HomeMy WebLinkAbout*CC Agenda 05-15-2007
'lli,esday,May 15,2007, 7:0Qp~fQ.
DUBLIN CIVIC CtN'rER, 100 Civic Pl:a7A
· Agendas and Staff Reports are posted on the City's Internet Website (www.ci.dublin.ca.us)
NOTE- Agendas posted on the Website are provided as a public service, and are not intended to serve as a part of, or a replacement
for any part of the legally required posting of agendas or the public noticing of projects appearing before the City Council
· Agendas may be picked up at the City Clerk's Office for no charge, or to request information
on being placed on the annual subscription list, please call 833-6650.
· A complete packet of information containing Staff Reports and exhibits related to each item is available
for public review prior to a Council meeting in the City Clerk's Office and also at the Dublin Library. .
Government Code section 54956.9, subdivision a
I. Name of case: Dublin v. Ralph Gil, et al- Alameda County Superior Court
Case No. VG05241773
IL Name of Case: Schlicker v. State of Cali fomi a, Alameda County Superior
Court No. VG03-134125 (Consolidated wi VG04-140656)
Government Code section 54956.8
Property: Dublin Square Shopping Center, 11759 Dublin Boulevard
Agency Negotiator: Richard Ambrose, City Manager
Negotiating Parties: All existing lessees and tenants
Under Negotiation: Price and terms ofleases/tenancies
3.1 Introduction of New Employee Vivian Gong, Finance Manager (700-10)
3.2 Presentation by Public Works Department (330-40) and Proclamation declaring
May 20-26, 2007 National Public Works Week (610-50)
This presentation is intended to update the City Council on the major Capital Infrastructure
Projects planned for the coming year. The 1-580/Fallon Road Interchange and Dublin
Boulevard/Dougherty Road Intersection Improvement projects will be highlighted, as well as
development review and the NPDES program developments.
STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Receive presentation and provide any comments. Present
3.3 Public Comments
At this time, the public is permitted to address the City Council on non-agendized items. Please step to the podium and clearly state your name
for the record. COMMENTS SHOULD NOT EXCEED THREE (3J MINUTES. In accordance with State Law, no action or discussion may take
place on any item not appearing on the posted agenda. The Council may respond to statements made or questions asked, or may request
Staff to report back at a future meeting concerning the matter. Any member of the public may contact the City Clerk's Office related to the
proper procedure to place an item on a future City Council agenda. The exceptions under which the City Council MAY discuss and/or take
action on items not appearing on the agenda are contained in Government Code Section 54954.2(b)(1)(2)(3).
May 15,2007 Dublin City Council Agenda
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Consent Calendar items are typically non-controversial in nature and are considered for approval by the City Council with one single action. Members
of the audience, Staff or the City Council who would like an item removed from the Consent Calendar for purposes of public input may request the
Mayor to remove the item.
4.1 Minutes of Regular Meetings of April 3, and April 17 , 2007
4.2 P A 03-060 and P A 06-030 Stage 1 Development Plan for Casamira ValleylMoller Ranch
and Tipper properties and a Stage 1 Development Plan for the Vargas Property,
Supplemental Environmental Impact Report (Casamira Valley), Mitigated Negative
Declaration (Vargas) and Pre-Annexation Agreement (600-60)
This project area includes the Casamira Valley/Moller Ranch, Vargas and Tipper properties,
located within the unincorporated area of Alameda County within the City's Sphere of
Influence near the northeasterly City Limits. Ordinances Rezoning to Planned Development
Prezone with related Stage 1 Development Plans were introduced following a public hearing
at the May 1, 2007 City Council meeting.
STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Waive second reading and ADOPT Ordinance(s).
4.3 Scarlett Court P A 03-063 Amendments to Title 8, Zoning Ordinance, of the Dublin
Municipal Code to Create Chapter 8.34, Scarlett Court Overlay Zoning District; Amend
Chapter 8.104, Site Development Review; and Amend the Zoning Map to Depict an
Overlay Zoning Designation for the Scarlett Court Area (Legislative Action) (450-20)
This is the second reading of an Ordinance amending Title 8 of the Dublin Municipal Code.
The Ordinance was introduced following a public hearing at the May 1, 2007 City Council
STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Waive second reading and ADOPT Ordinance.
4.4 Bid Results for Contract No. 07-08, San Ramon Road Concrete Soundwall Maintenance
This project will repair vertical cracks in the 3' high concrete soundwall on San Ramon Road.
