HomeMy WebLinkAbout*10-18-2011 CC Agenda REGULAR MEETING
Tuesday, October 18, 2011
• Agendas and Staff Reports are posted on the City's Internet Website (www.dublin.ca.gov)
NOTE: Agendas posted on the Website are provided as a public service, and are not intended to serve as
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projects appearing before the City Council.
• Agendas may be picked up at the City Clerk's Office for no charge, or to request information on being
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• A complete packet of information containing Staff Reports and exhibits related to each item is available
for public review at least 72 hours prior to a City Council Meeting or, in the event that it is delivered to
City Councilmembers less than 72 hours prior to a City Council Meeting, as soon as it is so delivered.
The packet is available in the City Clerk's Office and also at the Dublin Library.
Property : 6363 Clark Avenue (APN 941-1401-012-OS)
Agency Negotiator: Joni Pattillo, City Manager
Negotiating Parties: Aneff, L.L.C. and Alisue, L.L.C.
Under Negotiation: Price and Terms of Payment
Property: A portion of 5777 Scarlett Court
Agency Party: Joni Pattillo, City Manager
Negotiating Party: Alameda County Fire Protection District
Under negotiation: Price and terms of payment
3.1 Introduction of New Employee: William Lai, Public Works Technician (700-10)
Anew member of City Staff will be introduced.
STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Welcome new City of Dublin Staff member.
3.2 Red Ribbon Week Proclamation (610-50)
Each year the department participates in NATIONAL RED RIBBON WEEK events at the
schools and in the community. Red ribbons are hung throughout the community and items
with drug free messages are distributed to students. Each student from Kindergarten to 5'h
grade will receive an item.
STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Present "Red Ribbon Week" proclamation to Dublin Police
3.3 Certificate of Recognition for Fire Chief of the Year (610-50)
The City Council will present a Certificate of Recognition to Fire Chief Sheldon Gilbert for
being named the Ronny Jack Coleman Fire Chief of the Year by the California Fire Chiefs
STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Present Certificate of Recognition.
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3.4 Update on Shop Local Holiday Campaign (470-50)
One of the City Council's FY 2011/12 strategic initiatives for Economic Development is to
"Explore a Shop Local Holiday Campaign". To that end, the City has partnered with the
Dublin Chamber of Commerce to launch a Shop Local Holiday Campaign using social media.
The goal of the campaign is to encourage and increase shopping throughout the City of
Dublin during the holidays. This report will provide an update on the Shop Local Holiday
STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Accept the report.
3.5 Public Comments
At this time, the public is permitted to address the City Council on non-agendized items. Please step to the podium and clearly state your name
for the record. COMMENTS SHOULD NOT EXCEED THREE (3) MINUTES. In accordance with State Law, no action or discussion may take
place on any item not appearing on the posted agenda. The Council may respond to statements made or questions asked, or may request
Staff to report back at a future meeting concerning the matter. Any member of the public may contact the City Clerk's Office related to the
proper procedure to place an item on a future City Council agenda. The exceptions under which the City Council MAY discuss andlor take
action on items not appearing on the agenda are contained in Government Code Section 54954.2(b)(1)(2)(3).
Consent Calendar items are typically non-controversial in nature and are considered for approval by the City Council with one single action. Members
of the audience, Staff or the City Council who would like an item removed from the Consent Calendar for purposes of public input may request the
Mayor to remove the item.
4.1 Minutes of the Joint City of Dublin/Dublin Unified School District Meeting of
September 28, 2011 and the Regular Meeting of October 4, 2011
4.2 Consultant Services Agreements with Urban Planning Partners, Environmental Foresight,
Inc., and Kluber & Associates, Inc. to Provide On-Call Services (600-30)
The City Council will consider approving Consulting Services Agreements with Urban
Planning Partners, Environmental Oversight, Inc., and Kluber & Associates, Inc. Staff is
seeking to expand the list of on-call consultants to ensure that adequate resources are
available to continue the general processing of entitlements for development projects as well
as plan checks and field inspections for those projects.
STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Adopt Resolution approving Consulting Services Agreements
with Urban Planning Partners, Environmental Foresight, Inc., and Kluber & Associates, Inc. to
provide planning and landscape architecture services to the Community Development
Department and the Public Works Department on an on-call basis.
