HomeMy WebLinkAbout*CC Agenda 03-01-2005 REGULAR MEETING Tuesday, March 1,2005,7:00 p.m. mffiUN CIVIC CENTER, 100 Civic Maza DUBLIN CITY COUNCIL . AGENDA. . Agendas are posted on the City's Internet Websile (www.cidublin.ca.us) NOTE: Agendas posled on /he Websile are provided as a public .,ervice, and are nol intended /0 serve as a pari of or a replacemenl for any pari of the legally required posling of ogemkl., or /he public nollcing of projeclS appearing before the City Council . Agendas may be piclÅ“d up at the City Clerk's Office for no charge, or to request information on being placed on the annual subscription list, please call 833-6650. . A complete packet of information containing Staff &ports and exhibits related to each item is available for public review prior to a Council meeting in the City Clerk's Office and also at the Dublin Library. CALL TO ORDER & CLOSED SESSION (6:30 D.m.J 1. CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL -- ANTICIPATED LITIGATION Significant exposure to litigation pursuant to Government Code section 54956.9, subdivision (b)(1) [One potential case] Facts and Circumstances: Government Code section 54956.9, subdivision (b)(3)(B) [possible adoption of condominium conversion ordinance] 1. CALL TO ORDER & PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE TO THE FLAG 2. REPORT OF CLOSED SESSION ACTION 3. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS 3.1 Recognition and Congratulations to Dublin's 2004 Citi~en ofthe Year and Organuation of the Year (File #610-50) 3.2 Public Comments At this time, the public is permitted to address the City Council on non-agendized items. Please step to the podium and cleany state your name for the record. COMMENTS SHOULD NOT EXCEED THREE (31 MINUTES. In accordance with State Law, no action or discussion may take place on any item not appearing on the posted agenda. Tha Council may respond to statements made or questions asked, or may request Staff to repon back at a future meeting concerning the matter. Any mamber of the public may contact the City Clerk's Office related to the proper procedure to place an item on a future City Council agenda. The exceptions under which the City Council MAY discuss andlor take action on items not appearing on the agenda are contained in Government Code Section 54954.2(b)(1 )(2)(3). 4. CONSENT CALENDAR Consent Calendar items al1l typically non-controversial in natul1l and al1l considel1ld for approval by the City Council with one single action. Members of the audience, Staff or the City Council who would like an item I1Imoved from the Consent Calendar for purposes of public input may I1Iquest the Mayor to I1Imove the item. 4.1 Minutes of Regular Meeting of February 15, 2005 STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Approve 4.2 Emerald Glen Park - Public Art (File #600-30) On April 2, 2002, the City entered into a three-way agreement with the Dublin Fine Arts Foundation and Artist Ned Kahn to complete a public art project at Emerald Glen Park. The tenns of the agreement included a one-year guarantee on the work. The proposed amendment to the agreement will extend the warranty to three years. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Authorize Mayor to execute the first amendment to the agreement. 4.3 Declaration of Weeds and Combustible Refuse as a Public Nuisance (File #540-50) In accordance with Dublin Municipal Code Section 5.70.030, the City Council may declare that there is a public nuisance created by weeds and combustible refuse growing, accumulating upon the streets, sidewalks and property with the City of Dublin_ STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Adopt Resolution; direct Staff to notify the public; and schedule a public hearing for AprilS, 2005 to hear and consider objections to abatement order. 4.4 Award of Bid ~ Contract No. 05-01,2004-2005 Annual Sidewalk Safety Repair Program (File #600-35) This project will remove and replace damaged sidewalk with offsets of 'I." or more that may pose a tripping hazard and includes the 2nd year Rubberized Sidewalk Pilot Project. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Adopt Resolution awarding Contract No 05-01, 2004~2005 Annual Sidewalk Safety Repair Program, to Ransome Company_ 4.5 Acceptance of Improvements for Storm Drain Line D along Fallon Road and Central Parkway in Dublin Ranch, Area B (File #600_60) Sierra Land Development Corporation has constructed a 6O-inch stonn drain line in the future Central Parkway alignment from Lockhart Street to Fallon Road, and a 54-inch stonn drain line along the future alignment of Fallon Road to the existing stonn drain outfall at Bent Tree Drive_ It is now appropriate for the City Council to accept these improvements. