HomeMy WebLinkAbout*Agenda 02-17-1998DUBLIN CITY COUNCIL
REGULAR MEETING - Tuesday, February 17, 1998, 7:00 p.m.
Agendas are posted on the City’s Internet Website on the weekend prior to the meetings
A complete packet of information containing Staff Reports and exhibits related to each item is available
for public review several days prior to a Council meeting in the City Clerk’s Office and also at the
Dublin Library.
Agendas may be picked up at the City Clerk's Office for no charge, or to request information on being
placed on the annual subscription list, please call 833-6650.
2.PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE TO THE FLAG - Led by Webelo Cub Scouts, Pack 545
(Frederiksen School) Brian Fasulkey, John Gentry, Greg Hourcaillou, Kristopher Neville & Tim
Conference with Legal Counsel - Pending Litigation - pursuant to Government Code Section
54956.9(a) - Silvergate Highlands Owners Association vs. City of Dublin - Alameda County
Superior Court No. V-013836-3
At this time, the public is permitted to address the City Council on non-agendized items. In accordance with
State Law, however, no action or discussion may take place on any item not appearing on the posted agenda.
The Council may respond to statements made or questions asked, or may request Staff to report back at a future
meeting concerning the matter. Any member of the public may contact the City Clerk’s Office related to the
proper procedure to place an item on a future City Council agenda. The exceptions under which the City Council
MAY discuss and/or take action on items not appearing on the agenda are contained in Government Code
Section 54954.2(b)(1)(2)(3).
Consent Calendar items are typically non-controversial in nature and are considered for
approval by the City Council with one single action. Members of the audience, Staff or
the City Council who would like an item removed from the Consent Calendar for purposes
of public input may request the Mayor to remove the item.
4.1Minutes of Regular Meeting of February 3, 1998
4.2Budget Adjustment for Reimbursement of State Mandated Costs
On July 1, 1997, the City Council approved an Agreement with DMG & Associates to assist
the City in filing claims for reimbursement of State Mandated Costs. The contract services
were to be paid contingent based upon the City receiving new revenues from the State. A
Budget adjustment is required to appropriate funds for Consultant services which will be
funded by the new revenues. The revenues received will exceed the Consultant cost.
STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Receive Report and approve Budget Change Form.
4.3Financial Report for the Month of January 1998
4.4Revisions to the Personnel System
Staff is proposing an update to the Salary Plan for Part-Time Personnel. The proposed
changes are based on the new state and federal minimum wage requirements and on the results
of a recent market survey.
4.5Acceptance of Work Contract 97-13, Shannon Center Floor Replacement Project
The City contracted with Flooring Solutions, Inc., to remove and replace vinyl tile and
carpeting in various locations at the Shannon Community Center. The improvements are
complete and it is appropriate that the Council accept the project as complete.
STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Accept improvements; authorize $14,628.15 payment to
Flooring Solutions for their final invoice and release retention of $1,625.35 after 35 days if there
are no subcontractor claims.
4.6Request by Metricom, Inc., to authorize change in Control Agreement providing for
maintenance of Wireless Communications Facilities on Public Property - Wireless Radio
Transmitters on Street Lights
The City has an agreement allowing Metricom to maintain radios on public property in
exchange for annual fees and/or services. The Agreement provides for City approval of a
change in control of Metricom. The process allows the City to consider terminating the
Agreement in the event of a change in control. Metricom has announced a major change in the
ownership and management of the firm and requested City approval. This action also
coincides with the annual election period for the City to accept services in lieu of the payment
of fees.
STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Review request and authorize City Manager to consent to
change in control as outlined in the letter from Metricom, provided that the firm is not in breach
of the Agreement, including payment of any monies owed pursuant to the Agreement. In
addition, authorize Staff to exchange lease revenue from 12 antenna locations to provide a pilot
project involving Internet access and e-mail on 5 workstations.
4.7Partial Release of Security for Tract 6644 (John Moore Property)
Public improvements within and adjacent to Tract 6644 (subdivision along the north side of
Dublin Boulevard and east of Dougherty Road) have been guaranteed with a cash deposit and
a Deed of Trust against one of the parcels. The developer is proposing to sell the parcel over
which the lien has been placed, and to exchange a cash deposit for the release of the lien.
