscusses the abIltty to reduce the covered parkmg to one covered parkmg stall Mr Porto dIscussed the Issue of two car enclosed parkIng WIth the developer and they returned WIth an 18 foot dnveway apron and the over sILed garages whIch would mclude storage ChaIr Schaub mentIoned areas of concern In the project where there could be traffIC and parkmg congestIon Mr Porto stated that the developer could mcorporate parkmg along the west SIde of Street "B", along the open space traIl ChaIr Schaub suggested that some of the park area was not bIg enough and that they could convert some of the park area and add a few more parkmg spaces Mr Porto mentIOned at all of the mtersechons m Parcel B there are bulb outs for traffIC calmmg He thought It could be possIble to push the street back mto the over flow parkmg m that area and mclude a few addItional parkmg stalls p(annmo (ommtlS1on 1(/1011 far :M eettnf1 123 J\'iroem6er ! 3 2007 !"1f5 ~2r3 DRAFT DRA'FT Cm Wehrenberg asked about traIl safety and If there was a buffer between the street and the traIl Mr Porto answered the bump outs would be bIgger and wIder, and would not change locatIOn but be further out Into a paved surface approXImately 2-4 addItIonal feet The mtersechons are desIgned to slow down traffIc ChaIT Schaub menhoned how much eaSIer It IS to see what the project actually looks lIke from the 3D drawIngs and he suggested that there be more drawmgs of thIS type In the future Cm Wehrenberg asked about the neIghborhood fences statIng that she dId not see a fence drawmg that encloses the yard Mr Porto referred to the drawmgs m the small book whICh showed the fence drawmgs He stated that thet:>e are umque to tms project There was a dIscussIOn regardmg the placement of the fences and how that It IS accomplIshed through mspectIon by the Planmng Deparhnent Cm Kmg asked about the SIde and rear elevatIons and If they were mterestmg enough Mr Porto answered that the archItectural detaIl around the homes wIth the wmdows, headers and SIlls, etc creates a very mterestmg look to the project and It IS very conSIstent WIth other projects that have been recently approved Cm KIng referred to drawmg A2 5 and thought the left SIde elevatIon that can be seen by pubhc IS too sImple He asked about the shutter matenal Mr Porto answered the shutters are made wood textured polyurethane em Kmg asked If the pocket parks were large enough for cluldren to play orgamzed games lIke football Mr Porto answered that they were not bIg enough for games However there are cul~ de-sacs for addItIOnal areas for chIldren to have a place to play wlthm theIr neIghborhood em Kmg stated that the entrance to the development has the castle element but was concerned that the fence and the wall further north both look plam Mr Porto answered that It IS further away from the street and WIll have a landscapmg screen m front of It and they WIll brIng stone elements to that portron of the fence also em BIddle commented that he was happy to see the green bUIldmg gUIdelInes m the package ChaIr Schaub opened the publIc hearmg MIChael Whitby, Standard PaCIfIC, ApplIcant, spoke In favor of the project He stated that they choose the vmeyard because It occupIes a lot of slope and neIther the FIre Department nor the arclutect wanted to put In grassland because of the fIre hazard and maIntenance Issues He stated that the vmeyard reqUIres less IrngatlOn year after year Mr WhItby referred to the questIon regardIng the retammg walls m the upper slope area and pOSSIbly pushmg back the wall to allow more flat yard area behInd the house He stated that the walllme was moved m and back and It was a dramage course It:>sue The maXImum slope allowed In Dublm IS 2 1 and trymg to get the 2 1 slope they had to tranSItIOn back from the road that SIlvera Ranch IS mstallmg, to the property lIne and had to encroach mto the lots to gradually make the slope q>famn7l& (ommlSSlOn 'Xligu tar ~\1 cetmfJ 124 'J{memS;:r 1 J 2007 DRAFT /71 ~2-8 DRAFff Cm BIddle asked about gradIng for slIde repaIr Mr Porto pOInted the slIde repaIr areas on the Open Space Map ChaIr Schaub lrutIated a dlscusslOn regardIng GeologICal Hazard Asset.sment DIstnct (GHAD) and other assessment dlstncts ChaIr Schaub mentIoned lIghtIng and landscapIng assessment dlstncts as well as clcarung V- dItches He stated that they must bc cleaned every year and asked If the CIty was responsIble for cleamng the V.dltches or the IndIVIdual property owner Ms WIlson stated that the PublIc Works Department IS responsIble for publIc mformatIon and assocIated maIntenance Cm KIng asked If the open space area would be open to the publIc or members of the assoclatlOn only Mr WhItby answered that It IS not controlled and anyone can come thru there Cm Kmg was concerned that the HOA could possIbly pass a gUIdelIne that states the open space can only be ut.ed by resIdents Mr Porto answcrcd that although thIS area wIll be pnvately mamtamed there WIll bc a publIc access easement reqUIred on the parcel because therc wIll be an art park that WIll reqUIre all resIdents of Dublm to have access to that area Cm Kmg stated that the HOA could prolublt access to the vmeyard area because It would be land owned by HOA Mr Porto and Mr WhItby both agreed that would be dIffICult to enforce Cm Kmg asked who wntes the CC&R's for a development Mr Porto answered that the developer's attorney wntes the CC&R's, WIth the CIty attorney's reVIew Cm Kmg was concerned that the HOA would wnte a gUIdelme prohIbItIng chIldrcn from playmg m the cuI de sacs Mr Porto statcd that the cuI dc t.acs are publIc streets and cannot be regulated by the HOA The only pnvate streets are the three motor courts ChaIr Schaub stated that the CC&R's should speCIfy how the pnvate streets wIll be mamtamed Mr Porto answered that the pnvate streets would be mamtamed by the HOA Jason Hadnot, Standard PaCIfic, ApplIcant, spoke m favor of the project He spoke regardmg the HOA InformatlOn and costs He stated that he had worked on a SImIlar project that had pnvate streets, commuruty pool, hIllsIde open space, and 183 homes, for whIch the HOA dues were approxImately $250/month He thought the dues for thIS development would be less WIth no pool and not as much class A landscapIng ChaIr Schaub thought the dues would be approxImately $200/month WIth approxImately $100/month for the GHAD Mr Hadnot stated that 112 - % of one percent of the pnce of the home IS typICally acceptable for the HOA dues ChaIr Schaub was concerned that the HOA dues for BMR's are too expenSIve for the people who buy the affordable uruts He suggested, for these types of projects (on the outsklIts of tovvn) that the developer pay the m-heu fees for all reqUIred umts Mr Hadnot stated how the sales prIce for the affordable uruts IS set (&rl1lt1lg (omffnlSWn '%gu!4r'MeettnfJ 125 5Viwem6cr 1" 2001 I E>v ~7-I 3 DRAFT DRAFID Ms WIlson commented that as we work wIth polIcIes we fmd that adjustments may be nccessary Closed the publIc heanng Cm Wehrenberg stated that she lIked the drawmgs and had no concerns She statcd that she agrecd wIth ChaIr Schaub on the parkmg Issue Cm Kmg stated that he was m favor of the project He felt It was the best possIble layout gIVen the hIlls and prescrvc scemc area and create spaces for kIds to play The parkmg Issue IS dubIOm, bccause of parkmg formulas, so It IS on faIth that parkmg formula WIll work for the project Cm BIddle stated he IS m favor of the project ChaIr Schaub was In favor of the proJect and asked the developer to mclude 8 more parkmg spaces He stated that he appreciated the drawmgs because It helps the Planmng CommIssIOn and makes It easIer to approve Cm Wehrenberg stated that another cost of the vmeyard would be ammal control Cm Kmg stated that hIS contmued wIsh IS that therc would be retaIl wIthm walkmg dIstance of a neIghborhood to help cut down on the need to dnve Mr Porto asked the ComrrussIOn If they would IIkc to add a CondItIon of Approval ior the added parkmg spaces ChaIr Schaub stated that he dId not want to mclude the cOndItion but that he would ask the developer to look at the suggcstIOn and mclude the added parkmg spaces If feasIblc On a motion by Cm BIddle and seconded by Cm Wehrenberg, and by a vote of 4-0-1, the Plannmg CormmsslOn unammousl y adopted RESOLUTION NO 07 - 59 A RESOLlJTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OlF THE CiTY OlF DUBLIN APPROVING A SITE DEVELOPMENT REVIEW AND VESTING TENTATIVE MAl? 7617 WITHIN AN EXISTING PD-PLANNED DEVELOPMENT DIlSTRJ[CT KNOWN AS "lFALLON CROSSING" AT THE NORTHEAST INTERSECTION OF T ASSAJARA ROAD AND FALLON ROAD JPA 04-016, AJPN 985-0002-001 P{OTlTltt/{J COmmLlSIOTI Ift:.rBII far 5tf eelmg 126 "{in cm6er J 3, lOVl DRAfT )8;/ e-t 2./ .3 DRAFT RESOLUTION NO 07 - 58 A RJESOLlITXON OF THE PLANNING COMMiSSION Of THE CITY OF DlIBLIN RECOMMENDING 'fHAT THE CITY COllNCIL ADOPT AN ORDINANCE APPROVING A STAGE 2 DEVELOPMENT PLAN FOR AN EXISTING PLANNED DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT KNOWN AS "FALLON CROSSING" AT THE NORTHEAST IN'fERSJECnON OF TASSAJARA ROAD AND FALLON ROAD P A 04-016, APN 985-0002-001 NEW OR UNFINISHED BUSINESS Cm KIng stated that he fully supports the CommIssIOn's pohcy on unSIgned commUnICatIOns He assumed whoever wrote the letter WIll read the mmutes and he would hke to share some thoughts, presentIng these kmds of thoughts does not have to be adversanal He stated that the Planrung CorrumS&IOn IS WIllIng to dISCUSS anythmg WIth the reSIdents If a reSIdent would hke to address the CorrumSSIOn he welcomes the commumcatIOn Cm Wehrenberg had receIved a notIce! advertIsement regardIng pamtmg reflectrve home addresses Ms WIlson stated she would look mto the SItuatIon Ms LeClaIr stated that there IS a CIty polIcy on these types of notIces Ms WIlson referred to an emaIl sent from Staff to the CommISSIon regardmg the Commumty DeSign Element and DSP on-lIne survey The ComnusslOner's all stated they had seen the emaII and have partIcIpated In the survey Cm Wehrenberg abo referred to an emaIl regardmg camp parks Ms WIlson stated that there has been some recent actIVIty for the proJect and that the CIty IS antICIpatmg aN otICC of AVaIlabIlIty bemg sent out by the Army to fInd a master developer &oon Ms WIlson stated that the Wmdstar project was contInued to the CIty CounCil meetmg on November 20,2007 She also dIscussed the meetmgs for the remamder of the year Ms WIlson bnefed the CommISSIOners on the Grafton Plaza project Cm Kmg stated he had read an edltonal In the TImes referrIng to the project P!armmg LOmllmSl(1t! 1?J:g uwr ~11 Co t!1lg 127 'V'wemw 13 2001 DRAFT ADJOURNMENT - The meetmg was adjourned at 9 30 P m Respectfully submItted, t8.