HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem 6.6 Parades Events Muni Code
FIle # D~[3J~}[:2]!m
cnrv COUNC~l MlElEr~NG DATIE JalU1uary ~5, 2008
Pubhc Heanng Repealtng and Re-enactmg Dublin MUnIcIpal Code
Chapter 5 12, RelatlOg to Parades and Events and Adoptmg
ResolutIOn EstablIshmg DesIgnated Parade Routes
Report Prepared by Elzzabeth H Sliver Cay Attorney, Diane
Lowart Parks & Commumty Services Director and
Amy Cunmngham SenIOr AdmImstratlve Analyst
Dublin MUnICIpal Code Chapter 5 12
Draft OrdInance RepealIng Chapter 5 12 ofthe Dublin
MUnICIpal Code RelatIng to Parades and Adding Chapter
5 12 Relating to Parades and Events
Proposed Resolution Establishmg Designated Parade Routes
within the City with map attached as ExhibIt A
Receive Staff presentatIon,
Open publIc heanng,
Receive publIc testimony,
Close public heanng and deliberate, and
Waive reading and INTRODUCE the Ordinance Repealmg
Chapter 5 12 ofthe Dubhn MUnICIpal Code Relating to
Parades and Addmg Chapter 5 12 Re1atmg to Parades dnd
Events (Attachment 2) and Adopt the Resolution
Estabhshmg Parade Routes (Attachment 3)
At ItS March 22,2006 Goals and ObJectlves meetmg, the CIty CouncIl revIewed and approvcd wIth high
pnonty the proposed comprehensive update to ccrtam chapters of the Dublin MUnICIpal Code (DMC)
One chapter proposed for revIew IS DMC Chapter 5 12 (Attachment 1 ), whIch establishes regulatIOns
relatmg to parades wlthm the CIty of Dublin (the HCIty") Chapter 5 12 was carned forth from the
Alameda County Code upon the CIty'S mcorporatIon, and has not been amended SInce that time Due to
several developments III the law relatIng to the regulatIOn of parades, Staff proposes that the current
Chapter 5 12 be repealed and replaced with the proposed Ordmance reldtmg to Parades and Events
(Attachment 2)
COpy 'fO
Fl11al SlfRpt Parades Ord ] 14 1015
Page 1 of7
Scope of the Proposed Ordmance
The proposed Ordmance regulates parades occumng on, upon, or along any street, sIdewalk, alley or other
public way, Just as the current ordmance does However, the proposed Ordmance clanfies the definItion
of "parade" to mean any parade, march, demonstratIOn, assembly, ceremony, show, reView, exhIbition,
pageant, motorcade, athlettc event or processIOn of any kmd, or any simIlar dIsplay, whIch IS to assemble
or travel m UnIson on, upon, or along any portIOn of any publIc street, sIdewalk, alley or other publtc way
and WhICh 1) does not comply wIth the normal and usual traffic regulatIOns or controls, or 2) IS lIkely to
Impede, obstruct, Imp au or mterfere With the free use of such pubhc street, sidewalk, alley, or othcr pubhc
Thus, parades mclude a wIde vanety of events that occur wIthin any street, sidewalk, alley or other publIc
way For example, the proposed Ordmance applIes to athlettc events, such as lOK races, marathon races
and bicycle races In additIOn, the proposed Ordmance applies to marches and parades that mvolve
"expressive actiVIty," - parades that Involve the commUnIcatIOn of OpinIOnS, VIews or Ideas -- which are
protected by the First Amendment's guarantees of freedom of speech and assembly (Long Beach Lesbwn
and Gay Pnde, Inc v Cztyof Long Beach (1993) 14 Cal App 41h 213, 324 (Long Beach))
Due to the constttutIonal concerns ImplIcated m the regulatIon of parades, the proposed Ordmance treats
differently those parades InvolvIng expreSSIve acttvlty and those parades that do not mvolve expressIvc
acttvlty Whlle the same apphcatton reqUirements and procedures are generally applicable to both types of
parades, the followmg table proVIdes a companson of those proposed permlttmg regulations that treat
non-expressIve actIvity parades and expressIve acttvlty parades differently Thesc differences are
dIscussed III greater detail throughout the staff report Please see page 5 of this staffreport for a
dISCUSSion of the effect of the proposed Ordmance on the City's eomffion and recumng paradcs Please
also note that the proposed Ordmance mcludes deSignated parade routes, whIch are discussed later m thIS
staff report The purpose of desIgnated parade routes IS to balance the mterests of persons wlshmg to
conduct expressive acttvIty parades III a ttmely manner and the CIty'S mterest III ensunng It has the
services necessary to protect the publIc and parade partiCIpants
Permlttmg Parades Not Involvmg Parades Involvmg ExpreSSive Activity
Reeulahons ExpreSSive ActiVIty
Tmllng of pemnt Apphcant musl apply not less Ihan 30 0 If apphcant does not choose Cily-dcslgnated parade
apphcatlOn calendar days nor more than I year route, applicant musl apply not less than 5 calendar
before parade days before parade
0 If app Itc ant chooses City deSignated parade route,
apphcant must apply not less Ihan 48 hours before
ActIOn on perrrut ChIef of Pohce must approve approve 0 Ifapphcant does not choose CIty-desIgnated parade
apphcatlOn with condlhons, or deny apphcatlOn route, ChIef of Police must approve approve wIth
wlthm 10 days of recelvmg complete condItIons, or deny applicatIon wlthm 3 days of
appltcatton recelvmg complete apphcatiOn
0 Ifapphcanl chooses Clty deSignated parade route,
Chief of PolIce must approve, approve wIth
condItIOns or deny appltca!ton wl!hm 12 hours of
rccclvmg complete apphcatlOll (longer !tme perIods
are provlded If the apphcatlOll IS received after lloon
on a FrIday or the day before a hohday)
Page 2 of7
ServIce charges Apphcant must pay service charges for Applicant must pay service charges except for pohce
the actual cost the Oty lllCurS 10 protectlOo cosls 10 protect parade participants and
connectIOn With the pemut observers Indigent persons that cannot PdY the service
charges may apply for a W31ver of the service charges
Government a.genCles exempt
Insurance reqUIrements Apphcaots must obtam public hablhty Applicants need nol proVide Insurance, unless there IS a
and property damage msurance 10 the speCific demonstrable hIstory of personal illJllry or
amount of $1 000 000 combmed smgle property damage clamlS agamst the applicant
Application Procedure
The current ordmance reqUires that an apphcatIOn for a parade permit contam several Items of
mformatIOn, IncludIng contact mformatlon for the appltcant and orgalllzatlOn, If apphcable, date and time
for the parade, estlmated numbers of persons, vehicles, anImals and structures m the parade, the location
of assemb 1 y 0 f the parade, and other In formatl on The proposed Ordmance carnes forth thIS reqUIred
mformatlOn, and addItionally reqUIres mformatIOn such as locatIOn of dIsassembly ofthe parade and
parkmg reqUIrements for parade partiCIpants In addItIOn, the proposed Ordmance carnes forth the
applicatIOn fee requlfement of the current ordmance, whIch IS currently set at $90 per appbcatIOn,
