HomeMy WebLinkAbout*08-21-2018 AgendaAugust 21, 2018 Dublin City Council Agenda Page 1 of 3 REGULAR MEETING Tuesday, August 21, 2018 Council Chamber, 100 Civic Plaza DUBLIN CITY COUNCIL A G E N D A • Agendas and Staff Reports are posted on the City’s Internet Website (www.dublin.ca.gov) • Agendas may be picked up at the City Clerk’s Office for no c harge, or to request information on being placed on the annual subscription list, please call 833-6650. • A complete packet of information containing Staff Reports and exhibits relate to each item is available of public review at least 72 hours prior to a City Council Meeting or, in the event that it is delivered to City Council members less than 72 hours prior to a City Council Meeting, as soon as it is so delivered. The packet is available in the City Clerk’s Office and also at the Dublin Library. REGULAR MEETING 7:00 PM 1. CALL TO ORDER 2. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 3. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS 3.1. Introduction of Commander of Camp Parks, Lieutenant Colonel Jennifer L. Nolan The City Council will be introduced to the new Commander of Camp Parks, Lieutenant Colonel Jennifer L. Nolan STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Welcome Lieutenant Colonel Jennifer L. Nolan. 3.2. Public Comment At this time, the public is permitted to address the City Council on non-agendized items. Please step to the podium and clearly state your name for the record. COMMENTS SHOULD NOT EXCEED THREE (3) MINUTES. In accordance with State Law, no action or discussion may take place on any item not appearing on the posted agenda. The Council may respond to statements made or questions asked, or may request Staff to report back at a future meeting concerning the matter. Any member of the public may contact the City Clerk’s Office related to the proper procedure to place an item on a future City Council agenda. The exceptions under which the City Council MAY discuss and/or take action on items not appearing on the agenda are contained in Government Code Section 54954.2(b)(1)(2)(3). 4. CONSENT CALENDAR Consent Calendar items are typically non-controversial in nature and are considered for approval by the City Council with one single action. Members of the audience, Staff or the City Council who would like an item removed from the Consent Calendar for purposes of public input may request the Mayor to remove the item. 4.1. July 11, 2018 Special City Council Meeting Minutes and the July 17, 2018 Regular City Council Meeting Minutes The City Council will consider approval of the minutes of the July 11, 2018 Special City Council meeting and the July 17, 2018 Regular City Council meeting. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Approve the minutes of the July 11, 2018 Special City Council meeting and the July 17, 2018 Regular City Council meeting. 4.2. Appointments to the Parks and Community Services Commission and the Human Services Commission The City Council will consider the Mayor’s recommendations for appointments to fill unscheduled vacancies on the Parks and Community Services Commission and the Human Services Commission. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Confirm the Mayor’s recommendations of appointments to the Parks and Community Services Commission and the Human Services Commission, or provide other appropriate direction. August 21, 2018 Dublin City Council Agenda Page 2 of 3 4.3. Acceptance of Work - CIP Project No. PK0105, Emerald Glen Park Concession Building Site Improvements The City Council will consider acceptance of the site improvements for the Emerald Glen Park Concession Building, CIP No. PK0105. The project provided the foundation, associated site work, utilities, and accessibility improvements for the pre-manufactured concession building. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Adopt the Resolution Accepting the Emerald Glen Park Concession Building Site Improvements, (CIP No. PK0105). 4.4. Appointing Directors to Pooled Liability Assurance Network (PLAN) Joint Exercise of Powers (JPA) to Represent the City of Dublin The City Council will designate employees as Board of Directors to Pooled Liability Assurance Network (PLAN) Joint Powers Authority (JPA) to represent the City of Dublin. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Adopt Resolution Rescinding Resolution No. 131-14 and Appointing Directors to PLAN JPA Corporation on Behalf of the City of Dublin. 4.5. Payment Issuance Report and Electronic Funds Transfers The City Council will receive a listing of payments issued from July 1, 2018 - July 31, 2018 totaling $8,953,895.50. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Receive the report. 4.6. Notice of City Engineer’s Pending Decision on the Final Map for Tract 8360 Boulevard Neighborhood 8 The City Council will receive a notification of the City Engineer’s pending approval of the Final Map for Tract 8360 Boulevard Neighborhood 8. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Receive the notification. 4.7. City Treasurer's Informational Report of Investments for the Quarter Ending June 30, 2018 The City Council will receive an informational report of the City’s investments through the quarter ending June 30, 2018 including a monthly transaction ledger. The City’s investment portfolio for this period totaled $256,311,389 (book value) with an average market yield of 2.40%. As required by the Policy, the City Treasurer (Administrative Services Director) affirms that the City is able to meet its expenditure requirements for the next six months. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Receive the report. 5. WRITTEN COMMUNICATION - NONE. 6. PUBLIC HEARING 6.1. Amending Chapter 5.100 (Parks and Recreation Areas and Facilities) and ad ding Chapter 5.116 (Unmanned Aircraft Systems) to Title 5 (Public Welfare) of the Dublin Municipal Code to restrict the operation of unmanned aircraft systems (PLPA-2018- 00019) The City Council will consider amending the Dublin Municipal Code related to th e regulation of unmanned aircraft systems. This includes an amendment to Chapter 5.100 (Parks and Recreation Areas and Facilities) and adding of Chapter 5.116 (Unmanned Aircraft Systems) to Title 5 (Public Welfare) of the Dublin Municipal Code to restrict the operation of unmanned aircraft systems within portions of the City limits around Government Facilities and City-sponsored events The proposed amendment will promote public safety, protect August 21, 2018 Dublin City Council Agenda Page 3 of 3 people engaging in public events, and to control the activity below the navigable airspace over and within one-half mile of Government Facilities. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Conduct the public hearing, deliberate, waive the reading and INTRODUCE an Ordinance Amending Chapter 5.100 (Parks and Recreation Areas and Faciliti es) and adding Chapter 5.116 (Unmanned Aircraft Systems) to Title 5 (Public Welfare) of the Dublin Municipal Code to restrict the flying of unmanned aircraft systems within City limits. 7. UNFINISHED BUSINESS – NONE. 8. NEW BUSINESS – NONE. 9. OTHER BUSINESS Brief information only reports from City Council and/or Staff, including committee reports and reports by City Council related to meetings attended at City expense (AB1234). 10. ADJOURNMENT This AGENDA is posted in accordance with Government Code Section 54954.2(a) If requested, pursuant to Government Code Section 54953.2, this agenda shall be made available in appropriate alternative formats to persons with a disability, as required by Section 202 of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (42 U.S.C. Section 12132), and the federal rules and regulations adopted in implementation thereof. To make a request for disability-related modification or accommodation, please contact the City Clerk’s Office (925) 833 - 6650 at least 72 hours in advance of the meeting. Mission The City of Dublin promotes and supports a high quality of life, ensures a safe and secure environment, and fosters new opportunities.