HomeMy WebLinkAbout*CC Agenda 04-02-2002 · Agendas are posted on the O~'s internet Website (www. eLdUblin, ea. us)
· Agendas may be picked up at the City Clerk's Office for no charge, or to request information
on being placed on the annual subscription list, please call 833-6650.
· A complete packet of information containing StaffReports and exhibits related to each item is available
for public review prior to a Council meeting in the City Clerk's Office and also at the Dublin Library.
CLOSED SESSION- (to be held at END of meeSn_;)
3.1 Certification of March 5, 2002 Election Results (File # 630-30)
A Special Municipal Election was held in the City of Dublin on March 59 to elect a Councilmember to
fill the remaining term of Janet Lockhart who in November of 2001 was appointed Mayor. There
were 4 candidates for thc one position. Tim Sbranti rexeived 66.2% of thc votes and was elected to
the City Council with a term ending in November 2004.
$.2 Administration of Oath of Office to Newly Elected Couneilmember (File # 640-60)
The City Clerk wil1 administer the Oath of Office to Tim Sbranfi.
3.3 Selection of Vice Mayor (File # 610-20)
On an annual basis, generally in Deaember, the Council selects one of its members to serve as
Mayor. In the absence of the Mayor, the Vice Mayor would become Mayor Pro Tcmpore and wOUld
assume thc temporary r~sponsibilitics of the Mayor. The process for selecting the Vice Mayor is in
accordance with Robert's Rules of Order.
STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Elect Vice Mayor to serve until December 2002.
3.4 City Council Organization/Committee Appointments/Assignments (File # 110-30)
Individual members of the City Council represent the City of Dublin on various local and regional
boards/committecs/comnfissions. When an updated aPPointment list was approveA in December 2001,
the Council lc~ff several appointments blank and determined that these openings would be filled by the
newly elected Councilmembers.
STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Review list; confirm Cm. Sbranti's assignments; and direct Staffto
notify appropriate agencies.
3.5 Proclamation declaring April as Child Abuse Prevention Month
3.6 Public Comments
At this time, the public is permitted to address the City Council on non-agendized items. Please step to the podium and clearly state your name for
the record. COMMENTS SHOULD NOT EXCEED THREE (3) MINUTES. in accordance with State Law, however, no action or discussion may take place
on any item not appearing on the posted agenda. The Council may respond to statements made or questions asked, or may request Staff to report
back at a future meeting concerning the matter. Any member of the public may contact the City Clerk's Office related to the proper procedure to
place an item on a future City Council agenda. The exceptions under which the City Council MAY discuss and/or take action on items not appearing
on the agenda are contained in Government Code Section 54954.2(b)(1)(2)(3).
Consent Calendar items are typically non-controversial in nature and are considered for apProval by the City
Council with one single ac~on. Members of the audience, Staff or the City Council who would like an item
removed from the Consent Calendar for purposes of public input may request the Mayor to remove the item.
4.1 Minutes of Regular Meeting of March 19, 2002
4.2 Merger of AT&T Broadband and Comcast Corporation - Review of FCC Form 394
(File # 1050-10)
Due to the unexpected merger proposal from AT&T Broadband and Comcast Corporation, the
City must appropriate funds to hire a consultant to evaluate the proposal. It is likely that
AT&T will reimburse this expense as part of the review process. As outlined in the City's
current franchise agreement with AT&T, the City is required to consent to the transaction.
STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Approve Budget Change.
4.3 Request for Appropriation of Remaining California Law Enforcement Equipment
Program (CLEEP) Funds (File # 580-40)
In October 2000, CLEEP grant funding in the amount of $111,235 was received for the
purchase of high technology equipment for law enforcement use; $109,900 has been. allocated
for expenditure this fiscal year. The grant terms require that the full grant amount be
expended by June 30, 2002. Staff recommends that the unallocated funds in the amount of
$1,335 and budget savings from the existing CLEEP allocation be used for the purchase of a
Computer Voice Stress Analyzer.
STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Approve Budget Change providing for expenditure of
unallocated CLEEP funds of $1,335.
4.4 Support of SB 1509, Affordable Housing Incentives (File # 660-40)
Senator Dunn has requested the City's support for SB 1509. The Bill would provide a
financial incentive to cities for approving affordable housing by compensating local
governments for their share of lost revenues due to property tax exemptions for certain
affordable housing developments.
STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Direct Staff to draft a letter to the City's State legislative
representatives for the Mayor's signature in support of SB 1509.