pursuant to the Master Fee Schedule effective July 1, 2006, and whIch WIll remam the same for fiscal
year 2007/2008
The current ordInance requlfes an appltcatlon for a parade permit to be filed not less than 20 days before
the date of the parade However, due to federal and state court deCISions challengmg mUnIcIpal parade
ordmances, the proposed Ordmance Imposes a notice reqUIrement of 30 calendar days for parades that do
not Involve expressive actiVIty, but reduces the advance notice reqUired for parades mvolvIng expressive
The advance notIce requlfement for parades mvolvmg expressIve activity vanes dependmg on the amount
of time necessary for the CIty to prepare for the parade The proposed Ordmance reqUires the CIty
CouncIl to deSignate certaIn parade routes In the CIty, as dIscussed below, whIch have been studied by
City Departments for service proVISIOn If an applIcant chooses to use the City CounCIl deSIgnated parade
route, the appltcant need only gIve 48 hours advance notice to the CIty The 48-hour advance notice
comphes WIth the standard upheld by the Nmth CIrCUIt (Santa Momca Food Not Bombs v City of Santa
Momca (2006) 450 F 3d 1022, 1045 (Santa MOnica) )
Alternatively, If the applicant chooses not to use the deSIgnated parade route, the applicant must gIve the
CIty five calendar days' notIce, to prOVIde the City time to prepare for the parade No court has addressed
a five-day notice reqUirement Imposed on applicants who choose a non-deSIgnated parade route
However, such a reqUirement would appear to comport wIth the Nmth CircUit's reasonIng that CIties
reqUIre time to coordmate the vanous demands on the streets, mcludmg services for parades (Ibid)
It should also be noted that the proposed Ordmance apphes to actiVIty occumng m pubhc streets,
SIdewalks, alleys or other publIc ways, and does not apply to publIc spaces such as City parks and the City
Hall entrance In addition, the City does not Impose any permIttmg reqUIrements on the use of CIty parks
and the City Hall entrance for purposes of expreSSIve actiVIty Thus, persons may engage m spontaneous
events, generally defined as events occasIoned by news or affaIrs commg mto publIc knowledge less than
48 hours pnor to such event, III the City's parks and pubhc spaces, so long as such spontaneous activity
does not occur In the streets, SIdewalks, alleys or other public ways In other words, the proposed
Ordinance docs not foreclose opportumtIes for persons to engage III expreSSIve actiVIty through
spontaneous events, such as a spontaneous labor protest or protest of some publIc event
Page 3 of?
ActIOn on Permit ApphcatlOn
The current ordmance reqUIres permIt Issuance upon a findmg that the parade Will not adversely affect the
publIc health, safety or welfare, gIVIng broad dIscretton to the declSlon-maker, but does not set forth the
basIs for dellJal of d permit and does not establish a deadlme for actIOn on the permIt applIcatIOn
Conversely, the proposed Ordmance provIdes that the ChIef of PolIce shall approve, approve WIth
condlttons or deny an apphcatlOn for a parade permIt wlthm 10 days of receIvmg a completed apphcatton,
except that applicattons for parades mvolvmg expressIve activIty must be approved, approved wIth
conditIOns, or denIed wlthm three days of reCeIVIng a completed apphcatIOn, or wlthm 12 hours lfthe
designated parade route IS used unless the appltcatIOn IS receIved after noon on a Fnday or a day before a
legal holIday, In whIch case the Chief of Police must act by one o'clock pm on the followmg busmess
day Because the CIty does not have management or admmIstrattve staff aVaIlable dunng weekends and
holidays, the ChIef of PolIce may be unable to act wIthIn 12 hours on an applicatIOn for a parade mvolvmg
expressive activIty that IS receIved after noon on a Fnday or a day before a legal holiday CIty Staff will
provide the Chief of PolIce with general estimates of costs, dependmg on the size of a parade If It IS
conducted on the designated parade route, so as to facIlttate speedy review and actton on an applicatIOn
First Amendment junsprudence lImits the dIscretIOn that a government offiCial may have over hcensmg
parades Thus, the proposed Ordmance provIdes that the ChIef must approve the apphcatIOn If It meets
the several cntena enumerated In Sectton 5 12090 B 1, whIch Includes a reqUirement that the proposed
parade WIll not substanttally disrupt vehIcular traffic, pubhc transportatton or pedestnan traffic, not
unreasonably mterfere WIth access to police or fire statIons or other pubhc safety facIlittes, and WIll have
avaIlable suffiCIent on-street and/or off-street parkIng to accommodate participants It IS Important to note
that the proposed OrdInance provIdes that, m evaluatIng the applIcatIOn, no consideration shall be given to
the content ofthe speech or message of the parade
In addItIOn, the proposed Ordmance provides the Chief ofPohce an option to approve a permIt WIth the
conditions enumerated m Section 5 12090 B 2, whIch mclude the accommodatton of the parade's
pedestnan and vehIcular traffic, mc1udmg the restnctIon of parade partIeIpants to City Sidewalks, or
portIOns of City streets or other publIc ways
Fmally, the proposed Ordmance provIdes that the ChIef must deny any appltcatton that does not meet the
approval cntena or any condIttons Imposed on the permIt, or If the applicant has not paId any apphcable
fees under the OrdInance
Ordinance Imposes ServIce Charges
In addItIon to the parade permIt applIcatIon fee, the proposed Ordmance Imposes service charges on the
appltcant, which represent the actual cost the CIty Incurs In connection WIth the actIvIttes for whIch the
permIt IS reqUired, mc1udmg, but not lImited to, costs assocIated With fire safety, traffic and pedestnan
control, street closures, admlnIstratton and coordmatlOn of City services, and admInIstrative and overhead
expenses The current ordmance does not reqUIre the payment of such costs
Upon receIpt of a complete applIcatIOn, the servIce charges WIll be esttmated by the Chief ofPohce, the
Director of PublIc Works, the Duector of Parks & CommunIty ServIces, and the Fire ChIef The applicant
must pay, In advance ofthe parade, a cash depOSit or other adequate secunty to cover the total estImated
servICe charges
Although a CIty can Impose servIce charges, It cannot charge for the cost ofpohce protectIOn of those
engaged In or observIng a parade that Involves expreSSIve acttvIty (see Long Beach Lesbwn supra 14
Cal App 4th at p 335), so the defimtIOn of "Service Charges" excludes those costs
Page 4 of7
In addition, an mdlgent person who mtends to engage 10 expressive actiVIty and cannot pay the servIce
