HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem 8.4 TV30 Funds Request CITY CLERK File # [[][{2][3J[Z2]-[3J[a AGENDA STATEMENT CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: May 1,2007 SUBJECT: Consideration of Request for Additional Funds for Fiscal 2006-2007 from TV30-Community Television Report Prepared by Joni Pattillo, Assistant City Manager ATTACHMENTS: 1) Review ofTV30 Community Television Financial Status Staff Report from April 26, 2007 Board of Directors Agenda Report Budget Change Form 2) RECOMMENDATION: /1 A _~onsider the allocation of additional funds for TV30-Community !\{/'J'\' Television for Fiscal 2006-2007 and approve Budget Change, or provide Staffwith additional direction. FINANCIAL STATEMENT: If approved, this request would require an additional appropriation in the amount of$65,000 from the General Fund Reserve. DESCRIPTION: Backg:round TV30 Community Television operates on an annual budget of $650,000, with several funding sources including production income, donations, underwriting, and local government funding. Over the past two Fiscal Years (2005-2006 and 2006-2007), the expenses required to operate the station have significantly exceeded income causing the organization to experience a budget deficit. These expenses are related to increased expenditures in a few key budget categories including professional services, wages and salaries, interest expense, equipment and supplies, and show sets. The financial resources for the current Fiscal Year of 2006-2007 have been depleted and the organization is unable to meet the estimated operating expenses. There are no guaranteed funding sources in place, or identified, to cover the costs of these expenses. The services supplied by TV30 Community Television have been a vital element for all four cities and the need to assist at this time would allow those services to continue without interruption for Fiscal Year 2006-2007. At the April 26, 2007 TV30 Community Television Board meeting, the decision was made by unanimous vote of the Board of Directors to request from each of the four Cities of Dublin, Livermore, Pleasanton, ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- COPY TO: City Managers of Livermore, Pleasanton, and San Ramon Page 1 of 2. ITEM NO. ~.t.f and San Ramon an additional appropriation of $65,000, for a grand total of $260,000. This amount would fund the projected deficit for Fiscal Year 2006-2007 as well as fund the necessary monies needed for consultant services for a financial audit and an organizational assessment to review and comment on the appropriate structure of TV30. There were several actions items that the TV30 Community Television Board took as part of the recommendation to request funds from each of the four cities. The following actions made by the TV30 Community Television Board were made in order to restore the TV30 organization to a financially stable position for Fiscal Year 2006-2007: An independent financial audit of Fiscal Year 2005-2006, and the current Fiscal Year 2006- 2007 to begin immediately. Financial oversight that would consist of the Cities reviewing the monthly financial statements that are prepared by the City that is responsible for the administrative oversight (this responsibility currently resides with the City of Pleasanton in Fiscal Year 2006-2007 and will be rotated to the City of Dublin in Fiscal Year 2007-2008). Each of the Cities would make the additional contribution for Fiscal Year 2006-2007 payable to the City of Pleasant on and then the City of Pleasant on would disburse the necessary funds to TV30 to meet scheduled payroll/overhead expenses. The hiring of a consultant to undertake an organizational audit. The development of a balanced proposed budget for Fiscal Year 2007-2008. The development and implementation of financial and budget policies and procedures to guide the organization to adhere to an adopted Budget. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the City Council consider the allocation of additional funds for TV30-Community Television for Fiscal Year 2006-2007 and approve the Budget Change, or provide Staffwith additional direction. Page 2 of2 .....