HomeMy WebLinkAbout*CC Agenda 06-08-1987 AGE N D A DUBLIN CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING - June 8, 1987 Monday - 7:30 p.m. DUBLIN LIBRARY Heeting Room 1. CALL TO ORDER 2. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE TO THE FLAG 3. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS At this time, members of the audience are permitted to address the City Council on any item which is not on the City Council Agenda. Comments should not exceed 5 minutes. If any person feels that this is not sufficient time to address their concern, that person should arrange with the City Manager to have their particular concern placed on the agenda for a future meeting. 4. CONSENT CALENDAR Consent Calendar items are typically of a non-controversial nature and are considered for approval by the City Council with one single action. Members of the audience who would like an item removed from the consent calendar for purpose of public input may request the City Council to remove the item from the consent calendar. The request may be made at the time that the Mayor asks the audience members if there is anyone interested in removing an item from the Consent Calendar. 4.1 Minutes of Regular Meeting of May 26, 1987 STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Approve 4.2 City Treasurer's Investment Report for Period Ending May 31, 1987 STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Approve 4.3 Authorization to Advertise for Bids - Contract 87-5 Dougherty Road Fence at Camp Parks This project provides for construction of a chainlink fence behind the berm on the east side of Dougherty Road north of Naador Valley Boulevard, as part of the City's right-of-way agreement with the Army (Camp Parks). STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Authorize Staff to advertise Contract 87-5 for bids. 4.4 Agreement for Geotechnical Services - Civic Center Seven responses were received to the City's Request for Proposal for Soil Investigation and Geology/Seismology Report required as part of the development of the Civic Center project. Three firms were selected to participate in oral interviews. The interview board consisted of the Structural Engineer, Civil Engineer and the Assistant to the City Manager. STAFF RECOHMENDArrION: Approve selection of Peter Kaldveer & Associates for cost of $9,345 and authorize the Mayor to execute agreement. Also, authorize City Manager to increase scope of study if unanticipated conditions are found and the additional scope does not exceed $1,500. 4.5 Rafanelli & Nahas Real Estate Development Reques.t for Street Name Change - PA87-065 Rafanelli & Nahas, the developer, is requesting a street name change in the Villages @ Alamo Creek from Alamo Creek Drive to Nillow Creek Drive. ST.l\FF RECOH!v1ENDATION: Adopt Resolution approving street name change. 4.6 Kolb Park Improvements This action authorizes Staff to advertise for bids for the construction of Kolb Park. Estimated cost of construction is $723,155, which is within the amount budgeted. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Authorize Staff to advertise Contract 87-6 for bids. 4.7 Warrant Register dated June 8, 1987 STAFF RECOHMENDATION: Approve 4.3 ~1aintenance of Stagecoach Road Slopes - Award of Contract for Replanting Approval of this item will provide a more extensive landscape palette which will be easier to maintain for the eastern upslopes along Stagecoach Road. Costs will be evenly shared between the Amador Lakes developer and the rese~ves within the Stagecoach Road Lighting and Landscaping Maintenance Assessment District. STAFF RECOMHENDATION: Award contract to Four Seasons Landscape and Haintenance, Inc. 5. HRITTEN COMlv:1UNICATIONS 5.1 From Committee for ~vater Policy Consensus A request has been received from the Committee for Water Policy consensus that cities adopt a model resolution seeking amendments to AB 1710 (Costa) Water Resources Development/Delta Improvements. The proposed resolution seeks amendments which would provide statutory protection for the San Francisco Bay-Delta estuary. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Consider request to adopt resolution. 5.2 San Ramon Branch Line/I-680 Corridor Transportation Study Mr. Bud Murphy and the Contra Costa County Public Works Department have prepared a study evaluating possible transit alternatives for consideration by the Contra Costa County Board of Supervisors. The study reco~~ends four alternatives for future detailed analyses: (1) Light Rail Transit, (2) Busway, (3) Southern Pacific Right-of-Way alignment, and (4) alignment along a portion of I-680. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: (1) Hear Mr. Murphy's presentation; Consider providing input. 6. PUBLIC HEARING 6.1 Bus Stops on Dublin Boulevard @ A. C. Transit has requested Sierra Court. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: ordinance. Sierra Court permission to establish BART bus stops on Dublin Boulevard @ Conduct public hearing; deliberate; waive reading and introduce 6.2 Ordinance Regulating the Shooting of Firearms This ordinance, which was introduced at the May 26, 1987 Council meeting, regulates the shooting of firearms within the corporate limits of the City. Any person who fires or discharges any gun, revolver, rifle, pistol, shotgun or firearm of any kind is guilty of a misdemeanor. This ordinance does not apply to peace officers performing their official duties. STAFF RECOHMENDATION: Conduct public hearing; deliberate; waive reading and adopt ordinance. 6.3 Yield Right-of-Way, Portage Road @ Maple Drive A member of the City's Traffic Safety Committee requested provision of traffic control at the intersection of Portage Road and Maple Drive. TJKM has studied the intersection and recommends installing a Yield Sign on Portage Road @ Maple Drive. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Conduct public hearing; deliberate; waive reading and adopt ordinance on an urgency basis. 6.4 Enea Plaza PA 87-018 - Planned Development Rezoning Request to Rezone approximately 5 acres to allow for a range of retail shopper, office, personal service and financial uses within a new 3 building 42,000+ square foot single story retail complex A request to rezone the northwesterly portion of the Enea Plaza holding from a PD District allowing C-O, Administra-tive Office District uses with limited, ancillary retail uses to a new PD District which would allow for a range of retail shopper, office, personal service and financial uses. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Conduct public hearing; deliberate; adopt resolution regarding Negative Declaration of Environmental Significance; adopt resolution regarding the PD, Planned Development Rezoning request; waive reading and introduce ordinance amending Zoning Ordinance. 6.5 Kentucky Fried Chicken - V-8422 Keith Holmes Sign Variance Appeal Appeal of Zoning Administrators action denying variance request to locate a 17 foot tall freestanding sign within the required 30 foot front yard setback and not within the middle 1/3 of the lot. This item was continued from the May 24, 1982 City Council meeting. STAFF RECO~WENDATION: Conduct public hearing; deliberate; adopt resolution upholding Zoning Administrator's action denying Variance request, or give Staff direction and continue the item. 6.6 Appeal of the Planning commission's May 4, 1987 decision to approve PA 87-051 Pulte Home Corporation (owners)/Bissell & Karn, Inc. (Applicants) Tentative Map request for a 25 lot single family residential subdivision. Appeal of the Planning Comnlission approval of PA 87-051, a Tentative Map Application for a 25 lot single family residential subdivision. STAFF RECOillMENDATION: Conduct public hear ing; deliberate; adop.t resolution regarding Mitigated Negative Declaration of Environmental Significance ; adopt resolution regarding the Ten-tative Map request with determination to use either the Applicant's original development plan or the Alternate "B" Development Plan. 7. UNFINISHED BUSINESS 7.1 Civic Center Complex - Design Development The Civic Center Advisory Committee has been working with the Architects for several months to refine the approved schematic design. During this process, several changes have occurred within the complex. The Architect has prepared an updated cost estimate which requires an additional appropriation if the current program and building scheme is to be followed. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: (1) Receive presentation from Design Team; (2) Discuss Project; (3) Direct Staff and Architects to pursue Option 1. 8. NEW BUSINESS - None 9. OTHER BUSINESS 10. CLOSED SESSION 11. ADJOURNHENT - Adj ourn to special work s-tudy session for review of Preliminary Budget and Capital Improvement Program Update on Tuesday, June 16, 1987, 6:00 p.m., Shannon Community Center, West Room.