charges may apply for a WaIver upon venficatlon ofmdlgent StdtUS, as set forth m the Ordmance
Government agencIes are also exempt from the service charge reqUirement
The proposed OrdInance reqUIres the applIcant to reimburse the City for actual repaIr or replacement costs
m the event that CIty property IS damaged or destroyed by the permitted parade
fndemOlficatlOn and Insurance ReqUirements
The Nmth CIrCUIt upheld Santa MOllIca's IndemnIficatIOn proVIsIon III Its CommUnIty Events Ordmance,
despite the fact that the provIsIOn appltes to those engaged m expressIve actIVity (Santa MOnica. supra
450 F 3d at p 1056) Thus, the proposed OrdInance reqUIres an apphcant to execute a hold harmless
agreement In a form approved by the CIty Attorney to protect the CIty from claims ansmg out of the
permItted parade
Conversely, the Court of Appeal struck down Long Beach's msurance reqUIrement because It applIed to
expressive activity (Long Beach Lesbwn supra 14 Cal App 4th at p 342) Thus, the proposed
Ordmance reqUIres the appltcant to obtam publtc habIlIty and property damage Insurance m an amount of
at least $1,000,000 combmed smgle lImIt, except that appltcants who mtend to engage In expreSSIve
actiVIty need not proVIde such msurance, unless there IS a specific demonstrable hIStOry of personal mJury
or property damage claIms bemg awarded agalllst the applicant attnbutable to the applIcant's conduct of
prevIous parades In the CIty that are SImilar to the proposed parade
The current ordInance does not address IndemmficatIon or Insurance reqUIrements
Conduct of Parade
The proposed Ordmance carnes forth the current ordInance's reqUIrement that, once a permit has been
obtamed and applIcable fees have been paId, no one shall mterfere WIth the parade WIth vehIcles or
otherwIse, and that the ChIef of PolIce has the authonty to prohIbIt and restnct parkmg along the route of
the parade
Effect of Proposed OrdInance on the CIty'S Common and Recumng Parades
Dublin PolIce ServIces receIves about 10 applIcations for parade permIts each year The CIty rarely
receives applicatIOns for parade permIts to engage In expressIve activity Based on a reVIew ofDubhn
Police records, It appears that the most recent applIcant for a parade permit to engage III expressIve
actl VI ty was submitted on behal f 0 f March fOf Jesus In 1995 and 2 000 To the extent that a parade permIt
applIcant Intends to engage III expreSSIve actiVIty, the permIttmg regulatIOns applIcable to expressIve
activIty parades as descnbed III thIs staffreport shall apply
Parade permIt applIcatIOns for non-expressIve actiVIty are much morc common For example, the CIty has
III the past receIved apphcatIOns for several athletIC events, such as the Top Hat ClassIc bIcycle event on
behalf of the Multiple SclerosIs SOCIety, the Cmderella ClaSSIC bicycle event on behalf of the Valley
Spokesmen BIcycle Tounng Club, the fundraIsmg walk on behalfofDublm Umted Soccer, and a 10K run
sponsored by the Deputy Shenff's AssociatIOn called the Jml Break Run Parade applIcants would be
responsible for the servIce charges Incurred by the CIty III connectIOn WIth the parade The amount of
service charges would depend on the size and location of the event For example, the servIce charges
assessed for a parade of 200 persons usmg the City deSignated pafade routc would be about $6,000 to
Page 5 of?
$9,000 A parade of this scope and partlclpatJOo would reqUire the closure of CIty streets, mstallatlOn of
temporary bamcades, and Staff time (pnmanly MCE and Police) to prepare the route and prOVIde traffic
control servIces dunng the event, The recumng parades, as they have been conducted hIstoncalIy, have
reqUired little to no CIty services, typIcally, the recuITlng parades have not requued such thmgs as road
closures, traffic control aSSistance or clean-up services If these events are conducted m the same manner
In the future there would contmue to be mmlmal or no service charges mcurred
The proposed ordmance exempts parades sponsored by a government agency actmg wlthm the scope of ItS
functIOns from the payment of service charges For example, parade permIt applIcatIons submitted on
behalf ofDubhn Umfied School DIstnct would be exempt from the payment of servIce charges (I e
Dublm High School Homecommg Parade, Wells MIddle School Tour de SPCA (marchmg band))
In addition, parades hosted by the City or III conjUnctIon WIth the City are exempt from the proposed
Ordmance Thus, the St Pdtnck's Day parade IS exempt from the proposed Ordmance, as the Lion's Club
hosts the parade In conjUnctlOn WIth the CIty
Fmally, weddmg and funeral proceSSIons are exempt from the current and proposed Ordinance III the
mterest of pubhc pohcy
Appltcants would also be responsible for provIdmg msurance and mdemmficatIon m compliance With the
proposed Ordmanee, whIch would amount to about $200 to $250 for a Similar parade Most applicants
prOVide proof of msurance when they apply already as Illsurance IS reqUIred by many other cItIes
ResolutIOn DcsmnatlOg Paradc Routes Within the City
As discussed above, the proposed Ordmance prOVIdes that the City CouncIl shall establish a deSignated
parade route wlthm the City, upon r_ecommendatIon of the City Manager DeSignatIon of parade routes
enables the City to antIcipate applicatIOns for parades along these routes, and be prepared for deployment
of servIces and estimation of costs mcurred III dehvenng such servIces Although no court has reVIewed
the constltutlonaltty of deSIgnated parade routes, the establIshment of such a route would seem to comport
WIth the Nmth CIrcUIt's reasonIng that cItIes need ttme to coordmate vanous demands on pubhc nghts-of-
way, and several CalIfornia CIties have successfully adopted such deSignated parade routes (Santa
MOnica supra 450 F 3d at p 1045)
The proposed resolutIon deslgnatmg a parade route reflects the recommendatIOn of the CIty Manager
(Attachment 3) The resolution would estabhsh a deSIgnated parade route around a portion of Emerald
Glen Commumty Park, along Gleason Dnve, TassaJara Road and Central Parkway As the CIty contmues
to develop, the City WIll examme dddItlonal deSIgnated parade routes for proposal to the City Council
However, the establIshment of deSIgnated parade routes does not preclude apphcants from requestmg a
parade route dIfferent from one deSIgnated by the CIty Council As discussed above, parades mvolve the
constitutIOnally-protected nght to freedom of speech and assembly, and any blanket prohlbltlOn of parade
locatIon would most hkely VIolate the reqUirement that parade regulatIOns be narrowly-tailored to serve
the CIty's sIgnIficant governmental mterest III preservmg the pubhc health, safety and welfare (Santa