~FSP-;3 BIll Schaub Planmng CommIssIOn ChaIT ATTEST Mary Jo WIlson, AICP Plannmg Manager G \ MI NUl tS \ 2007 \ Plal11111Jg C01l1111/SSIOI1 \ 11 13 07 doc (P{allllmg (omlllls.mm ~uwr 'MeetlTlfJ 128 Novem6er J " 2007 1&3~ 2-13 RESOLUTION NO 07 - 58 A RESOn tIT ION OF THE PlLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY Of' DUBLnN RECOMMENDING THAI' THE CITY COtINCiL ADOPT AN ORDINANCE APPROVING A STAGE 2 DEVELOIPMENT PLAN FOR AN EXISTING PLANNED DEVELOIPMEN r DISTRffCT KNOWN AS "FALLON CROSSnNG" AT THE NORTHEAST iNTERSECTION OF TASSAJARA ROAD AND FAJLLON ROAD P A 04-0 I 6, APN 985-0002-001 WHEREAS, the ApplIcant, Standard PacIfic CorporatlOn, submItted applIcatIOns for an area of dpproxImately 67 8 acres known as "Fallon Crossmg" located at the northeast mterscctIon of TassaJara Road and Fallon Road m the Eastern Dublm SpeCIfic Plan Area, and WHEREAS, Thc applIcatIons melude a) Stage 2 Development Plan for approxlmately 678 acres at the northeast mtersectlon of TassaJ ara Road and Fallon Road m the Eastern Dublm SpeCIfic PIan Area, b) SIte Developmcnt ReVIew, and c) Vestmg TentatIve Map 7617 for 106 low denSity reSidentIal UllltS including 98 detached smgle-famIly umts clnd 8 duet UllltS as lots Other uses mc1ude Open Space and pnvate rccreatlOn facilItIes WIth some public access, storm water management elements, and assocIated public and pnvate nghts-of-way The applications collectIvely define thIS ProJect", and WHEREAS, the Project SIte generally IS located at the northeast mterseclIon of TassaJara Road and Fallon Road, and WHEREAS, on May 10, 1993, the CIty Councll certIfied a program Envlronmental Impact Report ("EIR") for the Eastern Dub 1m GP AlSP Project and an addendum to update plans to proVide sewer servIce The May 10, 1993 program ErR, the May 4, 1993 addendum and the August 22, 1994 addendum are collectIvely referred to as the Eastern Dublm ELR, and WHEREAS, on May 16, 2006, the CIty CouncIl approved a MItIgated NegatIve DeclaratIOn by ResolutIOn 71-06, for prezonmgs, Stage 1 Planned Development zOlllng, an dnnexatIon appltcatIon, and a preanexatIon agreement for Fallon Crossmg P A 04-016 and the Prcdnch property, and WHEREAS, on May 16, 2006, the CIty CouncIl approved the preLolllngs and Stage 1 development Plan by Ordmance 07-06 for Fallon Crossmg PA 04-016, and WHEREAS, as of July 1, 2007, the proJ ect SIte was annexed to the City of Dublin, and WIHIEREAS, a Staff Report, dated November 13, 2007 and Incorporated herem by reference, descnbed and analyzed the current applIcatIOn, and WHEREAS, the Plannmg CommIssIOn revIewed the staff report at a duly noticed pubhc hearmg held on November 13, 2007 at which time all mterested partIes had the opportUnIty to be heard WHEREAS, the PlannIng CommIssIOn dId hear and use their mdependent Judgment and conSIdered all said reports, recommendatIons, and testImony heremabove set forth AUadnmelffitr 5 /&'1 ~ 2-/3 NOW, THEREFORE, BE rr RESOLVED that based on the findmgs set forth m SectIOn 1 of the attached draft ordmance, the Plannmg CommIssIOn of the City of Dublm hereby recommends that the City CouncIl adopt thc ordmance attached as ExhIbIt A and mcorporated herem by reference, whIch ordmance adopts a Stagc 2 Development PIan for Fallon Crossmg PASSED, APPROVED, AND ADOPTED thIS 13th day of November, 2007 by the followmg vote AYES Schaub, Wehrenberg, BIddle and Kmg NOES None ABSENT Tomlinson ABSTAiN None Planmng CommIssIOn ChaIr ATTEST Plannmg MaI1ager G lPA#12004\04 0/6 MI~\lon Pcak '>Ianilanl PacificlPC J I J 3 071draflPCreso Stage2 doc 2 I&' :f;2/ 0 RESOLUTION NO 07 - 59 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF DUBLIN APPROViNG A SrrE DEVELOPMENT REVIEW AND VESTING TENTATIVE MAP 7617 WITHIN AN EXISTiNG PD-PLANNED DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT KNOWN AS "FALLON CROSSING" AT THE NORTHEAST iNTERSECTION OF TASSAJARA ROAD AND FALLON ROAD PA 04-016, APN 985-0002-001 WHEREAS, the ApplIcant, Standard Pacific CorporatIOn, submItted applicatIons for an area of approXImately 67 8 acrcs known as "Fallon Crossmg" located at the northeast InterscctlOn of Tassapra Road and Fallon Road m the Eastern Dublm SpeCIfic Plan Arca, and WHEREAS, The appilcatlOns mclude a) Stage 2 Development PIan for approxImately 678 acres at the northeast mtersectlon of TassaJara Road and Fallon Road m the Eastern Dubhn SpeCIfic Plan Area, b) SIte Development ReView, and c) Vestmg TentatIve Map 7617 for 106 low denSIty resIdential umts mcludIng 98 detached smgle-famIly umts and 8 duet umts as 10ts Other uses Include Open Space and pnvate recrcatlon facIlIties With some publIc access, storm water management elements, and aSSOCiated publIc and pnvate nghts-of-way The applIcations collectively define thIS "Project", and WHEREAS, the Project SIte generally IS located at the northeast IntersectIon of TassaJara Road and F aHon Road, and WHEREAS, on May 10, 1993, the CIty Counctl certIfied a program EnVIronmental Impact Report ("ElR") for the Eastern DublIn GP AlSP Project and an addendum to update plans to prOVIde sewer servIce The May 10, 1993 program ETR, the May 4, 1993 addendum and the August 22, 1994 addendum are collectIvely referrcd to as the Eastern DublIn EIR, and WHEREAS, on May 16, 2006, the CIty CounCIl approved a MItIgated Negative DeclaratIOn by Reso1utlOn 71-06, for prezonmgs, Stage 1 PldIl11ed Development zomog, an anncxatlon applIcatIOn, and a preanexatlon agreemcnt for Fallon Crossmg P A 04-016 and the Frednch property, and WHEREAS, on May 16, 2006, the City CounCIl approved the prezomngs and Stage 1 Development PIan by OrdInance 07-06 for Fallon Crossmg PA 04-016, and WHEREAS, as of J uly 1, 2007, the project sIte was annexed to the City of Dublm, dlld WHEREAS, a Staff Report, dated November 13, 2007 and mcorporated herem by reference, descnbed and analyzed the current applIcatIOn, and WHEREAS, the Planmng CommISSIon reVIewed the staff report at a duly notIced publIc hearIng held on November 13,2007 at whIch tIme all mterested partIes had the OPPOrtUlllty to be heard WHEREAS, the PlannIng CommISSIon did hcar and use theIr Independcnt Judgment and conSIdered all SaId reports, recommendatIOns, and testImony heremabove set forth NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT THE Plannmg CommISSIOn of the CIty of Dublin does hereby make the followmg findmgs and determmahons regardmg said proposed Site Development ReVIew Page 1 of 29 Attadlnmennt (ii /[!;b ;f 213 Site Development Review A Approval of the proposed project IS conSlstent with the purpose and mtent of Chapter 8 104 Site Development Revlew of the Dubltn Zomng Ordmdnce because the project is conslstent WIth the approved PD-70nmg development standards B Any approval complIes wIth the poltcles of the General Plan wuh any appltcable Specific Plans wah the development regulatIOns or performance standards establtshed for the zonmg dlstnct tn whlch a lS located and wah all other requirements of the ZOnIng Ordmance because thc project compltes WIth the policies of the General Plan, the Eastern Dublm SpecIfic Plan and the Stage 2 Development Plan for P A 04-0 [6 and wIth all other reqUirements of the Dublm ZOlllng Ordmance C The proposed project as condlllOned wlll not adversely affect the health or safety of persons resLCltng or working In the VICInIty or be detnmental to the publzc health safety and general welfare because the development IS conSIstent With dll laws and ordmances and Implements thc Eastern DublIll SpecIfic Plan and Dublm General Plan, mcludmg the rcqmrement of the BUIldIng DIvIsion, FIre Department, PublIc Works Department and the Dublin San Ramon Scrvlces DIStflct o The subject 5Ue 15 phYSically suItable for the type densay and IntensLty of the use bemg proposed because the proposed SIte development (mcludmg SIte layout, structures, vehlcular access, CirculatIon dnd parkmg, setbacks, heIght, walls, pubhc safety and SImIlar elements) has been deSIgned to proVIde a deSIrable enVIronment for the development and 106 resldentIaI homes and assocIated Improvements E The subject site is phYSIcally 5ultable for the type and mtensity of the proposed project because the eXItIng land IS deSIgnated for low-denSIty reSIdentIal and open space has been mcorporated, and the SIte can accommodate the proposed structures and uses F The proposed project will not negallvely lmpact VleWS because the proposed proJect conforms to the Eastern Dublm Seemc Corndor PolICies and Standards G Impacts to eXlstmg slopes and topographic features are addressed because attentIOn has been pdld to the natural slope and contours of SIte In dcslgmng the archItecture and sItmg the structures so as to mInmuze over gradmg and extensive use ofretammg walls H Archltectural conslderatlOns tncludmg the character scale and qualIty of the deslgn the archItectural relatlOnshlP WIth the site and other buddtngs buddtng materials and colors screenmg of exterIOr appurtenances exterIOr ltghttng and sImdar elements have been Incorporated mto the project and as condItlOns of approval m order to ensure compatlblhty of thls development With the development's deSIgn concept or theme and the character of adjacent propertles neighborhoods and uses smce all such features have been mcluded as a part of the projects, the proJect WIll be compatIble WIth the surroundmg area I Landscape consideratIOns mcludmg the locatIOn type SIze color texture and coverage of plant matenals prOVlszons and slmdar elements have been conSidered to ensure vlsual relzef and an attractive enVlronment for the pubhc smce a vanety of landscapmg matenals and open Page 2 of 29 1~7~2-/3 space areas mcludmg open space, tratls d11d vllleyards have been mcluded as a part of the proJect, the project wIll be compatlble with the surroundlllg area J The approval of the Slle Development RevIew for the proposed project IS conSIstent wllh the Dublm General Plan and wllh the Eastern Dublm Specific Plan Slllce the project IS conSIstent WIth the PD-zonmg WhICh IS conSIstent WIth the General Plan and SpecIfic PIan K Approval of thIS applicatIOn complies wllh Chapter 858 relating to Public Art Program ContributIOns Sll1ce the project Includes a publIc art easement area for the placement ofpubltc art as a part of the project and the value of the