4.5 Agreement between the County of Alameda and the City of Dublin regarding the
Community Development Block Grant Program for Fiscal Year 2002-03 (File # 600-40)
This item would authorize the execution of an agreement between the City of Dublin and
Alameda County for the CDBG Program for FY 2002-03 with funding in the amount of
4.6 Acceptance of donations made to Dublin Police Services by local businesses for the "Adopt-
A-Cop" trading card program (File # 580-40)
Dublin Police Services received 41 donations from local citizens and businesses for the
"Adopt-A-Cop" trading card program. These donations enabled DPS to contract for the
photography and printing of the trading cards. Each officer and business received 1,000
trading cards to be distributed to local citizens. These trading cards will increase recognition
and enhance relationships between Dublin Police,' the community, and specifically Dublin
STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Accept the $4,400 in donations for the trading card program;
formally recognize the 41 local businesses that donated the $4,400; approve the Budget Change;
and direct Staff to prepare formal acknowledgements to the donors.
4.7 Update on Tri-Valley Convention & Visitors Bureau (TVCVB) Activities (File # 470-50)
A report has been prepared related to actions taken by the TRCVB and its member cities to
formalize the operation of the TVCVB and to improve its internal control procedures.
4.8 Amendment to Agreement for the Temporary Display of Sculpture at the Dublin Civic
Center "Steel Watercolor #99" (File # 600-30)
The City currently has a sculpture on loan from KLMLP, LP (formerly Kemper Real Estate
Management Company). The sculpture "Steel Watercolor #99 is a 22 ½ foot tall sculpture by
Bay Area Artist, Fletcher Benton. The agreement has expired and the Council will consider a
two-year extension to the agreement.
STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Authorize Mayor to execute Amendment to Agreement.
4.9 Agreement for Emerald Glen Park Art in the Park PrOject (File # 600-30)
The Dublin Fine Arts Foundation has selected Ned Kahn to create an artwork and work with
the City' s Landscape Architect for Emerald Glen park, Phase II. The Council will consider
an agreement outlining the terms of each party.
STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Authorize Mayor to execute Agreement.
4.10 Authorization to Solicit Bids, Contract 02-03, 2001-02 Annual Street Overlay Project (File
# 600-35)
This project will resurface several City streets with I~A" of asphalt concrete and restripe
pavement markings.
STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Authorize Staffto advertise for bids.
4.11 Amendment to Consulting Agreement with Associated Right of Way Services, Inc., to
Perform Right-of-Way Services for the Dublin Boulevard Widening Project from Village
Parkway to Sierra Court (File # 600-30)
The Dublin Boulevard Widening Project from Village Parkway to Sierra Court requires the
acquisition of 10 parcels. This amendment to the Associated Right of Way Services contract
will provide additional funds to complete said acquisition services based on an extended
scope of wOrk.
4.12 Acceptance of Work- Park Improvements and parcel J of Tract 6925 within Dublin
Ranch Phase I- Ted Fairfield Park (File # 600-60)
Ted Fairfield Park fronts Antone Way on the south. The Developer has constructed the Park
improvements to the satisfaction of City Staffwith the exception of one remaining minor
remediation item Dedication of the Park area Parcel to the City, together with improvements,
were conditioned as part of the approval of Dublin Ranch Tract Map 6925. The
improvements include the construction of a 5-acre neighborhood park with a ball field, soccer
field, play area, basketball court and surrounding landscaping:
STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Authorize City Manager to accept the final park improvements
pending completion of the remaining minor remediation; adopt Resolution; and authorize Staff
to accept a $352,728 maintenance bond at a future date.
4.13 Warrant Register ($1,828,312.92) dated April 2, 2002 (File 300-40)
6.1 Downtown Core Specific Plan Area Rezoning PA 02-005 (File # 410-55/450-30)
The intent ofrezoning the parcels within the Downtown Core Specific Plan area is to bring
the zoning designations for the area into conformance with the land use designations
contained in the Downtown Core Specific Plan, which was adopted by the City Council on
December 19, 2000.
STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Conduct public hearing; deliberate; waive reading and
INTRODUCE Ordinance.
6.2 Toll Brothers - Dublin Ranch Area A, Neighborhood A1 Development Agreement PA 01-
010 (File # 600-60)
This is the second reading of an Ordinance approving a Development Agreement between the
City of Dublin and Toll CA II, L.P. The DA is required by the Eastern Dublin Specific Plan.
The Agreement will vest the project approvals recently granted by the City Council.
STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Conduct public hearing; deliberate; waive reading and adopt
6.3 Toll Brothers - Ordinance approving Development Agreements for Dublin Ranch Area G
(Neighborhoods H-l, H-2, MH1 & MH2) PA 01-009 (File # 600-60)
This is the first reading of an Ordinance approving Development Agreements between the
City of Dublin, and Toll CA II, L.P. The DA's are required by the Eastern Dublin Specific
Plan. The Agreements will vest the project approvals recently granted by the City Council.
STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Conduct public hearing; deliberate; waive reading and
INTRODUCE Ordinance.
