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File # D~ffi~-[]rn
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Senior Ccnter Facility U sc Policy
Report hy Paul McCreary, Parks and Community Services Manager
Draft Senior Center Facility Use Policy
Map of Senior Center
Resolution adopting Senior Center Facility Use Policy and
Rcntal Fcc Schcdulc
Open Public Hearing
Receive Staff Presentation and Public Commcnts
Close Public Hearing and Deliberate
Adopt Resolution establishing a Facility Use Policy and
Rental Fee Schedule for the Dublin Senior Center
It is estimated that during the remainder of Fiscal Year 2005-2006
the proposed fees would generate approximately $9,400 in rental
DESCRIPTION: The City Council adopts Facility Use Policics for cach of the City's
facilities or park areas that are available for rental by the community. The Facility Use Policies establish
rules, regulations, procedures, and fees governing the use of the facilities.
The primary purpose of the Dublin Senior Center is to provide programs, classes, services and cvcnts for
seniors. When it is not being utilized for senior programs, other community classes and programs will bc
held at the Senior Center. In addition the tacility will be made available for private rentals on a limited
basis. The private rentals will provide additional revenue that will help reduce the costs of opcrating thc
Senior Center.
Staff has developed a Draft Senior Center Facility Use Policy, which is Attachment 1. The policy is bascd
on the standard policies established for other City facilities. However, Staff is proposing several
modifications specitlc to the rental of the Senior Center. These modifications are proposed to ensure the
facility remains functional for senior programs, while maximizing the revenue potential from private
rentals. Following is a summary of the key components ofthe Draft Facility Use Policy.
COPY TO: Sr:nior Cl;;nt¡;;r Advisory Committee I Parks and Community ScrvÙ,;e~ Commission
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G:\COlJNCIL\A.genda Stlllt::mt::nb\2005\ 12-6 Senior Center lhe Plllicy.doc
The first section of the policy establishcs classifications for the different typcs of facility users including
public agencies, charitable and social welfare non·profit organizations, individuals or private groups, and
commcrcial uses. The policy further di fferentiates the classifications by residency status. The
classifications are used to assign priorities for making reservations. Additionally thc rental fees are
different for each classification_ This ensures that residents and those serving the greater good of thc
community havc priority for use and rcduccd rcntal fees.
The draft policy allows Dublin residents and non-profit groups to make reservations up to one year in
advance of the rental date. Reservations by non-residents and other grOllpS could be made nine· months in
advance. Reservations for commercial uscs could be made six~months in advancc.
As noted earlier, the primary purpose of the Dublin Senior Center is to provide programs and services for
seniors. Therefore Staff is recommending limiting private rentals to Friday evenings, Saturdays and
Sundays. This will ensure that the facility will continue to be available for senior programs and other City
recreation class offerings.
The facility would be available for rental rrom 5:00 P.M. to 10:00 P.M. on Fridays. It would be availablc
on Saturdays and Sundays from 8:00 A.M. to 10:00 P.M. Staff recommends requiring rental parties to
vacate the building by 10:00 P.M. to minimizc late night disturbances to the rcsidents at Wick low Square.
Since event clean-up typically takes at least an hour, most events would end by 9:00 P.M.
Due to the high demand in the local market for rental facilities, and the unique style and architectural
appeal of the Senior Center, Staff anticipates the Senior Center wil1 be a popular rental facility throughout
the year. Since the number of rentals will bc limited, Staff rccommends establishing a minimum rental
period of six-hours on Saturdays and four-hours on Fridays. This will maximi<le the revenue potential
from privatc rentals.
Rental rules have been developed to protect the Senior Center rrom damage and ensure it is kept in
sllitable condition for senior programs and services. Some of these rules include not allowing the
furniturc to movcd outdoors; measures to protcct the wood floor and carpets from damage; restrictions on
the hanging of decorations and use of rice, birdseed, confetti, etc.; and, additional requirements for youth-
focllsed events.
The Senior Center Catering Kitchen will be made available for rental in conjunction with the Ballroom.