4.8Quitclaim of Dublin Boulevard Extension Remnant Parcels to IHOP Realty corporation
(International House of Pancakes)
The City Council previously authorized execution of a Purchase and Sales Contract for two
parcels located on the north side of Dublin Boulevard just east of Dougherty Road. This
action will complete the transfer of the two parcels.
4.9Warrant Register ($1,630,532.29) dated February 17, 1998
5.1Reauthorization of Measure B (1/2 Cent Sales Tax Program)
This program would extend the 1/2 cent sales tax 15 years past the year 2002 to fund needed
transportation improvements within Alameda County. The tax would require a 2/3 affirmative
vote to go into effect.
STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Adopt Resolution approving the Alameda County
Transportation Expenditure Plan and recommending that the extension of the 1/2 cent sales tax be
placed on the June 1998 ballot and authorize the Mayor to sign and send Resolution and letter to
Alameda County Board of Supervisors.
6.1Amendment to Municipal Code Regarding Permit Parking; Adoption of Permit Parking,
Limited Parking, and No Parking Zones for Scarlett Court
This item would add a Permit Parking Section to the Municipal Code and approve Permit
Parking, Limited Parking, and No Parking Zones for Scarlett Court.
STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Conduct public hearing; deliberate; adopt Resolutions.
6.2Establishment of Eastern Dublin Specific Plan and Mitigation Monitoring Program
Implementation Fee
When the Eastern Dublin Specific Plan was adopted, it was anticipated that there would be
various studies and administrative costs associated with the implementation of the Specific
Plan. The SP provided for these costs to be recovered from the affected properties in
accordance with State Law. This item will establish an Eastern Dublin Specific Plan Fee which
will become effective 60 days following adoption. The proposed fee is $141.70 per acre for
residential properties, and $126.42 per acre for other land uses. The rural residential land uses
would pay $141.70 per 100 acres.
STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Conduct public hearing; deliberate; adopt Resolution.
6.3Amendment to Dublin Municipal Code Chapter 2.28 Relating to Campaign Contribution
In January, an injunction was issued prohibiting the Fair Political Practices Commission from
enforcing Proposition 208 (the campaign finance reform initiative passed by voters in
November of 1996) in its entirety. At the February 3, 1998 City Council meeting, Staff was
directed to prepare an Ordinance to repeal the current provisions of Chapter 2.28 and reinstate
Chapter 2.28 as it existed prior to Proposition 208 (a $300 limit on contributions with respect
to a single election and with no expenditure limits).
STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Conduct public hearing; deliberate; waive reading and
INTRODUCE Ordinance.
7.115th Annual St. Patrick’s Day Celebration
The City Council will receive a report summarizing the final plans for the St. Patrick’s Day
Celebration. Scheduled activities include the Green & White Gala, Community Pancake
Breakfast, Parade, Gaelic Football Exhibition and two-day Festival.
8.1Downtown Study Task Force Interim Report and Farmers’ Market Preliminary Study
This 27 member task force has met 6 times since formation last October, and has developed
and prioritized a number of issues and concerns related to the downtown area. The Task
Force will provide input for the preparation of an economic vitality plan for the downtown area
with both short and long term goals. One of the short-term concepts discussed for improving
and enhancing the downtown area is the establishment of a farmers’ market.
STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Receive report on activities and preliminary study on creating a
farmers’ market; provide conceptual approval; and direct Staff to return with a Farmers’ Market
Feasibility Report and a draft Request for Proposal (RFP).
8.2Ramp Metering on I-580
Caltrans is proposing to activate metering lights on two on-ramps to eastbound I-580.
Activation of the lights will encourage drivers to not use City surface streets and also aid in
alleviating freeway congestion. Caltrans will monitor the ramp metering and if back-ups occur
on City streets, Caltrans will change the timing to reduce queuing.
STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Support project and direct Staff to notify Caltrans.
- Brief INFORMATIONAL ONLY reports from Councilmembers and/or Staff
10CLOSED SESSION - (Held at beginning of meeting)
11ADJOURNMENT - Adjourn to Special Adjourned Regular Meeting, Saturday, February 21,
1998, 9:00 a.m., Regional Meeting Room. This will be a joint team building workshop between
the City Council, the Planning Commission, the Parks & Community Services Commission, the
Dublin Fine Arts Foundation, the Senior Center Advisory Committee and the Heritage Center
Advisory Committee.
Agenda Printed 2/10/00 4:27 AM