HomeMy WebLinkAbout*CC Agenda 07-08-1985 AGE N D A DUBLIN CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING - July 8, 1985 Monday - 7:30 p.m. DUBLIN LIBRARY Meeting Room 1. CALL TO ORDER 2 . PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE TO THE FLAG 3. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS At this time, members of the audience are perrni tted to address the City Council on any item which is not on the Ci ty Council Agenda. Corrments should not exceed 5 minutes. If any person feels that this is not sufficient time to address their concern, that person should arrange with the City Manager to have their particular concern placed on the agenda for a future meeting. 4 . CONSENT CALENDAR Consent Calendar items are typically of a non-controversial nature and are considered for approval by the City Council with one single action. Members of the audience who would like an item removed from the consent calendar for purpose of public input may request the City Council to remove the item from the consent calendar. The request may be made at the time that the Mayor asks the audience members if there is anyone interested in removing an item from the Consent Calendar. ~\):f . l(e6UI-AI!.J 4.1 Minutes of1Regular Meetings of May 30, 1985 and June 24, 1985; and an Adjourned Regular meeting of June 25, 1985. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Approve 4.2 Warrant Register dated July 8, 1985 STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Approve 4.3 City Treasurer's Investment Report for Period Ending June 30, 1985 STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Approve 4.4 Landscaping and Lighting Assessment District 83-2 (Tract 4719)-Preliminary Engineer's Report This district collects funds through assessments levied on those properties within Tract 4719 to pay for the maintenance of landscaping along Stagecoach Road and the mini park on Stagecoach Road. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Adopt resolutions approving Preliminary Engineer's Report and setting the time and place for the annual protest hearing. 4.5 Financial Consulting Services This item provides for the service of a financial Management Consultant who would function in the capacity of a part-time Finance Director on an interim basis. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Authorize City Manager to secure the services of Charles V. Bird, Financial Management. 4.6 Final Acceptance of Contract 85-1 Sidewalk Replacement Program/Handicap Ramp ConstructionjSilvergate Median Modification. This project included the installation of 64 Handicap Ramps, Sidewalk Repair at 87 locations and Construction of Median break on Silvergate Drive and Silvertree Lane. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: 1) Accept all improvements as being complete in accordance with the approved plans, specifications and modifications. 2) Authorize final payment to Hess Construction, Inc. in the amount of $9,647.50. 3) Authorize an additional appropriation from reserves in the amount of $6,872. 4.7 Final Acceptance of Contract 84-8 - Reconstruction of Dublin Boulevard, Amador Valley Boulevard, and Village Parkway This project included Asphalt overlay, Traffic Signal interconnect conduit and irrigaiton crossings for landscaping on Dublin Blvd (north side) from San Ramon to Alamo Canal, Village Parkway from Dublin Blvd to Amador Valley Blvd, and Amador Valley Blvd from San Ramon Rd. to Starward Drive. Seventeen Street lights were also installed on Dublin Blvd. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: 1) Accept the improvements as being complete. 2) Authorize final payment to Gallagher and Burk, Inc. in the amount of $46,579.87 5. WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS NONE 6. PUBLIC HEARING 6.1 P A 85-005.1 and .2 Murray School District Planned Development Rezoning and Tentative Map 5402 (Dolan School Site) William Morgan of Sacramento Devdopers is requesting Planned Development Rezoning and Tentative Map to develop 88 single family lots with a 5 acre park site at Castilian Road and Padre Way. Primary issues involve: 1) Reducing the visual impact of the grading and 2) Maximizing the effective lot sizes. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Open public hearing; hear presentation and testimony; close public hearing; deliverate; adopt resolution rearding negative declaration; adopt resolution regarding Planned Development Rezoning; adopt resolution regarding Tentative Map; waive reading and introduce ordinance. 6.2 Amendment to Building Code Relating to Access to Building for the Handicapped. State law requires cities to adopt regulations approved by the State Department of Housing and Community Development. This requirement has resulted in a need for the City to the City to adopt Standards for accessibility to buildings for the handicapped. The proposed ordinance also clarifies conflicts between the Uniform Building Code and the State Adrninistrati ve Code. This ordinance was introduced on June 24, 1985. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Wai ve Reading and adopt Ordinance 6.3 Adoption of the 1984 National Electrical Code State law requires cities to adopt model codes within 1 State Department of Housing and Corrmunity Development. technological changes and clarifies developments in the introduced on June 24, 1985. year after adoption by the The proposed code reflects field. This ordinance was STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Waive Reading and adopt Ordinance 6.4 Restriction of Commercial Truck Parking This ordinance would limit parking of corrmericial vehicles over 10,000 and any commercially licensed auxilIary dolly or trailer to two hours on all City Streets with certain exceptions. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Open public hearing; Hear Staff report and Public Testimony; Close public hearing; Waive reading and adopt ordinance on an urgency basis. 6.5 San Ramon Road Specific Plan; Development Assessment District On August 27, 1984, the City Council adopted a resolution setting in motion the San Ramon Road Specific Plan Improvement District (84-1). On May 28, 1985, the City Council set July 8, 1985 for hearing protests. adoption of these resolutions will establish the District and award the contract related to the westerly extension of Amador Valley Boulevard. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: 1. Open public hearing 2. Hear protests 3 . Close public hearing 4. Adopt resloutions 6 . 6 Establishment of Loading Zone, Dublin Court This ordinance would create a 60 foot loading zone on the north side of Dublin Court. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Open public hearing; Hear Staff presentation and public testimony; Close public hearing; Waive reading and adopt ordinance on an urgency basis. 7 . UNFINISHED BUSINESS 7.1 Dougherty Hills Open Space This item involves the transfer of Lot 153 (90 :t acres ) to the City of Dublin for open space purposes subject to certain conditions. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Approve in concept the acceptance of Lot 153, subj ect to the conditions identified in the letter from the property owners. 8. OTHER BUSINESS 9. ADJOURNMENT