HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem 8.1 County CourthouseCITY CLERK File # ! IIO l~l~----] AGENDA STATEMENT JOINT CITY COUNCIL and PLANNING COMMISSION STUDY SESSION MEETING DATE: November 24, 2003 SUBJECT': PA 02-030 Preliminary review of development proposal for the East County Hall of Justice (County Courthouse) ~ Report Prepared by: Kristi Bascom, Associate Planner~' ATTACHMENTS: RECOMMENDATION: 1. · 3. FINANCIAL STATEMENT: 1. Project plans Receive Staff Presentation Receive Applicant Presentation Individually provide feedback to Applicant and Staff on the Site design and building elevations None. DESCRIPTION: In July 2003, Alameda County submitted a proposal to the City of Dublin for Site Development Review of a proposed new courthouse. The East County Hall of Justice (County Courthouse) is proposed as a 208,408 square foot building comprised of courtrooms, offices, and associated facilities. The project area is 21.77 acres and is located on the north side of Gleason Drive between Madigan and Arnold, where the East County Government Center has been planned for some time. Under the 1993 Annexation Agreement, between the City of Dublin and the County of Alameda, the City has retained the right to perform design review of any projects proposed on the County Governmental propertyl Therefore~ although this project is not subject to the normal development standards or land use controls that would be applicable to a private project, the project is subject to the City of Dublin Site Development Review regulations. BACKGROUND At their meeting on May 6, 2003, the Alameda County Board of Supervisors certified the EIR/EIS for the County's Juvenile Justice Facility and East County Hall of Justice and the preferred alternatives for both of these facilities. At that time, the Board chose San Leandro as the preferred location for the new Juvenile Hall, and the County Governmental property on Gleason Drive as the preferred location for the East County Hall of Justice. On July 7, 2003 the County submitted their apPlicatiOn for Site Development Review, proposing the 208,408 square foot County Courthouse building on the County-owned site on Gleason Drive. Staff G:'ff'A#~2002\02-030 Alameda Co Court House\CC + PC Staff Report study session.doc COPIES TO: Applicant/Property OWner ITEM NO. ~_~ re¥~ewed the application and responded to the ~ounty in a letter dated August 7, 2003 that the building and site as proposed were not in context with the surrounding neighborhood and community as a whole. In the comment letter, City Staff identified several issues of concern, including the proposed building height of eighty (80) feet, the proposed architecture, and the circulation of vehicles and pedestrians on and off the site. Since that time, City Staff have met several times with the County Elected Officials, Staff, and their Architects and Consultants to discuss modifications to the plans to address these issues. ANALYSIS The project plans (which are attached for your review) have been revised from the original version in the following manner: Building hei:zht. The height of the original building was proposed to be eighty (80) feet from grade to the top of the highest architectural feature. To further add to the height of the building, the grade height of the entrance to the building was fourteen (14) feet above the grade of Gleason Drive, as the lot sloped upwards from south to north. The County has worked on the site grading to lower the building pad height while still ensuring that the berm remains and Santa Rita Jail is still screened from view. The County' also revised the architecture so that the tallest architectural features have been eliminated from the building. Building architecture The architecture of the building as originally proposed was out of context with the surrounding buildings and had no relation to any civic buildings in Dublin. Staff requested that the building facades be redesigned to give them more of a horizontal emphasis that would lessen the apparent height and soften the appearance of the building. Site design Originally, the 22-acre courthouse site was on the easternmost portion of the greater 40-acre site. The County has since pushed the site further to the west so that the building would be to the west of the entrance drive and further away from the residential neighborhood. Also, the County has worked to reconfigure the main entrance drive to the site as well as internal vehicular and pedestrian circulation. RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends that the City Council (1) Receive Staff Presentation, (2) Receive Applicant Presentation, and (3) Individually provide feedback to Applicant and Staff on the site design and building elevations. Once the City Council and Planning Commission have reviewed the project proposal and provided input to the Applicant on an individual basis, the County will make any modifications they determine are necessary and resubmit their completed Site Development Review application. The plans will be reviewed by City Staff and a focused traffic study will be completed. After Staff completes an analysis of the project, the item will be scheduled for a public hearing. 2 ,..' .f " ; ..:'] , .:i .'<i .; <:1 .,!.' , , '..1 ....1 I " I i I ..i" ,I .', , I I .1 1 I I i I I I I I , ,1, " -, ,.' .-. . ,1.:......,-. _ ..~, >. . . :~'~'~~~'" '~~':;;:'L~ . ., . 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L~ ';" ------==---- -----~"- - Da'" By General Services Agency, County of Alameda Technical Services Department 1401 lakeside Drive Oakland, CA94612 (510)200-9551 (510) 200-3995 Fax """"'''"'' ......, HLM Design Architecture Engineering Planning HLAlIJes9lUSA,1nc. 28SocondStrnot,4lhFbor San Frurrisc:o,CalifOO1ia!Ml05 415.896.5085 ~ """" - -""" ..... - ...CIIy """'" """'" SanFrancism """" Awll:iDlArdiEd Mullt'r & C,lulrit'ld ARCHITECTS 33915thSlnlet,SUI8300 ~.Ca!m.ia9ole~:! 510,832.8560 -- URS""""""",,,,,,,,,,,",,,,_ 50 Frnmonl Stroot, 24111 Fkxr San Frarri!m,Caftfomia94105 415.m.01BB Fux:415.m.mJ DESION DRAWlNQ THIS IS NOT A CONSTRUCTION OOCUMENT. mls 19A PRELIMINARY DESIGN ORAWING. INCtUOEO IN THE REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL OOCUMENTS TO PROVIDE DIRECTIVE TO THE DESIGNIBUILD 1"EMl FOO FURTHER DESIGN, ENGINEERING, AND CONsmUCTION. IT IS mE RESPONSIBilITY OF THE OESIGNIBUllO TEAM TO INCORPORATE THESE DRAWINGS WHilE INSURING COMPLIANCE Wlm APPLICABLE CODes AGENCYN'PROVAL: CITY OF DUBLIN REVIEW NOVEMBER 24, 2003 EAST COUNTY HALL OF JUSTICE """"""", (I1Z!09.OO GLEASON BOULEVARD DUBLIN, CALIFORNIA """''''''mE SITE PLAN !:4 ;.;! \RKING (") ::c FlxrNtJnber. s.: Dale: T 255 rn Sale: 1"=80' T 337 LE 20 ::z Ilnlwn: 612 -t Ched<ed: \~ Ili!iJj: on EB SI'oet AO.10