MOnica supra 450 F 3d at pp 1037-38)
In the event that the CIty CouncIl mtroduces the proposed parades ordmance, Staffwtll return to CouncIl
WIth the proposed resolutIOn establIshmg the deSIgnated parade route (Attachment 3) so that It can be
adopted when the ordmance IS adopted and WIll take effect on the same day
Page 60f7
Staffrecommends that the City CouncIl 1) Receive Staff presentatIOn, 2) Open publIc heanng, 3) ReceIve
public testimony, 4) Close public heanng and dehberate, and 5) Waive readmg and INTRODUCE the
Ordmance Repealmg Chapter 5 12 of the Dublm MUnICIpal Code Relatmg to Parades and Addmg Chapter
5 12 Relatmg to Parades and Events (Attachment 2)
866643 v 12
Page 7 of7
5 12 OIlO
5 12 020
5 12 030
5 120410
5 12 050
5 12 060
5 12 070
5 12 080
5 12 100
Chapter 5 12
Permit-ConditIOns for
Permit -Contents
Notice to county officIals
and other officials
Appeal-Form or
Duties or permittee
Public conduct durmg
5 12010 Permit required
No person shall engage or particIpate
In aId, form, or start any parade In the
county unless a parade permIt shall have
been obtaIned from the Shenff
A To the extent allowed bv law per-
mIt fees therefor shall be charged by the
Shenff m the amo unt established bv reso-
lutIon of the Board of SupervIsors upon
recommendation of the Shenff
B ExceptIons This chapter shaU not
apply to
1 WeddIng or funeral proceSSIOns
2 Students gOIng to and from school
classes or partlclpatlllg In authonzed
educatIonal actiVIties, provldIng such
conduct IS under the Immediate direc-
tion and supervisIon of the proper school
3 A governmental agencv actIng
WIthIn the scope of lts functions
I~ 17
5 12 010
4 Anv vehIcular processlOn con-
ducted Wlthm five (5) days of an electIOn,
whIch processIOn IS In support of or III
oppOSItIon to any candIdate or ballot
measure to be voted on at SaId electIOn
(Ord 13 9 1 (part), 1982 \1 5-16 1,
Alameda County Code)
5 12 020 Defimtlons
County' means the umncorporated
area of the county of Alameda, state of
'Parade" means any parade march,
ceremony show, exhIbit, pageant, or
processIon of any kmd or any SImIlar
dIsplay, consIsting of more than ten (10)
vehicles or more than twenty (20) per-
sons proceedIng on foot or othervllse, In
or upon any street hIghway, road thor-
oughfare, or alley of the county
Parade permIt" means a permit
reqUIred bv this chapter
'Person ' means any person firm,
partnership, aSSOCIation, corporatIon,
company, or organIzation of any kmd
Shenff' means the Shenff of the
county of Alameda, state of CalIfornIa
(Ord 13 9 1 (part), 1982 \1 5-16 0,
Alameda County Code)
5 12030 Permlt-<\pphcatlon
A person seekmg Issuance of a parade
permIt shall file an applIcation WIth the
A. Filmg Penod An apphcatIon for a
parade permIt shall be filed Wlth the Sher-
lff no less than twenty (20) days nor more
than thIrty (30) days before the date on
whIch It IS proposed to conduct the
Jtuy\1F6" (, i/ ~I V~ 'i7
5 12 030
B Content of ApplicatIOn The
applIcatton for a parade permIt shall set
forth the followmg mformatIOn
1 The name, address and telephone
number of the person or persons seekmg
to conduct such parade,
2 If the parade IS proposed to be con-
ducted, on behalf of, or bv an orgamza-
tIon, the name, address and telephone
number of the headquarters of the orga.
nIZatIOn, and of the authonzed and
responsIble heads of such orgamzatlOn
3 The name, address and telephone
n umber 0 f the perso n or persons who will
be responsIble for the conduct of the
4 The date when the parade IS to be
5 The route to be traveled, the start-
Ing pOint and the termmatIon pomt,
6 The approXImate number of per-
sons who, and anImals and vehicles
WhICh, wIll constttute such parade, the
type of ammals and descnptlons of the
7 The hours when such parade shall
start and termmate,
8 A statement as to whether the
parade wIll occu py all or 0 nl v a portIon of
the wIdth of the streets roads highways,
alleys or thoroughfares proposed to be
9 The locatIOns by streets roads
hIghways, alleys or thoroughfares of any
assemblv areas for such parade,
10 The ttme at which umts of the
parade will begm to assemble at any such
assembly area or areas,
II The mterval of space to be mam-
tamed between umts of such parade,
12 If the parade IS deSIgnated to be
held bv, or on behal f of, an v perso n other
;; i JI
than the applIcant, the applIcant for such
permIt shall me WIth the Shenff a com-
mumcatIOn m wntmg from the person
proposmg to hold the parade, authonz~
mg the applIcant to apply for the permIt
on hIS behalf,
13 Any additIOnal Illformatton
WhICh the Shenff shall find reasonably
necessary to a fatr determmatIOn of the
regulatIOn and conduct of such parade
C Late ApplicatIons The Shenff,
where good cause IS shown therefor, shall
have the authoflty to consIder any
applicatIOn hereunder whIch IS filed less
than twenty (20) days before the date
such parade IS proposed to be conducted
(Ord 13 9 I (part), 1982 9 5-16 2,
Alameda County Code)
5 12 040
Permit-Conditions for
A Upon receIpt of an application for
a parade permit the Shenff shall forward
a copy of the appltcatIOn to the Director
of PublIc Works, the County Director of
Health Care ServIces, the Fire ChIefs of
the affected areas, the CIVil Defense
Office, and any countv department or
any other pubhc agency which may be
affected by the operatIOn and conduct of
such parade The ShenfT shall request
comments from said departments relat-
Ing to the operatIOn and conduct of the
pubhc busmess and welfare requestmg
the opImon of saId department heads of
the effect, If any of the conduct of such
parade upon traffic control, emergency
vehIcle movement mc1udmg but not lim-
Ited to ambulances and the like, the
movement of fire fightmg eqUipment en
route to a fire and such other matters as
are or may hereinafter be subject to the
con trol and dIrection of such department
B Wntten replIes shall be submItted
to the Shenff from the departments
Illvolved wlthm ten (10) days before
actIOn IS reqmred to be taken on such
permIt and consIdered m relatIOn to the
matter set forth m the applIcatIOn, and m
relation to the standards contamed m
SectIOn 5 12050 If the wntten replies or
mformatIOn the Shenff receIves as the
result of his own investIgatiOn of the per-
mit mdlcate that the operations of the
departments mvolved or the public
health, welfare or safety will not be
adversely affected by the conduct and
operatIon of the proposed parade, the
Shenff shall Issue the parade permIt as
applied for If any of the wntten replIes
mcludmg any mformatlon the Shenff
ma v recel ve as the resul t 0 f his own In ves-
tIgatIon of the permit indicate that the
pubhc safety, health and welfare may be
matenally hampered by the conduct and