------"."'""---- ('"r" "j --.---.-"., --,- TV30 COMMUNITY TELEVISION Board of Directors Meeting Dublin Civic Center-City Manager's Conference Room 100 Civic Plaza, 2nd Floor Dublin, California 94568 THURSDAY, APRIL 26, 2007 7:00 P.M. AGENDA 1. CALL TO ORDER 2. ROLL CALL 3. AGENDA AMENDMENTS 4. ORAL COMMUNICATIONlPUBLlC COMMENTS 5. APPROVAL OF MINUTES FROM MARCH 22, 2007 MEETING 6. EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR'S REPORT 7. BOARD BUSINESS (a) Review and discuss April 25 fund raising event 8. NEW BUSINESS (a) Review and consider amendments to TV30 Bylaws (b) Consider consulting services for organizational review 9. REVIEW OF FINANCIAL REPORTS (a) Year-to-date financial reports 10. MATTERS INmATED FOR DISCUSSION 11. ANNOUNCEMENTS 12. ADJOURN TO MAY 24, 2007 MEETING lof 7 t6...., fi/t/07 ATTACHMENT 1 2 of 7 ,_____--'-m-""---- (( ,r- '---. '--,., , , --, -,---~- TV30 COMMUNITY TELEVISION BOARD OF DIRECTORS AGENDA REPORT April 26, 2007 TITLE: REVIEW OF TV30 COMMUNITY TELEVISION FINANCIAL STATUS SUMMARY TV30 Community Television operates on an annual budget of $650,000, with several funding sources including production income, donations, underwriting and local government funding. Over the past two fiscal years, the expenses required to operate the station have significantly exceeded the income causing the organization to experience a budget deficit. These expenses are related to increased expenditures in a few key budget categories including professional services, wages and salaries, interest expense, equipment and supplies, and show sets. At this point in the fiscal year, the organization's financial resources have been depleted and the organization is unable to meet estimated operating expenses through the remainder of the fiscal year. With no guaranteed funding sources in place, or identified, to cover the costs of these expenses, the TV30 Board of Directors may consider requesting that each of the partner cities provide a financial contribution of $65,000 to support the organization. RECOMMENDATION Recommend to the City Councils of Dublin, Livermore, Pleasanton and San Ramon that each City authorizes the allocation of $65,000 to TV30 Community Television to support the ongoing operations of the station through the current fiscal year ending June 30, 2007. FINANCIAL STATEMENT If the respective City Councils approve the requested allocations, there will be sufficient income to support the operations of the TV30 station through the current fiscal year. 30 f'l BACKGROUND In 1983, the TV30 Community Television organization was formalized as a public, non- profit corporation with a three member board of directors. Today, the organization is governed by a full-time Executive Director and a seven member board of directors, and employs a staff of fourteen. Over the past several years, and in particular the past two years, the demands of operating a community television station with quality programming have grown substantially, requiring an escalating amount of financial resources. DISCUSSION Financial Position Accordingly, keeping pace with changing technology and programming has necessitated a more sizable organization and budget. In Fiscal Year 2005-2006, the TV30 operating budget was $590,600; the FY 2006-2007 budget is $650,000 (Attachment 1). Currently, 62% of the funding income for TV30 Community Television comes from the Cities of Dublin, Livermore, Pleasanton and San Ramon, provided via a franchise agreement with Comcast wherein a fee of $.50 per subscriber is allocated, or "passed- through," to TV30. In FY 2006-2007, this amounts to $403,668. A majority of the additional income is derived from dubbing and production services, underwriting by corporate sponsors and other donations. A majority of the expenses are shared among several key budget categories: wages, salaries and related taxes and insurance; equipment and supplies, including repairs and maintenance; overhead, including rent and insurance; professional