Bccausc thc kitchen is a ccrtificd as a restaurant kitchen for thc City's mcal programs, StatT is proposing
several requirements for use of the kitchen to ensure it is kept in suitable condition and used in a safc
manner. Rental applicants will be reqllired to use a caterer on the City's Approved List of Caterers. This
is not a list of "preferred" caterers, but instead a list of caterers that have gone through a process open to
any catcrcr that cnsurcs they havc the proper qualifications and training to usc thc kitchcn in a manner that
mects health and safety standards. An exception will be made for Dublin non-profit groups. Many of
thcsc groups conduct fundraiscrs and do thcir own cooking for cvcnts such as pancakc brcakfasts, crab
fecds, and barbccucs. These groups would be allowcd to use the kitchcn as long as thcy participate in a
kitchen orientation and training, and abide by all Alameda County Health Department requirements. If
these groups choose to use a caterer, the caterer must be on the City's approved list.
Page 2 of4
Several rooms arc proposcd for rental in thc facility including the Ballroom, Prc-Function Area, Lounge,
Game Room, Meeting Room and Catering Kitchen. For reference, Attachment 2 is a map of the facility
indicating the room names. In order to rent any of the rooms, an applicant must first rent the Ballroom
which includes use of the Lohby and Pre-Function areas. The rental can be expanded to include the other
arcas idcntificd. An additional fee would be chargcd for cach room rcscrvcd to cover the additional costs
for setup and takedown, and additional attendant staff to monitor the use of the building during the evcnt.
Following an cvcnt, the rcntal party will be expected to leave the facility as it was found. A prc-rcntal and
post-rental checklist will be developed to evaluate the condition of the facility before and after the cvcnt to
ensure the cleaning is completed and no damage has been done during the rental. Facility users will be
rcquircd to pay a $500 Sccurity Deposit to pay for any damagcs or additional cleaning required. In
addition Staff proposes charging a Carpet Cleaning Fee for use of the rooms with carpeting. This will
mitigate the impacts that large social gatherings could have on the carpets and keep them in like new
Historically, when establishing rental fees for a facility, Staff has completed a fee survey of other cities
with similar facilities. This infonnation and the facility operating costs are analyzed to determine thc basc
rate, which is charged to users classified as "Individuals or Other Groups". The base rate is then used to
calculate the rates for other user group classifications. Additionally, non-residents in each user group
classification are charged 20% more than residents. The proposed fees were calculated using the same
formulas, except where noted in this report.
Staff conducted a thorough market survey of the policies and rental fees of twelve other rental facilities in
the Tri- Vaney area. The survey included a mixture of privately operated facilities and publicly operated
facilities with varying capacities and facility amenities. Table I is a summary of the rental fee survey.
Fee Type
Similar Sized
Full Market Facilities City Facilities
Average Average Average
$229 $141 $108
$254 $165 $134
$277 $207 $180
$284 $221 $194
$287 $227 $201
Non-Profit Hourly Rate
Resident Hourly Rate (base rate)
Non-Resident Hourly Rate
Commercial Resident Hourly Rate
Commercial Non-Resident Hourly Rate
Damage/Cleaning Deposit (refundable)
Kitchen Fee
Carpet Cleaning Fee
The survey fesults were used to determine a base rate of $135 per hour for rental of the Ballroom by
individuals Of private groups that are Dublin residents_ Table 2 summarizes how rcntal fees for the
Ballroom would be calculated for othCf uscrs.
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User Group Classification
Dublin Non-Profit Groups
Dublin Non-Profit Groups for the purpose of Fundraising
Resident Individuals or other Groups (base rate)
Non-Resident Individuals or other Groups
Resident Commercial Uses
Non-Resident Commercial Uses
Diff. from Base Rate
Prooosed Hourly Rate
The rates for the remaining rooms were caleulated based on the percentage of capacity of those rooms
compared to the Ballroom. For example, the Lounge will hold approximately 25% of the capacity of the
Ballroom. Therefore the hourly rental fee for the Lounge is approximately 25% of the Ballroom fee. A
summary of the proposed rental rates is found on page 4 of the Draft Senior Center Facility Use Policy
(Attachment I).
