HomeMy WebLinkAbout*01-10-1994 CC Agenda REGULAR MEETING - January 10, 1994 DUBLIN CIVIC CENTER Monday - 7:30 p.m. 100 CIVIC PLAZA A complete packet of information containing all Staff Reports and exhibits related to each agenda item is available for ~b[ic information and perusal several days prior to a Council meeting in the City Clerk's Office and also at the Dub[in Library. 1. CALL TO ORDER ~ 2. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE TO THE FLAG 3. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS 3.1 Presentation of January Customer Service Award to Dennis Carrington, Senior Planner 3~2 Introduction of New Employee, planning Office Assistant Maria Alvarez At this time, members of the audience are pormitted to a~ress the City Council on any item which is NOT on the City Council Agenda. Comments should not ~ceed 5 minutes. If aw porson feels that this iS not sufficient time to a~ress their concern, that porson should arrange with the City Clerk to have their porticu[ar concern ptaced on the agenda for a future meeting. The City Council CANNOT deliberate or take action on a non-agenda item UNLESS there is factual evidence presented to the C~nci[ indicating that the subj~t brought up falls into one of the exceptions under Government Code Section 54954.2. 4. CONSENT CALENDAR Consent Calendar items are typically of a non-controversial nature and are considered for approval bythe City Council with one single action. Members of the audience who would like an item removed from the Consent Calendar for purpose of public input may request the City Council to remove the item. The request may be made at the time that the Mayor asks the audience members if there is anyone'interested in removing an item from the Consent Calendar. 4.1 Minutes: Regular Meeting of December 13, 1993 STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Approve 4.2 City Treasurer's Investment Report as of December 31, 1993 The City's investment portfolio totals $20,603,948.63, and funds are invested with an average yield of 5o001%. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Receive Report. 4.3 Annual St° Patrick's Day Celebration The City Council will review and approve preliminary plans for the 1994 St. Patrick's Day celebration. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Approve parade route; approve location of community celebration; adopt Resolution supporting the celebration and encouraging businesses/ to conduct sidewalk sales with City waiving sign processing fees° 4.4 Adjustment to Rates Charged Pursuant to the City's Agreement with Taugher & Associates for Building & Safety Services Current rates charged to the City have been in effect since August 1, 1991. An adjustment is being requested effective January 1, 1994 which, if annualized, is equal to 1.56%. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Adopt Resolution approving rate adjustment. 4.5 implementation of Employee Merit Salary Adjustments In June of 1993, as part of the adopted Fiscal Year 1993-94 Budget, all employee salary adjustments were frozen. The Council agreed to reconsider this action following the November election° On December 13~ 1993, the City Council adjusted the 1993-94 Budget to include $40,135 for employee merit salary adjustments. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Authorize the City Manager to proceed under the City's existing Personnel Rules. 4.6 Amendment to Contract with MCE Corporation for Public Works Maintenance Services This proposed amendment refleCts adjustments to labor rates and the scope of work for MCE's contract, which the City Council approved on December 13, 1993. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Adopt Resolution. 4.7 Warrant Register Dated January 10, 1994 STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Approve. TTE. CO ICATION 5.1 Request from Dublin Sister City Association for Waiver of Regional Meeting Room Use Fees The City Council will consider a request from the Dublin Sister City Association to waive facility use fees for their Annual Green & White Gala. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Consider request. 5.2 Request from Dublin Little League to Build Scorebooths The City Council will consider a request from Dublin Little League to construct scorebooths at the Dublin Sports Grounds. Upon completion, the scorebooths would be donated to the City in exchange for 2~000 hours of field use at no charge. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Approve request to construct scorebooths and authorize Mayor to execute Agreement. 