HomeMy WebLinkAbout*CC Agenda 05-13-1985
REGULAR MEETING - May 13, 1985
Monday - 7:30 p.m.
Meeting Room
At this time, members of the audience are permitted to address the City Council on any item
which is not on the City Council Agenda. Comments should not exceed 5 minutes. If any
person feels that this is not sufficient time to address their concern, that person should
arrange with the City Manager to have their particular concern placed on the agenda for a
future meeting.
3.1 Proclamation: "Senior Citizen's Month" M3..y, 1985
3.2 Presentation by Bay Area Rapid Transit District
Consent Calendar items are typically of a non-controversial nature and are considered for
approval by the City Council with one single action.
Members of the audience who would like an item removed from the consent calendar for
purpose of public input may request the City Council to remove the item from the consent
calendar. The request may be made at the time that the Mayor asks the audience members if
there is anyone interested in removing an item from the Consent Calendar.
4.1 Minutes of Regular Meeting of April 22, 1985
4.2 Warrant Register dated May 13, 1985
4.3 City Treasurer's Investment Report for Period Ending April 30, 1985
4.4 Time Extension for Comprehensive Traffic Engineering Study
In October, 1984, JHK & Associates were selected to conduct a Comprehensive
Traffic Engineering Study. The time frame for securing the Automated Traffic
Safety Records System was delayed, which resulted in the postponement of other
phases. A 90 day extension to the original agreement will provide adequate time
to complete the project.
STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Authorize the M3..yor to execute the amendment and direct
Staff to request a time extension from the State Office of Traffic Safety.
4.5 Acceptance of Work - Tract 4988
All work in connection with the subject tract has been completed in accordance
with the terms of the subdivision agreement.
STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Adopt Resolution to accept the work completed in Tract 4988
4.6 Amendment to Agreement for Building Law Enforcement Services with Taugher &
Associates, Inc.
Taugher & Associates provides Building Inspection and Zoning Enforcement Services
as an independent contractor. The Zoning Enforcement is currently handled by the
Building Inspector. However, with increased construction activity additional
contract personnel are necessary. The amendment of the agreement would provide
for the use of a Zoning Investigator on an as-needed basis and establish an hourly
rate for the service. The proposed amendment also denotes Taugher & Associates as
a California Corporation.
STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Approve Amendment to Agreement and authorize the lVByor to
execute the Agreement
5.1 From Donald R. Shanks, 7681 Ashford Way Re Installation of Soundwall along Alcosta
Boulevard & Kimball Avenue
The City Council received a request from a resident whose property is adjacent to
Alcosta Boulevard. The resident has suggested the installation of a wall similar
to the one installed on Village Parkway. The Village Parkway project was
undertaken to improve appearance and eliminate public safety concerns where the
dilapidated fencing encroached on City owned sidewalks. The sidewalks along
Alcosta Boulevard are within the City of San Ramon and much of the proposed area
is adjacent to San Ramon businesses.
STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Direct Staff to send a letter to Mr. Shanks denying the
request and indicating the basis for the decision.
5.2 Memorandum from Planning Commission Re Property Maintenance Ordinance
On April 15, 1985, the Planning Commission requested the City Council to consider
a property maintenance ordinance to address community aesthetics. The Planning
Commission was particularly concerned with unkept lawns and front yards.
STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Consider whether or not to 1) prepare draft property
maintenance ordinance addressing community aesthetics
and/or 2) prepare pro-active community aesthetics program.
6.1 Stagecoach Road - Regulation of Vehicular Traffic
The City has received a petition from residents on Stagecoach Road requesting that
the newly constructed extension be closed to through traffic from Amador Valley Boulevard.
The residents have a concern over the speed of vehicles. This matter is complicated by the
fact that the older section has never been accepted by the City as a public improvement due
to soils problems within the tract. The enforcement of traffic laws on a private roadway
requires a public hearing and specific findings must be made to allow traffic enforcement.
STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Open public hearing & receive Staff presentation; take
testimony from public; question Staff and public; close public hearing and
deliberate; adopt resolution regulating vehicular traffic on Stagecoach Road;
authorize City Traffic Engineer to conduct a speed survey on Stagecoach Road.