operatIOn of the proposed parade the
ShenfT shall Issue a parade permit alter-
mg any of the appropnate Items set forth
m SectIOn 5 12 030 B so as to Insure that
the pubhc safety, health and welfare will
not beJeopardIzed by the conduct ofsuch
parade (Ord 13 S 1 (part), 1982 !? 5-163,
Alameda County Code)
5 12 050 Permit-Contents
Each parade permit shall state the fol-
10Wlng informatIOn
A.. Date starting and termmatlOn
B Mllllmum speed
C MaXImum speed,
3 ~ 17
5 12 040
D MaxImum mterval of space to be
mamtamed between the umts of the
E The pomons of streets, roads, hIgh-
ways, alleys, or thoroughfares to be tra-
versed that may be occupIed by the
F The maximum length of the parade
In mIles or fractIOns thereof
G Such other mformatlon or condI-
tIOns as the ShenfT shall find necessary to
the enforcement of the terms and condi-
tIOns of the permit (Ord 13!? [ (part),
1982 !? 5-166, Alameda County Code)
5 12060 NotIce to county offiCials
and other officla.ls
Immediately upon the Issuance of a
parade permit the Shenff shall send a
copy thereof to the fOllowmg
A The ChaIrman of the Board of
B The Dlstnct Attorney,
C The FIre Chiefs of the affected
D The Dtrector of the Department of
PublIc Works,
E The DIrector ofClvtl Defense,
F Any other county offiCIal or depart-
ment head who has replied to the shenfT
as heremabove set forth (Ord 13!? 1
(part), 1982 ~ 5-165 Alameda County
512070 Appeal-Form of permit
The applIcant or any aggneved person
mcludmg but not limited to any county
officer department board or commiS-
SIon affected by the permIt shall have the
nght to appeal the form of the parade
permIt to the Board of SupervIsors of the
county The appeal shall be taken wnhlll
5 12 070
three (3) days after Issuance by the Shenff
and shall be presented to the Board for
determmatIOn The Board may hear
addItlOnal eVIdence and may sustam or
modIfy the decIsIon of the Shenff conSIS-
tent WIth the standards set forth m Sec-
tIon 5 12 050 and the matter con tamed In
the apphcatlOn The decIsIOn of the
Board shall be final (Ord 13 S I (part),
1982 S 5-164, Alameda County Code)
5 12 080 Duties of permittee
A penmttee hereunder shall comply
with all permIt dIreCtions and conditIOns
and with all applIcable laws and ordI-
A PossessIOn of Permit The parade
chaIrman or other person headmg or
leadIng such act! vtty shall carry the
parade permit upon hiS person dunng the
conduct of the parade (Ord 13 S I (part),
1982 S 5-16 7 Alameda County Code)
5 12 090 Public conduct dunng
A Interference No person shall
unreasonably hamper obstruct or
Impede or Illterfere wIth any parade or
parade assembly or wIth any person,
vehIcle or ammal partICIpating or used In
a parade
B Dnvmg Through Parades Except
for emergencv vehIcles, no dnver of a
vehIcle, bus or trackless trolley shall dn ve
between the vehIcles, ammals or persons
compnsmg a parade when such vehIcles,
ammals or persons are III motIOn and are
consplcuouslv deSignated as a parade
C ParkIng on Parade Route The
Shenff shall have the authonty, when
reasonably necessary, to prohIblt or
restnct the parkmg of vehIcles along a
street highway, road, thoroughfare or
allev, or part thereof consu tu U ng a part of
the route of the parade The Department
of PublIc Works shall post signs to such
effect as directed by the Shenff and It
shall be unlawful for any person to park
or leave unattended any vehIcle III VIO-
lation thereof (Ord l3 9 I (part) 1982 9
5-168 Alameda County Code)
5 12 100 PermIt-RevocatIOn
The Shenff shall have the authonty to
revoke the permIt Issued hereunderwhen
any of the operatIOns or conduct of such
parade VIOlate any of the condItIons
lIsted III the contents of the permIt (Ord
13 9 I (part) 1982 S 5-169, Alameda
County Code)
5~ 17
WHEREAS, the City of Dubhn MUnicipal Code Chapter 5 12 provIdes for the regulatIOn
of parades WIthIn the CIty of Dublin ("CIty"), and
WHEREAS, parades upon any street, sIdewalk, alley, or other publIc way are subject to
content-neutral time, place, and manner regulatIOns, and
WHEREAS, the CIty Counctlls mllldful of current Junspmdence regardlllg the
regulatton of parades on streets, sIdewalks, alleys and other publIc nght of way and has
determmed that the deslgnatIOn of parade routes wIll allow the ChIef of Poltce to review
applIcattons for parades Illvolvmg expreSSIve actIvity expedlttously, and
WHEREAS, because the CIty does not have management or admmIstrattve staff
avatlable dunng weekends and hohdays, the ChIef of PolIce wIll be unable to act wlthm 12 hours
on an applIcatIOn for a parade mvolvmg expressIve activIty that IS received after noon on a
Fnday or a day before a legal holIday, and
WHEREAS, the ttme penods to apply for an expreSSIve acttvIty parade permIt on a
deSIgnated route wIll allow the ChIef of Police the time and resources to protect the publIc
health, safety and welfare, facIlItate multiple uses of streets, sidewalks, alleys, or other pubhc
ways, prevent dangerous and unlawful uses of publtc property and regulate vehIcular and
pedestnan traffic, and
WHEREAS, thIS ordmance does not reqUIre a permIt for a spontaneous event m public
places other than streets, sidewalks, alleys, or other pubhc ways, thus allowmg expreSSlve
actIvIttes to be conducted m such places m a tImely manner, and
WHEREAS, the City CouncIl deSIres to repeal the eXIstIng regulatIons pertammg to
parades and replace such regulations to c1anfy the permit reqUIrements
NOW, THEREFORE, the CIty CouncIl of the CIty of Dublin does hereby ordam as follows
Section 1 Chapter 5 12 of the DublIn MUlllclpal Code IS hereby repealed
SectIOn 2 Chapter 5 12 of the Dublm MUnICIpal Code IS hereby added to read as
Page 1 of 11
5 12 010 Purpose
The purpose of this chapter IS to rcgulate parddes occumng on, upon or along any City street,
sIdewalk, alley, or other public way to ensure the safety of parade partIcIpants and observers,
promote the free flow of vehIcular and pedestnan traffic, and facIlItate multtple uses of such
5 12 020 DefillltlODs
For the purposes ofthls chapter, the words set out m thIS sectton shall have the followmg
A "ExpressIve ACtIVIty" means conduct, the sole or pnncIpal object of whIch IS the
expression, dIssemmatIOn, or commUnIcatton of opmlOn, Views, or Ideas by verbal,
vIsual, hterary, or audItory means
B "Parade OrganIzer" means any person who conducts, manages, promotes, organIzes, aIds
or SOlICItS attendance at a parade
C "Parade" means any parade, march, demonstratton, assembly, ceremony, show, reVIew,
exhIbitIOn, pageant, motorcade, athletIc event or proceSSIOn of any kmd, or any SImIlar
display, which IS to assemble or travel 10 umson on, upon, or along any portion of any
public street, Sidewalk, alley or other pubhc way and WhICh 1) does not comply With the