4.3 Annual Review of the following Development Agreements: Dublin Ranch Area A-H;
Dublin Ranch Supplemental DA, Areas F, G and H; AMB/Legacy Partners,
StockbridgeBHV Emerald Place -Green on the Park (formerly IKEA); Western Pacific
Housing, Transit Center Site E-1; Transit Center, Master DA; Standard Pacific, Dublin
Ranch F-1; Gateway Medical Group/Triad; Sorrento East/SR Structured Lot Options;
Grafton Station; Dublin Ranch Amendment to the Master Agreement; Standard Pacific
(Fallon Crossings); Schaefer Ranch South; Wallis Ranch; Springfield Montessori; Dublin
Ranch North; and Jordan Ranch (600-60)
Staff has determined that all Developers have complied in good faith and/or are progressing
toward full conformance with the terms and conditions of the Development Agreements
during the past year. Staff will continue monitoring all of the projects to assure that the
Developers continue to be in compliance as their projects continue to progress.
STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Adopt Resolution finding that the developers having
obligations under the following development agreements have complied in good faith with the
terms and provisions of those agreements and concluding the 2011 Annual Review for those
agreements: Dublin Ranch Area A-H; Dublin Ranch Supplemental DA, Areas F, G and H;
AMB/Legacy Partners; StockbridgeBHV Emerald Place -Green on the Park (formerly IKEA);
Western Pacific Housing, Transit Center Site E-1; Transit Center, Master DA; Standard Pacific,
Dublin Ranch F-1; Gateway Medical Group/Triad; Sorrento EasbSR Structured Lot Options
including Amendment; Grafton Station; Dublin Ranch Amendment to the Master Agreement;
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Standard Pacific (Fallon Crossings); Schaefer Ranch South; Wallis Ranch; Springfield
Montessori; Dublin Ranch North; and Jordan Ranch.
4.4 Zoning Ordinance Amendments to Chapter 8.40 (Accessory Structures and Uses
Regulations), Chapter 8.76 (Off-Street Parking and Loading Regulations) and Chapter
8.108 (Temporary Use Permit), PLPA-2011-00026 (450-20)
The City Council will hold a second reading of City-initiated amendments to Chapter 8.40
(Accessory Structures and Uses Regulations) as it relates to Eating and Drinking
Establishments as an accessory use to retail sales; to Chapter 8.76 (Off-Street Parking and
Loading Regulations) as it relates to tenant spaces with multiple functions and parking
requirements for other Indoor Recreational Facilities not specifically listed in Section
8.76.080.D; and to Chapter 8.108 (Temporary Use Permit) as it relates to other temporary
land uses not specifically defined and deviating from established development standards.
STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Waive the reading and adopt an Ordinance amending Chapter
8.40 (Accessory Structures and Uses Regulations), Chapter 8.76 (Off-Street Parking and Loading
Regulations), and Chapter 8.108 (Temporary Use Permit) of the Zoning Ordinance
4.5 Acceptance of Dublin Historic Park Theater Lighting Project and Final Project Close-Out
and Budget Adjustment (600-35)
As part of the Dublin Heritage Park and Museums Project the City Council approved an
agreement with Sousa Electric to install Theater Lighting. This work is now complete and it
would be appropriate to.accept that work. As this is the final segment of work on the overall
Park Project, it is also necessary to make funding adjustments to account for the final project.
An additional $110,000 is proposed to reflect additional Staff and Project management
expenses associated with the Park Development. These are separate from the work performed
for the Theater Lighting.
STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Adopt Resolution Accepting Project No. 10-09, Dublin
Historic Park Theater Lighting Project and authorize Staff to accept the maintenance bond in the
amount of $5,076; and approve the Budget Change.
4.6 Consulting Services Agreement with Novani, LLC for Professional Services Related to the
City's Traffic Management System (600-30)
The City Council will consider a Consulting Services Agreement with Novani, LLC for
professional services related to the City's Traffic Management System.
STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Adopt Resolution approving the Consulting Services
Agreement with Novani, LLC for Professional Services Related to the City's Traffic
Management System.