Thc Senior Center Advisory Committee revicwed the draft policy on November 3. Thc Committee
suggested that a 25% discount should be given to residents who are 55 years and older (Group 5
Classification). The Parks Commission reviewed the draft policy on November 21 and considered the
Advisory Committee's recommcndation. The Commissioncrs discussed that implementing the discount
could be problematic and thcrcfore recommcndcd thc Council adopt the Facility Use Policy as presented.
Staff concurs with the Commission's recommendation.
The Draft Scnior Center Facility Usc Policy cstablishcs rulcs and regulations to protcct thc investment the
City has made in the building. It also maximizes the revenue potential rrom private rentals which will
provide a revenue source to reduce the costs of operating the Scnior Ccntcr.
Attachmcnt 3 is a Rcsolution adopting the Scnior Ccntcr Facility Use Policy. If the Resolution is adopted
by the Council, Staff anticipates accepting reservations starting in January 2006.
Staff recommends the Council open the Public Hearing, receive public comments, close the Public
Hearing and deliberate, and adopt the resolution establishing a Facility Use Policy and Rental Fee
Schcdulc for the Dublin Senior Ccntcr.
Page 4 of 4
Dublin Senior Center
DRAFT Facility Use Policy
TIle Dublin Senior Center is located at 7600 Amador Valley
Boulevard in Dublin. The Parks and CUIIlfntU1!ty Services
Department utilizes the Senior Center for Cil)' sponsored
s~nif)r da:;;:;;cs and programs. Portions of the facility arc
available for rental by the community, when it is not being
used for senior or other City prograrns. Available n:ntal
facilitic¡; include the Hallroom and Prc-Funçtion Area,
Catering Kitchen, LUW1¡(e, Game Room, Meeting Room and
Outcloor Patios. The Duhlin Senior Center Facility Use
Policy establishes nùe" regulations, procedures and fces
governing the use of the facility.
Classification of Users
Group 1. City of Dublin
Group 2. Public Aaencie., (AgencIes serving the City of
Duhlin including Alameda County, Duhlin-San
Ramon Serviec, District, Dublin Unified School
District, etc_)
Group 3. Dublin Chamber <if Commerce
Croup 4.
Dublin-based Charitable and Social Welfare
OroanizatiODS, Homeowner Associations and
Sports Leaaues (Organized non-profit groups
with current >01(e)(3) or >01(e)(4) lRS status,
whose mcmhcrship is open to the puhlic and
whose primary purpose is to serve the Duhlin
cUIIlHlunÎty. The urganizaûon's tlw.rnbership ttmst
he at least S P% Duhfln re~idents.
Group>. lnelividuals or Other Groups (Group' who ùu
not meet the criteria listed above awl/ or aclivities
such as weddings, receptiüns¡ annIversaries,
birtbday part.ies, etc.)
a) Re,ident (Individuals must residc or own
property within Dublin City Limits; Groups
must have mernhcrship mad.e up of at least
> 1 % Dublin residcnts)
h) Non.Resiclcnt
Group 6.
Commercial Use.'ii (Companies¡ groups, or
inclivicluals whose evcnts have the primary purpose
of gencrating a profìt such as training seminars,
trade shows~ aU(;tlOns~ etc.)
a) Resident (Compaoy facility must be locateù in
the Dublin Cit} Limits and have current City
of Dublin Business Licensc. If Ùlcrc is nu
company facility, person responsible lor event
must reside or own property w.idÜn t.hc Dublin
City Limit,)
h) Non-Resiclent
Priority of User Groups .
Groups 1, Z, Group 3. Group 4 anel Group.5 (Resident)-
Reservatiuns accepted one-year in advance of the requested
rental elate.
Group 5 (Non-Re.\·ident) . Reservations. acc.cptccl nine-
months jn aclvance of the requested rent.al elate.
Group 6 - Reservations ac.cepted ~ix-months in advance of
the reque'ted rcntal date.
Hours of Rental Use
The Dublin Senior Center is availahle for rcntal on
Fridays from S;OO P.M. to 10;00 P.M., and Saturùays
and Sundays from 8:00 A.M. to 10:00 P.M.