services; and show sets. Significantly, in FY 2005-2006 the combination of total expenditures totaled $713,333 with wages, salaries and related payroll taxes and workers compensation insurance comprising almost $550,000 of that. Overall, at the end of FY 2005-2006, the total expenses exceeded the budgeted amount by $123,000; at the same time, income exceeded projected revenues by $71,000, resulting in a net deficit of $51,000 at the close of the fiscal year on June 30, 2006. Additionally, TV30 utilized a Line of Credit (LOC) to manage the uncertain timing of cash flow and ensure that payrolVoverhead expenses could be paid as scheduled. However, based on the rising expenses paid throughout the year, the LOC was used as a primary source of cash and by the end of the fiscal year was drawn almost to its limit of $100,000. Immediately upon receipt of the funding from the Cities at the start of the new fiscal year (July 1, 2006) the LOC, plus accrued interest, was repaid in full. The effect of this payment coupled with the year-end deficit was to reduce the operating income for FY 2006-2007. A similar pattern was followed in FY 2006-2007. As of April 22, 2007, after meeting scheduled payrolVoverhead expenses, TV30 had expended all cash on hand and had drawn the LOC to its $100,000 limit. The current fiscal year shortage is a result of the combination of a budget that showed a $9,000 deficit when adopted, a shortfall in Page 2 of 4 tfoP 7 anticipated revenues of up to $41 ,000, and over expenditures in several budget categories. Based on projected revenues of $22,000 and expenses of $130,000 ($50,000 in payrolVoverhead for each May and June and $30,000 in accounts payable) provided by TV30 Executive Director Glenn Davis, it is estimated the TV30 organization needs $108,000 to meet scheduled expenses. Coupled with the outstanding $100,000 balance on the LOC, a total of $208,000 is needed to return TV30 to a financially balanced position. Accounting for unanticipated repairs and supplies (based on a 15% contingency), as well as other professional services such as financial and/or organizational audits, financial support of $260,000 is warranted. Divided equally between the four partner cities, each of the Cities of Dublin, Pleasanton, Livermore and San Ramon, would be asked to allocate $65,000. Actions To begin to return the TV30 organization to a financially stable position several action steps have been identified: City of Pleasanton staff has undertaken a cursory review of the TV30 financial system, the results of which are provided in this staff report. The Cities have requested an independent financial audit to develop more accurate financial reports that clearly state the organization's current financial position. This process will begin immediately. The Cities will be instituting financial oversight constraints including review of monthly financial statements by City staff. As well, should the recommended funds be allocated by the Cities, the money will be held by the City of Pleasanton and disbursed to TV30 to meet scheduled payrolVoverhead expenses. Prior to payment, City staff will review and approve additional expenditures. The TV30 Board of Directors will be asked to consider hiring a consultant to undertake an organizational audit designed to review and comment on the appropriate structure of the TV30 Board and management. A FY 2007-2008 balanced budget will be developed. A financiallbudget policy and procedure document will be developed to guide the organization when purchasing and budget decisions are made outside a set of accepted constraints. Page 3 of 4 Submitted by: Pamela Ott City Liaison Attachments: 1. TV30 Community Television Budget Overview vs. Actuals Financial Report Page 4 of 4 5of7 &(!)-P 7 Tri-Valley Community Television Budget Overview vs. Actuals r_'___'_.._.-..._.___._.