4.7 Approval of Amended And Restated Joint Powers Agreement for Associated Community
Action Program (ACAP) (600-40)
The Associated Community Action Program (ACAP) is a joint powers authority (JPA) with a
governing board comprised of elected officials from its member agencies. The members
include Alameda County and twelve cities within Alameda County (Alameda, Albany,
Dublin, Emeryville, Fremont, Hayward, Livermore, Newark, Piedmont, Pleasanton, San
Leandro, and Union City). Over the last several months, ACAP has experienced financial and
performance issues. The ACAP Board of Directors and its members have taken numerous
collective steps to wind up ACAP affairs. The City Council will consider approval of an
amended Joint Powers Agreement which reflects the current status of ACAP. The
amendments to the JPA will define ACAP's responsibilities in winding up its affairs and
change the Board representation to the City and County Managers rather than the elected
STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Adopt Resolution Authorizing the Mayor to Execute an
Amended and Restated Joint Powers Agreement of the Associated Community Action Program.
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4.8 Purchase and Sale Agreement with ALISUE, LLC and ANEFF, LLC for 6363 Clark
Avenue and Establishment of a New Capital Improvement Program (CIP) Project -Civic
Center Site Expansion (6363 Clark Avenue) (600-30/670-20)
Staff recommends the City enter into a Purchase and Sale Agreement with ALISUE, LLC and
ANEFF, LLC (the "Seller") for the purchase of 6363 Clark Avenue in Dublin, the former site
of the National Food Lab. The acquisition of the site will enable the City to program for
future civic facility needs for the Dublin community. Staff is recommending the
establishment of a Capital Improvement Program (CIP) Project to fund the land acquisition
and future study of the site for Civic Center expansion options. The purchase price is
$5,620,000, which is the appraised value of the property.
STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Adopt Resolution approving a Purchase and Sale Agreement
ALISUE, LLC and ANEFF, LLC for 6363 Clark Avenue; adopt Resolution approving the
Establishment of a New Capital Improvement Program (CIP) Project Civic Center Site
Expansion (Project #930016); and approve the Budget Change.
4.9 Authorize an Agreement with Lew Edwards Group as Lead Consultant For Continuation
Of Community Dialogue Project (600-30)
The adopted City of Dublin Strategic Plan includes a strategy to "Develop City-wide
communication and outreach programs that provide connectivity with our residents and
businesses across several media outlets". Since 2009 the City has been working with the Lew
Edwards Group to address elements which support this strategy. The current agreement has
lapsed and it is desirable to update the scope of the agreement to reflect anticipated needs in
the upcoming year.
STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Adopt Resolution Approving an Agreement With Lew
Edwards Group.
4.10 National Health Education Week (610-50)
The California Association of School Health Educators (CASHE) and three Southeast city
council members request the Dublin City Council consider supporting the attached "National
Health Education Week" proclamation.
STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Consider supporting the "National Health Education Week"
4.11 Check Issuance Reports and Electronic Funds Transfers (300-40)
STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Review and authorize the issuance of payments.
8.1 Request to Rename Koll Center Drive to Taleo Way (820-60)
Tishman Speyer, building owner of Dublin Corporate Center, submitted a letter requesting a
street name change of Koll Center Drive to Taleo Way.
STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Adopt Resolution Approving the Renaming of Koll Center
Drive to Taleo Way.
8.2 Parks and Community Services Strategic Plan Annual Report (920-10)
In November 2008, the City Council adopted the Parks and Community Services Strategic
Plan. Staff will present an annual report on the strategic objectives accomplished during
Fiscal Year 2010-2011. This item was first agendized for the October 4, 2011 City Council
meeting. By consensus, the City Council moved this item to the October 18, 2011 City
Council meeting.
STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Receive the report.
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9.1 Brief INFORMATION ONLY reports from Council and/or Staff, including Committee
Reports and Reports by Council related to Meetings Attended at City Expense (AB 1234).
10. ADJOURNMENT - In memory of Staff Sgt. Sean Diamond and our fallen troops.
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and the federal rules and regulations adopted in implementation thereof. To make a request for disability-related modification or
accommodation, please contact the City Clerk's Office (925) 833-6650 at least 72 hours in advance of the meeting.
The City of Dublin promotes and supports a high quality of life which ensures a safe and secure environment that fosters new
Dublin is a vibrant city committed to its citizens, natural resources, and cultural heritage. As Dublin grows, it will balance history
with progress, to sustain an enlightened, economically balanced and diverse community.
Dublin is unified in its belief that an engaged and educated community encourages innovation in all aspects of City life, including
programs to strengthen our economic vitality, and support environmental stewardship and sustainabiliry through the preservation
of our natural surroundings. Dublin is dedicated to promoting an active and healthy lifestyle through the creation of
recreational opportunities, facilities and programs.
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