The minimum rental period b four (4) hours on Fridays
or Sundays, and six (6) hours on Saturclays.
Hours of use must include the ammmt of tiIIle needed
for the function, setup and cleanup, including any time
needed hy the event staff such a~ the caterer, bandj
ilorist, coordinator, etc.
The Center must be vacateù by the time ~peciHcrl on
the application and no fater than 10:00 P.M.
The Dublin Senior Center is not available for
continuous use. An application and sl~curil y deposit
IIIu,t be ,ubmitted for each rental datc.
How to Make a Reservation
Please note that the City reqaires the applicant, not
another party, to complete all transaction:;: and provide
the insurance required Jor the rental.
1. Tu make a. reservati?n a Facility U~e Application and
$ 500 secunty deposIt must be submlttecf for approval
Arproval tak~~ tI1ree to five working days; notification
o application status will be mailed. The Ciy. <if
Dub/m reserves the riaht tQ deny the use <! the
Dublin Senior Center to any person or aroup ifsuch
u.~e is deemed to be contrary to the best interest oj
the City, thefacitity, and/or Dublin residents.
2. Applications rnUst be suLln.itted .in person at the Parks
and Community Services Department OHke, Duhlin
Civic Center, 100 Civic Plaza. Applieations arc
acceptecl from 8:00 A.M. to 4:10 -r.M, Monda)'
through Friday, cxcept on Cit)' holidays.
3. In urdlT to receive a resident ratc~ lhe applicant (i.c.
the person responsible for lhc activity, payment of fees
and provi~ion of insurance) must live or own property
within the Dublin City Limits. 1dentilkation
confirming resiùence address will be required (valid
California ctrivcr¡~ Ikensc or current ut.ility 1i1J).
4. Groups who are aEplying a; a Group 4 classification
must have a 'Charitable and Social Welfare
Organization VeritÌcation form" on filc or suhmit a
eomplctcd form and the group's Bylaws aIlù I.R.S. Tax
Exemption Letter. Groups claiming Duhlin residcncy
must provide a current mc=mhcrship roster (.5 1 % of
IBt'mbC'rsh.ip must o\'t'n property or rc~lde in Duhlin).
>. Applications submitted lc" than 30·ùays prior to the
rcquested r~ntal da.te will not be acccptecl,
6. The City reserves thc right to hook additional events
befure or after an applicant's conf.ir.rncd renlal time.
n..- CD-DS'
Insurance Requirements INITIAL:
All applicants shall provide the City' of Dublio with a valid
Certificate of Liability Insurance written through carriers
acceptable to the City of Duhlin. Such certificate shalf
provide Bodily Injury anù Property Damage LiabHity
protection in the amount of $1,000,000 per occurn.::ncc. If
alcohol is to be sold, liquor liahility coverage is also required.
The applicant mu~t he spcdtìcd as th~ insured. Th~
Certificate shall name thc City of Dublin as an "addi rional
insured" in confurrnancc with the hold har.rnlc~.s agn:"cIIlcnt
as outlined in the racilit) Use Application and must specify
that the applicant's insurance shall be primary to any
insurance C<1rried by the City. TIle certificate shaH be
properly executed with the original signature of the
authorizing insurance agent. An Additional In....·ured
Endorsement must accompany the Certificare (no
exceptions). The Ccrti1Ìcatc is Juc at the time final pa)'IIlcnt
is made. Please contact your immrance provider to chel'k
if your homeowner's policy may be extended to cover the
renlal. In the e¥ent that cMuage is nor a¥ailable, the
City has event insurance available for purchase. PJe"se
di,çCU-'t... your insurance need.'i with the resErvation stall
General Rental Information
A responsible adult Irom the rental party must supervise
the premises fur proper faeilil y use during all rental
SMOKING IS PROHIHITIòD in,ide the building and
witbin IS-feer of any entrances (per City Ordinance).
Par. king is permiUeù in painted parking stalls only.
Vehicle, parkeù illegally will be eiteù.
Table, and chairs provided by the City may not be
r~rnov~cI from the facility and uscr! outdoors,
Storage is not available cither before or afrer the
Applicant is fully responsible for scllCduling and paying
for hours to meet catering and event vendor needs.