art piece lBE IT ]FURTHER RESOl. VED that the Plannmg CommISSiOn of the CIty of Dublm does hereby make the followll1g findll1gs and detenmnatlons regardmg Vestmg Tentative Map 7617 Veshn2 Tentative Map A The proposed Vestmg TentatIve Map IS consistent wllh the mtent of applicable subdiVIsIOn regulatLOns and related ordmances B The deMgn and Improvements of the p} oposed VestIng Tentaflve Map IS consistent wllh the General Plan and the Eastern Dublin Specific Plan as amended as they relate to the subject property m that It IS a subdIVlSlon for ImplementatIOn of the Fallon Crossmg project a low denSity and open space communzty In an area deslgnatedfor thiS type of development C The proposed Vestlflg TentatIve Map IS consistent wah the Planned Development approvedfor Fal/on Crossing (PA 04-016) at the northeast mtersectlOn of Tassajara Road and Fallon Road and IS therefore consIstent With the Cay of Dublin ZOnIng Ordinance D The propertIes created by the proposed Vestmg Tentatlve Map wtll have adequate access to major constructed or planned lmprovements as part of the Eastern DublIn Specific Plan mcludlflg the intersectIOn ofTassajara Road and Fallon Road E Project deSIgn archItecture and concept as smgle-jamtfy neighborhood has been mtegrated With topography of the project slte created by the proposed Vesting Tentative Map to mInzmIze overgradIng and exten.5IVe use of retammg walls Therefore the proposed subdlvlswns are physIcally SUItable for the type and Intensay of development proposed F The Mltlgatwn MOnItonng program adopted WIth the project EIR for the Eastern Dublm Specific Plan and subsequent environmental documents Includmg the adopted MItigated NegatIve DeclaratIOn for thls prOject would be applicable as appropnate for addreSSing or mItIgating any potential envIronmental Impacts Identified G The proposed Vesting Tentative Map WIll not result In envlronmental damage or substanttally Injure fish or Wildlife or their habaat or cause public health concerns H The deSIgn of the subdiVIsIOn Will not conflIct With easements acqUlred by the PUblIC at large or access through or use of property wahIn the proposed subdIVISIOn The Cay Engineer has revlewed the map and tltle report and has not found any conflictmg easements of thiS nature Page 3 of 29 1M :j2-/3 BE n' FURTHER RESOLVED that the Plannmg CommIsSIon of the CIty of DublIn hereby approves wIth conditions the SIte Development Review PA 04-016 for "Fallon Crossmg" at the northeast IntersectIOn of Tassapra Road and Fallon Road, bdsed on the findmgs set forth above and subject to the condItions of approval set forth below All development wIthIn the area covered by thIS approval shaH conform generally to the plans prepared by Ruggen, Jensen, Azar & Associates, the Dahlm Group, and Ralph J Alexander & AssocIates labeled "Fallon Crossmg - Stage 2 Planned Development, SIte Development Review, and Master VestIng Tentative Tract SubmIttal" dated November 5, 2007, and attached to the Staff Report of November 13,2007 PlannIng CommiSSIOn meetmg as Attachment 3 BE rr FURTHER IRESOL VED that thIS approval IS subject to the approval and adoptIon of the Stage 2 Development Plan (ordmance) by the CIty Council of the City of DublIn BE rr lFURTHER RESOLVED thdt the PlannIng CommiSSion of the CIty of Dublin hereby approves, wIth condItIons, Vestmg Tentative Map 7617 for Fallon Crossmg (678 acres) for 106 smg1e- famIly umts (98 detached and 8 duets) ThIS recommendation IS based on findmgs that the proposed Vestmg TentatIve Map IS conSistent with the SIte Development, RevIew, Stage 2 Development Plan, General Plan, and Eastern Dubltn SpeCIfic Plan ThIS approval shall conform generally to the plans prepared by Ruggen, Jensen, Azar & ASSOCIates, the Dahlm Group, and Ralph J Alexander & ASSOCIates labcled "Fallon Crossmg - Stage 2 Planned Development, SIte Developmcnt ReView, and Master Vestmg Tentative Tract SubmIttal" dated November 5, 2007, dnd attached to the Staff Report of November 13, 2007 Plannmg CommiSSiOn meetmg as Attachment 3 and on file wIth the CommunIty Dcvelopment Department and the ApplIcant's WrItten statement, subject to the followmg condItlons CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Unless othcrwlse stated, all TentatIve Map CondItIOns of Approval shall be complIed WIth pnor to approval of the FInal Map The SIte Development ReVIew CondItions of Approval shall be complIed WIth prIor to final occupancy of any buIlding (or dependmg on the context shall rcmalll In effect throughout the life ofthe ProJect) and shall be subject to Plannmg Department review and approval ThIS approval for both the Site Development ReVIew and Vestmg TentatIve Map shall be subject to City CouncIl adoptton of the Stage 2 Planned Development Plan and ZOnIng NO DE:~fll~d ~~/'* ~DEPART PLANNING DEP 1 Fees The Developer shall pay all applicable fees m effect at the tIme of bUll dIng permIt Issuance meludmg, but not lImIted to, Plannmg fees, BUIldmg fees, Dublm San Ramon ServIces Dlstnct fees, PublIc Faclbtles fees, Dublm Umfied School DIstnct School Impact fees, PublIc Works Traffic Impact fees, City of Dub 1m Fire ServIces fees, NOIse MItIgatIOn fees, Inc1usiOnary Housmg In-LIeu fees, Alameda County Flood and Water ConservatIon Dlstnct (Zone 7) Dramage and Water ConnectIon fees, and any other fees either III effect at the tIme and/or as noted In the Developmcnt Agreement PL Zone 7 and Parkland In-LIeu Fees Due PrIor to Fllmg Each Fmal Map, Other Fees ReqUIred With Issuance of BUlldmg PermIts Page 4 of 29 }2,c'12-13 - 2 Satellite Dishes Pnor to the Issuance of BUIldmg Permits, the Developer's Architect shall prepare a plan for reVIew and approval by the DIrector of Commumty Development and the ChIef BUlldmg OffiCIal that proVIdes a consIstent and unobtruSIve locatIon for the placement of mdlvldual satelhte dIshes IndIvidual condUit Will be run on the mtenor of the umt to the satellIte 10catlOn on the extenor of the home to lImit the amount of exposed cable reqUired to actIvate any satelhte dISh It IS preferred that where chImneys eXIst, that the mountmg of the dish be mcorporated mto the c1umney In mstances where chimneys do not eXIst, then the plan shall show a common and conSIstent 10cahon for satellIte dIsh placement to ehmmate the over rohferatIon, haphazard and megular placement Fmal bUlldmg and site development plans shall be revIewed and approved by the Commumty Development Department staff pnor to the Issuance of a bUIldmg permIt All such plans shall tnsure a That standard resldentIal secunty reqUIrements as establIshed by the Dubhn PolIce Department are proVIded PL 3 b That ranlps, sIgnmg, and other appropnate phYSIcal features for the handIcapped, are proVIded throughout the SIte for all publIcly used facIlttIes c That exterIor hghtmg of the bUIldmg and SIte IS not dIrected onto adJacent propertIes and the light source IS shlelded from dIrect off sIte vlewmg d That all mechamcal eqUIpment, mcludmg air condItJOnmg condensers, IS architecturally screened from View, and that electncal transformers are eIther underground or archltecturally screened e That all vents, gutters, downspouts, flashmgs, etc, are pamted to match the color of adjacent surface f That all matenals and colors are to be as approved by the Dublm Commumty Development Department Once constructed or mstalled, all Improvements are to be matntamed Page 5 of 29 PrIor to Issuance ofbUlldmg permIt Pnor to Issuance ofbutldmg permIt )Cfo ~ 2-13 In accordance WIth the approved plans Any changes, winch affect the cxterIor character, shall be resubmItted to the DublIn Commumty Development Department for approval g That all extenor archItectural elements vIsible from view and not detaIled on the plans be fimshed m a style and m matenals m harmony wIth the extenor of the bUlldmg All matcrIals shall wrap to the mSlde comers and tenmnate at a perpendlcular wall plane 4 h That all other publIc agencIes that reqUire review of the project are supplIed With copIes of the final bUlldmg and SltC plans and that complIance shall be obtamed WIth at least theIr mInimum Code requIrements Flllal landscape plans, IrngatIon system plans, tree preservatIOn technIques, and guarantees, mcludmg the vmeyard shall be revIewed and approved by the Dublm Planmng Department pnor to the Issuance of the bmldmg permIt All such submIttals shall msure PL Pnor to Issuance ofbUlldmg permIt a That plant matenal IS utIlIzed whIch WIll be capable of healthy growth wlthm the gIVen range of SOlI and clImate b That proposed landscape screenmg IS of a height and density so that It provIdes a poslttve vIsual Impact wlthm three years from the tIme of plantmg c That unless unusual circumstances prevaIl, at least 75% of the proposed trees on the Site are a mtmmum of 15 gallons m SIze, and at least 50% of the proposed shrubs on the SIte are TIltmmum of 5 gallons m SILe d That a plan for an automatIc ImgatlOll system be provided which assures that all plants get adequate water In unusual CIrcumstances, and If approved by Staff, d manual or qUick coupler system may be used e That concrete curbmg IS to be used at the edges of all planters and pavmg surfaces where a hcable Page 6 of 29 /11':}2-I3 ~ f That all cut and fill slopes conform to the master vestmg tentatIvc map and condltIons detailed In the SIte Development Review packet g That all cut and fill slopes graded and not constructed by October 1, of any gIven year, are hydro seeded wlth perennIal or natIve grasses and Dowers, and that stock piles ofloose sOli eXistIng on that date are hydroseeded In a sImIlar manner h That the area under the dnp lme of all eXisting oaks, walnuts, etc, which are to be saved are fenced dunng constructIOn and gradIng operatIOns and no activIty IS penmtted under them that wIll cause soil compactIOn or damage to the tree, If applIcable That a guarantee from the owners or contractors shall be required guaranteemg all shrubs and ground cover, all trees, and the IrngatIon system for one year 5 J That the landscape and plantmg plans for the vmeyard shall be detaIled to Include a mamtenance program and dIrectIOn to the HOA to assure long term VIabIltty SaId plaI1 shall be revIewed and approved by the DIrector of CommunIty Development nor to plantmg Fmal mspectlOn or occupancy permits WIll not be granted untIl all constructIon and landscapmg IS complete m accordance WIth approved plans and the conditions reqUired by the CIty Public Art Project The Appheant/Developer