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Adopt Resolution accepting the improvements for Stann Drain Line D along Fallon Road and Central Parkway in Dublin Ranch, Area B. 4.6 Approval of Final Map and Improvement Agreement, Acceptance of Opeu SpacelConsen-aüon Easement, and Acceptance of Parkland Dedication In-Lieu Fees Associated with Tract 7441, Phase I - Silvera Ranch (PfeitTer Ranch Investors II, Inc.) (File # 600-60) Pfeiffer Ranch Investors 11, Tnc. (dba Pinn Brothers Fine Homes, Inc.) is seeking City Council approval of the Final Map and Improvement Agreement associated with Tract 7441, Phase 1. Tract 7441 is located on the east side of Tassajara Creek, immediately north of the Nielsen property and includes 63 dwelling units. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Adopt Resolution(s) approving the Final Map and Improvement Agreement, accepting an Open /Space Conservation Easement, and accepting Parkland Dedication In-Lieu Fees associated with Tract 7441. 4.7 Annual Audit Report for Fiscal Year 2003-04 (File #310-30) The City of Dublin has compiled and published its Comprehensive Annual Financial Report (CAFR) for the fiscal year ending June 30,2004. This report includes financial statements prepared by Caporicci and Larson, the independent auditors selected by the City Council. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Receive report and confinn reservations of Fund Balances for Fiscal Year 2003-04. 4.8 Warrant Register ($1,244,230.71) dated March 1,2005 (File # 300-40) STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Approve 5. WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS - None 6. PUBLIC HEARING 6.1 Enea Properties Starward Row Residential Project 2nd Reading - Planned Development R~oning and Stage 1 and Stage 2 Development Plan, PA 04-006 (File #450-30/420-30) This is the second reading of an Ordinance approving a Planned Development Rezoning Stage 1 and Stage 2 Development Plan for a J O-Iot single-family residential subdivision in the primary planning area on a .77-acre site located at 7475 Starward Drive, and owned by Rnea Properties_ STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Conduct public hearing; deliberate; waive reading and ADOPT Ordinance approving a Planned Development (PD) Rezoning with related Stage 1 and Stage 2 Development Plan. 6.2 Zoning Ordinance Amendment Chapter 8.76, Off-Street Parking and Loading Regulations, as it Pertains to Recreational Vehicle Parking on Residential Lots, PA 03-028 (File #450-20) This is the second reading of an Ordinance which would create greater flexibility with respect to the size of a recreational vehicle parked in the area between the residential driveway and nearest side lot line. It would also establish a Conditional Use Permit process by which residents can ask for deviations to the sizes of a recreational vehicle parked in this area, as well as deviations ftom the per111Îtted locations for off-street recreational vehicle parking. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Conduct public hearing; deliberate; waive reading and ADOPT Ordinance approving amendments to Title 8 ofthe Dublin Municipal Code, Zoning Ordinance Chapter 8.76, Off-Street Parking and Loading Regulations. 6.3 pfeiffer Ranch Investors II, Inc.lSilvera Ranch Development Agreement, PA 02-024 (File #600-60) This is the first reading of an Ordinance which would approve a Development Agreement between the City of Dublin and Pfeiffer Ranch Investors IT, Inc., for the Silvera Ranch residential subdivision, located within the Eastern Dublin Specific Plan Area and being developed by Pinn Brothers Fine Homes. The Development Agreement proposed for approval will serve to implement the conditions of approval, physical improvements and other requirements for the project. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Conduct public hearing; deliberate; waive reading and INTRODUCE Ordinance approving the Development Agreement between the City of Dublin and Pfeiffer Ranch Investors II, Inc. for the Silvera Ranch Project. 