A single bid was received, thus eliminating comparison, but also in an amount that was almost
100% over the Engineer's Estimate. It is proposed that the single bid be rejected and the
project rebid.
STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Adopt Resolution rejecting the single bid received and
directing Staff to rebid the Project.
4.5 Award of Bid, Contract No. 07-06,2006-07 Annual Street Overlay Program (600-35)
This program will remove and replace failed asphalt concrete pavement, resurface the entire street
with 1 W' of asphalt concrete, and restripe pavement markings on various City streets.
STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Adopt Resolution awarding contract to EI Camino Paving,
Inc. ($548,506.99).
4.6 Acceptance of Street Improvements Associated with Parcel Map 7714 Off-Site
Improvements for Arnold Road and Martinelli Way (IKEA Property, Inc.) (820-20)
lKEA Property, Inc., together with Pepper Construction Company, recently completed off-site
street improvements associated with Tract 7714 for Arnold Road and Martinelli Way. The project
site is located on the west side of Hacienda Drive immediately north ofI-580. The improvements
consisted of constructing Martinelli Way between Arnold Road and Hacienda Drive, extending
Arnold Road southerly from Dublin Boulevard to its terminus with future Altamirano Avenue/I-
580, and installing new traffic signals at the intersections of Arnold Road/Martinelli Way and
lKEA Way/Martinelli Way. The City Council will consider accepting these streets for
maintenance and release the bonds that guaranteed the work.
STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Adopt Resolution accepting the street improvements.
May 15,2007 Dublin City Council Agenda
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4.7 Approval of Parcel Map 8262 (IKEA Property, Inc., Alameda County Surplus Property
Authority, and PK Sale, LLC) (410-40)
lKEA Property Inc., together with the Alameda County Surplus Property Authority and PK Sale,
LLC, is seeking City Council approval of Parcel Map 8262. This Parcel Map is situated on the
west side of Hacienda Drive immediately north ofI-580, east of Arnold Road, and south of
Martinelli Way. The Map subdivides Parcell of Parcel Map 8261 into two parcels (Parcell on
13.58 acres and Parcel A on 1.05 acres), and dedicates public right-of-way and easements on
Arnold Road and Martinelli Way.
STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Adopt Resolution approving Parcel Map 8262.
4.8 Approval of Improvement Agreement for Improvements Associated with Tract 7540,
Phase IV - Silvera Ranch (pfeiffer Ranch Investors II, Inc.) (600-60)
Pfeiffer Ranch Investors II, Inc. (dba Pinn Brothers Fine Homes, Inc.), is seeking City
Council approval of an Improvement Agreement for improvements associated with Tract
7540, Phase IV - Silvera Ranch. This phase of Silvera Ranch will create 44 single-family
homes, and is located on the east side of Tassajara Road immediately north of the Nielsen
property. The Improvement Agreement has been executed by the developer and submitted
with the necessary bonds to assure construction of the required tract improvements.
STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Adopt Resolution approving the Improvement Agreement.
4.9 Financial Reports for the Months of March & April, 2007 (330-50)
4.10 Approval of Settlement Agreement between the City of Dublin and Granite Construction
Company regarding the Dublin Boulevard Widening Project from Village Parkway to
Sierra Court (600-35)
The Settlement Agreement between the City and Granite Construction Company stipulates the
terms of the agreement including the payment of $375,000 to Granite Construction Company
to settle and resolve the construction claim filed by the contractor against the City.
STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Approve Settlement Agreement and authorize Mayor to
execute; approve $375,000 Budget Change.
4.11 Agreement with Straface & Riele Commercial Real Estate to Provide Property
Management Services for the Dublin Square Shopping Center (600-30)
The City Council will consider an Agreement with Straface & Riele Commercial Real Estate
to provide property management services for a City-owned site at 11759 Dublin Boulevard
(Dublin Square Shopping Center). .
STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Adopt Resolution approving Agreement; approve Budget
4.12 Warrant Register ($1,388,997.22) dated May 15,2007 (300-40)
6.1 P A 06-013 Alcosta Shell Service Station Rezone from C-N, Neighborhood Commercial to
C-2, General Commercial (450-30)
The City Council will consider a request to Rezone an existing property at 8999 San Ramon
Road to allow for the construction/expansion of the existing Alcosta Shell Service Station.
STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Conduct public hearing; deliberate; waive reading and
INTRODUCE Ordinance approving a Rezone for the Alcosta Shell Service Station property
located at 8999 San Ramon Road.
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6.2 P A 06-026 Dublin Gateway Medical Center Building 3 Hospital and Garage - CEQA
Addendum, Planned Development Rezone and Stage 1 and 2 Development Plan,
Conditional Use Permit, Site Development Review and Development Agreement
The City Council will consider a proposal to construct a 6-story, 168,000 square foot, 100-bed
hospital building and a S-level parking structure (4 levels above grade) on approximately 3.13
acres of land within the Dublin Gateway Medical Center (also a portion of the Koll Dublin
Corporate Center) at the comer of Dublin Boulevard and Glynnis Rose Drive.
STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Conduct public hearing; deliberate; adopt Resolution
approving a CEQA Addendum, CUP and SDR with Addendum and Statement of Overriding
Conditions; waive reading and INTRODUCE Ordinance approving a PD Rezone and Stage 1
and 2 Development Plan; adopt Resolution approving CUD and SDR Project Plans; and waive
reading and INTRODUCE Ordinance approving a Development Agreement for the Dublin
Gateway Medical Center Building 3 Hospital and Garage Project.
7.1 St. Patrick's Day Festival Re-Cap (950-40)
The City Council will receive a report providing an overview of the 2007 St. Patrick's Day
Festival and provide input regarding the planning of the 2008 Festival.
STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Receive report, establish date and provide recommendations
for the 2008 St. Patrick's Day events.
8.1 PA 03-10 Fairway Ranch (The Groves) First Amendment to Affordable Housing
Agreement for Senior Project (600-25)
The City Council will consider a First Amendment to the Affordable Housing Regulatory
Agreement for Fairway Ranch Senior Housing. Fairway Ranch is a 24.S-acre project
approved in 2003 for development in 3 phases. The project has been renamed and is now
known as The Groves at Dublin Ranch. Phase 1 includes 322 units of senior citizen
apartments known as Cedar and Pine Grove. Phase 2 is a 304-unit complex of family
apartments (leased rental units) known as Oak Grove. Phase 3 is the proposed Sycamore
Grove project, which would be comprised of304 condominium (for sale) units.
STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Adopt Resolution approving the First Amendment to
Agreement and authorize City Manager to execute.
8.2 Financing Retiree Medical with Contributions Based on an Actuarial Study and Placement
of Funds Contributed into the CalPERS Trust (720-60)
An updated actuarial study has been prepared to determine the amount of contributions
required for Retiree Medical insurance benefits. In addition, the California Public Employees
Retirement System offers a trust that will invest funds set aside for this purpose. Placement of
the funds in an irrevocable third party trust will reduce the liability required to be reported on
the City financial records. The use of the PERS Trust is also expected to generate more funds
from investment earnings, which reduces the amount contributed by the City.
STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Adopt Resolution and authorize Staff to transfer funds
currently held in the City Internal Service Fund for Retiree Medical purposes to the CalPERS
9.1 Brief INFORMATION ONLY reports from Council and/or Staff, including Committee
Reports and Reports by Council related to Meetings Attended at City Expense (AD 1234).
This AGENDA is posted in accordance with Government Code Section 54954.2(a)
Ifrequested, pursuant to Government Code Section 54953.2, this agenda shall be made available in appropriate alternative formats
to persons with a disability, as required by Section 202 of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (42 D.S.C. Section 12132),
and the federal rules and regulations adopted in implementation thereof. To make a request for disability-related modification or
accommodation, please contact the City Clerk's Office (925) 833-6650 at least 72 hours in advance of the meeting.
City Council Meeting # 744 Agenda Printed 5/10/2007 11:24:37 AM
The City of Dublin promotes and supports a high quality of life that ensures a safe and secure environment, fosters new
opportunities and provides responsive fair treatment to our diverse community
Dublin is a vibrant city committed to its citizens, natural resources and cultural heritage. As Dublin grows, it will balance history
with progress, to sustain an enlightened, economically balanced and diverse community.
Dublin, with its distinctive place in the region, highlights culture, diversity and civic stewardship to create a broad mosaic. This
mosaic is enriched by the integrating of cultures, races and economic diversity into villages and neighborhoods - forming a
common network that welcomes both residents and businesses alike; supporting the efforts and achievements of all.
May 15,2007 Dublin City Council Agenda
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