has elected to and shall acqUire and mstaII a publIc art project 111 accordance WIth Chapter 8 58 of the Dublin MUnICIpal Code and shall comply With the Public Art Compliance Report submItted by AppheantlDeveloper, dated June 19, 2007 and on file WIth the Planfllng Department The value of the publIc art project IS reqUired to equal or exceed 05% of the bUIld1l1g valuatIOn (exclusIve of land) for the project The BUIldIng Officlal has determmed that the total bUlld1l1g valuation of the project (exclUSIve of land) IS $33,235,27000 Therefore, ApplIcant/Developer IS reqUIred to acqUIre and Install a publIc art project valued at a mmlmwn amount of $166,17635 The Page 7 of 29 6 PL ConstructIon and landscapmg IS complete PL Occupancy of first structure /1; 12-13 location of the publIc art proJect SIte IS shown on the Project Plans Pnor to first occupancy ApplIcant/Developer shall (a) secure completIOn of the publ1c art proJect, III a manner deemed satIsfactory to the City Manager, and (b) execute an agreement between the CIty and ApplIcant/Developer that sets forth the owncrshlP, mamtenance responsibilIties, and ll1surance coverage for the publtc art project The publIc art proJect IS subJect to the approval of the CIty Councd upon recommendatIon by the Hentage and Cultural Arts CommlsslOn 7 PublIc Art lEasement and Access Easement The ApplIcant/Developer shall reserve a SIte and provide a publIc art easement and an access easement to the City wlthm the development project for a future publIc art project m accordance WIth Dublm MUnIclpal Codc Section 8 58 050 8 Kueluslonary Zonmg Pnor to approval of Site Development ReView or recordatIOn of the first phased Fmal Map, whlchcver occurs first, the owner or owners of all the property subJect to thiS vestmg tentatIve map shall enter mto an Affordable Housmg Agreement With the CIty for the entIre VestlOg Tentdtlve Map area, whIch agreement shall be recorded agamst such area and agamst any other property where Developer proposes to construct off-SIte afforddble umts If approved by the CIty CouncIl pursuant to DublIn MumcIpal Code section 868040 B Such agreement shall melude but IS not limIted to provldmg detatl regardmg the number of affordable umts reqUired, speCIfy the schedule of constructIon of affordable umts, set forth the developer's manner of comphdllce With CIty of Dub 1m IncluslOnary ZOning RegulatIons and Impose appropnate resale controls and/or rental restnctlons on the affordable umts If the agrecment provides for constructIOn of the Units off-Site, as provided m DMC sectIOn 8 68040 B, It shall reqUire City CouncIl approval and CouncIl findmgs as requIred by Said sectIon and shall mclude prOVISIOn for secunty adequate to assure completIOn of the off-Site affordable umts concurrently WIth the completIon of the constructIOn of the market rate umts to be constructed on the lots created by the vestmg tentative map PUBlLiC W6RKS~ - )W(_ _iFF?:::: 9 General PublIc Works ConditIOns of Approval Developer shall comply WIth the CIty ofDubhn General Pubhc Works CondItIOns of Approval for Tract 7617 Page 8 of 29 PL In conjunction w/findl map encompassmg area art to be located or by separate mstrument pnor to Issuance ofbUlldmg permit PL Pnor to approval of SIte Development Revlcw or recordatIOn of the first phased Fmal Map PW Ongomg fI~ *213 contaIned below unless specIfically modIfied by these CondItIOns of Approval 10 Development Agreement In accordance wIth the PW Fmal Map reqUIrements ofthc Eastern DublIn Specific PIan a Development Agreement between the CIty of Dublin and the Developer shall be reqUIred and recorded 11 Ownership and Mamtenance of Improvements PW Fmal Map and ongomg OwnershIp, dedicatIons on final map, and mamtenance of strcet nght-of-ways, common area parcels, and open space areas shall be by the CIty of Dubhn, the Homcowner's ASsocIatIOn, and a GeologIc Hazard Abatement DIstnct, as shown on the Open Space Mamtenance ResponsIbilitIes ExhIbIt, Tract 7617, Fallon Crossmgs, prepared by Ruggen-Jensen-Azar Associates, dated October 2007 12 Landscape ]Features wlthm Public Right of Way PW Fmal Map The Developer shall enter mto an "Agrccment for Long Term Encroachments" With the CIty to allow the HOA to mallltalll the landscape and decoratIve features wlthm publIc RIght of Way meludmg frontage & medIan landscapIng, decoratIve pavements and speclal features (1 e , walls, portals, benches, etc ) as generally shown on SIte Development Review exhIbIts The Agreement shall IdentIfy the ownershIp of the speCIal features and mamtenance responsIbIlItIes The Homeowner's ASSOCIatIOn WIll be responsIble for mamtammg the surface of all decoratIve pavements mcludmg restoratIon reqUired as the result of utIlity repairs 13 Covenants, Conditions and Restnctlons (CC&Rs) PW Fmal Map A Homeowners AssocIation shall be formed by recordatIOn of a declaratIon of Covenants, CondItIOns, and RestnctIOns to govern usc and mallltenance of the landscape features wlthlll the pubhc nght of way contamed III the Agreement for Long Term Encroachments and the frontage landscapmg along TassaJara Road and mtenor streets Satd declaratIOn shall set forth the AssocIatIOn name, bylaws, rules and regulatIons The CC&Rs shall ensure that there IS adequate proVISIon for the mamtenance, m good repaIr and on a regular baSIS, of the landscapmg & lITIgation, decoratIve pavements, medIan Islands, fences, walls, dramage, lIghtIng, SIgnS and other related Improvements The CC&Rs shall also contam all other Items reqUired by these conditIons The Developer shall submIt a copy of the CC&R document to the CIty for reVIew and a proval 14 Public Streets Developer shall construct street PW Fmal Map Page 9 of 29 Jt111 ~?J3 ~. ~ Improvements and offer for dedicatIon to the CIty of Dubhn the nghts of way for TassaJara Road and mtenor streets as shown on the TentatIve Map, to the satIsfactIOn ofthc City Engmeer 15 AcoustIc Study The acoustIcal recommendatIOns PW Fmal Map referenced m the Charles M Salter,luc AcoustIc Report dated September 18, 2007 shall be mcorporated mto thIS project 16 Tassajara Road/ Fallon Road/ Street" A" Fmal Map Intersection The eXlstmg traffic sIgnal shall be modified to accommodate a four-legged mterscctlOn Thc mtersectlOn shall be restnped as shown on the tcntatlve map, except that the southbound leg of TassaJara Road shall be wIdened to elImmate the offset travel1ane wIth thc outbound Street "A" traffic unless otherwIse approved by the CIty Traffic Engmeer dunng final desIgn and Improvement plan reVIew 17 Tassajara Road Frontage Improvements TassaJara PW Fmal Map Road shall be Improved to provIde frontage Improvements (curb and gutter, sIdewalk, 20' of pavement, hghtmg, and landscapmg) on the east sIde of the road along the Fallon Crossmgs frontage EXIstmg pavement shall be ground and resurfaced south to the Fallon Road mtcrscctlon to match the ultImate profile and cross slope The Improvements shall be bonded wIth the final map and completed pnor for to occupancy of the first umt Eastern DublIn Traffic Impact Fee (EDTIF) SectIon I credIts wIll be gIven for these Improvements as outlIned m the 2004 EDTIF Update or subsequent updates 18 Tassajara Road Off site Improvements TassaJara PW Fmal Map Road shall be wIdcned from two lanes to four lanes from North Dublm Ranch Dnve to the bndge at ShadowhIll Dnve ThIS may be accomplIshed by wldenmg the eXIstmg frontage Improvements on the east SIde of the road from 20' to 34' through the pavmg of the eXIstmg medIan and restnpmg the pavement to provIde two northbound lanes, and restnpmg the eXlstmg travel lanes to proVIde two southbound lanes ThiS work shall commence pnor lssuance of a bUlldmg penmt for the 54th reSIdence, and pnor to Issuance of the buIldmg perrmt for the 106th reSIdence Improvements shall be deSigned and guarantced undcr an Improvcmcnt agreement pnor to filIng of the final map 19 Dublin Boulevard! Dougherty Road Intersection PW Fmal Map ContnbutlOn The developer shall pay a faIT share Page 10 of 29 195 :1'2-1 ~ portIOn of the fundmg deficIency betwcen the cost of the Dublm/ Dougherty IntersectlOn Improvements and avaIlable fundmg The payment shall be due wIth the filing of the final map The amount of the deficIency, If any, shall be the amount of the deficIency as deterrmned or estImated by the DIrector ofPubhc Works at the tIme the map IS filed The faIr share portIon has been detenmned to be 0305% SectIon 2 EDTIF credIts wIll be provIded for thIS payment 20 Fallon Road/1-580 Interchange Improvement ContnbutlOn The developer shall pay a fair share portIOn of costs advanced by the Lm FamIly for Improvements to the Fallon Road! 1-580 Interchange The payment wIll be payable at the tIme of filmg each final map, and shall be prorated based on the percentage of total resIdentIal umts mcluded m each map The developer's fair sharc has been determmed to be 04325% ofthe total funds advanced by the Lm FamIly SectIon 2 EDTIF credIts WIll be provIded for this payment 21 Santa Rita Roadl 1-580 Interchange 5th Eastbound Orf Ramp Lane The developer shall be responsIble for payment of a fair share portIOn of the costs assocIated with addmg a 51h eastbound off ramp lane at the Santa RIta Road! 1-580 InterchaIlge, as reqUired III the Fallon VIllage Traffic Study/ DEIR The payment WIll be payable at the tIme of filmg each final map, and shall be prorated based on the percentage of total umts mcluded m each map The fair share has been determmed 10 be 0 305% In the event that the EDTIF has been updated to mclude thIS Improvement at tIme of filIng a final map, the payment Will not be rcqUlred If the developer agrees m wntmg pnor to the fihng of the final map to pay the updated EDTIF 22 CentrallParkway at HaCienda Dnve, Second Westbound Left Turn Lane The developer shall be responsIble for payment of a faIr share portIon of the costs assocIated WIth addmg a 2nd westbound left turn lane on Central Parkway at HaCIenda Dnve ThlS Improvement IS Included 111 the current EDTIF, and thIS obhgatlOn may be satIsfied through the payment of EDTIF fees, provided the EDTIF has not been amended to ehmmate thIS Improvement at the tIme of payment 23 Traffic Impact Fees The developer shall be responsible for payment of the Eastern Dublm Traffic Impact Fee (SectIOns 1 and 2), the Eastern DublIn 1-580 Interchange Fee, and the Tn-Valley Trans ortatlOn Page 11 of 29 PW Fmal Map PW F mal Map PW Issuance of BUlldmg PermIts Iq~ :! 