HomeMy WebLinkAbout*CC Agenda 04-27-1987
REGULAR I-1EETING - April 27, 1987
Monday - (Immediately following Meeting of Dublin Information, Inc. @ 7:30 p.m.
l"leeting Room
At this time, ;nembers of the audience are permitted to address the City Council on any item which is not
on the City Council Agenda. Comments should not exceed 5 minutes. If any person feels that this is not
sufficient time to address their concern, that person should arrange with the City Manager to have their
particular concern placed on the agenda for a future meeting.
Consent Calendar itews are typically of a non-controversial nature and are considered for approval by
the City Council with one single action.
Members of the audience who would like an item removed from the consent calendar for purpose of public
input may request. the City Council to remove the item from the consent calendar. The request may be
made at. the time that the I-layor asks the audience mem;)ers if there is anyone interested in rel:loving an
item from the Consent Calendar.
4.1 1-linutes of H.egular Heeting of April 13, 1987
4.2 Financial Report for Period Ending r,1u.rch 31, 1987
4.3 Report Regarding winter ~ecreation Program
The Recreation Director has prepared a report highlighting the activities sponsored by the
City's ~ecreation Department during the winter quarter of 1986-87.
4.4 PA 87-040 Street Name Change - Calle de CU.sas
This request is from the developer to change the street name of Calle de Casas in the Coral
Gate Development to Gate Way.
STAFF RECO~~~NDATION: Adopt Resolution approving street name change.
4.5 Request for Proposal - Civic Center Soil Investigation and Geology/Seismology Report
The City is required to obtain a soil investigation to assure that the design and
construction of the foundation is appropriate. Also, the Building Official has deter~ined
that a dynamic analysis is required. This establishes the need for a detailed seismology
STZ\FF RECOI\1I'.lENDATION: l\uthocize Staff to circulate the ai?P and procure the services in
accordance with the City's Purchasing Ordinance.
4. 6 Critique of Hazardous IIaterial Spill
On April 20, 1987, a critique of -the hazardous material spill which occurred on April 15,
1987 was conducted. There were 20 persons in attendance representing 11 separate agencies
in the fields of police, fire and environmental health.
ST}\FF RECOMT-1ENDATION : Receive Report
Sale of Surplus Property to The Fishery
The developers of The Fishery Restaurant have requested
right-of-way fronting their property on San Ramon Road.
hearing date of May 11th for approving the sale.
STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Adopt Resolution of intention to sell
to purchase the City's excess
This resolution sets a public
City property & set hearing date.
4.8 International Institut.e of ]\lunicipal Clerks (In,IC) Conference, Ft. ~'Jorth, 1<lay 17-21,1987
This conference offers a number of seminars/classes which can directly benefit the Staff and
the City in the areas of: Current & Pending Legislation, Records Management, Minutes,
Agendas, Public Relations, Legislative History Indexing, etc. In addition, attendance
provides necessary credits toward obtaining (Certified Munici~)al Clerk) CHC status for the
Deputy City Clerk.
STAFF RECO~~ENDATION: Authorize attendance of Deputy City Clerk at Conference
4. 9
~\evisec1 Agreement for
Staff has prepared
Center between the
Architectural Services - Senior Citizens Center
a revised agreeMent for Architectural Services fo~ the Senior Citizens
City and Grossmann Design Group.
Approve revised agreement; authorize Hayor to execute agreement
4.10 Warrant Register dated April 27, 1987
Chanber of Commerce Regarding City Map
The City has been notified by the Dublin Chamber of Co~nerce that
publishing a new map for the City of Dublin and surrounding area.
distributed to all new residents, new and existing businesses and
local welcoming service. The Chamber has requested that the City
this map at a cost of $425.
the Chamber
These maps
~:lill be
through the
in funding of
5.2 Request to Close Tamarack Drive between Brighton Drive and Doreen Street
Staff received a request from Deborah ~~nn to close a portion of Tamarack Drive on 11ay 24th
for a neighborhood party.
STAFF RECO~rrlliNDATION: Deny request on the basis that this closu~e ?resents a safety problem and
inconvenience for area residents.
5.3 City of Pleasanton Regarding Tri-Valley Council Meeting
Pleasanton Mayor Ken Mercer has written indicating that Pleasanton has made arrangements for
d dinner meeting on May 7, 1987 at 6:30 p.m. at the Pleasanton Ilotel. The 5 Valley City
Councils and Staff are invited to discuss transportation issues.
STAFF RECO~J1ENDATION: Determine if May 7, 1987 is an acceptable meeting date and direct Staff
to notify Pleasanton.
Southern Alameda County Board of Realtors
The City has received a request from the Southern Alameda County
its revolving loan fund. The revolving loan program is designed
fa,nilies \vho are ex~:)eriencing tem}.Jorary financial difficul ties.
