HomeMy WebLinkAbout*CC Agenda 02-27-1995 DUBLIN CITY' COUNCIL R~GULAR MEETING - February 27, 1995 Monday - 7:00 p.m. DUBLIN CIVIC CENTER 100 Civic Plaza A complete packet of information containing Staff Reports and exhibits related to each item is available for public review several days prior to a Council meeting in the City Clerk's Office and also at the Dublin Library. 1. CALL TO ORDER 2. PI.EDGE OF ALLEGIANCE TO THE FLAG 3. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS 3.1 Appointment to Planning Commission Mayor Houston recommends that the City Council confirm the appointment of Maxine Jennings to the Planning Commission to fill the unexpired term which ends in December, 1996, of Commissioner Rafanelli who recently resigned. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Confirm appointment or provide appropriate direction to Staff. 3.2 Proclamation: Robert Royston & Laureen Baldovi, World Championship Country Western Dancers At this time, members of the audience are permitted to address the City Council on items of interest to the public; however, in accordance with State Law, no ACTION or DISCUSSION shall take place on any item which is NOT on the City Council Agenda. The Council may respond briefly to statements made or questions posed, or may request Staff to report back at a future meeting concerning the manner. Further, a member of the City Council may direct Staff to place a matter of business on a future agenda. Any person may arrange with the City Clerk (no later than 11:00 a.m., on the Tuesday preceding a regular meeting) to have an item of concern placed on the agenda for the next regular meeting. The exceptions under which the City Council MAY discuss and/or take action on items not appearing on the agenda are contained in GC 54954.2(b)(1)(2)(3). 4. CONSENT CALENDAR Consent Calendar items are typically non-controversial in nature and are considered for approval by the City Council with one single action. Members of the audience, Staff or the City Council who would like an item removed from the Consent Calendar for purposes of public input may request the Mayor to remove the item. 4.1 .Minntes of Regular Meeting of February 13, 1995 STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Approve 4.2 Authorization to Solicit Bids, Contract 95-02 Annual Sidewalk Safety Repair (Remove and Replace) This project will remove and replace sidewalk which is offset 3/4" or more and which may present a tripping hazard. The project also includes Community Development Block Grant funding for construction of handicap ramps in locations which do not currently have ramps. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Adopt policy resolution and authorize Staff to advertise for bids. 4.3 Correction to Resolution No. 11-95 Amending the Schedule of Service Rates for Solid Waste Collection At the City Council Meeting of February 13, 1995 the City Council adopted Resolution No. 11-95 amending the garbage rate schedule. The final page of the Resolution contained errors in the application of a 1995 Retroactive Surcharge for certain drop box rates. This resolution corrects the errors and is consistent with the information presented at the public hearing on February 13, 1995. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Adopt resolution; 4.4 Informational Report regarding Dental Benefits In an ongoing effort to monitor and control costs, City Staff has reviewed options with regard to dental insurance. One option considered is self-funding. The Staff Report presents advantages and disadvantages associated with self-funding dental insurance. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Receive Report. 4.5 Financial Report for the Month of January, 1995 STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Receive Report. 4.6 Establishment of Heritage Center Director Position Funding has been included in the Fiscal Year 1994-95 Budget for the position of Heritage Center Director. As this is a new position, the City Council must adopt a job description and salary range. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Adopt Resolutions. 4.7 Sale of Excess Public Property - San Ramon Road at Dublin Bouelvard (old "76" Station Site) The developer of the new "Petco" site at the northwest corner of Dublin Boulevard and San Ramon Road has requested to purchase excess City right-of-way along the San Ramon Road frontage of the site for a.negotiated price of $80,000. Adoption of the resolution declares the City's intent to sell public right-of-way and sets a public hearing date of March 13th. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Adopt Resolution. 4.8 4.9 4.10 4.11 Revisions to Personnel System Based on a comprehensive survey of other agencies and on discussions with City employees, several adjustments are being proposed to the City's Personnel System. The proposed actions will not require any increase to the 1994-95 Budget. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Adopt Resolutions. Amendment to Dougherty Regional Fire Authority (DRFA) Bylaws DRFA is a cooperative agency which was established to provide joint and mutual operation of fire protection and suppression services to the Cities of Dublin and San Ramon. On January 30, 1995, the DRFA Board of Directors directed Staff to review and amend the bylaws to provide for a change in the term for the Board Chair and Vice Chair from a fiscal year (July through June) to a calendar year. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Adopt Resolution. Award of Bid for 4 Marked Police Patrol Vehicles Downtown Ford Sales of Sacramento submitted the Iow bid for the purchase cost of 4 cars, including an extended warranty service agreement of $91,506.40. It is anticipated that delivery and the expenditure will occur in Fiscal Year 1995-96. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Award bidto Downtown Ford Sales and authorize Staff to issue the necessary Purchase Order. Warrant Register ($1,778,757.65) dated February 27, 1995 STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Approve 5. WRITTEN COMMUNICATION - None PUBLIC HEARING 6.1 Hansen Ranch Tentative Map Amendment & Development Agreement Amendment The Hansen Ranch project is located west of Silvergate Drive, north of Hansen Drive, and south of Winding Trail Lane. This request is for limited amendments to various aspects of the Hansen Ranch Tentative Map (originally approved in 1989)and the Development Agreement (approved in 1992). Revisions involve minor lot line and street adjustments, pad elevations and design and construction of a creek access road. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Conduct public hearing; deliberate; adopt Resolutions; waive reading and INTRODUCE Ordinance; continue public hearing to March 13, 1995. UNFINISHED BUSINESS 7.1 Reconsideration of City Council action on ABAG Comprehensive Subregional Planning Pilot Project The City Council will reconsider its vote to not participate in the Association of Bay Area Governments) (ABAG) Comprehensive Subregional Planning Pilot Project. The project is intended to 1) demonstrate coordinated, multi-jurisdictional local planning and 2) produce a draft Subregional Strategy that is reasonably consistent with ABAG regional land use goals. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Reconsider and provide direction on ~he extent of City participatiou, including: 1) appointment of a representative and an alternate 2) amount of Staff participation 3) revisions to the draft MOU and 4) adoption of the resolution adopting the MOU. 7.2 Tri-Valley Transportation Plan/Action Plan The 5 Tri-Valley Cities and the Counties of Alameda and Contra Costa have been working on a Tri-Valley Transportation Plan/Action Plan for several years. This plan establishes major roadway locations and widths for roadways common to more than one jurisdiction, sets levels of service and recommends mitigation measures for those roadway segments that will not meet the recommended level of service at year 2010. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Consider adoption of resolution; consider an additional appropriation of $10,000 for a Regional Traffic Impact Fee study and of $5,000 for a Growth Management study and authorize an additional appropriation from unallocated reserves. 8e NEW BUSINESS 8.1 1995-96 Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Program Project Applications A total of $99,552 is allocated for the City of Dublin's CDBG Program Year 1995-96 funds. Staff proposes to submit application for this amount to be spent as follows: 1) $19,292 - Housing Rehabilitation; 2) $73,660 - Jurisdiction Improvement Projects; 3) $6,600 - General Administration. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Determine which Jurisdiction Improvement Project(s) should be allocated the $47,802 in available 1995-96 CDBG funds and direct Staff to submit application for $99,552 in CDBG funding for Program Year 1995-96 as outlined in the Staff Report. OTHER BUSINESS - Brief INFORMATIONAL ONLY Reports from City Councilmembers and/or Staff 10. CLOSED SESSION - None 11. ADJOURNMENT . The Dublin City Council has scheduled 2 Special Meetings. An Adjourned Regular Meeting will be held on Monday, March 6, 1995, at which time the City Council will discuss and review the status of the City's 1994 Goals & Objectives, and prioritize and adopt 1995 Goals & Objectives. The second meeting will be a Study Session on Tuesday, March 7, 1995, at which time the City Council will discuss and provide direction to Staff related to the preparation of the 1995-96 Annual Budget. Both meetings will begin at 7:00 p.m., and will be held in the Council Chambers. The next Regular Meeting of the Dublin City Council will be on Monday, March 13, 1995. Agenda Printed 2/24/95 10:14 AM