2-13 'lr@(1)N,J!ilifwI0N TEXT ~~- _tIR. '" t4b4 %" ~~ Development Fee Fees will be payable at Issuance of bUlldmg permIts 24 Eastern Dublin Traffic Impact ]Fee MlDlmum Payment The developer shall be responsIble for payment ofa mInimum portIOn ofthe Eastern DublIn Traffic Impact Fee 10 cash The cash payment shall be 11 % for SectIOn 1 and 25% for SectIon 2, or as may have been modIfied by City Councll actIOn at the tIme ofbmld1Og penmt Issuance These mInimum cash payment shall be III addItIon to any other payment noted In these condItIOns and may not be offset by fee credits 25 Moller Creek Realignment Easement An easemcnt shall be provIded over Parcel "H" as needed to accommodate the realIgnment ofthe creek as shown on the tentatIve map, elthcr on the final map or by separate Instrument 26 GeologiC Hazard Abatement Dlstnct Pnor to filmg the final map, the formatIon of a GeologIc H anrd Abatement Dlstnct (GHAD) covenng the entIre project shall be completed The board of directors for the GHAD shall be the CIty CouncIl of the CIty of Dub 1m The GRAD shall be responsible for the ongomg mamtenance of the open space areas (Includmg benches and brow dItches, maIntenance roads or traIls, and fencmg) and the water qualIty control ponds, and shall mclude a rescrve for unforeseen repair of future slope mstabIlIty Developcr shall be responslble for subImttmg all documents nccessary to form the GRAD, mcludmg a plan of control, which shall mclude an annual operatmg budget for butld out of the project, and the petItIon Imttal assessments against property owners shall not be lowcr than ultimate assessments at bUlld out The CC&Rs for the project shall contalll financIal mechanIsms, such as deed assessments, enforceable by the City that to ensure that the property owners are oblIgated to pay the costs of maIntenance m the event that the GRAD IS dissolved or does not have suffiCIent resources to perform Its oblIgatIons The CC&Rs shall also mclude provIsIOns that reqUIre the property owners' aSSOCIatIon to pay the GHAD or City's attorneys' fees m the event that eIther enforces the Homeowner's ASSOCIation's obligation to fund mamtenance of the open space areas and the water quality control pond The CC&Rs shall be reviewed and approved by the CIty Engmeer and CIty Attorney to ensure compliance WIth thIS condItIOn of approval Ownersh I p 0 f G HAD- mal nta med parcels s h a II be by the Page 12 of 29 PW Issuance of BUlldmg Permits Fmal Map PW Fmal Map "RESPON N tAGE _lta"'~ ~"DEPA: GHAD In fee as shown m the Vestmg Tentatlve Map 27 RemedIal Gradmg Plan The gradmg plan shall PW mclude a remedial gradmg plan prepared by the project geotechmcal consultant, outlmmg area of slIde repair, benches, keyways, over excavatiOn at cut-fill transItIons, sub drams, and other recommendatIOns of the consultant The remedIal gradmg plan wJ!1 be subject to review and approval by the CIty'S own geotechmcal consultant 28 Lot Lme Adjustment Pnor to filing of the first final PW map, the developer shall complete a lot lInc adJustment wIth the Stlvera Ranch property along the southerly edge of the proJect, III general conformance wIth the lot Ime adjustment shown on the vestmg tentative map The 10t Ime adJustment shall Include Lot A4 of Tract 7441 and Lot A5 of Tract 7540 The lot lme adjustment shall also mclude Lot I of Tract 7441 and Parcel M of Tract 7540, whIch are reserved for street nght-of-way on these maps 29 OffsIte GHAD Easement An cascment shall be PW obtamed m favor of the GRAD along the westerly edge ofParccl K of Tract 7540 for ongomg mamtenance of the bench and dram age dItch behmd Lots 79-90 30 ConservatIOn Easement An open space conservatIOn PW easement or sImilar mstrument shall be offered for dedIcatIon to the CIty, or another publIc or nonprofit entIty approved by the CIty over Parcels A and R In conjunctIon wlth the final map or pnor to gradmg these parcels, whIchever occurs first The easement shall allow for the constructIOn and operatIOn oftrmls, mamtenance roads, and dramage facilItIes that may be constructed withIn the benches along the edges of the parcels, as well as other actIvities reqUIred under the plan of control for the GHAD, and actlvltles whIch may be reqUired for wIldfire management m accordance wIth reqUlrements of the Alameda County FIre Department 31 !Resource 4gency Permits Pnor to the filing of the PW final map, and pnor to the start of any gradmg of the SIte as necessary, permits shall be obtamed from the US Army Corps of Engmeers, the San FrancIsco Bay Regional Water QualIty Control Board, the State of CahfoffiIa Department of FIsh and Game, and the US FISh and Wlldhfe ServIce for the gradmg or alteratIon of wetland areas wlthm the site as needed 32 The Developer shall comply with the SubdivIsion PW Map Act, the CIty of DublIn SubdIVIsIon, and Gradmg Page 13 of 29 /tt1 r;f2-J3 Fmal Map Fmal Map FInal Map Fmal Map Fmal Map Ongomg ~ ;12J3 TEXT ~ Ordmances, the City of Dub 1m PublIc Works Standards and PolIcIes, and all bUlldmg and fire codes and ordInances m effect at the tIme ofbUlldmg permIt All pubhc Improvements constructed by Developer and to be dedIcated to the City are hereby IdentIfied as "pubhc works" under Labor Code sectIOn 1771 Accordmgly, Developer, III constructmg sueh Improvements, shall comply with the Prevmlmg Wage Law (Labor Code Sects 1720 and followmg) 33 The Developer shall defend, mdemmfy, and hold PW Ongomg hannless the CIty of Dublm and Its agents, officers, and employees [Tom any claIm, actIOn, or proceedmg agamst the CIty of Dub 1m or Its agents, officers, or employees to attack, set aSIde, vOId, or annul an approval of the City of Dublin or Its adVISory agency, appeal board, Plannmg CommissIOn, CIty CouncIl, Commumty Dcvclopment Director, ZOllIng Admmlstrator, or any other department, comlmttee, or agency of the CIty related to thts prOj ect (Tract 7617) to the extent such actIOns are brought wIthIn the tIme penod reqUired by Government Code Sectlon 66499 37 or other applIcable law, provided, however, that The Developer's duty to so defend, mdenliufy, and hold hannless shall be subject to the CIty'S promptly notIfymg The Developer of any SaId claIm, actIOn, or proceedmg and the CIty's full cooperatIOn m the defense of such actIOns or proceedmgs 34 In the event that there needs to be clarificatIOn to PW Ongomg these Conditions of Approval, the DIrector of Community Development and the CIty Engmeer have the authonty to clanfy the mtent of these CondItIOns of Approval to the Developer without gomg to a public heanng The DIrector of CommunIty Development and the City Engmeer also have the authonty to make mInor modifications to these condItIons without gomg to a publIc heanng m order for the Developer to fulfill needed Improvements or mItIgatIons resultmg from Impacts of thIS project SlA!l@;'REEM'ENdfS%'AND ir"6'NDS "~1 35 The Developer shall enter Into a Tract Improvement PW FInal Map Agreement wIth the CIty for all publIc Improvements mcludmg any reqUIred off sIte storm dramage or roadway Improvements that are needed to serve the Tract that have not becn bonded wIth another Tract Improvement Agreement 36 The Developer shall provIde performance (100%), and PW Fmal Map labor & matenal (100%) secuntles to guarantee the tract Page 14 of 29 m r;f- ;!! 3 Improvements, approved by the CIty Engmeer, prIor to cxecutIon of the Tract Improvement Agreemcnt and approval of the FlllaI Map (Note Upon acceptance of the Improvements, the performance secunty may be replaced WIth a mamtcnance bond that IS 25% of the value of the performance secunty) FEE.SPfl'-; ~~ ~ ~- 37 The Developer shall dedicate parkland or pay ll1-heu fees ll1 the amounts and at the tImes set forth m CIty of Dublm ResolutIOn No 60-99, or ll1 any resoluhon reVISll1g these amounts and as Implemented by the AdmmlstratIVe GUldelll1es adopted by ResolutIOn 195- 99 PERIVUTS L:'l .... "'_ ~ ~*' 38 Developer shall obtam an Encroachment Permit from the PublIc Works Department for all constructIOn actIvIty wIthm the public nght-of-way of any street where the City has accepted the Improvements The eneroachmcnt permIt may rcqUlre surety for slurry seal and restnpmg At the dIscretIOn of the CIty Engmeer an encroachment for work specIfically mcludcd m an Improvement Agreement may not be reqUIred 39 Developer shall obtam a Gradmg / Sltework Permit from the PublIc Works Department for all gradmg and pnvate SIte Improvements that serves more that one lot or resldenttal condommIUm umt 40 Developer shall obtam all permits reqUIred by other agencIes mcludmg, but not lImIted to Alameda County Flood Control and Water Conservatton DIStrICt Zone 7, CalIfornIa Department ofFish and Game, Army Corps of Eng1Oeers, RegIOnal Water QualIty Control Board, CalTrdlls dlld proVIde copIes of the permits to the PublIc Works Department ISfll!JJBftjf,Y~is ~ _ 41 All submittals of plans and Fmal Maps shall comply WIth the reqUIrements of the "CIty of Dub 1m PublIc Works Department Improvement PIan SubmIttal ReqUIrements " and the "CIty of Dub 1m Improvement Plan ReVIew Check LISt" 42 The Developer Will be responsible for submittals and reVIews to obtam the approvals of all partlclpat10g non- CIty agencIes The Alameda County Fire Department and the Dubhn San Ramon ServIces Dlstnct shall approve and sign the improvement Plans 43 Developer shall submit a Geotechmcal Report, whIch 10cludes street pavement sectIOns and gradmg Page 15 of 29 PW PW PW PW PW PW PW Fmal Map PrIor to Start of Work Pnor to Start of Work PrIor to Start of Work Pnor to Approval of Improvement Plans or Fmal Map Pnor to Approval of Improvement Plans or Fmal Map Pnor to Approval of Improvemcnt Plans, Gradll1g .200 ~213 '0 ft'l' " recommendatIOns Plans, or Fmal Map 44 Developer shall provide the PublIc Works PW Pnor to Acceptance of Department a dlgltal vectonzed file of the "master" Improvements and Release files for the project when the Fmal Map has been of Bonds approved DIgItal raster copIes are not acceptable The dIgItal vectonzed files shall be m AutoCAD 14 or hIgher drawmg format Drawmg umts shall be decImal wIth the precIsIon of the Fmal Map All objects and entItIes m layers shall be colored by layer and named m EnglIsh All subnlltted drawmgs shall use the Global Coordmate System of USA, Cahfomm, NAD 83 CalIfomla State Plane, Zone 1lI, and U S foot FINAL MAP 45 The f'mal Map shall be substantIally m accordance PW Fmal Map wIth thc TentatIve Map approved WIth thIS applIcatIOn, unless otherwise modified by these condItIons