HomeMy WebLinkAbout*Agenda 03-07-2000 · Agendas are posted on the City's Intemet Website (www. ci. dublin, ca. us) A complete packet of information containing Staff Reports and exhibits related to each item is available for pUblic review prior to a Council meeting in the City Clerk's Office and also at the Dublin Library. · Agendas may be picked up at the City Clerk's Office for no charge, or to request information on being placed on the annual subscription list, please call 833-6650. CALL TO ORDER 2. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE TO THE FLAG 3. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS 3.1 Introduction of New Employee: Steven Pappa, Information Systems Manager (File 700-10) 3.2 Proclamation in Memory of Virginia Smith Bennett (File 610-50) 3.3 Announcement of Winner of Dublin's 1999 Organization of the Year (File 610-50) Nominees include: Cranford Lane Neighborhood Homeowners; Knights of Columbus - St. Raymond's Church; and Soroptimist International of Pleasanton/Dublin STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Announce winner and present proclamation. 3.4 Announcement of Winner of Dublin's 1999 Citizen of the Year (File 610-50) Nominees include: Eric Dettenfieder; Sue Farr; Denis King; Cindy Leung; Ron Perazzo; Tim Sbranti; Cindy Young; and Ken Young STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Announce winner and present proclamation. 3.5 Request for City Support of Community Hero Program (File 150-85) The Alameda County Fair organization is proposing a new program this year, "Celebrating the California Dream" Community Heroes Program. Their goal is to showcase community heroes and to enhance civic pride in the various communities by recognizing achievements during the year 2000, including recognition at the Alameda County Fair and Parade in June. A donation of $2,000 is being requested. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Consider request. If the Council chooses to participate, a Budget Change in the amount of $2,000 will be necessary from Unallocated Reserves to thc City Council Community Promotions Account. At this time, the public is permitted to address the City Council on non-agendized items. COMMENTS SHOULD NOT EXCEED THREE (3) MINUTES. In accordance with State Law, however, no action or discussion may take place on any item not appearing on the posted agenda. The Council may respond to statements made or questions asked, or may request Staff to report back at a future meeting concerning the matter. Any member of the public may contact the City Clerk's Office related to the proper procedure to place an item on a future City Council agenda. The exceptions under which the City Council MAY discuss and/or take action on items not appearing on the agenda are contained in Government Code Section 54954.2(b)(1 )(2)(3). 4. CONSENT CALENDAR Consent Calendar items are typically non-controversial in nature and are considered for approval by the City Council with one single action. Members of the audience, Staff or the City Council who would like an item removed from the Consent Calendar for purposes of public input may request the Mayor to remove the item. 4.1 Minutes of Regular Meeting of February 15, 2000 STAFF RECOk~M]ENDATION: Approve 4.2 Swim Center Mechanical Building Renovation Contract 00-03 (File 600-35) The City received 6 bids for the renovation o£the Swim Center Mechanical Building, installation of new pool heaters and exterior painting of the Swim Center. The low bidder was Zovich Construction at $220,000. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Adopt Resolution, and approve Budget Change to appropriate $43,075 from reserves to Capital Improvement Project No. 95071. 4.3 Award of Bid for Forensic Evidence Safety Cabinet (File 350-20) The City received 4 bids for purchase of a forensic evidence safety cabinet. This cabinet will protect police personnel from potential exposure to harmful particulate contained on evidence. The cabinet provides the additional benefit of protecting evidence from possible cross- contamination, which could negatively affect the prosecution of a case by the District Attorney. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Adopt Resolution awarding bid to Misonix, Inc. ($12,931). 4.4 Agreement with Precision Planning for Joint Utility Trench and Street Lighting Design Services for Underground Utility District 99-1 on Dublin Boulevard (File 600-30) The City is proposing to hire Precision Planning to provide design services for the undergrounding of existing overhead utilities and street lights for Dublin Boulevard between Village Parkway and Sierra Court. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Approve the addition of a Capital Improvement Program project for the "Undergrounding of Utilities on Dublin Boulevard between Village Parkway and Sierra Court", and approve a Budget change for the expenditure and revenue of $600,000 for the expense and offsetting Rule 20A revenue; adopt Resolution approving agreement and authorize Mayor to execute agreement. 4.5 Warrant Register ($1,820,709.03) dated March 7, 2000 (File 300-40) STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Approve WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS 5.1 Request from Dublin Sister City Association (File 295-30) The Dublin Sister City Association has made a request to plant a commemorative tree at the Dublin Heritage Center in memory of Joe Loughman of Bray, Ireland. The City Council will consider the request. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Accept giR of tree and approve type of plaque and plaque wording. 5.2 Request by City of Livermore to Support BART Extension to Livermore (File 1060-30) The City of Dublin has received a request from the City of Livermore for a letter of support for their request that the BART Board agendize a discussion of the BART extension to Livermore and the proposed East Bay Interregional Transit Hub. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Consider request and provide appropriate direction to Staff. 5.3 Endorsement of Transit Enhancement Package proposed by Assembly Member Tom Torlakson, Chair - Assembly Committee on Transportation, California Legislature (File 1060-90) The proposed Tri-Valley $14.5 million Transit Enhancement includes $10 million for alignment and safety improvements on Vasco Road in Alameda County, $3 million for commuter parking improvements at the Altamont Commuter Express (ACE) station, and $1.5 million for a portion of a parking structure in downtown Livermore. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Approve letter of support and authorize Mayor to sign. PUBLIC HEARING 6.1 Greenbriar Land Company (Yarra Yarra Ranch) General Plan Amendment, Specific Plan Amendment and Planned Development Rezone PA 98-062 (File 420-30) This request is a Stage 1 Development Plan (for the entire project) and a Stage 1 and Stage 2 Development Plan (for the first phase of the project) for a 445 dwelling unit residential development on 64.39 acres located on Yarra Yarra Ranch to the west of Tassajara Road and north of the Casterson Development. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Conduct public hearing; deliberate; adopt Resolution{s); waive reading and INTRODUCE Ordinance; and continue public hearing to March 21, 2'000. 6.3 Corrie Center Phase H Office Development, General Plan Amendment and Planned Development Rezone/Development Plan PA 99-010 (File 420-30) This request is for a GPA and a PD Rezone for a new 46,110 square foot office building and parking structure at 7950 Dublin Boulevard. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Conduct public hearing; deliberate; adopt Resolution; declare intent to approve the proposed GPA at the City Council meeting on June 20, 2000; waive reading and INTRODUCE Ordinance; and schedule second reading of Ordinance for June 20m meeting. Dublin Ranch Areas F, G and H (previously known as the Pao Lin Property); General Plan/Eastern Dublin Specific Plan Amendment (PA 98-068, 98-069 and 98-070); Stage I Planned Development Rezone for Areas F (PA 98-068), and H (PA 98-070); Stage I and Stage H Planned Development Rezone for Area G (PA 98-069) and individual Mitigated Negative Declarations for Areas F, G and H (File 450-30) This request for a General Plan and Eastern Dublin Specific Plan Amendment and Planned Development Rezone is to relocate various land uses and acreages within Areas F, G and H of Dublin Ranch on approximately 304 acres of land. This item was continued from the February 15t~ meeting in order to allow the Council additional time to review the project materials. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Conduct public hearing; deliberate; adopt Resolution{s): 1) approving individual Mitigated Negative Declarations for Area F, Area G & Area H of Dublin Ranch herein incorporated by reference with the Mitigated Monitoring Programs for Areas F, G and H and the Response to Comments; and 2) approving the GPA and Eastern Dublin SPA for Areas F, G & H; waive the reading and INTRODUCE the Ordinance amending the Dublin Zoning Ordinance; and schedule the second reading of the Ordinance for the March 21a City Council meeting. UNFINISHED BUSINESS 7.1 Request for Policy Direction for Dublin Farmers' Market 2000 (File 470-$0) The City Council will receive a report on the results of the Farmers' Market survey and the proposal received from Pacific Coast Farmers' Market Association (PCFMA) to operate the Dublin Farmers' Market for 2000 and 2001. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Provide Staffwith policy direction on: 1) the City's sponsorship of the Farmers' Market; and 2) date, time, location and operator of the Dublin Farmers' Market. NEW BUSINESS 8.1 Iron Horse Trail Amenities: Benches, Kiosks and Waste Receptacle (File 930-30) The City intends to enhance the Iron Horse Trail entrance at Amador Valley Boulevard by installing a kiosk~ benches, and a waste receptacle. The Council will receive information on the types of amenities available. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Provide direction to Staff regarding the 3 choices for the Kiosk; confirm Staffs choice of designs for two benches and one waste receptacle; and approve appropriate Budget change, if necessary. 8.2 DUblin Heritage Center Storage Building (File 295-30) To pursue construction of a storage unit on the Dublin Heritage Center grounds was rated as a high priority in 1999 by the City Council. Staff research indicates that a pre-fabricated building will meet the needs of the museum. The Council will consider the proposed design. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Approve design and direct Staffto finalize the Plans & Specifications and advertise the project for bids. 10. 8.3 Letter of Understanding (LOU) between the City of Dublin and the Alameda County Fire District (ACFD) regarding provision of Emergency Medical Services (File 600-40) The City of Dublin's emergency medical services are provided by the Alameda County Fire District. The proposed LOU between the City and ACFD requires ACFD to satisfy the City's advanced life support requirements as outlined by the recently approved First Responder Advanced Life Support (FRALS) agreement and allows the City to receive the $90,000 annual financial subsidy from the FRALS agreement. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Adopt Resolution. OTHER BUSINESS 9.1 Committee Reports 9.2 Brief INFORMATIONAL ONLYreports from Councilmembers and/or Staff CLOSED SESSION 10.1 Conference with Legal Counsel regarding status of Existing Litigation - Government Code Section 54956.9(a) Name of cases: 1) Baptista v. City of Dublin, Alameda Superior Court No. V-016887-4, and 2) City of Dublin v. Dublin Land Co., Alameda Superior Court No. V-018100-2. 10.2 Public Employee Performance Evaluation, Title: City Attorney - Government Code Section 54957. 10.3 PERSONNEL - Government Code Section 54957.6(a) - Conference with Agency Labor Negotiator Richard Ambrose - Unrepresented City Employees: Administrative Aide Assistant Civil Engineer Associate Civil Engineer Building Official Computer Systems Specialist Finance Technician I Management Assistant Office Assistant I Pubhc Works Inspector Recreation Supervisor Senior Civil Engineer Economic Development Director Parks & Facilities Project Manager Community Development Director Administrative Assistant Assistant Planner Associate Planner City Clerk Engineer Technician Finance Technician II Finance Manager Office Assistant II Recreation Coordinator Recreation Technician Administrative Secretary Information Systems Technician Assistant to the City Manager Community Safety Assistant Engineering Technician Il Information Systems Manager Heritage Center Director Preschool Instructor Senior Planner Secretary Administrative Services Director Parks & Community Services Director Public Works Director/City Engineer REPORT OF CLOSED SESSION ACTION 11. ADJOURNMENT City Council Meeting # 528 K2/cc-mtgs/3-7-00agenda.doc Agenda Printed 03/02/2000 3:55 PM