___.... ~-_._-_._._._-_.._-_.._--# , FY 05/06 , , FY 06107 , , Year to Date Variance , ! Year to Date Total Variance , , , , f Actual. Total Budget Over/(Under) , , Actuals Budget Over/(Under) , , , , Income , , , , Government Funding , 399,000.00 399,000 , , 302,863.50 403,668 (100,804.50); , 0.00 , , Studio Upgrade Contribution , 10,442.00 10,442.00 ; , , , , , Underwriting , 48,398.40 40,000 8,398.40 , , 60,681.48 70,000 (9,318.52), Barter Income , 15,330.00 12,000 3,330.00 ! , 9,000.00 12,000 (3,000.00)! , , Donations-Restricted , 25,538.65 25,538.65 , , 2,500.00 7,000 (4,500.00)' Production Income , , , , , 144,332.27 130,000 14,332.27, , 100,474.38 141,565 (41,090.62), Dubbing Income , 11,415.00 2,300 9,115.00 ; , 4,775.00 8,400 (3,625.00); , , Other Income , 5,500.00 6,000 (500.00); , 5,515.00 5,500 15.00 ; Interest , 2,084.83 1,300 , 1,026.10 1,800 , 784.83 , , (n3.90), Total Income . 662,041.15 590,600 71,441.15 ! . 486,835.46 649,933 (163,097.54)! , , Expenses , , , , Employee Expenses , , , , , , , , Salaries , 93,099.74 95,000 (1,900.26); , 85,279.88 113,556 (28,276. 12}; , , Wages , 368,527.63 331,000 37,527.63 ; , 288,256.31 345,000 (56,743.69); Contract Services , 16,534.80 7,000 , 6,592.43 10,000 , 9,534.80 , , (3,407.57), Medical , 7,581.95 5,650 1,931.95 ! , 4,996.93 8,400 (3,403.07)! , , Mileage Reimbursement , 8,n8.12 3,600 5,178.12 , , 3,369.45 9,300 (5,930.55)' Payroll Taxes , 43,858.22 42,000 , , 38,429.60 47,919 , , 1,858.22 , , (9,489.40), Workers Comp Ins , 10,725.56 9,800 925.56 ; , 6,936.00 11,418 (4,482.00); Total Employee Expenses , 549,106.02 494,050 , 433,860.60 545,593 , 55,056.02 , , (111,732.40), , , , , , , , , AutoNan , 4,364.60 3,700 664.60 , , 4,622.79 2,100 2,522.79 , Auto Insurance , , , 1,537.00 2,280 (743.00); , , , Insurance , 13,887.90 17 ,500 (3,612.10); , 6,839.19 15,420 (8,580.81 ); Interest Exp , 8,724.17 100 , 8,820.62 8,400 , 8,624.17 , , 420.62 , Office Rent , 17,400.00 18,000 (600.oo)! , 13,050.00 17,400 (4,350.00)! , , Office Expense , 10,632.67 4,800 5,832.67 , , 10,555.25 8,940 1,615.25 , Telephone , , , , , 3,912.79 3,100 812.79 , , 2,475.75 3,660 ( 1,184.25), Payroll Processing Expenses , 6,437.22 5,800 " , 4,980.85 7,560 (2,579.15); , 637.22 , , Professional Fees , 9,736.00 10,000 (264.00); , 6,647.23 10,000 (3,352.77); Production Expense , , 7,691.00 6,000 , , , 1,691.00 , Studio Expense , , , 29,484.13 24,000 5,484.13 ! , , , Marketing & Comm. Relations , 1,726.00 2,200 (474.00)1 , 3,944.56 4,200 (255.44)1 Mise Expenses , , , 3,220 , , 5,521.06 3,050 2,471.06 , , 3,642.38 422.38 , Studio Upgrade , , , (3,535.18) (3,535.18); , , , Equipment & Supplies , 32,197.10 19,000 13,197.10 ; , , Repairs & Main , 5,544.70 5,900 , , , (355.30), , , Show Sets , 39,908.75 39,908.75 ! , , , , , TapeslDVDs , 4,234.11 3,400 834.11 , , , , , , , , , , , Total Expenses , 713,333.09 590,600 122,733.09 ; , 534,616.17 658,773 (124,156.83); , , , , , , Net Operating Income L_j!!~1.;.~L____;___J!J~~!~Jl ' , ~J~LLSY~lL__t8J..~_-<~~:!..!JJ 1 CITY OF DUBLIN BUDGET CHANGE FORM 7df7 CHANGE FORM # New Appropriations (City Council Approval Required): Budget Transfers: X From Unappropriated Reserves (If Other than General Fund, Fund No- From New Revenues From Budgeted Contingent Reserve (1080-799.000) Within Same Department Activity Between Departments (City Council Approval Required) Other Name: General Fund - Community Television - Contract Services Account #: Name: Account #: 001-80300-740-000 Name: Account #: Name: Account #: Name: Account #: Name: Account #: Name: Account #: Name: Account #: Name: Account #: Account #: ASDlFin Mgr CYa.-J ~ I ~ '::) Date: "'/1..7-/01- Signature REASON FOR BUDGET CHANGE ENTRY: At the City Council meeting on May I, 2007, the City Council was requested by the Tri-Valley Community Television Board to provide a supplemental appropriation of funding for the operation of TV 30 and to undertake a financial audit and organizational review. Each ofthe participating cities were asked to make a financial contribution in the same amount which was in addition to funding provided from subscriber fees. City Manager: ~()d~ L. ~ SIgnature Date -r (9-1( .n As approved at the City Council Meeting on: Date: Mayor: Date: Signature Posted By: Date: KICC-FORMSIFORM-budget cha1lge,doc Signature Attachment #2