Caterer's may not request and/or pay for arlclitiona1
bours. This must hc done hy the applicant.
The use of dccals~ powders, wax, paint, etc. arc
probibiteù un the /luur area, uf the facility.
Becr kegs are unly permitted in the Pre-Fum.tiuIl area
on the tile. Kegs may also be setup outside on the patio
areas adjacent to thc building.
Cuntainers of ice may he placed in the Pre-Functiun
Area, providing thar the 1100r and carpet are protceted.
A Public Aùùress 'ystem is available for speaking
purposc:,;. Amplification equipment nced~rl for a banil
or disc-jockey must be provided hy tbe applicant or
cntcrtaiIlIIlcnt vendur.
Sound amplification equipment is prohibited on the
outcloor p¡.1t.io ;çlreas.
Reyuests for cxception to the Facility Use Policy musr
be submitted in writing to the City Manage-r1 ur his
designee, no later than one month prior to thc date of
use rc.questecl.
Youth Events
I. Groups composed of minors must be supervised at all
times by twu adult.s for e-ach twenty rninors.
2, Akohol may not he solrl or consumed at an event
officially designateù as a "youth event" (i.c. an event at
which a majority of the attendees arc individuals tutder
twenty -one yoars of age).
Alcoholic Beverages d.1fb lo .
1. Wnttcn re9tlcsts tu sell alcu~lül must be suhmltted to
Dublin Polices Services. It penni:oìsion is granted¡
applicants must obrain a permit from tbe Alcoholic
Beverage Control Hoard, 1515 Clay Street, Suite 2208,
Oakland, 94·612 (SIO-639-0628). eviùcnee of approval
is due at the time uf final payment.
2. Alcohol must he consumed inside or on the patios areas
next to th~ Center, It ì:oì prohihitcci to COnSUlnc alcohol
on any other portion of the Senior Center property.
3. Akuhol Inay neither be suld nul' served to or hy those
under 21'years of age at an}' time.
Decorations and Signs
I. The use of tacks, tape, nails, staples or putty un an)'
walls ¡s prohibitcù.
2. AI.I decorative materials must he cither madc of non-
combustible substances or treated with State Approved
3. Candles may only he osed after applicant has obrailleù a
permit from the Fire Prevention Bureau, Dublin Civic
Center, 100 Chic Plaza, Dublin (925 833 6606).
4. Rice, birdseed, confetti, or other materials may not be
thrown inside or outside the facility.
S. Any plants or shrub, brought into the building must he
in waterproof containers.
6. It is prohibited to paste, tack, or pu,t any sign, placard,
or advertisement~ or erect an}' sign on the exterior of
the building or the Senior Center grounds.
Use of Catering Kitchen
1. The Catering Kitchen is unly available for rental in
conjunction with the rental of the Ballroom.
2. The Catering Kitchen serves as a functional restaurant
kirehen for the Senior Center's dail) meal program.
Therefore, the Kitchen may only be utilized by a
professional catering company thar is on the City's list
of approved caterers. All {,.'atercrs must possess a
CUl'rent County Food Handling Certilkate, valid City uf
Duhlin Business License and have received an
orient.at.ion and training on t.he use of the kitchen
eyuipmenr. Caterers arc charged a olle-time fee of S75
for the caterer orientation. Approved caterers must
also have a certificate uf liability inSllrancc= and
endorsement listing the City of Duhlin as addirionally
3. Non-Prolìt Organizations meeting the Group 4
rcqulre:rncnts may' utilize the kitJien on their own
without a professional caterer. However a
representative from the group must have reed ved an
oricmation and training on thc use of Ùle kitehcn
equipment. Nun-Profit gruups arc charged a per event
lee of $25 for the kitchen orientation. if a Non-Profit
Group is using a cat.ering company for the event, the
caterer nlllst :rned d\c rcquireme:rlts listed in item two
(2) ahove.
4. Catering companies or non-profit groups that do not
properly clean, or cause damage, will be retrloved from
the City's approveù list ufkitencn users.
