HomeMy WebLinkAbout*Agenda 07-07-1998DUBLIN CITY COUNCIL
REGULAR MEETING - Tuesday, July 7, 1998, 7:00 p.m.
Agendas are posted on the City’s Internet Website (www.dublinca.org)
A complete packet of information containing Staff Reports and exhibits related to each
item is available for public review prior to a Council meeting in the City Clerk’s Office and
also at the Dublin Library.
Agendas may be picked up at the City Clerk's Office for no charge, or to request information
on being placed on the annual subscription list, please call 833-6650.
3.1Introduction of new Dublin Police Services Deputy Floyd Gill
3.2Appointment of Student Member to Parks & Community Services Commission
The term for the student member on the Parks & Community Services Commission expired on
June 30, 1998. The Commission has recommended that Anu Gill be appointed to fill the one-
year term.
STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Confirm appointment of Anu Gill to the Parks & Community
Services Commission.
At this time, the public is permitted to address the City Council on non-agendized items. COMMENTS SHOULD NOT
EXCEED THREE (3) MINUTES. In accordance with State Law, however, no action or discussion may take place on
any item not appearing on the posted agenda. The Council may respond to statements made or questions asked, or
may request Staff to report back at a future meeting concerning the matter. Any member of the public may contact
the City Clerk’s Office related to the proper procedure to place an item on a future City Council agenda. The
exceptions under which the City Council MAY discuss and/or take action on items not appearing on the agenda are
contained in Government Code Section 54954.2(b)(1)(2)(3).
Consent Calendar items are typically non-controversial in nature and are considered for
approval by the City Council with one single action. Members of the audience, Staff or
the City Council who would like an item removed from the Consent Calendar for purposes
of public input may request the Mayor to remove the item.
4.1Minutes of Regular Meeting of June 16, 1998
4.2Amendment to Agreement with MCE Corporation for Public Works Maintenance Services
The City contracts with MCE Corporation for street, park landscape and building maintenance
services. The current agreement is proposed to be amended to provide for cost-of-living labor
rate increases, as well as vehicle and equipment rate increases that are primarily due to fuel
costs and other operating expenses. Some subcontract rates are also proposed to increase.
These rate increases have been taken into consideration when preparing the proposed
operating budget for the upcoming fiscal year.
STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Adopt Resolution approving amendment to agreement and
authorize Mayor to execute.
4.3Acceptance of Improvements - Fire Station Roof Repair
This project consisted of repairing a leak under the metal roof at the front of the Donohue
Drive Fire Station. The work was completed within funds budgeted.
STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Accept improvements and authorize $6,475 payment to B.U.R.
4.4Agreement with Alameda County for Additional Library Services
The Fiscal Year 1998-99 Budget includes funding for an average of 14 hours of additional
library services per week at the Dublin Branch of the Alameda County Library. In order to
implement the budget, a contract agreement with Alameda County needs to be executed.
4.5Amendment to Agreements for the Temporary Displays of Sculpture at the Dublin Civic
The City of Dublin currently has two large scale sculptures on loan from KLMLP, LP
(formerly Kemper Real Estate Management Company). The agreement terms for both
agreements have expired but there are provisions for extension upon written approval of all
parties to the agreements. Both the Dublin Fine Arts Foundation and the KLMLP, LP have
indicated a desire to extend the loans for an additional year.
STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Authorize Mayor to execute amendments.
4.6Request from Alameda County to Support Radar Enforcement for Commercial Vehicular
Because there is a concern that commercial vehicles exceeding the speed limit may contribute
to more frequent and/or more severe accidents on I-580, the City is being asked to support the
use of radar by the CHP for speed limit enforcement for trucks.
STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Adopt Resolution and direct Staff to forward copy to CHP.
4.7Citywide Street Lighting Maintenance Assessment District 83-1: Preliminary Engineer’s
The street lighting assessment district funds the energy and maintenance costs for the City’s
street lighting system. This item would approve the Preliminary Engineer’s Report and set a
public hearing date (July 21) for the levy of assessments. The assessment is not proposed to
increase over the amount of last year’s assessment.
4.8Landscaping & Lighting Maintenance Assessment District 83-2 (Stagecoach Road):
Preliminary Engineer’s Report
This assessment district maintains landscaping along Stagecoach road and on the interior
slopes of Agate Way and Coral Way. This action would approve the Preliminary Engineer’s
Report and set a public hearing date (July 21) for the levy of assessments. The assessment is
not proposed to increase above the 1997-98 level.
4.9Landscaping & Lighting Maintenance Assessment District 86-1 (Dougherty Road):
Preliminary Engineer’s Report
This assessment district provides for maintenance of certain landscaping improvements
associated with the Villages at Willow Creek development. This action would approve the
Preliminary Engineer’s Report and set a public hearing date (July 21) for the levy of
assessments. The assessment is not proposed to increase above the 1997-98 level.