normal and usual traffic regulations or controls, or 2) IS hkely to Impede, obstruct, Impair
or mterfere WIth the free use of such public street, SIdewalk, alley, or other pubhc way
D "Service Charges" means the actual costs that the CIty Incurs m connectIOn With
actIVIties for whIch a permit IS reqUITed pursuant to thIs chapter, mcludmg, but not
lImited to, costs assocldted WIth fire safety, traffic and pedestnan control, the closure of
any street, SIdewalk, alley or other pubhc way, the dIvertmg of traffic, admmlstratlOn or
coordlllatlon of City services, the proVISIOn of support personnel, eqUIpment, matenals
and supphes, and admmIstrattve and overhead expenses Service Charges shaH not
Illclude costs Illcurred by the City to proVide Pohce protectIOn to those engaged m or
observmg ExpreSSive ACttVIty
E "Street, Sidewalk, Alley, or Other Pubhc Way" means and mcludes all streets, highways,
avenues, lanes, SIdewalks, alleys, and other publIc ways III the City open to public use for
purposes of vehicular or pedestnan travel
512030 JPermIt ReqUIred
Page 2 of 11
7 rr:!]7
It IS unlawful for any person to conduct or cause to be conducted, serve as a Parade OrganIzer, or
knowmgly parhclpate or engage m a parade unless a wntten permIt for such parade has been
Issued and apphcable fees have been paId pursuant to this chapter
512040 PermIt-Exceptions
The followmg achVIhes are exempt from the permIt reqUirement set forth m Section 5 12030
A Weddmg and funeral processIOns,
B Parades sponsored by the CIty or hosted m conjUnctIOn wIth the CIty, mcludmg the St
Patnck's Day Parade (and 5K run)
5 12 050 Enforcement Officer DesIgnated
It shall be the duty of the ChIef of Police of the City, or his or her desIgnee, to enforce the
provIsions of thIS chapter
5 12 060 Place of registration
The applicant for a permit under this chapter must regIster and obtam a permIt from the ChIef of
512 070 DeSignated parade routes
To Implement the provIsIOns of thIS chapter, the CIty CounCIl shall, by resoluhon, estabhsh a
deSignated parade route or routes wIthm the CIty, upon recornrnendahon of the CIty Manager
5 12 080 Permit-Application
A Place and Time for Fl/mg Apphcahons shall be filed wIth the Police Chief at the Dublm
Police Department The apphcatlOn for a permIt under thIS chapter shall be filed not less
than thirty (30) calendar days, nor more than one year, before the proposed date ofthe
parade, except that applicatIOns for a parade permit mvolvmg ExpressIve ActIVIty shall
be filed as follows
If the parade Involves use of any street, SIdewalk, alley, or other pubhc way that are
not mcluded wlthm the desIgnated parade route as estabhshed pursuant to Sechon
5 12070, the applIcatIOn must be filed not less than five (5) calendar days pnor to the
2 If the parade mvolves the use of any street, SIdewalk, alley, or other public way that
are mcluded wIthm the deSIgnated parade route as establIshed pursuant to Sechon
5 12070, the applIcatIOn must be filed not less than 48 hours pnor to the parade
Page 3 of I ]
g co;y I '7
B Form and Contents ApplIcants for permits under this chapter must file a sworn
applicatIOn III wntmg on a form to be furnished by the ChIef ofPohce, which shall set
forth the followmg mformatIon
1 The name, home and busmess addresscs and home, business, and mobIle telephone
numbers, If available, of the applIcant,
2 The name, home and busmess addresses and home, busmess, and mobIle telephone
numbers, If available, of the Parade OrganIzer,
3 Ifthe parade IS to be conducted by or on behalf of an organIzatIOn, the name, address
and telephone number of the organIzatIOn, and of the name, busmess addresses, and
business and mobIle telephone numbers of the president or other head of the
orgamzatlon, and documentatIOn of the authonty under whIch the appltcant IS
applymg for the permIt on behalf of the orgamzatlon,
4 The proposed date when the parade IS to be conducted,
5 The startmg and endmg ttme of the parade,
6 A wntten descnptIOn ofthe route to be traveled, along WIth a map of the route,
mcludmg the startmg pOint and the termmatlon pomt,
7 The locatton at WhICh the parade WIll assemble and the location at whIch the parade
Will dl sassem b Ie, and, If such area( s) I nvo lve the use of pn vate property, eVidence of
wntten permissIon ofthe pnvate property owner and/or lessee for such use,
8 The time at whIch the parade WIll begm to assemble at any such assembly area or
areas, and the estimated ttme at whIch the parade WIll disassemble,
9 The esttmated number of persons who WIll participate m the parade,
laThe type and estImated number of vehIcles, ammals or structures that WIll be used In
the parade,
11 A statcment as to whether the parade WIll occupy all or only a portIon of the Width of
any street, SIdewalk, alley, or other public way proposed to be traveled,
12 The maXImum and mInImUm speeds of the parade,
13 The mterval of space to be mamtaIned between UnIts of such parade,
14 The parkIng requIrements for the parade partIcIpants,
15 Any addlttonal mformatIOn that the ChIef ofPoltce shall find reasonably necessary to
make a faIr determInatIOn of the regulatIOn and conduct of such parade
Page 4 of 11
q ~/7
C ApplIcatIOn Fee All apphcatlons shall be submItted WIth payment of a nonrefundable
fee pursuant to resolution of the City CounCil
512090 Permlt-hsuance
A ReVieW by City Departments Upon the filmg of a complete application for a parade
penmt, the ChIef ofPoltce, or hIS or her deSignee, shall ImmedIately forward the
applicatIOn to the DIrector of PublIc Works, the Duector of Parks and Commumty
ServIces, and the Fire ChIef for purposes of reVIew for compliance with this sectIon and
estimatIOn of ServIce Charges pursuant to SectIOn 5 12 100
B ActIOn on Permit ApplIcatIOn The ChIef ofPoltce shall approve, approve With
condl tIOns, or den y an app hcatIon for a parade p ermI t WI thm ten (10) calendar days of
receipt of a completed application, except that the ChIef shall approve, approve With
conditIOns, or deny apphcatlOns filed pursuant to Section 5 12080 A 1 wIthm three (3)
calendar days of receIpt of a completed application and shall approve, approve With
condItIOns, or deny apphcatIons filed pursuant to Section 5 15080 A 2 wIthm 12 hours of
receipt of a completed applicatIOn unless the apphcatlOn IS receIved after noon on a
Fnday or legal hohday, m which case the ChIef ofPohce shall act by one o'clock on the
followmg busmess day
1 The ChIef ofFohce or hIS or her deSIgnee shall approve any applicatIon for a
permIt If the followmg cntena have been met
The proposed parade Will not substantially disrupt vehicular traffic, publtc
transportatIOn, or pedestflan traffic wIthm the CIty,
