HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem 7.2 Heritage Center Exhibit Restoration CITY CLERK File # DBOlC-J?j6 AGENDA STATEMENT CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: April 4, 2006 SUBJECT: Dublin Heritage Centcr Exhibit Restoration Project- Award of Bid - Contract 06-03 Report prepared bv. Henna Lichtenstein, Parks & Facilities Development ManaKer A TT ACHMENTS: I) Resolution Awarding Contract 06-03 to Rosa Construction 2) Budget Change Form RECOMMENDATlON~ lfr I) AdoptRcsolution /' V' 2) Approve Budget Changc I'orm FINANCIAL STATEMENT: See Staff Report DESCRIPTION: In 2003-2004 the City Council rated the goal: "to refurhish exhibit spacc within the Murray Schoolhouse" as a high priority At the meeting of January 3, 2006 the City Council authorized Staff to solicit bids for the Dublin Heritage Cenler Exhibit Restoration projcct. The work for the proJect includes construction of the exhibit backdrops in thc interior of the Murray Schoolhouse as well as related lighting, electrical, and interior painting. The proposed proJect schedule is 2 months. RID RESlJL TS Originally four firms expressed interest in the project, attended thc prc-bid walkthrough and purchased bId documents. Several or the firms expressed concern regarding the historic building requirements and potential unforcsccn conditions and decided not to bid the project. (Some of the concerns voiced by the contractors included; how the new construction would interface WIth the existing building, access in wall areas lor new electncal work, and replacement of any damaged historical elements.) At this time the City has received onc bid for $110,548 submitted by Rosa ConstructlOn. ThIS bId IS considerably higher than the anticipated proJect estimate of $63,320 Adding a 10% contingcncy brings the project cost to $121 ,603 which excceds the project budget by $58,283 StafT has IdentIfied three options for consideration by the City Council. Rcjcct the bid, revIse the plans to simplifY or eliminate elements and re-bid. Revisiuns could include such items as eliminating the reconfigutatHm of the existing pioneer barn exhibit, using less expensIve matenals such as paint grade trim or simpler finishes. _________________________________________________________r~~~__________________________________________~M____ COpy TO: \I ieira De~ig;II$; Rosa Construcliun ITEM NO. 7.'2j Page ] of _ ~ (j;\C(HJN(:II,\Agcnda St.a1.cmcnts'.200(M-1 Exhibit Bid Award,doc Disadvantage: a) Timing of proJect is dclaycd a minimum of 3 months b} Costs tor rc-blddmg the proj ect Advanlage: a) Although not guaranleed, a potentJal reductIOn III bid pnce. 2. Award bid tu Rosa Construction in the amount of $110,548 and authorize Staff to work With Contractor to determine options for value engineering in which improvements may be simplilied or design details modified so that the improvement IS relamed yel modified to achieve some cost reduetion. Fur example the current design ealls lor a truc shiplap siding un the "store" exhibit. ThiS look ean be achicved hy using prefabricated materials and less eomplicated cunstruehun methods. Disadvantage: a) Possihle reduction in quality and quantity of improvements b) Possible need for additional funds Advantage; a} PrOject proceeds as scheduled b) Althongh full cost savings may not be realized, some cost savings will oeeur Regarding Option 2, Staff has heen in preliminary contact with Rosa Cunstruction who has indicated that there could be a potential eost savings in the range of $20,000 depending on the areas ehosen ror value engmeenng. 3 Award bid to Rosa Construction m the amount of$1I0,5411 and proceed with projeet as currently designed and bId. Disad'antage: <I) Additional fundmg needed b} Reduces ability to negotiate potential deductive ehange orders to reduce cost Advantage: a) ProJect proceeds as scheduled WORK UNDER SEPARATE CONTRACTS In order to complete the Exhibit Renovation Projeet, there are a numher of other contracts that the City will be entering into rclated to procurement of furniture and equipment, mural painting, signage, and interactives that do not require Council approvaL The preliminary eshmate ror the work under these separate contracts was $45,680 Now that the exhibit design is complete, the estimate has mereased to $65,326 Adding 5"1. contingency bnngs this estimated cost to $68,5n which exceeds the available budget by $22,912. nus amount, added to the shortfall to award the construction eontraet bnngs the total proJect shortfall to $81,195 2006 SAVE AMERICA'S TREASURES GRANT AWARD As part of the Federal Save Amenca's Treasures initiative to preserve significant historic properties and collections, the