Room Desçriptions and Capa.cities
All capadties indicated conform t.o the Cit/ s Hre Corle
Requirements. Applicants will noC be permitted to exceed
the Fire Code Cap<lcÜy oj any room.
Ballroom and Pre-Function Are<l
The Ballroom is a 4,270 square-foot room. The room
features bamboo wood floors, a raised platform stage, casual
seating nouk, drup-down vidco screen! public address
~y~tem and access to two outdoor patios. The Ballroom can
he divided in half if nccrlcd, However, only one rental party
will he allowed use of the facility at a time. Use of the Pre-
Functiun Area adjacent to the Ballroorn is included in the
rental of the Ballroom. The Pre-Function Area is a large
space suitable for a cocktail hour prior to an event or locating
a grand buffet.
· Dining and Assembly Capacity
o 248
o 208 (Tahles & chairs with dance and huffet space)
Lounge Area
The Lounge Area is a 740 square .foot room with a fireplace
and lounge fumiture. Thc room is carpeted and suitahfe for
a cocktail hOllr before an event. The LOlllige Area is not
available for dining. The Lounge Area may only be rented in
çonjl,lnçtion with fhe Hallroorn.
· Fire Code Capacity: 49
Game Room
The Game RUUln i.s a 9.50 square-fuot ruuln adjat:ent to the
Lounge. The room is carpeted. This is ideal space for
offering additional activities besides dining as part of your
evcnt. '-:I'hc Game Room is not availahle tor dining.
Fire Codc Capacity: The Game Room may only be rented in
cunjunctiun with the Luunge Area amI Ballroom.
· Fire Codc Capacity: 63
Meeting Room
The Meeting Room is a 400 square-foot room adjacent to the
Pre-Fum.::t.ion Area. The room is carpeted and is suitable as
an event staging area or Bridal Party Room. The Meeting
Room may only be rented in conjunction with the Ballroom.
· Fire Code Capacity: 26 (with tahles & chairs)
C<lterin¡J Kitchen
The Kitchen is a 950 square-fout ftUlctional restaurant
kitchen that is adjacent to the Rallr'oom. The Kitchen may
only be rented in eunjunction wiù, ù>e Ballroom. TI>e
Kitçhen features a large commercial refrigerator and treezer
units, cumbination eunvection/steamcr ovcn~ tight-burner
gas stove and oven, and. griddle. The center island features
steamer tahles, s.oup warrn.crs, two microwaves ane! a heating
lamp. TI>ere is a full featured dish washing area as well.
Applicants/cclterer D?ust provide trays/or steamer table
and soup warmer unIts.
Available E Ul ment \,Q
Every cHart wi II he made to provido t.he num er of table,
and chairs indicated. Applicants are responsible for
providing equipment needed in addition tu the equipment
available from the City.
B<llIroom Equipment
· Round Table, (5') 32
· Rcctangular Tahles (30" x 6') 6
· Chair. (Wine Colored/Padded) 256
Lounae 0\ Game Room Equipment
· Sqnare Wood Tables (42" x 42") 14
· Padded Wood Chairs with Arms 52
Meeting Room Equipment
· Square W ood Table. (48" x 48") 3
· Conference Chairs 12
P<ltio Equipment
· Square Patio Tables (42" x 42") 12
· White Patio Chairs 48
Please Note: Equipment may not be removedjrom the
J<leility Jor use outside. Delivery <lnd pickup oj rentat
equipment IDU!i't be incorporated within the hours
."heduled <lnd p<lid for. Stor<lge i.s un<lv<liJabJe b~fore
or aJter an event. AypJiC<lnts are responsible for the
setup and tc1kedovvn qj any rental equipment. .
Equipment Setup
I. All exit doors mu,t be uperable and no part of any
hallway, corridor, or exit may he used in a way that
obstruct~ its use as an exit.
2. Tbe City has ,everal ,tandard plans ,buwing the options
for table/scating lü(..::aûuns~ exit ways and aisle~. Thc
pJan must be selected at the time of fìnal p'ymcnt.