Board of Realtors is not asking for funds at this time.
STAFF RECOi-ll>1ENDATION: Consider Request
Board of Realtors endorsing
to assist individuals and
The southern Alameda County
6.1 PA 87-015 Zoning Ordinance l-\mendment - Sleeping in Vehicles
This is the second reading of an ordinance amendrnent to pro~ibit sleeping in vehicles in any
zoning district and reorganization of Section 8-60.33 of the Zoning Ordinance not amending
the contents or meaning of that section.
STAFF RECOrn1ENDATION: Conduct public hearing; deliberate; walve reading and adopt ordinance.
6.2 Ordinance Establishing Regulation of Alarm Systems
This ordinance, which was introduced at the City Council meeting of April 13, 1987, would
require the operator of any alarm business to register with the Police Department prior to
engaging in or discontinuing such a business.
STAFF RECO~ll1ENDATION: Conduct public hearing; deliberate; waive reading and adopt ordinance.
6.3 Ordinance Related to Fly Control
This ordinance which is part of the comprehensive revision of the Municipal Code, would make
it unlawful for a person to create, allow or maintain a fly nuisance, allow waste to beco~e
a harborage or food source for rodents, or result in the unreasonable production of odors.
This ordinance would also authorize the City ~anager or other authorized agents to enter
pro~2rty to investigate conditions which may produce fly nuisance, rodent harborage or odor.
The ordinance would also authorize the City Manager to abate the nuisance.
STAFF RECOI.IHENDATIOlJ: Conduct public hearing; (:.eliberate; waive reading and introduce ordinance
6.4 Fire Safe Roofing Ordinance
On April 23, 1986, the City Council ini-tiated considera-tion of a Building Code ,,\rllendment
regar~ing use of fire safe roofing Inaterials. At that meeting, the City Council referred
the matter to the Planning Commission. Subsequent to the Planning commission action, the
Building Official has reviewed the Planning Commission recommendation and has addeu
additional recommendations.
STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Conduct public hearing; deliberate; adopt resolution for Negative
Declaration; waive reading and introduce ordinance recommended by Planning Commission or
ordinances recommended by Building Official. If the ordinances prepared by the Building
Official are introduced, adopt resolution relating to findings of necessity for Fire Safe
Roofing Materials.
7.1 Dublin High School Grounds Improvement Task Force
The Council has been provided with the applications of those community groups and members of
the community who have indicated an interest in serving on the Dublin High School Grounds
Improvement Task Force.
STAFF HECOI-IME1JDATION: Appoint Task Force members from the ap{)lications received to date,
filling vacancies as more applications are received, or defer appointment of the Task Force and
direct Staff to publicize the Task Force in the upcoming City Newsletter.
7.2 Community Television Studio - Civic Center
The City has received an inquiry regarding the terms and conditions of the Cable Television
Studio financing. The City Council has submitted a proposal to the Tri-Valley Community
Television Corporation to include this facility in the Dublin Civic Center. The City
Council had required the costs to be distributed by population, however, a ?ayment schedule
was not discussed.
STAFF RECOrrrlliNDATION: Review the proposed terms of the lease and direct Staff to request
consideration by each of the Cities and the Corporation.
7.3 ABAG-Alameda County pilo-t Household Hazardous t'Jaste Collection Program
ABAG is sponsoring a pilot Household Hazardous ~aterials Collection Program. A collection
day has been scheduled for June 6, 1987 for the Cities of Livermore, Pleasanton and Dublin.
ABAG will provide $10,000 in seed money and it is proposed that the remaining cost be
included in the solid waste rate structure. The cost will be shared based on the percentage
of City participants.
ST.i\FF RECOI-U,mnDATION: Approve Ci Jc.y participation and authori ze Hayor to execute agreement.
8. NE~"J BUSIN~S;':'
8.1 Civic Center Certificate of Participation Issue Refinancing
In December 1985, the City issued Certificates of Participation at an average interest rate
of 9.05%. Given the conditions in the .fIlunicipal Bond market, it is apparent that the City
could realize significant savings by refinancing the original Certificate of Participation
Issue. Staff has prepared a Request for Proposal for the purpose of soliciting qualified
financial underwriters to assist in the refinancing of the 1985 Certificate of Participation
S'l'i\FF nEC Or-'1i'lENDi\T I ON : Approve Request for Proposal for Bond Underwr i ters and author i ze Ci ty
Manager to solicit responses from qualified Bond Underwriters
10. CLOSED SESSION - Pending Litigation - Government Code Section 54956.9(a) 1) Pet Prevent-A-Care, Inc.
2) BART, 3) The Sa~nill