Multlple final maps may be filed III phases, provIded that each phase IS conSIstent WIth the tentatIve map, that phasmg progresses m an orderly and logIcal manner and adequate mfrastructure IS mstalled WIth each phase to serve that phase as a stand-alone project that IS not dependent upon future phasmg for mfrastructure 46 All nghts-of-way and easement dedicatIOns reqUired PW Fmal Map by the TentatIve Map mcludmg the PublIc Service Easement shall be shown on the Fmal Map 47 Street names shall be aSSIgned to each publIc/pnvate PW Fmal Map street pursuant to MUllIcIpal Code Chapter 7 08 The approved street names shall be mdIcated on the Fmal Map 48 The FInal Map shall mclude the street monuments to be PW Monuments to be Shown on set m all pubhc streets Fmal Map and Installed Pnor to Acceptance of Improvements EASEMENTS :~'V ..". (:'W<< 0 ~ "" 49 The Developer shall obtam abandonment from all PW Pnor to Approval of apphcable publtc agenCIes of eXIstmg easements and Improvement Plans or nght of ways wlthm the development that will no 10nger Appropnate Fmal Map be used 50 The Developer shall acqUIre easements, and/or obtam PW Pnor to Approval of nghts-of-entry from the adJacent property owners for Improvement Plans or any Improvements on thelT property The easements Appropnate Fmal Map and/or nghts-of-entry shall be m wrItmg and copIes furnIshed to the CIty Engmeer GRADING w 51 The Gradmg PIan shall be m conformance WIth the PW Pnor to Approval of Gradmg recommendatIOns of the Geotechrncal Report, the Plans or Issuance of Gradmg Page 16 of 29 do, ~ J-J3 ~~ approved TentatIve Map and/or SIte Development RevLew, and the CIty desIgn standards & ordl11ances In case of conflIct between the soIl engmeer's recommendations and CIty ordmances, the CIty Engl11eer shall determme which shall apply 52 A detaIled ErOSIon Control Plan shall be mcluded wIth the Gradmg Plan approval The pIan shall mclude detaIled deSign, locatIOn, and maIntenance cntena of all erosIOn and sedImentatIOn control measures 53 TIebacks or structural fabnc for retammg walls shall not cross property hnes, or shall be located a mmlmum of 2' below the fimshed grade of the upper lot 54 Bank slopes along public streets shall be no steeper than 3 1 unless shown otherwIse on the Tentattve Map Gradmg PIan exhibIts The toe of any slope along public streets shall be one foot back of walkway The top of any slopc along pubhc streets shall be three feet back of walkway Mmor exceptIon may be made m the above slope desIgn cntena to meet unforeseen desIgn constral11ts subject to the approval of the City Engmeer ~M'DR(2)VEME~~~1is~& 7, j %J'J~,~,"" 55 The publIc Improvements shall be constmcted generally as shown on the TentatIve Map and/or SIte Development ReVIew However, the approval of the TentatIve Map and/or Site Development RevIew IS not an approval ofthe specIfic deSIgn of the dram age, sallltary sewer, water, and street nnprovements 56 All pubhe Improvements shall conform to the CIty of Dublm Standard Plans and deSign reqUirements and as approved by the CIty Engmeer 57 PublIC streets shall be at a minImum 1 % slope With mlmmum gutter flow 0[0 7% around bumpouts Pnvate streets and alleys shall be at mmlmum 0 5% slope 58 Curb Returns on all mternal pubhc streets shaH be a 30- foot radIUS (36-foot WIth bump outs) and pnvate strects/alleys shall be a mmlmum 20-foot radIUS 59 Any decorative pavers mstalled wlthm CIty nght-of- way shall be done to the satIsfactIOn of the City Engmeer Where decoratIve pavmg IS mstalled at SignalIzed mtersectlOns, pre-formed traffic sIgnal loops shall put under the decoratIve pavement All turn lane stnpes, stop bars and crosswalks shall be dehneated WIth concrete bands or color pavers to the satlsfachon Page 17 of 29 PW PW PW PW PW PW PW PW , WHENkRE Pennlts, and Ongomg Pnor to Approval of Gradl11g Plans or Issuance ofGradmg PermIts, and Ongomg Pnor to Approval of Gradmg Plans or Issuance of Gradmg Pernllts, and Ongomg Pnor to Approval of Gradmg Plans or Issuance of Gradmg PermIts, and Ongomg Prior to Approval of Improvement Plans or Start of ConstructIOn, and Ongomg Pnor to Approval of Improvement Plans or Start of Construction, and Ongomg Pnor to Approval of Improvement Plans or Start of ConstructIon, and Ongomg Pnor to Approval of Improvement Plans or Start of Construction, and Ongomg Pnor to Approval of Improvement Plans or Start of ConstmctIOn, and Ongomg NO ~.G~OljlIjITlO '* r. ~? t- " wV ddii!fk G h t ~~ of the CIty Englllecr Mamtenance costs of the decoratIve pavmg shall be the responsibility of the Homeowners AssociatIOn 60 The Developer shall mstall all traffic SIgnS and pavement markmg as reqUlred by the CIty Engllleer 61 Street light standards and lumlllanes shall be designed and lllstalled per approval ofthe CIty Engmeer The maxImum voltage drop for streethghts IS 5% 62 All new traffic signals shall be mterconnected WIth other new signals wlthm the development and to the eXistIng CIty trJ.ffic slgnal system by hard WIre 63 Thc Developer shall construct bus stops and shelters, m accordance WIth the standard plans on file at the CIty, at the locatIons desIgnated and approved by the LA VT A and the CIty Engmeer The Developer shall pay the cost of procunng and mstallIng these Improvements 64 Developer shall construct all potable and recycled water and samtary sewer facIlItIes required to serve the project In accordance With DSRSD master plans, standards, specificatIons and reqmrements 65 FIre hydrant locatIons shall be approved by the AIJ.meda County FIre Department A raIsed reflector bluc traffic marker shall be lllstalled m the street OpposIte each hydrant 66 The Developer shall furnish and mstJ.ll street name signs for the project to the satIsfactIon of the City Engmeer 67 Developer shall construct gas, electnc, cable TV and commumcatIon Improvements wlthm the frontmg streets and as necessary to serve the project and the future adjacent parcels as approved by the CIty Engmeer and the varIOus PublIc UtIlity agencies 68 All electncal, gas, telephone, and Cable TV utIlitIes, shall be underground m accordance WIth the CIty polICIes and ordmances All utIhtIes shall be located and provided wlthm publIc utIlity easements and sIzed to meet utIlity company standards 69 All utIlIty vaults, boxes and structures, unless specIfically approved otherwise by the City Engmeer, shall be underground and placed m landscape areas and screened from publIc VIew Pnor to JOInt Trench Plan approval, landscape drawmgs shall be submitted to the City showmg the locatIOn of all utIlIty vaults, boxes and structures and adjacent landscape feJ.tures and plantlllgs The Jomt Trench Plans shall be sIgned by the Page 18 of 29 PW PW PW PW PW PW PW PW PW PW dOd ~2-13 Pnor to Occupancy ofUmts or Acccptance of Improvements Pnor to Occupancy ofUmts or Acceptance of Improvemen ts Pnor to Occupancy of UllItS or Acceptance of Improvements Pnor to Occupancy ofUmts or Acceptance of Improvements Pnor to Occupancy ofUmts or Acceptance of Improvements Pnor to Occupancy ofUmts or Acceptance of Improvem ents Pnor to OccupJ.ncy ofUllIts or Acceptance of Improvements Pnor to Occupancy of Umts or Acceptance of Improvements Pnor to Occupancy ofUmts or Acceptance of 1m provem ents Pnor to Occupancy ofUmts or Acceptance of Improvements o?QJ ~ 2-13 CONDITION TEXT- ~ RESPON kAGENCYI ... =*DEPART CIty Engmeer pnor to construction of the J omt trench Improvements CONsTRuei' t 70 The ErosIon Control Plan shall be Implemented PW Ongomg as Needed bctween October 15th and Apnl15th unless otherwIse allowed m wntmg by the CIty Engmeer The Developer will be responsible for Illamtammg erosIOn and sedIment control measures for one year followmg the CI ty' s acccptance oft he subdl VI sian 1m provemen ts 71 If archaeologIcal matenals are encountered dunng PW Ongomg as Needed constructIon, construction wlthm 100 feet of these matenals shall be halted untIl a professIOnal ArchaeologIst who IS certIfied by the SocIety of CaltfornIa Archaeology (SCA) or the Society of Professlondl Archaeology (SOP A) has had dn opportunity to evaluate the slgmficance of the find and suggest appropnate mItIgatIOn measures 72 ConstructIon actIVItIes, mcludmg the maIntenance and PW Ongomg as Nccded warmmg of eqUIpment, shall be lImIted to Monday through Fnday, and non-CIty hohdays, between the hours of 7 30 a III and 5 30 P m except as otherwIse approved by the City Engmeer Extended hours or Saturday work Will be consIdered by the CIty Engmecr on a case-by-case basIs 73 Developer shall prepare a constructIOn nOIse PW Pnor to Start of management plan that IdentIfies meaSUles to be taken to ConstructIOn, mmIIllILe construction nOise on surrounding developed ImplementatIon Ongomg as properties The plan shall Include hours of constructIon Needed operatIOn, use of mufflers on construction eqUipment, speed lnmt for construction traffic, haul routes and IdentIfy a nOIse momtor SpecIfic nOlse management measures shall be mcluded m the project plans and specI ficatlOns 74 Developer shall prepare a plan for constructIOn traffic PW Pnor to Start of Intcrface with public traffic on any eXIstmg pubhc ConstructIon, street ConstructIon traffic and parkmg may be subject ImplementatlOn Ongomg as to speCific reqUlremcnts by the CIty Engmeer Needed 75 The Developer shall be responsIble for controlhng any PW Ongomg rodent, mosqUIto, or other pest problem due to constructI on actI VI tJ es 76 The Developer shall be responsIble for watenng or PW Pnor to Start of other dust-pallIatIve measures to control dust as ConstructIon, condItIons warrant or as directed by the City Engmeer ImplementatIOn Ongomg as Needed 77 The Developer shall prOVIde the Pubhc Works PW Pnor to Issuance of BUlldmg Department WIth a letter from a regIstered CIvil engmcer PermIts or Acceptance of Page 19 of 29 wBlJ}Md~II~~~JE1IIr~R#J~I]ffi1~Wll~ I I A l _~ =_a_' ~'~ _ir:A ~~ 81 BUlldmg Codes and Ordmances All project BLDG constructIOn shall conform to all bUlldmg codes and ordmances m effect at the tIme ofbUIldmg permIt 82 RetalDmg Walls All retammg walls over 30 Inches m BLDG heIght and m a walkway area shaH be provided wIth guardraIls All retammg walls located on pnvate property, (mdlvldual lots) over 24 mehes, wIth a NO or surveyor statmg that the bUIldmg pads have been graded to wlthm 0 1 feet of the grades shown on the approved Gradmg Plans, and that the top & toe of banks and retammg walls are at the locatIons shown on the approved Gradmg