4.10Landscaping Maintenance Assessment District 97-1 (Santa Rita Area): Preliminary
Engineer’s Report
This assessment district funds maintenance of certain landscaping improvements in the City’s
Santa Rita development area. The proposed action would approve the Preliminary Engineer’s
Report for Fiscal Year 1998-99 and set a public hearing date (July 21) for the levy of
assessments. The balance remaining in this assessment district is sufficient to fund the
estimated 1998-99 maintenance costs; therefore, a zero assessment is recommended for this
4.11Declaration of Surplus Property
The City has received a request from Schuler Homes, developer of the vacant property on
Starward Drive north of the Shamrock Village Shopping Center, to purchase a small piece of
excess San Ramon Road right-of-way. This action would begin the process by declaring the
excess right-of-way as surplus and authorizing Staff to negotiate with Schuler Homes. City
Council approval would be required to finalize the purchase at a future meeting.
STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Adopt Resolution and authorize Staff to begin the process for
sale of excess right-of-way.
4.12Amendment to Agreement with Zumwalt Engineering Group for Public Works
Engineering Services
This proposed amendment provides for a rate increase and a one-year term extension for the
existing agreement with Zumwalt Engineering for consulting engineering services. The
services provided are primarily related to private development and the cost is therefore paid by
developers. A not-to-exceed amount of $500,000 is recommended for Fiscal Year 1998-99.
4.13Annual Review of Development Agreements for California Creekside PA 95-048
This annual review is to determine whether the developer is complying with the terms and
conditions of the Development Agreement. California Creekside, located in Eastern Dublin at
Hibernia and Dublin Boulevard, contains 154 single family dwelling units which are now all
occupied. Also, all of the 123 multi-family units have been sold. Public improvements such as
the pool and landscaping within the project are complete. Landscaping along Dublin
Boulevard will be replaced or improved by mid July.
STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Make determination that developer has complied in good faith
with the terms and provisions of the Development Agreement.
4.14Update of City of Dublin’s Progress in Meeting AB 939 Diversion Goals for Solid Waste
AB 939, the state legislation that mandates diversion goals for solid waste in the State of
California, requires a 25% diversion by the year 1995 and a 50% diversion by the year 2000.
The State recently conducted an audit which showed that the City’s diversion rate for 1996
was incorrect. It should have been 35% instead of the 26% that was previously calculated.
The City’s calculated diversion rate for 1997 is 42.44%, which is 17.44% above the current
25% goal.
4.15Authorization for City Attorney to Execute Certification and Mutual Indemnification
Agreement for Collection of Taxes and Assessments
The Auditor-Controller has required each agency placing fees, taxes, or assessments on the
Property Tax roll, to enter into an agreement providing indemnification in the event that
amounts collected with the property taxes are legally challenged. The City has followed the
procedural requirements to levy the items to be collected in Fiscal Year 1998-99.
4.16Acceptance of Work - Dougherty Assessment District Fence Painting and Alamo Creek
Park Fence Painting
This fencing is located along Wildwood Road and Fall Creek Road in the Villages at Willow
Creek development and at Alamo Creek Park at Dougherty Road and Willow Creek Drive.
The project was completed satisfactorily and within funds budgeted for the work.
STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Accept work performed under Capital Improvement Project
#9464 and authorize $19,300 payment to Quality Painting & Construction Company for
Assessment District Fence and $8,750 for the Alamo Creek Park Fence.
4.17Consultant Services for Emerald Glen Park, Phase I
The City Council recently approved the Emerald Glen Park Master Plan and the preliminary
design for Emerald Glen Park, Phase I. In order to proceed with Phase I, Staff has negotiated
an agreement for preparation of final design and construction documents with David L. Gates
& Associates, Inc.
STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Approve Agreement and authorize Mayor to execute.
4.18Warrant Register ($680,353.82) dated July 7, 1998
6.1Enforcement of Vehicle Code within Tract 5766, Hansen Hill Development (Phase I Streets)
This action would allow enforcement of traffic regulations on the streets within the Hansen Hill
Development, Phase I, even though the streets have not yet been accepted by the City. The
affected streets are: Inspiration Drive, Inspiration Circle, Bay Laurel Street, Bay Laurel Court,
Buckeye Court and Meadow Court.
STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Conduct public hearing; deliberate; adopt Resolution.
6.2Development Elevation Cap - General Plan Amendment PA 98-029
The City Council will consider the Development Elevation Cap - GPA for the Eastern Dublin
Extended Planning Area. The purpose of the Development Elevation Cap is to identify areas
of urban development potential where orderly and logical growth can occur without major
impacts to visually sensitive ridgelands and biologically sensitive habitat areas or to public
services and infrastructure. This GPA is a modified version of the original Urban Opportunity
Area GPA.
STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Conduct public hearing; deliberate; adopt Resolution - OR -
provide other direction to Staff and continue the matter.
6.3Business Registration Ordinance Amendment
This Ordinance which was introduced at the June 16 City Council meeting would allow
operators of a festival or fair to obtain a master business license on behalf of himself/herself
and all individuals who he/she anticipate will sell food and/or goods at the event.
STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Conduct public hearing; deliberate; waive reading and ADOPT
8.1Initiate General Plan Study for the property located at 7197 Village Parkway
The property located at 7197 Village Parkway (the vacant BP Gas Station) is designated as
retail/office by the General Plan. It is currently zoned as C-2 which also allows office, retail
and commercial uses. There have been several suggestions for potential reuse of the property.
The City Council will consider whether to evaluate possible different General Plan uses as
they pertain to the property.
STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Consider whether a General Plan Study should be initiated and
give Staff direction.
- Brief INFORMATIONAL ONLY reports from Councilmembers and/or Staff
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