H The proposed parade WIll not unreasonably mterfere WIth access to pohce
or fire stations, or other publIc safety facilities,
III The proposed parade would not present unreasonable danger to the health,
safety or welfare ofthe applIcant, spectators, CIty employees, or members
of the pubhc,
IV The parade IS not proposed for a time and place for which another parade
permit has been or WIll be Issued to a pnor apphcant or for whIch a parade
exempt from thIS chapter pursuant to section 5 12 040 shall occur,
V There IS suffiCIent on-street and/or off-street parkmg to accommodate
parade partiCipants,
VI The proposed area for the assembly or route o[the parade Will phYSIcally
accommodate the number of partICIpants expected to participate m the
Page 5 of 1 ]
Iv c;f ) 1
Vll The application IS complete and does not contalll fraud, misrepresentation
or false statement,
Vlll The applicant has not vIOlated any provIsIon OfthlS chapter,
IX The applicant's permIt has not been previously revoked as provIded m thIS
X The applIcant has complied with aU apphcable licensure reqUIrements,
ordmances, or regulattons of the City concemlllg the sale, offenng for
sale, or dIstnbutton of any food or beverage, goods, or serVIces,
Xl NeIther the applIcant nor the orgamzatton for which the applIcatIOn was
submItted has outstandmg debts to the City,
XII The parade wIll not vIOlate any federal, state or local law or regulatIOn,
XIll The applIcant IS legally competent to contract or to sue dOd be sued
2 The ChIef ofPohce or his or her desIgnee may condition any permit approved
pursuant to SectIOn 5 12090 B 1 wIth reasonable tIme, place and manner
regulattons to protect the public health, safety and welfare, to facilitate multtple
uses of public property, to prevent dangerous, unlawful or ImpermIssIble uses of
public property, and to regulate vehicular and pedestnan traffic, provIded that
such condlttons shall not be Imposed m a manner that wIll unreasonably restnct
Expressive Acttvlty or other conduct protected by the CaltfomIa or UnIted States
Constitutions Condlttons that may be Imposed on a parade permIt mclude, but
are not lImited to
I The accommodatton of the parade's pedestnan and vehIcular traffic,
mcludmg the restnctIOn of parade partIcIpants to City sIdewalks, or
portIOns of CIty streets or other publIc ways,
11 Condlttons designed to lessen mterference with publIc safety and
emergency service access,
III The number and type of vehicles, anImals, or structures to be dIsplayed or
used III the parade,
IV The IllspectIOn and approval by CIty personnel of stages, booths, floats,
structures, vehIcles or eqUIpment to be used or operated III the parade to
ensure that such ltems are properly constructed, may be safely operated,
and conform to all applIcable laws and regulatIOns,
Page 6 of 11
/I i- 11
v The prov1S1on and use of traffic cones or bamcades,
VI The provIsIOn or operation of first aid stattons and sanItary facillhes,
mcludmg sanItary facIlitIes accessible to mdlvlduals with dlsabtlltIes,
VB The prOVISIOn of a waste management plan, and the clean up and
restoration ofthe parade SIte,
V111 A cleamng depOSIt If the parade mcludes operation of water statIOns, food
or beverage dIstnbutlon or sales, sales of other goods or services, dIsplay
or use of horses or other large ammals,
IX NOIse restnctIOns,
X The prOVISIOn or use of emergency servIces,
Xl The obtammg of all applicable busmess lIcenses or other necessary
permIts reqUIred by thIS code for services or sales provIded at the parade,
XlI The prohibition of alcohol sales or consumption at the parade
3 The ChIef ofPobce or hIS or her desIgnee shall deny any applicatIon for a permIt
Ifhe or she finds any ofthe followmg
One or more of the approval cntena set forth III Section 5 12090 B lIS
not or cannot be met,
11 One or more of the condItIons Imposed on the permit pursuant to SectIOn
5 12 090 B 2 IS not or cannot be met,
111 The applicant has not paId the application fee pursuant to Section
5 12080 C,
IV The applIcant has not paId the depOSit for the Service Charges pursuant to
SectIOn 5 12 1 00
C NotIce of Perml! Issuance bnrnedtately upon the Issuance of a parade permIt, the Pohce
ChIef shall send a copy thereof to the followmg
1 The appltcant,
2 The Parade OrganIzer, If dIfferent from apphcant,
3 The CIty Manager,
4 The DIrector ofPubhc Works,
Page 7 of 11
I ~ ~ 17
5 The DIrector of Parks and Commumty Servlccs,
6 The FIre Chief, and
7 The Traffic Safety CommIttee
o Notice of PermIt Denial If a permIt apphcatlOn IS demed pursuant to SectIOn
5 12 090 B 3, the Chief of Police shall provide the apphcallt with notice of demaJ by
deposJtmg wntten notice In the first~c1ass US maIl, postage prepaId, addressed to the
apphcant, not later than three (3) calendar days followmg the decIsion to deny the permit,
except that m addItion to the wntten notice of dental the ChIef of Pohce shall promptly
attempt to orally notify applIcants who have filed applications pursuant to SectIOns
5 12 080 A 1 or 5 12080 A 2 of such demal, WhICh notificatIOn must con tam
1 A statement of the facts upon which the demalIs based,
2 Alternative parade parameters that may be acceptable, such as a dIfferent date,
tIme, parade route, or conditions that may cure the basIs for demal, and
3 A statement ofthe appeal procedure set forth 10 Section 5 12 140
E Content Neutral ReView In decIdmg whether to approve an applicatIon for permIt, no
consideration shall be gIVen to the content of the speech or message of the parade
512100 Service Charges
A In addItIon to the permIt applicatIOn fee set forth m SectIOn 5 12 080 C, an applicant shall
pay the CIty for all Service Charges mcurred m connectIOn WIth or due to the activItIes
under the perm] t If CI ty property IS damaged or destroyed as a result of the parade, the
permittee shall reImburse the CIty for the actual repaIr or replacement costs of the
damaged or destroyed property
B Followmg the receIpt ofa complete applIcatIon, the ChIefofPohce shall determme, WIth
recommendatIOns from the DIrector of PublIc Works, the DIrector of Parks &
Commumty ServIces, and the FIfe Chief, as necessary, the estImated amount of ServIce
Charges At least three (3) calendar days pnor to a parade, the applIcant shall pay to the
City a cash deposIt, or other adequate secunty as deterrnmed by the CIty Manager or hIS
or her deSIgnee, m an amount suffiCient to cover the total ServIce Charges that the Police
Chief estimates Will be Illcurred m connection WIth the permIt, except that an applIcant
who tntends to engage m expressive acttvlty along a deSIgnated parade route, as set forth
m SectIOn 5 12080 A 2, shall pay the deposIt at least 24 hours pnor to the parade