6.4 Eastern Dublin Properties Supplemental Environmental Impact Report, Planned
Development (PD) Prezone (Stage 1 Development Plan), Pre-Annexation Agreement, and
Resolution for Reorganization Application to LAFCO PA 00-025 (File # 620-20/600-30)
The City Council will consider the following: (1) certifying the Supplemental Environmental
Impact Report; (2) introducing an Ordinance approving a Prezoning/Stage 1 Development
Plan for an area 1,120 acres in size that is located in an unincorporated area of Alameda
County bounded by 1-580 to the south and FallonRoad to the west, and City's Sphere of
Influence line to the east and north; (3) execution of a Pre-Annexation Agreement between
the City and Braddock & Logan Group; (4) and a Resolution authorizing Staff to submit a
Reorganization Application to LAFCO to facilitate annexation of the area to the City of
Dublin and DSRSD and detach the area from Livermore Area Recreation and Park District.
STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Conduct public hearing; deliberate; adopt Resolution
certifying the Eastern Dublin Properties Supplemental EIR and making related CEQA findings;
adopt Resolution making findings related to approval of the PD Prezoning and related Stage 1
Development Plan; waive reading and INTRODUCE Ordinance; adopt Resolution approving
the Pre-Annexation Agreement with Braddock and Logan Group; and adopt Resolution
directing Staff to file an application with Alameda County LAFCO for Reorganization:
7.1 Downtown Streetscape ImplementatiOn Plan for the Downtown Specific Plans -
Reconsideration of Monument Design (File # 400-30/600-30)
The approved design of the first monument for the Downtown Streetscape Improvement Plan
is being brought back to the City Council, at its request, for reconsideration and direction.
STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Receive presentation by Consultants; Reaffirm the approval of
the monument design as approved on March 5, 2002; - OR - Instruct Consultant to modify
design of approved monument for reconsideration; - OR - Direct Staff to solicit applications for
selection of review committee/task force members; - OR - Reconvene the Village Parkway Task
7.2 Selection of Open Space Preservation Option - Western Dublin Extended Planning Area
(File # 420-20)
The City Council will review and consider approval of one of three options for Open Space
Preservation in the Western Dublin Extended Planning Area.
STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Option 1 - Approve Preservation of Open Space through
acquisition of Nielsen and Milestone properties either by direct City acquisition or in concert
with East Bay Regional Park District. Option 2 - Approve preservation of Open Space in
conjunction with possible limited development on the Nielsen property in order to secure open
space easements. Option 3 - Take no action at this time.
8.1 Parks RFTA (Camp Parks) General Plan Amendment Study Request (File # 420-30)
The Department of the Army is requesting a General Plan Amendment Study for a 188-acre
parcel, to allow for the eventual transfer and private development of 188 acres of Army
STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Receive public comments and adopt Resolution either
authorizing or denying request.
8.2 Dublin Sports Grounds Renovation Phase II (File # 600-30/260-30)
Primary proposed improvements to the DSC include drainage, irrigation, turf grass and play
area renovation.
STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Receive Staff and Consultant presentation; receive public
comments; approve schematic design for the DsC Renovation Phase II and authorize Consultant
to proceed with preparation of construction documents.
8.3 Designation of Two Councilmembers as City Representatives to Discuss Compensation
with City Attorney (File # 110-30/600-30)
This item provides for the designation of two members of the City Council as the City's
representatives to discuss terms of the City Attorney's contract, including compensation, with
the City Attorney. The two members would report their recommendation to the full Council
in open session following meetings with the City Attorney.
STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Designate two representatives.
8.4 Increased Penalties for Public Art Vandalism (File # 920-65)
The City Council will consider a report on increased penalties for public art vandalism.
STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Receive report and if desired, provide direction to Staff
regarding additional action or study.
8.5. Report on Voluntary Trip Reduction Program (File # 590-80)
The City Council, as part of the City's Goals & Objectives process, requested Staffto look
into and report on the feasibility of a City Trip Reduction Program. Such a program, if
implemented, would encourage employees of large employers to use public transportation
rather than single-occupancy commuting.
STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Receive report and provide direction to Staff.
9.1 Committee Reports
9.2 Brief INFORMATIONAL ONLY reports from Councilmembers and/or Staff
f. Conference with Legal Counsel- Anticipated Lifiga#on - Government Code Sec~on 5495U(b)O) -
Facts and Circumstances: Significant exposure to litiga#on pursuant to Government Code Section
54956.9(b)(3) East Dublin Properties Stage ~ Development Plan, Annexation and Draft Supplemental
Environmental Impact Report
11. ADJOURNMENT - The City Council will hold its annual Goals & Objectives meeting and
Budget Study Session on Wednesday, April 3, 2002, beginning at 6:00 p.m., in the Council
Chambers. ~
City Council Meeting # 586 K2/cc-mtgs/4-2-02agenda.doc Agenda Printed 3/29/2002 9:22 AM