City of Dublin has been awarded a grant of $29,558 for the preservation of the Murray Schoolhouse. This grant was nol mcluded in the initial projeet budget as the City was nuhfied of lhe award after the adoption of the Fiseal-Year 2005-2006 Budget. Applying this grant to the project budgct rcduccs thc proJect shortfall to the City's General Fund to $51,637 A summary of the project costs and the available funding is shown helow on the following page. SENIOR CENTER PROJECT SAVINGS StatT estimates that the Selllor Center Projeet will be $30,000 less than budgeted. ThIS savings is available to be transfcrrcd to the Dublin Heritage Center Exhibit Restoration project and has bcen included in the proposed budget change. 78b' Revised Proiect Cost (Improvements) Expenditures Rosa Construetion BHI 10% Contingency Subtotal Work Undcr Separate Contracts 5% Contingeney Subtotal Total Expendltu.--es Revenue Gencral Fund Save America's Treasurcs Grant Senior Center Project Savings Total Revenue DIFFERENCE $110,548 $ 11.055 $121,603 $ 65,326 $ 3.266 $ 68,592 $190,195 $109,000 $ 29,558 $ 30.000 $168,558 $ 21,637 As indicatcd abovc it is estimated that an addil10nal $21,637 will bc requircd to fund this projcct. It is recommended that thcse funds be appropriated from the City's General Fund Unalloeated Reserve. RECOMMENATION: ills the rccommcndation of Staff that thc City Council proceed with Opl1on 2, which awards the bid and authorizes Staff to negol1atc a deducl1ve change order If possiblc. ill order to award the bld and to proceed with the work under separate contracts as idenl1 fled above, a budget ehange is needed. The budgel change will idcntifY the increased revenue associated with the 2006 Save Amcriea's Trcasurcs Grant, thc transrer of funds from thc Scnior Ccntcr projcct to the Dublin Heritagc Center proJect, thc approprial1on from Unallocated Reserves and thc Increased costs assoctated Wtth thc projeet. The Budget Change Foml IS Attaehment 2. It will alsu be necessary to adopt the Resolutl(Jn Awarding Contract 06-03 tu Rusa Construction which is Attachment 1 3~ l~fR RESOLUTION NO. - 06 A RESOLUTION OF' THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OJ;" DUBLIN ********* AWARD OF BID TO ROSA CONSTRUCTION FOR THE DURLIN HERIT AGE CENTER EXHIBIT RESTORATION PROJECT WHEREAS, On January 3,2006, the City Council approved the Dublin Heritage Center Exhibit Restoration ProJect Drawmgs and authonzed the Project to be advertiscd for bids; and WHEREAS, the projeet was advertised as required by statc law for bids; and WHEREAS, the City reecived onc bid prior to the close of bIds on Mareh 23, 2006; and WHEREAS, thc low bid rcccived was $110,548 from Rosa Construction; and WHEREAS, the bid was evaluated by Staff and detcrmincd to mcet all rcquiremcnts. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City Couneil of the City of Dublin does hereby award Contract No 06-03 to thc lowest responsible bidder therefore, to wit, Rosa Construction at a base bid of One hundred ten thousand five hundred and forty eight dollars and no cents ($110,548) the particulars ofwhieh bid are on file in the officc of the City Engmeer PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED thIs 4th day of April 2006. AYES NOES ABSENT. ABSTAIN Mayor ATTeST City Clcrk - 1 - 4-t..{-Ow 7. Z- A TT ACHMENT 1 CITY OF DUBLIN BUDGET CHANGE FORM /J%V CHANGE FORM # New Appropriatjons ,City Councll Approval Required): Budget Transfers: .K __ From Unappl'upriaku Reserves (If Other than General Fund, Fund No- X From New Revenues J):ECREA5J!j!DUDG"ET ACCOUNT AMOlJNT From Budgeted COnIingenI Resetve II OSOO-799 (100) Vv ithin Same Department i\ctivity X Between Departments (City Council Approval Requirc-d) Other INcREASEB\!J116ET AccouNiil' AMoUNT Name; Expenditures Senior Center $30,000 Name; Revenues - Intergovernmental ~ Federal $29,558 Impl'OVetlien,ts Account #:001-<)5930-750-050 Accuunl #. 1I0t .\57.002(New) Name: Name: bxpenditlln~s Murray Schoolhou:'lt $81,195 Exhibit Restoration - Improvements <\ccount #' "ccount #' 001-95566.7S0.1150 Name: Name: AL:cvunt #- ACc,;t,)unt #- Name~ Name: i\ccollnt #- Account #' Name: Name: Account 1-1-" i\.CCOUllt #' ASDIFin Mgr rJ-~~ Signaturc Date:!' \ 7-'1(\ 0<. REASON FOR BUDGET CHANGE ENTRY Tn urder to award the bid and proceed wIth construetion of improvements an additional appropriation is needed. The budgct change also accounts for lllcreased revenue received from 2006 Save America's Trcasures Grant. City Manager ~~(.~-- Slgnatur Date 3/~f/':;:'-6 .. ~.- As approved at the City Council Meeting on: Date: Mayor Datc: SIgnature Postcd By' Datc: 1-/.' 1(:r_POIrMSln JHM-!'mlJ:,/i1 dllllll,"t',doc SIgnature ATTACHMENT 2