HomeMy WebLinkAbout*CC agenda 02-13-1989
REGULAR [VlEETING - February 13, 1989
Monday - 7:30 p.m.
7606 Amador Valley Boulevard
At this t.ime, members of the audience are permitted to address the City Council on any item which is not
on the City Council Agenda. Comments should not exceed 5 minutes. If any person feels that this is not
sufficient time to address their concern, that person should arrange with the City Clerk to have their
particulE.r concern placed on the agenda for a future meeting.
3.1 Presentation by Tri-Valley Community Television Corporation - 6 Month Evaluation
3.2 Introduction of new employees: Lou Ann Texeira, Administrative Assistant to the City Manager
and Phil Tiewater, Public Works Inspector
Consent Calendar items are typically of a non-controversial nature and are considered for approval by
the City Council with one single action.
Members ()f the audience who would like an item removed from the consent calendar for purpose of public
input may request the City Council to remove the item from the consent calendar. The request may be
made at the time that the Mayor asks the audience members if there is anyone interested in removing an
item from the Consent Calendar.
4.1 Minutes of Adjourned Regular Meeting-January 10, 1989 and Regular Meeting-January 23, 1989
4.2 Claim submitted by Sandra L. Noonan on January 13, 1989
This claim alleges that while driving down Dublin Boulevard, a small tree and tree stake
were blown into her car.
STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Deny the claim and direct Staff to notify the Claimant and the City's
Insurance Provider
4.3 City Treasurer's Investment Report for Period Ending January 31, 1989
4.4 Traffic Mitigation Fee Study
Staff is requesting authorization to proceed with a study which would develop standardized
traffic mitigation fees for various types and areas of development. The cost of the study
is budgeted in the 1988-89 CIP.
STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Authorize Staff to proceed with traffic mitigation fee study and
4.5 Tract 5826 (Village I Cross Creek) Acceptance of Improvements
Improvements constructed in Tract 5826 have been completed in accordance with the approved
plans and specifications and to the satisfaction of the City Engineer.
STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Adopt Resolution accepting improvements in Tract 5826
4.6 1989-90 Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Program
For the 1989-90 CDBG Program year, Dublin's allocation is $43,200 for projects, plus $7,900
for general administration, for a total of $51,100.
STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Direct Staff to apply for CDBG funding in the following categories: 1)
Public improvement projects $39,000 for Arroyo Vista Soundwall project; and 2) Housing
rehabilitation projects $12,100 for Minor Home Repair program.
4.7 Agreement with Alameda County regarding Mortgage Credit Certificate (MCC) Program
To proceed with establishing a joint county-cities Mortgage Credit Certificate Program, the
City needs to enter into an agreement with Alameda County.
STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Adopt resolution authorizing Mayor to sign agreement for Mortgage Credit
Certificate Program and authorize additional appropriation of $4,000 to Planning Contract
Services account.
4.8 Financial Statements for January, 1989
STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Accept and approve.
4.9 Contract 89-3 Annual Street Overlay and Repair Program
This project consists of placing a 1 1/2" asphalt overlay on streets that are in a
deteriorated condition and also includes repair of streets that are to be overlaid or slurry
sealed. The engineer's estimate for construction is $504,000 and is within funds budgeted.
STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Authorize Staff to advertise for bids.
4.10 Warrant Register dated February 13, 1989
6.1 Stagecoach Road Speed Limit
The City's Traffic Engineer has taken a new speed survey on Stagecoach Road and recommends
changing the speed limit to 30 mph in order to conform to prevailing speeds and to be
consistent along the entire length of the street.
STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Conduct public hearing; deliberate; waive reading and INTRODUCE
ordinance establishing a 30 mph speed limit for the entire length of Stagecoach Road within the
City of Dublin
6.2 Limited Parking Zone on West Side of Village Parkway, north of driveway opposite Lewis Avenue
This proposed 20 minute parking zone would provide short-term on-street parking for patrons
of several businesses on Village Parkway. This zone replaces a portion of the existing
one-hour zone and is recommended in order to increase the turnover rate.
STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Conduct public hearing; deliberate; waive reading and INTRODUCE
ordinance establishing 20-minute parking zone and repealing a portion of existing one-hour
parking zone.
6.3 Proposed Ordinance Amending Ordinance No. 10-82 Regulating the Sale and Use of Fireworks
The City Council will consider amending Ordinance No. 10-82 regulating the sale and use of
fireworks. The amendment includes administrative changes, fee changes and procedural
STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Conduct public hearing; deliberate; waive reading and INTRODUCE
6.4 Request to Substitute Subcontractor Pursuant to Public Contract Code
The Public Contract Code establishes for the substitution of subcontractors after the award
of the contract. Dickman-Nourse, Inc. (DNI), has requested a substitution for the listed
gypsum wallboard contractor on the Civic Center project.
STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Receive Staff Report; Conduct public hearing; deliberate; adopt
appropriate resolution.
6.5 Abandonment of Westerly Terminus of Betlen Drive
This item concerns the abandonment of a small piece of right-of-way at the westerly end of
Betlen Drive which is no longer needed by the City for street purposes. The Planning
Commission has not completed their review of this item with respect to conformance with the
City's General Plan.
STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Open public hearing; receive Staff presentation and public testimony;
question Staff and the public; leave public hearing open and continue the matter to the regular
meeting of February 27, 1989 in order to allow the Planning Commission to make the necessary
7.1 Request to Utilize the Dublin Sports Grounds for Fundraising Activities
The City Council will consider requests for use of the Dublin Sports Grounds by Soroptimist
International of Dublin for a car concours and by Dublin Shamrock Festival, Inc., for the
Shamrock Potato FestivaI.
STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Approve requests from Soroptimist International of Dublin and Dublin
Shamrock Festival, Inc., for use of the Dublin Sports Grounds and direct Staff to include
funding in the FY89-90 Budget.
7.2 Request from Dublin Joint Unified School District to utilize the Dublin Swim Center
The City Council will consider providing funding in order to operate the Dublin Swim Center
for use by the Dublin High School Swim Team and School District Physical Education classes.
STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Consider alternatives proposed by Staff.
7.3 Shannon Center Renovation, Contract 89-1
The City Council will review the 4 bids received for the Shannon Center renovation.
STAFF RECOMMENDATION: 1) Adopt Resolution awarding the contract to Hodgson Construction for
$674,475; 2) authorize a transfer of funds in the amount of $275,000; and 3) authorize a
transfer of funds in the amount of $67,500 from unallocated reserves.
8.1 1989 St. Patrick's Day Parade & Celebration
The City Council will review the plans made to date for the annual St. Patrick's Day parade
and celebration and consider participation in the parade.
STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Approve parade permit and advise Staff of those Councilmembers
participating in the parade.
8.2 Consideration of Reward for Ilene Misheloff
Mayor Moffatt requested that this item be placed on the agenda in order that the Council may
discuss and consider offering a reward.
STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Discuss and consider
11. ADJOURNMENT - Adjourn to Special Study Session Meeting to review status of past years Goals &
Objectives and to establish priorities for 1989 Goals & Objectives, Thursday,
February 23, 1989, 6:30 p.m., Dublin Unified School District Board Meeting Room, 7471
Larkdale Avenue.