Minor changest such as decreasing the number of tables,
can be madc to the City's standard ,etup diagrams at
that time. If the applicant need. to make ehangcs to the
diagram after that time, a $2'> I.,. will he charged per
.3. If applicants wisb to bave their own pcrsonal cu,tum
floor plans reviewed for Fire Code eumplianee, there
will be a $2.5 charge per review. Cu.tom 1100r plans
must be submitted at the time of !Ìnal payment.
4. Capacities fur each ruum are H~ted hc1ow.
Overcrowdina is forbidden and will result in
c<lncel/ation <if event and Jorfeiture oj <lnJces paid.
Clean-up Requircmcnts
The facility must be left in the same condition it ;:., found
prior to the rental. Cleanup will inelude all areas used for
the event (Ballroom and Pre-Function Area, Luunge, Game
Room and Meeting RuUlu) including the outer courtrarrls.
Clc=anup requirements include removal of all decorations and
rental equipment, wiping spills from the floor areas
and bagging all garbage and dcbris. TIle Caterer, Kiteben
de~nup includes wipi~g all fuod ,fill, o~ thc stove top,
lIls1de the ovcn and m1crOWaVe. AI food, 1ce and beverage
must be removed frUIn ÙIC refrigerator / frecz~r and all
dishes, glassware and utensi.ls rcmoved from the disbwasher.
Tbe disposal should be clean and free of all food
debris. Garbage bags will be provided. The rental will bc
responsihle for taking all garbage to the haçk dumpster.
Rental Fces
Group 2: Publi, Aeendes
Group 3: Dublin Chamber '!.f Commerce
Group 4: Dublin Charitable, Social We!!"re and Sport
l.ea9ue OroonîzatÎons
Ballroom and Pre-Function Area $4.5.00 per hour
Lounge $ 11 .00 per hour
Game Room $9.00 per h"ur
Meeting Room $4.00 per hour
Kitchen $1.50.00 pcrcvent
Use for Purpose:;; of I-'unrlraising;
Ballroom and Pre-FwJCtion Area $ 101.00 per hour
L"unge $ 26.00 per hour
Game Room $ 20.00 per hour
Meeting Room $9.00 per hour
Kitchen $150.00percvent
A fundraiser is a rental at which admission is eranted
for payment oj 11 desianate:d amount, a donat'ion <?f an
Qmount left to the discretion oj the 9ue~t, or a rental at
which funds are collected throueh auctJons, ra.ff1e / door
prize activity, or other means designated to ne~erate
monÎes to off yet costs or to beneJlt a commußlty or
charitable aeency of cause. Tickets may not be sold at
the door unless prior approval i.~ oranted.
Group 5 Resident - Individuals or Other Groups
Ballroom and Pre-Function Arca $ t 35.00 per hour
Lounge $34.00 pCI' hour
Game Room $27.00 per hour
Meeting Room $12.00 per hour
Kitchen $150.00 pcrcvcnt
Group 5 Non-Resident - Individuals or Other Group.<
Ballro"m and Pre·Functi"n Area $162.00 per hour
Lounge $41.00 per hour
Game Room 532.00 pcr hour
Meeting Room $ 14.00 pCI' hour
Kitchen $150.00 pcrcvcnt
Group 6 Resident - Commercial Uses
Ballroom and Pre-Function Area $ t80.00 per hour
Loungc $45.00 pCI' hour
Gamc Room $36.00 per hour
Meeting Room $16.00 per hour
Kitchen $150.00 pCI' evcnt
Group 6 Non-Resident - Commercial Uses
Mailroom and Pre-Func.tion Area $216.00 per hour
Lounge $.54.00 per hour
Gamc R,,"m $43.00 per hour
Meeting Room $ 19.00 per h"ur
Kit(hen $1.50.00 per event
Generat Notes Reeardine hes
L The minimum rental period is four (4) hours on fridays
or Sundays, and six (6) hours on Saturdays.
2. There is an additional .50% dlarge lor rentals on City
holidays pending availahility "f City stafT.
3. The Lounge, Game Room, Meeting Room and Kitchen
arc.as may only he rcs~rvcd in cOnjUnctIOn WIth the
BallruUlIl .
4, Use of the adjacent outdoor patio areas is indudcd in the-
Hallroom rental fee.
