HomeMy WebLinkAbout*CC Agenda 04-10-1989
REGULAR 11EETING - Apri 1 10, 1989
Monday - 7:30 p.m.
7606 Amador Valley Boulevard
At this cime, members of the audience are permitted to address the City Council on any item which is not
on the City Council Agenda. Comments should not exceed 5 minutes. If any person feels that this is not
sufficient time to address their concern, that person should arrange with the City Clerk to have their
particular concern placed on the agenda for a future meeting.
3.1 Proclamation declaring April 9-15, 1989 as "National Library Week"
3.2 Proclamation declaring April 15-22, 1989 as "Dublin Pride Week"
3.3 Proclamation declaring April 22, 1989 as "San Francisco Bay Blackhawks Day" (new National
Professional Outdoor Soccer League)
3.4 Proclamation declaring April 9-15, 1989 as "Harmony Week"
Consent '=:alendar items are typically of a non-controversial nature and are considered for approval by
the City Council with one single action.
* Members of the audience or a member of the City Council may request that the City Council remove an
item ;:rom the Consent Calendar for the purpose of public input.
* Prior to voting on the Consent Calendar, the Mayor will ask whether anyone is interested in having an
item removed from the Consent Calendar.
4.1 Minutes of Regular Meetings of March 13, 1989 and March 27, 1989
4.2 Agreement for Towing Services for Abandoned Vehicles
Bee-Line Towing is being added to the City's list of towing contractors to remove abandoned
vehicles from City streets. The order of rotation among the various tow company contractors
is maintained by Sheriff's dispatch and once used, the tow company is placed on the bottom
of the rotation list.
STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Authorize Mayor to execute agreement with Bee-Line Towing of Pleasanton.
4.3 Revised Agreement for Maintenance of San Ramon Road/Dublin Boulevard Traffic Signals
The previous agreement provided that CalTrans would maintain these signals and bill the City
for 75% of the cost. The City has taken over maintenance and the revised agreement provides
that the City will bill CalTrans for 25% of the cost.
STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Adopt Resolution approving Agreement and authorize Mayor to execute
4.4 Acceptance of Improvements - Tract 5777 Hacienda Heights (Pulte Homes)
Improvements in Tract 5777 have been completed in accordance with the approved plans and
STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Adopt Resolution accepting work as complete and authorize Staff to
accept maintenance bond at a future date.
4.5 Acceptance of Improvements - Village II "Cotton Wood" of the Villages @ Willow Creek
Village II "Cotton Wood" is located on the northwest corner of Dougherty Road and Amador
Valley Boulevard. The City Engineer has determined that improvements constructed within
Village II are complete and in accordance with approved plans and specifications.
STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Adopt Resolution accepting work as complete and authorize Staff to
accept maintenance bond at a future date.
4.6 City Treasurer's Investment Report for period ending March 31, 1989
4.7 Street Lighting Maintenance Assessment District No. 83-1
This resolution authorizes preparation of the Engineer's Report for the Citywide Street
Lighting Maintenance Assessment District.
STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Adopt Resolution directing preparation of the Engineer's Annual Report.
4.8 Landscaping & Lighting Maintenance Assessment District No. 83-2 (Tract 4719)
This resolution authorizes preparation of the Enginer's Report for the Tract 4719
(Stagecoach Road) Landscape Maintenance Assessment District.
STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Adopt Resolution directing the preparation of the Annual Report.
4.9 Landscaping & Lighting Maintenance Assessment District No. 86-1 (Tract 5511)
This resolution authorizes preparation of the Engineer's Report for the Tract 5511 (Villages
@ Willow Creek) Landscape Maintenance Assessment District.
STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Adopt Resolution directing the preparation of the Annual Report.
4.10 Recission of Rejection and Acceptance of Landscape Maintenance Easements and Landscape Access
Easements, Tract 5511
At the time the Final Map for Tract 5511 (Villages) was approved, the City rejected the
offer of dedication of landscape maintenance easements and landscape access easements. The
City requires these easements for maintenance performed as part of Landscape Maintenance
Assessment District 86-1.
STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Adopt Resolution rescinding rejection of offer of dedication and
accepting offer of dedication
4.11 Dublin Pride Week Expenditure Plan
An expenditure plan has been prepared by the Mayor for the City's participation in Dublin
Pride Week. The Council approved an amount not to exceed $2,500.
STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Consider and approve expenditure plan
4.12 Police Patrol Vehicle Purchase
In 1986, the City purchased the first patrol cars for the City. Each year the Police
Department is charged an amount that is based on the mileage driven. This charge pays for
operation and maintenance as well as the future replacement of the Police vehicle. Five of
the vehicles purchased in 1986 are due to be replaced in Fiscal Year 1989-90. There are
sufficient funds available in the Internal Services Fund Equipment Replacement Reserve to
fund the replacement of these vehicles.
STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Authorize Staff to solicit bids for 5 marked patrol vehicles and solicit
bids for detailing and transfer of emergency equipment to all vehicles
4.13 Award of Bid - Contract No. 89-6, Dublin Sports Grounds Barrier Fence
The low bid received, $15,373.20, is within funds authorized for construction of the fence.
STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Adopt Resolution awarding contract to Calco Fence
4.14 Financial Statements for March, 1989
STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Review, accept and file Statements.
4.15 Extension of Civic Center Architectural Agreement
The Architectural Services Agreement for the Civic Center expired on February 25, 1989.
Since the City will require Architectural Services until the Civic Center project is
complete, Staff has negotiated an amendment to the existing agreement with the City's
Architect, George Miers & Associates. Based upon the estimated completion date of the Civic
Center project, it is anticipated that the additional services associated with this
agreement amendment will be approximately $98,340.
STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Receive Staff Report and authorize Mayor to execute Amendment No. 3
4.16 Civic Center - Change Order Request
The proposed Change Order involves the addition of storage space under the Civic Center
stairwells and the upgrading of the structural steel in the Civic Center main corridors at a
cost of $13,084. The Contractor has requested an extension of 16 days to the Construction
STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Authorize City Manager to execute Change Order No. 62
4.17 Authorization to Solicit Bids for Civic Center Furnishings
The City has planned for the inclusion of furnishings in the Civic Center development
budget. Staff, the Civic Center Committee, and the City's Contract Interior Designer have
developed the plans and specifications for these furnishings.
STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Authorize Staff to solicit bids on furnishings
4.18 Warrant Register dated April 10, 1989
5.1 Request for Endorsement of SB 103
Senate Bill 103 proposes to clarify and enforce the prov~s~ons of Proposition 103, the
insurance reform measure which was passed by California voters in the November, 1988
6.1 PA 88-009 The Casden Company - Planned Development Rezoning Request to Rezone Approximately
17.45 Acres to Allow 206 Multi-Family Residential Units - Heritage Commons
On March 27, 1989, the City Council adopted Resolutions approving a Mitigated Negative
Declaration; Planned Development District; Tentative Map 5883; and Site Development Review.
The Council introduced an Ordinance amending the Zoning Ordinance.
STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Conduct public hearing; deliberate; waive reading and ADOPT Ordinance
amending Zoning Ordinance.
6.2 Appeal of Howard Johnson's Conditional Use Permit, 6680 Regional Street, Temporary Retail Sales
and Auctions
The Applicant proposed to establish a dance floor and to add a hair salon, gift shop,
offices and temporary retail sales/auction activities within the existing hotel building.
The Planning Commission approved the permit request with conditions. The Commission action
allowing the temporary retail sales/auction activities was appealed. The appeal was
considered and continued by the City Council at its March 27th meeting.
STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Conduct public hearing; deliberate; adopt resolution upholding the
Commission action or adopt modified resolution -OR- give Staff and Applicant direction and
continue the matter.
7.1 Selection of Telecommunications System
Included within the Civic Center development budget are sufficient funds for the
telecommunications systems for the Civic Center. Staff and the City's Telecommunications
Consultant have completed the selection process for the telecommunications system.
STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Receive Staff Report and authorize Staff and the consultant to negotiate
a contract with NEC America, Inc.
7.2 Telephone and Data Cabling and Paging System Award
Pursuant to Council authorization, Staff solicited requests for proposal to install the
telephone and data cabling and paging system in the Civic Center. The City received a total
of 5 responses. The lowest responsible bidder was TRANSPAC.
STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Authorize Staff to execute an agreement with TRANSPAC based on the
proposal and not to exceed $37,450.
8.1 Shannon Park Renovation
The City Council will review the proposed masterplan for the renovation of Shannon Park.
STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Approve masterplan and authorize the Consultant to proceed with design
development and construction documents.
8.2 Design Approval for Park and Pool Signs
The City Council will review the proposed sign design alternatives for Mape Park, Dublin
Sports Grounds and the Dublin Swim Center.
STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Review and approve proposed designs; direct Consultant to prepare bid
documents; and authorize Staff to advertise the project for bid.
8.3 Civic Center General Plan Amendment Study Authorization
To ensure that the Civic Center is consistent with the General Plan, the General Plan should
be amended to designate the Civic Center site as a "public/semi-public facility" or similar
land use designation.
STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Authorize the General Plan Amendment Study
10. CLOSED SESSION - Potential Litigation - Government Code Section 54956.9(c).