HomeMy WebLinkAbout*CC Agenda 03-14-1988 AGE N D A DUBLIN CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING - March 14, 1988 Monday - 7:30 p.m. DUBLIN LIBRARY Meeting Room 1. CALL TO ORDER 2. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE TO THE FLAG 3. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS At this time, members of the audience are permitted to address the City Council on any item which is not on the City Council Agenda. Comments should not exceed 5 minutes. If any person feels that this is not sufficient time to address their concern, that person should arrange with the City Manager to have their particular concern placed on the agenda for a future meeting. 3.1 Tri-Valley CASA (Citizens Against Substance Abuse) 3.~ Tri-Valley Community Television Corporation 6-Month Progress Report 4. CONSENT CALENDAR Consent Calendar items are typically of a non-controversial nature and are considered for approval by the City Council with one single action. Members of the audience who would like an item removed from the consent calendar for purpose of public input may request the City Council to remove the item from the consent calendar. The request may be made at the time that the Mayor asks the audience members if there is anyone interested in removing an item from the Consent Calendar. 4.1 Minutes of Adjourned Regular Meeting of February 23, 1988 and Adjourned Regular Meeting of March 1, 1988 STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Approve 4.2 City Treasurer's Investment Report for Period Ending February 26, 1988 STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Approve 4.3 Acceptance of Improvements - Tract 4415 (Coral Gate) Improvements in Tract 4415 have been completed to the satisfaction of the City Engineer. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Adopt Resolution and authorize Staff to accept maintenance bond at a future date. 4.4 Request for Banner Installation - Soroptimists Soroptimist International is requesting permission to install a banner on the San Ramon Road banner poles advertising the Concours d'Elegance to be held August 7, 1988. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Authorize Staff to issue encroachment permit once insurance certificate has been received. 4.5 Approval of Service Authority for Freeway Emergencies (SAFE) In February, 1987, the Council received a report on the creation of a Service Authority for Freeway Emergencies (SAFE). State law has authorized the creation of a SAFE to implement emergency freeway callbox systems with the funding being derived through a $1.00 surcharge on automobile registrations in participating counties. In 1987, State law was amended to allow the MTC to function as a regional SAFE in any or all of the 9 Bay Area Counties. Both 1-580 and 1-680 are covered by the proposed plan. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Adopt Resolution agreeing to the establishment of a Service Authority for Freeway Emergencies (SAFE). 4.6 Financial Report for Period Ending January 31, 1988 STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Approve 4.7 Agreement for Towing Services for Abandoned Vehicles This agreement would add an additional towing company, Norm's Towing Service, to the four existing companies, to remove abandoned vehicles from City streets. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Authorize Mayor to execute agreement with Norm's Towing Service 4.8 Letter from Alameda-Contra Costa Regional Parks Foundation An initiative has qualified for the June 1988 ballot which would provide approximately $776 million in funds to be distributed towards various wildlife, park and coastal projects statewide. It is estimated that the initiative would provide $46 million in funds for projects within Alameda and Contra Costa Counties. The Alameda-Contra Costa Regional Parks Foundation is requesting that the City of Dublin endorse the measure. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Consider adoption of a resolution supporting the California Wildlife, Coastal and Park Land Conservation Act of 1988. 4.9 Amendment for redefinition of Storm Drain Easement through Circuit City Property The purchaser of the Circuit City parcel, Metropolitan Life, has requested an amendment to a grant of easement on the property in order to redefine it for storm drain purposes only. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Adopt Resolution approving amendment to Grant of Easement and authorizing Mayor to execute same. 4.10 Agreement with Dublin San Ramon Services District for Use of Valley Community Swim Center In a previous action, the Council approved an agreement with DSRSD for use of Valley Community Swim Center; however, the agreement has been changed by DSRSD. Therefore, the Council will consider approving an amended agreement. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Adopt Resolution rescinding Resolution No. 33-88 and approving an amended agreement. 4.11 Report from Recreation Director - 1987 Fall Recreation Report The Recreation Director has prepared a report summarizing the activity of the Recreation Department during the fall quarter of 1987. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Receive Report 4.12 Dublin Boulevard Extension Plan Line (Dougherty Road east to Southern Pacific Right-of-Way) This action sets a public hearing date of April 11, 1988 for the proposed adoption of plan lines for the Dublin Boulevard extension between Dougherty Road and the SPRR right-of-way and for a connecting road between Scarlett Court and the Dublin Boulevard extension. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Adopt Resolution of intention to establish right-of-way lines, and setting hearing date for April 11, 1988. 4.13 Warrant Register dated March 14, 1988 STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Approve 4.14 Dublin Boulevard Revised Plan Line (Donlon Way to Amador Plaza Road) This action sets a public hearing date of April 11, 1988 for the proposed establishment of right-of-way lines for Dublin Boulevard between Donlon Way and Amador Plaza Road. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Adopt Resolution of intention to establish right-of-way lines for Dublin Boulevard and setting hearing date for April 11, 1988. 4.15 Final Acceptance of Contract 87-5 Dougherty Road Fence @ Camp Parks Improvements constructed under Contract 86-5 have been completed to the satisfaction of the City Engineer and within the funds budgeted for the project. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: 1) Accept improvements; and 2) authorize payment to Central Fence in the amount of $1,643.65. 4.16 Contract 88-3 Annual Sidewalk Safety Repair and Handicap Ramp Construction Program This project will repair hazardous sidewalk and construct handicap ramps throughout the City. The budget for the project is $135,600, of which $85,600 is funded by TDA grants. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: 1) Adopt policy resolution for Sidewalk Repair Program; 2) authorize Staff to advertise for bids; and 3) authorize a loan from General Fund to the Capital Project Fund in the amount of $15,600. This loan will be repaid in 1988-89 when the City receives its 1988-89 TDA allocation. 5. WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS - None 6. PUBLIC HEARING 6.1 Amador Auto Center Sign Variance request, 6000 Dougherty Road, Appeal of Planning Commission action denying a portion of PA 87-140 The applicant is requesting approval of a sign location variance to establish a wall-mounted business sign which is not located on the retail space where the business is located. The applicant is appealing the Planning Commission action denying the variance. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Conduct public hearing; deliberate; adopt resolution upholding Planning Commission action denying request -OR- provide direction and continue the item. 6.2 Ordinance Requiring Dedication and Improvement of Right-of-Way This ordinance requires a property owner to dedicate and improve right-of-way in cases where a proposed use would result in an increase in traffic on streets on which the lot fronts. STAFF RECO~1MENDATION: Conduct public hearing; deliberate; waive reading and introduce ordinance requiring dedication and improvement of right-of-way. 7. UNFINISHED BUSINESS 7.1 Agreement with Amador Valley Joint Union High School District for use of the Valley Community Swim Center The Council will consider approval of an agreement between the City and the AVJUHSD for use of the VCSC for the Dublin High School Swim Team. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Adopt Resolution authorizing execution of Agreement. 8. NEW BUSINESS 8.1 Paratransit Services for 1988-89 The City currently contracts with the San Ramon Community Services Group (SRCSG) for the provision of paratransit services. The Livermore-Amador Valley Transit Authority has presented a proposal to provide the same level of service at a price that is less than the amount currently being charged by the SRCSG. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: 1) Authorize the City's withdrawal from the San Ramon, Danville Paratransit JPA; and 2) authorize Staff to contract for paratransit services with the Livermore-Amador Valley Transit Authority, pending favorable determination from the Metropolitan Transportation Commission. 8.2 Authorization to submit claim for 1988-89 Transportation Development Act (TDA) Funds This action authorizes Staff to apply for Transportation Development Act funding for paratransit services. STAFF RECOM~1ENDATION: 1) Adopt Resolution authorizing Staff to file and execute the necessary documents to claim TDA funds; and 2) authorize the preparation of the contract for services between the City of Dublin and LAVTA. 8.3 City Assumption of Personnel Support Services to Dougherty Regional Fire Authority This item provides for securing contractual services to assist the City in providing personnel support to the Dougherty Regional Fire Authority as well as to assist in the transfer of the Fire Department from the Dublin San Ramon Services District to the Fire Authority. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: 1) Approve Consultant Agreement and authorize Mayor to execute said Agreement; 2) authorize transfer from the Contingent Reserve in the amount of $18,000 to the City Manager's Activity Account. 9. OTHER BUSINESS 10. CLOSED SESSION - None 11. ADJOURNMENT