6. PUBLIC HEARING 6.1 BJ Dublin Commercial General Plan Amendment/Planned Development Rezone/Tentative Map PA 93-052 The J. Patrick Land Co., representing BJ Dublin Commercial, is requesting adoption of a PD Rezone Ordinance, approval of PD General Provisions and Development Regulations and approval of a Tentative Map to divide their existing 7± parcel located near the intersection of Dougherty Road and Dublin Boulevard into 9 separate lots. The ordinance was introdUced at a public hearing on December 13, 1993. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Conduct public hearing; deliberate; waive reading and ADOPT Ordinance; adopt Resolution approving findings and general provisions; and adopt Resolution approving Tract 6644 Tentative Map; -OR- give Staff and Applicant direction and continue the matter. ~i 6.2 Non-Disposal Facility Element (NDFE) of the Integrated Waste Management Plan The purpose of the NDFE is to identify and describe existing and/or planned Non-Disposal Facilities to be utilized by the City in attaining the waste reduction goals identified in the City's SRRE. The City has no existing or new NDFs planned within the jurisdiction; therefore, the City's NDFE consists of facilities located outside the City of Dublin~ The City's franchised hauler transports source separated recyclables to these facilities. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Conduct public hearing; deliberate; adopt Resolution; direct Staff to forward adopted NDFE to the Alameda County Waste Management Authority for transmittal to the California Integrated Waste Management Board. 6.3 Smoking pollution Control Ordinance The City CounCil held a public hearing in December, 1993 and introduced an ordinance which would amend the City's current ordinance as follows: 1) Prohibit smoking in all workplaces (employers may designate smoking areas if the room is separately ventilated); 2) Prohibit smoking in all restaurant dining areas, waiting areas, restrooms, offices, break rooms and food preparation areas; 3) Ban distribution of tobacco samples and prohibit cigarette vending machines; 4) Prohibit smoking in restaurant bars on January 10, 1995, unless the room is separately ventilated; and 5) Allow smOkingin "free-standing bars"° STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Conduct public hearing; deliberate; waive reading and ADOPT Ordinance. 6~4 Dublin Cemetery Interment Fees In order to recoup the cost for burials at the Dublin Cemetery, Staff has developed a schedule for interment fees. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Conduct public hearing; deliberate; adopt Resolution establishing fees for the Dublin Cemetery. ~6o5 Consideration of 1994 Adjustment to Garbage Rates requested by Waste Management Alameda County (WMAC - formerly Oakland Scavenger Company) The proposed adjustments vary, depending on the type and frequency of service. It is anticipated that the adjustments will produce revenues approximately 7e6% higher than those collected by the Company in 1993. The most significant factor in this adjustment is the imposition of Alameda County Measure D, which results in a $6 per ton fee being collected at the landfill to support recycling activities countywide. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Conduct public hearing; deliberate; adopt Resolutions° 7.~ UNFINISHED BUSINESS 7.1 Tri-Valley Transportation and Action Plan Model Results Recent traffic model run using land use data acceptable to each of the 7 Tri-Vatley jurisdictions indicate future level of service problems on several of the arterial street and freeway segments in the Tri-Valley Area. The TVTC is requesting direction on alternate studies to bring the land use and transportation network into conformance. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Discuss study alternatives identified in the Staff Report and authorize the Mayor to send letter to the Tri-Valley Transportation Council° 8. NEW BUSINESS 8ol 1994 Goals & Objectives & Budget Study Session The Council annually reviews the City's Goals & Objectives in order to provide adequate time for Staff to incorporate the Council's direction regarding preparation of the upcoming year's preliminary budget° STAFF RECOMMENDATION: 1) Direct Staff regarding desired changes, if any, in the format of the City's Goals & Objectives Study Session; 2) Establish a special meeting date for the Study Session during the first week of March; and 3) Determine if the Council should hold a budget study session and if so, establish a meeting date for that purpose° 9. OTHER BUSINESS 10. CLOSED SESSION 10ol Pending Litigation, Dublin VSo Pleasanton - Case No.V-007073-9 - Government Code Section 54956o9(a) 10o2 Pending Litigation, Butler vs. City of Dublin - San Mateo County Case No. 385533 - Gov't Code Section 54956.9(a) 10o3 Potential Litigation - Gov't Code Section 54956.9(c). 10.4 Personnel - Gov't Code Section 54957.6 11. ADJOURN~ENT · Agenda Printed