HomeMy WebLinkAbout*Agenda 05-16-2000 · Agendas are posted on the City's Internet Website (www. cLdublin, ca. us) A complete packet of information containing Staff Reports and exhibits related to each item is available for public review prior to a Council meeting in the City Clerk's Office and also at the Dublin Library. · Agendas may be picked up at the City Clerk's Office for no charge, or to request information on being placed on the annual subscription list, please call 833-6650. 1. CALL TO ORDER 2. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE TO THE FLAG 3. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS 3.1 Proclamation recognizing Elsie Jennings, recipient of Year 2000 Outstanding School Crossing Guard Award (File 610-50) 3.2 Public Comments At this time, the public is permitted to address the City Council on non-agendized items. COMMENTS SHOULD NOT EXCEED THREE (3) MINUTES. In accordance with State Law, however, no action or discussion may take place on any item not appearing on the posted agenda. The Council may respond to statements made or questions asked, or may request Staff to report back at a future meeting concerning the matter. Any member of the public may contact the City Clerk's Office related to the proper procedure to place an item on a future City Council agenda. The exceptions under which the City Council MAY discuss and/or take action on items not appearing on the agenda are contained in Government Code Section 54954.2(b)(1)(2)(3). 4. CONSENT CALENDAR Consent calendar items are typically non.controversial in nature and are considered for approval by the City Council with one single action. Members of the audience, Staff or the City Council who would like an item removed from the Consent Calendar for purposes of public input may request the Mayor to remove the item. 4.1 Minutes of Regular Meeting of May 2, and Adjourned Regular Meeting of May 3, 2000 STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Approve 4.2 Financial Report for the Month of April 2000 (File 330-50) STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Receive Report. 4.3 Revisions to the Personnel System (File 700-40) On an annual basis, the City conducts a benefit survey of approximately 30 Bay Area local government agencies. This analysis is performed in an effort to keep the City's benefit structure competitive with the market in which the City competes for labor. Resolutions have been prepared which revise the City's Personnel System to include the addition of compensatory time-off and the addition of two days of general leave for employment following the 15t~ year of service. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Adopt Resolution(s). 4.4 Award of Bid for Swim Center Fence Replacement Project, Contract 00-05 (File 600-35) As directed by the City Council, Staff advertised Contract 00-05, the Swim Center Fence Replacement Project, for bids. One bid was received from Golden Bay Fence Plus Iron Works, Inc., for $72,000 which exceeds the funds available for the project. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Adopt Resolution awarding contract and approve $27,225 Budget Change from reserves to Capital Improvement Project No. 95911. 4.5 4.6 4.7 4.8 4.9 4.10 4.11 4.12 Approval of Final Map, Tract 6956 (Dublin Ranch L-l); and Approval of Tract Developer Agreement with Brookfield Chantemar Inc., a California Corporation (Brookfield Homes), for On-Site Tract improvements (File 600-60) This subdivision is located east of Tassajara Road and north of North Dublin Ranch Drive and contains 91 single family home lots. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Adopt Resolution(s) approving Final Map and accepting In- Lieu Park Dedication Fees. Award of Bid, Contract 00-06, 1999-2000 Annual Slurry Seal Program (File 600-35) This project will slurry seal various streets to prolong the life of the pavement. Six bids were received, the lowest of which was $120,189.05 from Graham Contractors, Inc. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Adopt Resol.ution awarding bid and approve $34,500 budget increase from Gas Tax Reserves. Authorization to Solicit Bids, Contract 00-08, Traffic Signals - Village Parkway ~ Tamarack Drive, ~ Brighton Drive, and ~ Davona Drive (File 600-35) This project will improve traffic flow on Village Parkway by installing traffic signals at the three intersections listed above. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Authorize Staff to advertise for bids. Agreement with Jennifer Lin for Design of the 1-580/Fallon Road Interchange Improvements (File 600-30) Improvements to the 1-580/Fallon Road Interchange are needed as a traffic mitigation to the Dublin Ranch development. This agreement assures that the developer will pay the costs of project design. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Adopt Resolution. Petition Requesting Annexation to Landscaping & Lighting Maintenance Assessment District 99-1 (Street Lighting Maintenance for Cliffden Parc, Tract 7067) (File 360-20) Taylor Woodrow Homes is requesting that its development, Tract 7067, located inthe western Dublin hills, be annexed to the street lighting maintenance assessment district that has been set up for the Dublin Ranch area decorative street lighting. This is the first step in the annexation process. Public hearings will be held prior to approving the annexation and levying of assessments. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Adopt Resolution initiating proceedings. Agreement with CCS Planning & Engineering, Inc., for Consulting Services for Design of the 1-580/Falion Road Interchange Improvements (File 600-30) Improvements to the 1-580/Fallon Road Interchange are needed as a traffic mitigation to the Dublin Ranch development. This contract will complete the interchange design for bidding Phase I of the project. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Adopt Resolution. Field Trip to View Freeway/Transportation Public Art Projects (File 900-$0) The City Council will consider authorizing City representatives to travel to Tucson, Arizona to view and discuss freeway/transportation related public art projects with Sun Trans. The estimated cost is $1,200. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Authorize field trip. Selection of Pasta Festival Producer (File 600-30) Three proposals were received for management services for the Pasta Festival. Following interviews with each firm, it was determined that Eckerstrom Productions would be the best company to produce the Pasta Festival. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Authorize the City Manager to negotiate and execute a multi- year agreement with Eckerstrom Productions for an annual fee not to exceed $24,500 plus 10% of cash sponsorships and 40% of any net profit, and direct Staffto change the dates of the Festival to October 7-8, 2000. 4.13 Warrant Register ($2,340,523.00) dated May 16, 2000 (File 300-40) STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Approve WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS - None PUBLIC HEARING 6.1 Weeds and Combustible Refuse Abatement Order (File 540-50) By adoption of a Resolution in April, the City Council declared that there is a public nuisance created by weeds and combustible debris growing and accumulating upon the streets, sidewalks and property within the City of Dublin. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Conduct public hearing; deliberate; direct Staffto proceed with abatement and to provide a Season End Report for completion of abatements and associated costs. 6.2 General Motors Automall Stage 1 and Stage 2 Planned Development Rezone PA 00-002 (File 450-30) This PD Rezone request is to change parcel and building sizes in the General Motors Automall. Parcel A would be increased in size from 3.5 acres to 4.43 acres and the building on Parcel A would be increased from 26,145 square feet to 28,775 square feet. Parcel B would be reduced in size from 3.0 acres to 2.07 acres and the building on Parcel B would be reduced in size from 22,000 square feet to 19,370 square feet. Parcel C will not be changed~ STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Conduct public hearing; deliberate; waive reading and INTRODUCE Ordinance. 6.$ Amendment to the City's Retirement Contract with the Board of Administration of the California Public Employees' Retirement System (PERS) and Adoption of Resolution Amending the Benefit Plan (File 720-60) On an annual basis, the City conducts a benefit survey of approximately 30 Bay Area local government agencies. This analysis is performed in an effort to keep the City's benefit structure competitive with the market in which the City competes for labor. The City Council will review an amendment to the City's retirement contract with the Board of Administration of the California Public Employees' Retirement System to provide for a 2% ~ 55, single highest year benefit plan. This is the second reading of the Ordinance. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Conduct public hearing; deliberate; waive reading and ADOPT Ordinanc_e; and adopt Resolution amending the Benefit Plan. 6.4 Mitigated Negative Declaration for the 1-580/Tassajara Road Interchange Improvement Project (File 400-20) This project will provide capacity improvements to the 1-580/Tassajara Road Interchange as needed for traffic impact mitigation from Eastern Dublin development. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Conduct public hearing; deliberate; adopt Resolution; and direct Staffto work with developers and Caltrans on the development of the necessary funding and cooperative agreements to construct project. UNFINISHED BUSINESS 7.1 Dublin - Contra Costa County Traffic Impact Fee (File 390-20) This agreement with Contra Costa County will provide for Contra Costa County to establish a traffic mitigation fee and to collect this fee from Dougherty Valley developers. The fee will generate $13,250,220 to be transmitted to Dublin to pay for roadway improvements needed to mitigate Dougherty Valley traffic impacts. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Adopt Resolution authorizing Mayor to sign Joint Exercise of Powers Agreement. e 10. NEW BUSINESS 8.1 Request by Alameda County Surplus Property Authority to Initiate a General Plan Amendment for a 91 acre site, located generally between Arnold Drive, Dublin Boulevard, the former Union Pacific Railroad Right-of-Way and 1-580 and to consider Eastern Dublin Specific Plan Amendments for Site 15 adjacent to the above property (File 420-30) This is a GPA Study request to consider changing the present agriculture land use designation to the proposed high density residential and campus office land use designation. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Adopt Resolution initiating GPA Study - OR - instruct the applicant to refile the request in September of 2000. 8.2 Approval of Street Names for Tract 7148, Town Center, Area G - Jennifer Lin, et al. (File 820-60) MacKay & Somps has provided a list of potential street names for the various public streets within the Dublin Ranch "Town Center" - Area G. The City Council will review and approve the street names and alternate street names presented. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Review names and alternates from the list provided, making any modifications necessary if any street names are deleted, and adopt Resolution. 8.3 Status Report on SB 1982 and SB 2000, Local Fiscal Reform (File 660-40) Staff has prepared a report providing an update with regard to recent legislation that would modify the distribution of future sales taxes to local governments. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Receive Report. OTHER BUSINESS 9.1 Committee Reports 9.2 Brief INFORMATIONAL ONLYreports from Councilmembers and/or Staff CLOSED SESSION 10.1 Conference with Legal Counsel - Anticipated Litigation - Significant exposure to litigation pursuant to Subsection (b) 54956.9 of the Government Code - One potential case. 10.2 Conference with Labor Negotiator (Government Code Section 54957.6) - City Negotiators: Mayor Houston and Councilmember Zika - Unrepresented Employee: City Manager REPORT OF CLOSED SESSION ACTION 11. ADJOURNMENT City Council Meeting # 534 K2/cc-mtgs/5-16-00agenda Agenda Printed 05/12/2000 10:46 AM