C City departments shall submIt the final mVOices and blllmgs for Senllce Charges to the
City no later than twenty (20) calendar days after the permItted parade If the depOSit
submItted pursuant to Section 5 12 100 B IS less than the final ServIce Charges, the
Page 8 of 11
/3c;f 11
perrmttee shall pay the dIfference to the City wlthm ten (10) calendar days ofbemg
mVOlced for such charges by the City If the deposIt IS more than the final ServIce
Charges, the CIty shall refund the dIfference to the permittee wlthm SIxty (60) calendar
days after permitted parade
D An mdlgent natural person who mtends to engage m ExpreSSive ACtivIty and clatms an
mabIlIty to pay ServIce Charges due to mdlgency may havc such charges watved upon
apphcatIon and venficatIOn of mdlgent status ApplIcatIOn for mdlgent status shall be
made at the time of permIt applIcatIon and shall be accompanIed by such relevant
mformatIon and documentatlOn as may, m the OpInIOn of the City Manager or hIS or her
deSignee, be reasonably necessary to venfy such status For purposes of thIS section, an
mdIgent natural person means a person elIgible for relIef and support pursuant to
CalI form a Welfare and Institutions Code S 17000 et seq
E A government agency actmg wIthm thc scope of Its functIOns shall be exempt from the
reqUirements of thIS section
5] 2 110 llndemmficatlOn and Insurance
A IndemmficatIOn Agreement Each apphcant shall execute a hold harmless agreement m a
form approved by the City Attorney agreemg to defend, protect, mdemmfy and hold the
CIty, ItS officcrs, employees, agents, and volunteers free and harmless from and agamst
any and all claIms, damages, expenses, loss or lIability of any kmd or nature whatsoever
aflsmg out of, or resultmg from, the alleged acts or omISSlOns of permIttee, Its officers,
agents or employees m cormectlOn WIth the permItted parade
B Insurance Pnor to the Issuance of a permIt, the applIcant shall obtam general lIabIhty
msurance from an msurance company lIcensed to do busmess m the state of CalIfornIa
and havmg a ratmg m Best's Insurance GUide of at least "B' Such msurance shall be m
a form approved by the CIty Manager or hIS or her deSIgnee and shall be III an amount of
at least $1,000,000 combmed smgle limIt If the applIcant Intends to use vehicles m
activities assocIated With the permIt, the applIcant shall obtam automobtle habIlIty
Insurance from an msurance company lIcensed to do busmess In the state ofCalIfornla
and havmg a ratmg m Best's insurance GUIde of at least "B" m an amount of at least
$1,000,000 per aCCIdent Proof of mSUfance shall be filed WIth the ChIef of Police and
such msurance shall rematn m full force and effect for the duratIOn of the permItted
parade ApplIcants who mtend to engage In ExpreSSive ActiVIty are exempt from the
provIsIOns of thIs Section, unless there IS a specIfic demonstrable history of personal
mJury or property damage claIms bemg awarded agamst the applIcant attnbutable to the
applicant's conduct of prevIOUS parades m the City that are Similar to the proposed
512 120 Permlt--Use
A permittee shall comply WIth an permit condItions, and With all apphcable laws and ordmances
The Parade Orgamzer or other person headmg or leadmg the parade shall carry the parade permIt
Page 9 of 11
/4 ~ /7
upon hIS or her person dunng the conduct of the parade, and shall exhIbit the permIt upon the
request of any City officIal
512 130 Permlt--Revocatlon
Penmts Issued under the provlSlons of thIS chapter may be revoked by the ChIef ofPohce at any
ttme based on any grounds of permit dental, as set forth m SectIOn 5 12090 B 3
5 12 140 AppeallProcedure
Any person exceptmg to the denIal or revocatIOn of a penmt apphed for or held by hIm or her
pursuant thIs chapter shall have the nght to appeal to the City Manager m accordance wIth
SectIon 1 04050, except that apphcattons filed pursuant to SectIons 5 12 080 A 1 or
5 12 080 A 2 may be appealed Immediately to the CIty Manager
5 12 150 Public Conduct
A No person shall uilleasonably hamper, obstruct, or Impede or mterfere wIth any parade or
with any person, vehIcle, or anImal partIcIpatmg or used III a parade
B Except for emergency vehIcles, no dnver of a vehicle shall dnve between the vehicles,
anImals or persons compnsmg a parade when such vehIcles, aOlmals or persons are
conspIcuously desIgnated as a parade
C The ChIef of PolIce shall have the authonty, when necessary for the safety and protectIOn
of parade particIpants and observers, to prohibIt or restnct the parkmg of vehIcles along
the street or part thereof constItutIng a part of the route of a parade The Chief ofPohce
or Director of PublIc Works shall post SIgnS to such effect and It shall be unlawful for any
person to park or leave unattended any vehIcle III VIolatIOn thereof
512160 VIOlatIOn-Penalty
Any vIOldtton of the prOVISions ofthls chapter shall constttute an mrractlOn and may be pUl1lshed
as such m accordance With SectIOn 1 04030
SectIOn 3 SeverabIlIty The provlSlons of thIS Ordmance are severable and If any
prOVISIon, clause, sentence, word or part thereof IS held Illegal, mvalId, unconstItutIOnal, or
mapphcable to any person or circumstances, such Illegabty, invalIdity, unconstttuttonallty, or
mapphcablhty shall not affect or ImpdIr any of the remammg proVISIons, clauses, sentences,
secttons, words or parts thereof of the ordmance or their apphcahIhty to other persons or
c Irc ums tances
SectIOn 4 Effective Date This Ordmance shall take effect and be enforced thIrty
(30) days followmg Its adoptIOn
Page 10 of II
Section 5 Postmg The City Clerk of the CIty of Dublm shall cause thIS Ordinance
to be posted m at least three (3) pubhc places m the CIty of Dublin m accordance with Section
36933 afthe Government Code of the State ofCahfomta
Carolyn Parkmson, Intenm CIty Clerk
859945_13 DOC 1141015
Page 11 of 11
/6 ~ /7
WHEREAS, the Dublm MUnIcipal Code Chapter 5 12 relatmg to parades and events provides
that the CIty Counctl shall, by resolutIOn, estabhsh a desIgnated parade route or routes wlthm the CIty,
upon recommendatIOn of the CIty Manager, and
WHEREAS, the City Manager recommends the desIgnated parade route descnbed m the
attached ExhIbIt A
NOW, THEREFORE, the City Council of the CIty of Dublm does RJESOlLVE that the
parade route descnbed III the attached ExhIbIt A shan be the deSignated parade route wlthm the
CIty of Dublm, as reqUIred by Dublm MUlllcIpal Codc SectIon 5 12 070 relatmg to parades and
followmg vote
2008, by the
Janet Lockhart, Mayor
Intenm CIty Clerk
866R58_4 DOC 1141015
Page 1 of 1
CIty of Dublin
Designated Parade Route
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Exhibit A
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