HomeMy WebLinkAbout*CC Agenda 04-19-2004 Sp G&O/Bgt Agendas are posted on the City's Intemet Website (www.ci.dublin.ca.us) · A complete packet of information containing Staff Reports and exhibits related to each item is available for public review several days prior to a Council meeting in the City Clerk's Office and also at the Dublin Library. · Agendas may be picked up at the City Clerk's Office for no charge, or to request information on being placed on the annual subscription list, please call 833-6650. CALLTO0 2. ,pi,ED,,GE OF ALLEGIANCE TO THE FLAG 3. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS 3.1 Public Comments At this t~ne, the pubhb iS l~rmitted to address the Cig Council on non-a~endized ~tems. The Cooacil mus~ howeve~ ~omply w~th allState Laws in ~ard to items not apt~ on the posted a~enda. The Coun~l may mapond to stateanents made o~ qu~st~bns ask~ o~' may r~Iues! S~aff to b~k at a futura rneeth~g conee~nin~ the matter. Any member of the pubhb may ~ontact the City Clerk's Oft~¢e ~lated to the to place an item on a futum City Council a~nd~ The ezo~t~ions under which the City CouncSl ~A ¥ d~scuss and/or ~ ac~bn on it~ma not ap~ on the a~enda am ¢ontm'ned in Govemment Code Section The City Council will conduct its annual review of the City's Goals & Objectives and Capital Improvement Project Updates for Fiscal Year 2003-04, and establish and prioritize Goals & Objectives for the City for Fiscal Year 2004-05. It will also consider the revisions to the Strategic Plan, including the City's Mission, Vision and Values Statements. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Review 2003-04 Goals & Objectives and Capital Improvement Project Updates as of 2/29/04; Receive Staff Report for the 2004-05 Preliminary Goals & Objectives Program and Draft Strategic Plan; Receive Public input; Deliberate, prioritize and preliminarily adopt the 2004-05 Goals & Objectives; and consider the revisions to the Mission, Vision and Values Statements, and preliminarily adopt the 2004-2005 Strategic Plan. 8.2 2004-2005 Budget Study Session (File # 330-20) The City's Annual Budget Study Session provides the City Council with an oppommity to identify those programs, services, and projects the Council would like Staffto analyze as part of the development of the City's Annual Operating Budget and the update of the Five-Year Capital Improvement Program for the upcoming fiscal year. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: 1) Receive Staff Report; 2) Review Budget Issues Worksheet and provide Staff with direction on each of the issues identified in the Budget Worksheet (Attachment 5); and 3) Establish Budget Hearing Date to consider 2004-2005 Annual Budget and Five-Year Capital Improvement Program Update. ' 9. OTHER BUSlNES..S.. - Brief INFORMATIONAL ONLYreports from Councilrnembers and/or Staff 10. ADJOURNMENT - The next regular meeting of the Dublin City Council will be on Tuesday, April 20, 2004 at 7:00 p.m. ff requasteff, tins a~,anda shall l~ made avMlabl~ in appropriate ~lternative formats to persons with ~ disabib'Or, ~s required by &x~tt'oa 202 of the Ametfcans with Disabil~'tt'es Act of I~90 (4~ U.S.C. .f~xrtion 1~15~), and the £e~rM rule~ and reSulations adot~tad in implementation themo£ To make r~tuast for dt's~bility~rvlsteff modifcan'on or ~CC ommoclaO'on, pleaav cont~t the O'Or Cleric's Offica (92~) $$$-6650 at least 7~ hottrs in advanc~ of riff Council Me, tinS #~48 ~: ~ CC~MTGS[2OO4~qtr2 Mpr ~ 04-19-04~A0 ~ 4~ I9- 04~genda~$,~o. doc