6.4 Revisions to Sports Field Use Policy (File #260-10/290-10) It has been two years since the Sports Field Use Policy fees were last considered by the City Council. Staff proposes increasing the Sports Field rental fees to help partially offset increases in park maintenance costs. The proposed increase would be effective July I, 2005. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Conduct public hearing; deliberate; and adopt Resolution and the proposed Sports Field Use Policy. 6.5 Amendment to the Inclusionary Zoning Regulations related to Affordable Housing (File #420-30) The City Council will consider amending the Inc1usionary Zoning Ordinance Regulations to clarify the sales price for very low incorne units, add additional priorities for selection of occupants ofInclusionary Affordable Units and other clarifying amendments, and to a authorize changing the "Layperson's Guide to the Inclusionary Zoning Ordinance Regulations" to reflect the changes in the Inclusionary Zoning Regulations. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Conduct public hearing; deliberate; waive reading and INTRODUCE Ordinance amending Chapter 8.68 of the Dublin Municipal Code related to amendments to the Inc1usionary Zoning Regulations; and authorize changing the "Layperson's Guide to the Inclusionary Zoning Ordinance &gulations" to reflect the amendment Ordinance. 7. UNFINISHED BUSINESS 7.1 Condominium Conversion Ordinance Policy Alternatives for Regulating the Conversion of Existing Apartments in the City to Condominiums (File #430..20) On February 1, 2005, the City Council held a public hearing and reviewed the Planning Commission recommendation regarding condominium conversion. At that meeting, the Council raised concerns about the proposed Ordinance and directed Staff to do further analysis. The Council will now consider policy alternatives to regulate the conversion of existing residential apartment units held in single ownership to for-sale condominiums. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Provide direction to Staff on policies that should be considered as part of the Condominium Conversion Ordinance. 8. NEW BUSINESS 8.1 Dolan Park Play Equipment Proposals (File #600-35) In January 2005, Staff distributed a Request for Proposals (RFP) for the Dolan Park Play Equipment Replacement Project. Proposals were submitted fi-om Playgrounds by Design, California Sports and Recreation, David O'Keefe Company and Kompan ranging in price fi-om $40,288 to $48,92L At its February 14, 2005 meeting, tbe Parks & Community Services Commission recommended the play equipment proposed by California Sports and Recreation. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Approve play equipment design; adopt Resolution to accept proposal for the equipment and authorize City Manager to execute a purchase order; and authorize Staff to seek bids for installation. 8.2 Consultant Services Agreement - Murray Schoolhouse Exhibit Design (File #600-30) In 2003-2004, the Dublin City Council rated as a high priority goal: "to refurbish exhibit space within the Murray Schoolhouse to provide a fresh setting that will optimally highlight Dublin's history." In order to proceed with the Murray Schoolhouse Exhibit Design project, consultant services are necessary. The Council will consider Consultant Services Ah>reement with Exhibit Designer John Vieira. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Adopt Resolution approving Agreement. 8.3 Dublin Historic Park Design (File #600-30/110-30) . One of the City Council Strategic Goals for 2004-2005 is to "Expand and enhance the Dublin Historic Park" In order to move forward with development of a master plan for the Dublin Historic Park, a Request for Proposals (RFP) for design consultants has been prepared for review and approval by the City CounciL ST AFF RECOMMENDATION: Authorize Staff to circulate a Request for Proposals; and approve the composition of the Selection Committee. 9. OTHER BUSINESS 9.1 Brief INFORMATION ONLY reports from Council and/or Staff, including Committee Reports 10. ADJOURNMENT If requested, this agenda shali be made available in appropriale alternative formats to persons with a dlsabllily, as required by Section 202 of the Arrwrlcans wilh Disabilities Acl of 1990 (42 U.Se. Secllon 12132), and the federal rules and regulations adopled In Implementation. thereof To make a requesl for disability-related modification or accommodation, please con/act Ihe City Clerk's Office (925) 833-6650 allea..t 72 hour.. in advance of/he meeting . City Council Meeting # 677 Agenda Printed 2/2412005 1:48:38 PM