, t.\ riblo, ¡INITIAL: I
Security/Damage/Cleamng DeposIt
A $500 Security Deposit is due at the time the [-acility Use
Application is suhmitted.. Th~ Secu~ity Dep~~it is rehmdable
provided thcrc arc no vIOlatIOns of the Faclluy Use Po!.cy,
extended hours of usc! and/ Or cx(;c~~ivc cleaning or damages
to the facility.
Carpet Cleaning Fees
A carpet cleaning fee ,·...ill be assessed for eaçh room that has
carpeting as follows:
Came Room
Meeting Room
$ 3.5.00 pCI' event
$50.00 pel' event
$2.5.00 per event
Payment Schedule
1. At thc timc the application is submitted, a $500 seeurity
deposit is required.
2. Final payment of rental fco, mu,t he made no later than
45-days prior to the scheduled rental date. Please call
the Parks and Community Services Department. at 833-
664.5 to schedule an appointment. Payments not
received by this deadline may result in cancellation
of the rental and forfeiture of the security deposit
and one-half of the rental fees paid or payable. .
3. The security deposit will be refw,ded within 30 do)" of
the rental datc pro,¡jding there arc no vio1ation~ or the
fadlity Use Policy, the rental hours exeecded,
excessive cleaning rcquircd, or clarnagcs to the facility.
4. Payments may be made by (heck, VISA, MasterCard,
mone)" order or cash. Please make checks or money
orders payahle to the City of Duhlin.
Cancellations/Changes/Refunds IINITIAt:
1, Cancellation requests must be made in writ.ing by the
applicant. Refunds will be handled as follows:
a) If the request is received six (6), months ,0r ~norc
prior to the rental date the ,ecurlty depoSit wtll be
refunded, less a $2.5.00 proeessin~ fce. RcfllIlds
will be mai1cd to the applicant Within 30-day' of
receipt of the written cancellation request.
h) If thç request is received between six months anJ
4.5-el~ys prior to ~he rental. elate the applicant will
forfeit the securIty deposIt unlcss another user
rebooks the date. If it is rebookcd the dep",it will
he rofunded less a $25.00 processing fee.
c) If the regucst is received less than 45-da)" pri"r to
function thc applicant win forfeit the 'ec\>rity
deposit and one-half of' the remal fees paid (or
2. Refunds arc not issued for unused hours.
3. Permits may not he transferred, assigned or sublet.
4. Any changes in rental hours less than 45-da)" prior to
the conlìrmed event date will be assessed a $2';.00 fee
per change.
5. Oecasionally it may be necessary to resehedule,
relocate or cancel a request previously approved. ~f
the buildins becomes unavailable due to
extenuatinn cÎrcum.ytance:;;:, the City reserves the
risht to wncel the Facility Use Permit. In thi.,
situation, the aroup or individual will be Biven (15
much advance notice as possible.
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WHEREAS, the City of Dublin opcncd the ncw Dublin Scnior Center on August 8, 2005; and
WHEREAS, thc former Dublin Senior Center was closed following the opening of the new Dublin
Senior Ccntcr; and
WHEREAS, the Dublin Scnior Ccntcr was dcsigncd to serve as a focal point for the delivery of
programs and services for senior citizens; and
WHEREAS, the Dublin Senior Ccntcr is available for use by the public during such times that the
City is not utilizing the Center for City sponsored activities; and
WHEREAS, it is necessary to havc cstablishcd Facility Use Policies and Rental Fees for use of
City facilities; and
WHEREAS, the Facility Use Policy and Rental Fcc Schedule for the Dublin Senior Center have
bccn updated and revised to reflect the new facility; and
WHEREAS, the revisions proposed by Staff have been reviewed by the Senior Center Advisory
Committee and the Parks and Community Services Commission;
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council ofthe City of Dublin does hereby
adopt the Facility Use Policy and Rental Fees contained in Exhibit A.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the provisions enacted in Resolution 9-93 establishing a
Facility Use Policy and Fee Schedule for use of the Dublin Senior Center be supersedcd by this resolution
effective January 1,2006.
PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED this 6th day of December, 2006.
City Clerk