Plans ~ ,~--*^~0 78 Pnor to any cleanng or gradmg, the Developer shall provIde the CIty eVIdence that a NotIce oflntent (NOl) has been sent to the CdhfomIa State Water Resources Control Board per the reqUirements of the NPDES A copy of the Storm Water PollutIOn PreventIOn Plan (SWPPP) shall be provIded to the PublIc Works Department and be kept at the constructIon SIte 79 The Storm Water PollutIon PreventIon Plan (SWPPP) shall IdentIfy the Best Management PractIces (BMPs) appropnate to the project constructIon actIvItIes The SWPPP shallmclude the erOSIOn control measures In accordance WIth the regulatIOns outltned III the most current versIOn of the ABAG EroSIOn and SedIment Control Handbook or State ConstructIOn Best Management PractIces Handbook The Developer IS responslble for ensurmg that all contractors Implement all storm water pollutIon preventIon measures III the SWPPP 80 The Homeowner's AssocIatIOn shall enter mto an agreement WIth the CIty of DublIn that guarantees the perpetual maIntenance oblIgatIon for all stonn water treatment measures mstalled as part ofthe project Said agreement IS reqUIred pursuant to PrOVISIOn C 3 e II of RWQCB Order R2-2003-0021 for the Issuance of the AlaIneda CountYWIde NPDES mumclpal storm water pem11t SaId pcml1t rcqUlres the C1ty to provldc venficatIon and assurance that all treatment deVIces win be properly operated and mamtamed ThIS condItIon shall not apply If the water qualIty treatment measures are mamtamed by a GHAD or other pubhc entity Page 20 of 29 RFSPON AGENCYI DEPART PW PW PW Improvements Pnor to Start of Any Construction ActIVIties SWPPP to be Prepared Pnor to Approval ofImprovement Plans ImplementatIon Pnor to Start of ConstructIOn aIId Ongomg as Needed Pnor to FIrst Fmal Map, ModIfy as needed WIth Successive Maps - 1" 1 ' r~~ Through CompletIon) .~ Through completIOn 83 DITION TEXT'fl ''''7~,"JI U JUIIU IR'ESPON AGENCY; ~mPART surcharge, or 36 mches wIthout a surcharge, shall obtam permits and mspectlOns from the Bmldmg D1VISlOll Phased Occupancy Plan If occupancy IS requested to SLOG occur m phases, then all physIcal Improvemcnts wlthm each phase shall be reqUIred to be completed pnor to occupancy of any bUIldmgs wlthm that phase except for Items specIfically exeluded m an approved Phased Occupancy Plan, or mmor handwork Items, approved by the Department of Commumty Development The Phased Occupancy Plan shall be submItted to the DIrectors of CommunIty Development and PublIc Works for reVIew and approval a mInImUm of 45 days pnor to the request for occupancy of any bUIldmg covered by saId Phased Occupancy Plan Any phasmg shall provIde for adequate vehIcular access to all parcels In each phase, and shall substantIally conform to the mtent and purpose of the subdlVlSlOn approval No mdIvldual bUlldmg shall be occupIed until the adjOInIng area IS fimshed, safe, accesslble, and provided With .111 reasonable expected servlces and amcmtles, and separated from remammg addItIonal constructIOn aCtIVIty Subject to approval of the DIrector of Commumty Development, the completIon of landscapmg may be deferred due to melement weather WIth the postmg of a bond for the value of the deferred landscapmg and associated Improvements BUlldmg Permits To apply for bUIldmg permIts, BLDG Applicant/Developer shall submIt eIght (8) sets of constructIon plans to the BUIldmg DIVISIOn for plan check Each set of plans shall have attached an annotated copy of these ConditIOns of Approval The notatlOns shall clearly mdlcate how all CondItIons of Approval Will or have been complted With ConstructIon plans WIll not be accepted WIthout the annotated resolutions attached to each set of plans ApphcanUDeveloper Will be responsible for obtammg thc approvals of all partIcIpatIon non-City agencies nor to the Issuance ofbmldmg permIts ConstructIOn J1)rawmgs ConstructIOn plans shall be BLDG fully dImensIOned (mcludmg bUIldmg elevatIons) accurately drawn (deplctmg all eXlstmg and proposed condItIons on SIte), and prepared and SIgned by a CalIfornIa lIcensed ArchItect or Engmeer All structural calculatIons shall be prepared and Signed by a CalIfornIa lIcensed ArchItect or Engmecr The SIte plan, landscape plan and detaIls shall be consistent With each other 84 85 Page 21 of 29 cX()5~ ,213 PrIor to occupancy of any affected bUIldmg Pnor to Issuance ofbUIldmg permI t Pnor to Issuance ofbmldmg permIt c2JJ(P c;f:t-l 3 86 Air CondltlOnmg Umts AIr condltIonmg umts and ventIlatIOn ducts shall be screened from public VIew wIth matenals compatIble to the maIn butldmg and shall not be roof mounted UnIts shall be permanently Installed on concrete pads or other non-movable matenals approved by the BUIldmg OfficIal and Director of Commumty Development AIr condItIOnIng umts shall be located such that each dwellmg UnIt has one sIde yard wIth an unobstructed width of not less then 36 mches AIr condItIOnIng UOlts shall be 10cated m accordance wIth the PD text 87 Temporary JFencmg Temporary ConstructIon fencmg BLDG shaH be mstalled along penmeter of aU work under constructIOn 88 Addressmg BLDG a) Provide a site pIan with the City of Dublm's address gnd overlmd on the plans (1 to 30 scale) Highlight all extenor door openIngs on plans (front, rear, garage, etc) (Prior to release of addresses) b) ProvIde plan for dIsplay of addresses The BUIldmg OffiCial and Dlrector of CommunIty Development shall approve plan pnor to Issuance of the first bUIldmg penmt (Prior to permutmg) c) Addresses WIll be reqmred on the front of the dwellmgs Addresses are also reqUIred near the garage door openIng If the openmg IS not on the same SIde of the dwellmg as the front door (Prior to permIttmg) d) Address slgnage shall be provIded as per the Dublm Resldenttal Security Code (Occupancy of any UnIt) e) ProVIde a SIte plan WIth the approved addresses m 1 to 400 scale pnor to approval or release of the project addresses (Prior to permlltmg) .t) Extenor address numbers shall be backhght and be posted 111 such a way that they can be seen from the street 89 Engmeer ObservatIOn The Engmeer of record shall BLDG be retamed to provlde observatIon servIces for all components of the lateral and vertIcal deSign of the bUIldmg, mcludmg na11mg, hold downs, straps, shear, roof dIaphragm and structural frame of bUIldmg A wntten report shall be submitted to the Oty Inspector pnor to schedulIng the final frame InspectIon 90 JFoundatlon Geotechmcal Engmeer for the SOlis report BLDG Page 22 of 29 Pnor to occupancy of UnIt Through completIon Pnor to Issuance of permIt and through completIOn Pnor to schedulIng the final frame mspectIOn Through comp1ctlOll #<.)\t rXQ'1 ~ ;210 *J .. shall reVIew and approve the foundatIOn desIgn A letter shall be submItted to the SUIldmg DIvIsIon on the approval 91 Green BUlldmg GUidelines To the extent practical SLDG the applIcant shall mcorpordte Green Bmldmg Measures Green BUlldmg plan shall be submitted to the BUlldmg Officlal for reVIew 92 ElectroDlc ]File The applicant/developer shall sublmt SLDG all bUlldmg drawmgs and specIfications for thIs proJect m an electromc format to the satlsfactton of the BUIldmg Official pnor to the Issuance of bUIldmg permIts AddItIonally, all reVISIons made to the bUlldmg plans dunng the proJect shall be mcorporated mto an "As BUIlt" electronIc file and submlttcd pnor to the Issuance of the final occupancy 93 DDlversal Design The dwellmgs shall conform to the BLDG unIversal desIgn standards m the Dublm Mumclpal Code Chapter 7 90 [he apphcant shall provide the followmg mformatIOn or reports a) ProVIde opttons wIth master plans detalhng desIgn methods for proper complIance with Umversal DesIgn The mformdtton shall be mc1uded m the master plans uscd for permIttmg (Pnor to Issuance of 1 st permIt) b) ProVIde check hst(s) for each model type, mdlcatmg mandatory optlOns and voluntary optIOns and cut off dates for selectIon for review and approval of the City (Pnor to Issuance of I st permit) ProvIde fonn(s) dctallmg the selected Items to the CIty 94 Construction trailer Due to SIze and nature of the SLOG developmcnt, the AppltcanUDeveloper shall proVide a constructton traIler wIth all hook ups for use by City InspectIOn personnel dUTlng the time of constructIOn as determmed necessary by the SUI ldmg OffiCIal In the event that the City has theIr own constructIOn trailer, the ApplIcant/Developer shall proVIde a SIte, If necessary, wIth appropnate hook ups m close prOXImIty to the project SIte to accommodate the tratler(s) The applIcant/developer shall cause the tfatler(s) to be moved from Its current locatIOn at the tIme necessary as determmed by the BUIldmg OffiCIal at the ap hcant/developer's expense 95 Permit ExpiratIOn ConstructIon or use shall PL commence wIthIn one (1) year of PermIt approval, or the Permit shall lapse and bccome null and VOId Commencement of constructIon or use means the actual Page 23 of 29 Through CompletIon PTlor to Issuance of butldmg permIt Pnor to the final mspectIOn of each dwclhng rhrough completIon Ongomg construction or use pursuant to the penmt approval, Of, demonstratmg substant131 progress toward commencmg such constructIOn or use If there IS a dispute as to whether the PermIt has expued, the CIty may hold a notIced publlc hearIng to determine the matter Such a determmatton may be processed concurrently WIth revocatIOn proceedings m appropnate circumstances If a PermIt expires, a new appltcatIon must be made and processed accordmg to the reqmrements of thiS Ordmance 96 Time ExtensIOn The ongmal approvmg declslon- maker may, upon thc ApplIcant's wfltten request for an PL extenSIOn of approval pnor to eXpIratIOn, and upon the determmatIOn that any CondItIons of Approval remam adequate to assure that applIcable findmgs of approval WIll contmue to be met, grant a time extensIOn of approval for a penod not to exceed 6 months Ail tIme extenSIOn requests shall be noticed and a publIc heaflng or publIc meetmg shall be held as reqUired by the particular PermIt 97 Revocation of permit The permIt shall be revocable PL for cause III accordance WIth Chapter 8 96 of the Dublm Zonmg Ordmance Any VIOlatIon of the terms or condItIOns of thIS permIt shall be subject to CitatIOn 98 Clean up The Apphcant/Developer shall be PL responsIble for clean up and dIsposal of project related trash and for mamtammg a clean, litter-free SItC 99 Controlling ActivIties The ApplIcant /Developer shall PO, PL control all actIVItIes on the project site so as not to create a nUIsance to