6.2 Appeal of Planning Commission action to conditionally approve PA84-049, Imperial
Freeholds, California Inc., application for Parcel M3..p #3582 extension
Imperial Freeholds applied for an extension to their parcel map to subdivide a 10
acre site on Dublin Boulevard into 3 lots and ultimately develop 3 office
buildings with approximately 180,000 sq. ft. The Planning Commission approved the
extension with a condition requiring $69,000 toward a traffic signal at Dublin
Boulevard/Sierra Court. The issue involves paYment towards the traffic signal to
lessen traffic impacts even if the project does not have a direct connection to
the intersection.
STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Open public hearing; hear presentation and testimony; pose
questions; close public hearing; deliberate; adopt resolution denying
appeal and upholding Planning Commission conditions of approval.
6.3 Ordinance Re: Limited Parking Zone (Green Curb 20 Minutes) on Sierra Lane
Viacom Cablevision has requested that a portion of the curb in front of their
office be limited to 20 minute parking.
STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Open public hearing; receive public testimony; close public
hearing; wai ve reading and adopt ordinance.
6.4 Ordinance Re: No Parking (Red Curb) Fronting 7889 Dublin Boulevard (Homestead
Red curb at this location will aid cars turning right from westbound Dublin
Boulevard onto Regional Street.
STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Open public hearing; receive public testimony; close public
hearing; waive reading and introduce ordinance.
6.5 PA84-076 Kaufman & broad Annexation Authorization to Gomplete Annexation to City
of Dublin
The Alameda County Local Agency Formation Commission has approved the Kaufman &
Broad annexation to the City of Dublin. The annexation involves approximately 12
acres generally located west of Alegre Drive. City Council authorization is
needed to complete the annexation.
STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Open public hearing; hear presentation & testimony; pose
questions; close public hearing; deliberate; adopt resolution
completing annexation.
6.6 PA85-020 Tom Huening Planned Development Rezoning & Site Development Review
Tom Huening is requesting a Planned Development Rezoning & Site Development Review
to allow a 4,485 sq. ft. building at 6767 Dublin Boulevard. Potential concerns
regarding architectural treatment, parking and street trees are addressed in the
conditions of approval.
STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Open public hearing; hear presentation and testimony; close
public hearing; deliberate; adopt resolution regarding Negative Declaration;
adopt resolution regarding Planned Development Rezoning; waive reading and
introduce ordinance; adopt resolution approving Site Development Review.
7.1 Downtown Improvement Committee Appointments
The City Council approved the concept of appointing a blue ribbon ad hoc committee
consisting of representatives from the residential and business sectors. The
purpose of the committee would be to assist in the development of a downtown
improvement plan.
STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Announce appointments to the Ad Hoc Downtown Improvement
7.2 Livermore-Amador Valley Transit Authority Joint Exercise of Powers Agreement
The City has been working with the Cities of Pleasanton and Livermore and the
County to form an agency to provide local transportation. The City of Livermore
has requested revisions to the agreement previously presented to the City Council.
The costs for the transit services would be paid by the newly formed Transit
STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Consider adoption of JEPA; appoint member to Authority
Board, if JEP A is adopted
7.3 Report from City Manager Re Recognition of City Volunteers
The City Council has requested Staff to investigate a method by which the City
could honor those 25 volunteers who have given their time and efforts to the City
for no compensation. The Assistant City Attorney has indicated that the City
could give awards incidental to the volunteers duty or assignment. These awards
could be in the form of an appreciation dinner and/or gift.
STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Consider the desirability of hosting a dinner and awarding
gifts to the City's volunteers.
8.1 Joint City Council/Murray School Board Meeting
The City Council and Murray School District Board of Trustees will be holding a
joint meeting on Thursday, May 30,1985 at 7:30 p.m., in the Board of Trustees
meeting room. The Board has indicated they would like to discuss the following
items: Crossing Guards, School District grounds maintenance, use of empty School
District facilities, recreation, Kolb Park
STAFF RECOMMENDATION: The City Council should indicate any additional items they
wish to include for discussion at this meeting
9. CLDSED SESSION - Personnel Evaluation