HomeMy WebLinkAbout*CC Agenda 04-12-2005 Jt PCS/CC - .. AGENDA .. CITY OF DUBLIN CITY COUNCIL I PARKS AND COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMISSION SCN.CI.ft£ 9rlP/E/I1!Nq Tuesday, April 12, 2005, 7:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m. DUBLIN CIVIC CENTER, REGIONAL MEETING ROOM 100 CIVIC PLAZA, DUBLIN . Agendas are posled On ¡he Cily's In/ernel Websile (www.ci.dublin.ca.us) . A complete packet of Ù¡(ormation containing Staff Reports and exhibits relaled to each item is available for pahlic review prior to a Council meeting in the City Clerk's Office and also at Ihe Dublin Libra/Y. . Agendas may he picked up ul the City Clerk's Officefor no charge. or to request information on being placed on the annual subscription list, plea.,. call 833-6650. JOINT MEETING OF THE CiTY COUNCIL/ PARKS AND COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMISSION SPECIAL MEETING 1.1 Study Session - Facilities Feasibility Study The 2004-2009 Capital hnprovemenl Program incll/des funding for thc design and construction of a Recreation and Aquatic Complex in Emerald Glen Park. Thc City retained the services ofThc Sports Management GroIlP to conduct a fcasibility study, financial analysis and conceptual space plan for thc ncw Rccreation and Aquatic Complex. The Sports Management Group is concurrently conducting a programming study for the new Community Centcrs planned for Shannon and Emcrald Glcn Parks. RECOMMENDATION: Receive Staff and Consultant presentations and provide direction on the following: 1. Dctcnninc thc preferred size and space components for the Shannon Community Center and the Emerald Glen Community Center. 2. Determine if the design and construction of the new Shannon Community Center is the highest priority. 3. Detennine if Staff should conduct a public meeting with neighbors of Shannon to discuss proposed space componcnts and facility size before moving forward with the design process. 4. Dctcrmine the preferred space components for the Recreation Center. 5. Detennine the preferred components for the Aquatic Ccnter and if any of those components . should be built as indoor facilities. 6. Determine the preferred option(s) for the Recreation and Aquatic Ccntcr for which the consultant should conduct a Financial Feasibility Study. 7. Detennine the remainiog steps in the public ioput process. If requuted, thi.r agmda J"hall/Jç made afJailahk ill ttppropriatc altmlätit!CjOrmats to persons with a dÙabiJity, as required try S{l~"tÙm 202 4the Americalls with Di.I'ahilitÙJ' At! qf1990 (42 [J.J.C J eaim! 12132)! and thejederaJ f'lJles and re}!,ulations adopted ill ¡mplmle'Jt~tirìn thettqf Tf.J make a n:quG,fl Jor dÚabilify- related modtficatioff oraä;ommodatioN, please t'Ontacllhe GJy Clerk!s Offi~-e (925) 833-ðÔJO (it lea.I't 72 hours in adwmæ q{the meetin,g. City Council Meeting tliJ82 G:\Facllltle. Feasibility StudyIJaint PCSC-CC Study Session on 4·12-05.doc Agenda Printed 4/712005 12:32:32 PM