the surroundmg reSidences 100 NOise/NUIsances No loudspeakers or amplrfied musIc PO, PL shall be pcrmItted to proJect or be placed outSIde of the rcsldentIal bUlldmgs dunng constructIOn 101 Accessory Structures The use of any accessory PL, B, F structures, such as storage sheds or trmler/contamer umts used for storage or for any other purpose durmg constructIOn, shall not be allowed on the SIte at any time unless a Temporary Use Permit IS applted for and approved 102 Removal of ObstructIOns Apphcant/Developer shall PW remove all trees mcludmg major root systems and other obstructIons from bUlldmg sites that are necessary for publIc Improvements or for publIc safety as dIrected by the SOlIs engmeer and Duector ofPubhc Works 103 Utility SIting Plan The ApplIcantlDevcloper shall PW, PL Page 24 of 29 RO~ ~ J-/3 ~&AM Ongomg Ongomg Ongomg Ongomg Ongomg Ongomg Pnor to Issuance of Occupancy Permits Pnor to Issuance of Gradmg ao&foj ~/3 ION TEXT provide a final UtIlity SIting Plan showmg that transformers and servIce boxes are placed outsIde of publtc view where possIble and/or screened to the satIsfactton of the Commumty Devclopment DIrector and Public Works DIrector ApphcantlDeveloper shall place all uttlIty mfrastructures underground mcludmg electnc, telecommul1lcatlons, cable TV, and gas III accordance wIth standards enforced by the appropnate utIlIty agency UtllIty plans showmg the locatIon of all proposed utIlItIes shall be revIewed and approved by the City Engmeer/PublIe Works DIrector pnar to InstallatIon ~sJEcuRrrY AND POLI@~ ApplIcant must comply with Dublm MUl1lclpal Code 104 SectlOn 7 32 220, ResidentIal Secunty Ordmance, which covers lIghtmg, landscapmg, locks, gates and doors 105 Developers must ensure that police radIOS functIon m the area pnor to startmg the project An appomtment may be made with Dublm Police ServIces Cnme PreventIon Umt, (925) 833-6677 106 Apphcant must mdlcate the locatIon ofav3Ilable lIght sources for parks and footpaths 107 Applicant must mdlcate how they wJ11 address the resIdences Where WIll address numbers be posItIOned on each resldentlal desIgn? Dublin Poltce ServIces has the followmg condItIons of approval regardmg addressmg PermIts ~p ~ PO, B, Dunng constructIOn PW PO,PL Ongomg Ongomg Ongomg a) Address numbers shall be dlsplayed on all blllldmgs, on the fayade closest to the street Addressmg may be placed on another fayade facmg the street (e g, the garage) If It IS not setback mare than 25 feet away from the street It does not appear that addressmg on the gardge WIll be aceeptable on Plan 3 (refer to page A31) b) Residences that share a common dnveway shall mcorporate [monument] SIb'1lS WIth the address range, vIsIble from Mam Street [Monument] SignS shall be made vIsIble dunng hours of darkness by a lIght source c) Address numbers shall be unobstructed by archItectural/desIgn features (tTIms or accents) or landscapmg Page 25 of 29 ~~ ~.wIi d) Address numbers shall be m a color that contrasts wIth the background color and shall be made vIsIble at mght by a lIght source e) Must abide by Secunty Ordmance's addressmg reqUlrements (hghtmg, dIagrammatIc maps) 108 Postal ServIce "gang boxes" (group postal boxes) shall be tllummated WIth a uniformly mamtamed mlmmum level of one foot candle of lIght 109 ConstructIOn shall not begm Without ensunng emergency vehIcle road dccess to the affected Job sItes 110 Durmg the ConstructIOn phase of thIS project, the developer shall ensure that constructIon crews WIll not block mgress/egress mto or out of Parcel M of Tract 7540, to the detnment of eXlstmg neIghbors as well as a potential threat to emergency vehicle access 111 Dunng the constructIon phase, the sIte shall be fenced, and locked at all tImes when workers are not present 112 A temporary address sIgn, of at least 36 mches by 36 mches WIth a whIte background and stenciled black numbers and letters that can be seen durmg mght tIme hours With eXlstmg street lIghtmg or addItIOnal ltghtmg IS to be posted on all approaches to the sIte Addressmg IS reqUIred to aid the response of emergency servIces 113 The developer/contractors WIll file a Dublm PolIce Emergency Contact Busmess Card pnor to any phase of construction The emergency card will provIde 24 hour phone contact numbers of persons responsIble for the constructiOn SIte 114 Good sccunty practIces shall be followed With respect to storage of bUlldmg matenals and storage of tools at the constructIOn SIte 115 Llghtmg levels dlmng darkness shall be suffiCIent to prevent or reduce theft or burglary 116 Security DUring Construction a Fencmg - The penmeter of the constructIOn site shall be fenced and locked at all tImes when workcrs are not present All constructIon actIvItIes shall be confined to wIthm the fenced area ConstructIon matenals and/or eqUipment shall not be operated or stored outSIde of the fenced area or wlthm the publIc nght-of-way unless approved m advancc by the PublIc Works DIrector b Address SIgn - A temporary address Sign of suffiCIent size and color contrast to be seen dunng mght tIme hours WIth eXlstmg street lIghtmg IS to be Page 26 of 29 RESPON ; A G 'l~~y;; DEPART ~ ~ I~ ~ 2-'3 Ongomg Dunng ConstructIOn Dunng ConstructIon DUflng ConstructIOn Dunng ConstructIon Dunng ConstructIon DUflng ConstructIOn DUrIng Construction Dunng ConstructIon NO posted on the Dublm Boulevard penmeter c Emergcncy Contact - Pnor to any phase of constructIon, ApphcantlDeveloper WIll file with the Dubhn Police Department an Emergency Contact Busmess Card that WIll prOVide 24-hour phone contact numbers of persons responsIble for the constructIon :'Ite d Matenals & Tools - Good secunty practIces shall be followcd WIth respect to storage of bmldlllg matendls and tools at the constructIon SIte e Secunty Itghtmg and patrols shall be employed as necessary 117 Graffiti The ApphcantJDeveloper shall keep the SIte clear of graffiti on a reguldr and contmuous bdsls and at all tImes GraffitI resIstant matcnals should be used FIRE INSPECTION T f%~ % <; 118 All emcrgency vehIcle access roads (first lIft of asphalt) and the pubhc water supply mcludmg all hydrants shall be 111 placc pnor to vertlcal constructIOn or combustIble storage on SIte 119 The mInImUm fire flow deSIgn shall be as reqUired by CFC AppendIX IlIA RdIsed blue reflectonzed traffic markers shall be epoxied to the center of the street OppOSIte each hydrant 120 The homes on 10ts 78 through 106 that are adjacent to open space or undeveloped land shall comply With the WIldfire Managcment Plan as specIiies m the condItIOnS of approval a) The homes shall be proVided WIth an automatIc spnnkler system b) The roof covenng shaH be class A c) The underside ofthc edves shall be one hour rated d) The extenor wall shall be one hour rdted on the SIde facmg the open space e) The extenor doors shall be non-combustIble or solid core 1 % mch thIck f) AttIC vents or other vent openIngs shall not exceed 144 sq III and covered WIth non- combustIble corrOSion reSIstant mesh With openIngs not to exceed Yt lllch g) Fences constructed of combustIble matenals shall be separated from the penmeter of bUIldmgs contammg habItable by connectmg to bUlldmgs WIth a masonry pilaster as shown 10 the WIldfire Management Plan PIlaster arc not requIred If a noncombustIble fcnce IS prOVIded Page 27 of 29 62/1 ~ CI)3 DUTIng ConstructIOn ~t; Pnor to constructIon Dunng ConstructIon On gomg d{,x 'f 02/3 NO CONDITION TEXT RESPON WHEN REQUIRED AGENCY/ DEPART on the sIde(s) facmg the open space and additIonal 10 feet towards the home Comply wIth the vegetatIon reqUIrements 121 The landscape plans for the REAR YARDS for home's On gomg lot 78 through 106 adJacent to open space or undeveloped land shall comply WIth the standards for vegetatIon estabhslunent and mamtenance as reqUIred m the WIldfire Management Plan a) Plants wIthm 3 feet of the homes shall be lITIgated flowers only The area wlthm 3 feet shall have non-combustIble matenals only (no combustIble mulch) b) Plants 3 to 15 feet from the home shall only be those lIsted for use m Areas A and B m the plant speCIes table c) Trees shall be a mmImum of 4 feet from the homes Trees between 4 ft and 30 feet of the homes shall have a nllmmum of 10 feet between crowns The trees shall be lImIted to those types lIsted for use In Areas B through D m the plant speCIes table d) Plants 15 to 30 feet from the home shall only be those hsted for use m Areas A through C m the plant speCIes table e) The dIstances mcrease for areas WIth slopes over 30% See the WIldfire Management Plan 122 The landscape shall be mamtamed year round to On gOIng comply WIth the Wildfire Management Plan Trees between 4 and 15 feet from the homes shall have theIr lImbs pruned 10 feet from grade or 1/3 of the total lIve crown heIght Trees between 15 and 30 feet from the homes shall have thelf hmbs pruned 6 to 10 feet from grade The dIstances Increase for areas With slopes over 30% See the WIldfire Management Plan 123 Grasses m the undeveloped land shall be kept mowed On gomg to a heIght of 4 mches m the FIre buffer zone The fire buffer zone IS defined as follows a) 15 feet beyond the maIntenance road b) 45 feet beyond the fence lInes where there IS no mamtenance road c) 15 feet beyond the pubhc roads The buffer zone shall be defined by a non-combustIble fence 124 ProVIde escape or rescue wmdow for every sleepmg On gomg room below the fourth story m accordance WIth the UBC sectIon 310 4 125 AutomatIc spnnklers shall be proVIded throughout On gomg Page 28 of 29 0213 ~ 01/3 WNo 1]: ,. COND11JJ]@NfTEXT%-> 0: 126 ~ & ~, homes that are 3 or more stones, or are subJect to the Wildfire Management Plan or exceed 5000 sq ft as reqUired by the Dublm FIfe Code Include the garage area when calculatmg the sq ft of a home The project shall comply with BUlldmg and FIre Codes as adopted by the City of Dublm SIgnage ThIS project shall be subject to Chapter 884 050D of the Dublm ZOlling Ordmance "Commumty IdentIficatIOn SignS" unless addItIonal Slgnagc IS reqUired The ApplIcant may apply for "Master SIgn Program/SIte Development Review" III accordance wIth Chdpter 884 130 of the Dublm ZOlling Ordmance On gomg 127 PASSED, APPROVED, AND ADOP fED thIS 13th day of November, 2007 by the followmg vote AYES Schaub, Wehrenberg, BIddle and Kmg NOES None ABSENT Tomlmson ABSTAIN None Planmng CommlsslOn ChaIr ATTEST Plannmg Mandger G IPA#\2004\04 016 MISSion Peak Standard PaclficlPC 11 13 07\draftPCreso SDR TTM 11 13 07 doc Q Page 29 of 29