HomeMy WebLinkAbout*CC Agenda 07-14-1986
REGULAR MEETING - July 14, 1986
Monday - 7:00 p.m.
Meeting Room
CLOSED SESSION - 7:00 p.m.
CLOSED SESSION - 7:00 p.m.
CLOSED SESSION - 7:00 p.m.
Closed Session - Personnel - Government Code Section 54957.
PUBLIC MEETING - 7:30 p.m.
At this time, members of the audience are permitted to address the City Council on any item which is not
on the City Council Agenda. Comments should not exceed 5 minutes. If any person feels that this is not
sufficient time to address their concern, that person should arrange with the City Manager to have their
particular concern placed on the agenda for a future meeting.
Consent Calendar items are typically of a non-controversial nature and are considered for approval by
the City Council with one single action.
Members of the audience who would like an item removed from the consent calendar for purpose of public
input may request the City Council to remove the item from the consent calendar. The request may be
made at the time that the Mayor asks the audience members if there is anyone interested in removing an
item from the Consent Calendar.
4.1 Minutes of Adjourned Regular Meeting of June 17, 1986; Regular Meeting of June 23, 1986; and
Adjourned Regular Meeting of June 26, 1986.
4.2 Acceptance of Work - Tract 4991
The work in connection with Tract 4991 has been completed to the satisfaction of the City
STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Adopt resolution and authorize Staff to accept maintenance bond in
connection with guarantee of work at future date.
4.3 City Treasurer's Investment Report for Period Ending June 30, 1986
4.4 Amended Police Service Agreement
At the City Council meeting of April 24, 1986, the City Council approved an agreement with
alameda County to provide Police Services. As a result of personnel changes and a review of
the services provided by Eden Township Substation, an amendment to the agreement is
necessary. The County counsel has also recommended wording changes to assure that the
Recitals are consistent with the agreement.
STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Authorize Mayor to execute agreement
4.5 Fenclng of Dougherty Hills Open Space
Last year, the City Council approved an agreement providing for fencing of the Dougherty
Hills Open Space. Beck Properties has received bids for this work and will proceed subject
to City Council approval.
STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Authorize Beck Properties to proceed with contract for fencing of
Dougherty Hills Open Space.
4.6 Senior Citizens Center Architect Request for Proposal
Staff has prepared a Request for Proposal advertising for an architect to develop
preliminary plans, specifications, cost estimates and bid documents to facilitate the
renovation of the Fallon School site for use as the Dublin Senior Citizens Center.
STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Approve RFP and authorize Staff to advertise for consultants
4.7 Civic Center Request for Proposals
The Civic Center Development Co~mittee has reviewed the responses to the Request for
Qualifications. The Committee examined submittals from 29 design teams and selected four
firms to participate in the next phase. This phase will involve a response to a detailed
Request for Proposal.
STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Authorize Staff to circu~ate the RFP's among the four firms selected to
participate and approve the RFP calendar.
4.8 Agreement with Alameda County to perform Building Inspection Services for those portions of
Tract 5410 (Kaufman & Broad of Northern California, Inc.) located in the unincorporated
territory of Alameda County
Tract 5410 is located partly in the City of Dublin and partly in Alameda County. Issuance
of permits & inspections by both Alameda County and the City of Dublin would be a
duplication of work. Alameda County agrees that the project should be developed under the
jurlsdiction of the City of Dublin. The developer has also requested the City of Dubli0
perform all inspections.
STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Approve agreement and authorize the Mayor to execute the agreement.
4.9 Warrant Register dated July 14, 1986
5.1 Regarding Oakland-Alameda County Coliseum 20th Anniversary
The Oakland-Alameda County Coliseum Complex is about to celebrate its 20th Anniversary. In
an attempt to involve the cities, the Non-profit Coliseum Foundation has developed a program
which encourages local participation. Each City which helps sponsor the program will
receive special event tickets for distrib~tion to the community.
STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Consider. If the Council concurs with participation, the amount of the
contribution should be determined and authorization given to make a budget transfer from the
contingent reserve to the City Council Community Promotion Account in the amount selected.
5.2 Regarding Alameda County Transportation Sales Tax Expenditure Plan
SB878 allows Alameda County to submit to the voters a measure which would increase the local
sales tax by l/2 cent. The revenue from this would be used for funding specified
transportation projects. The proposed expenditure plan must be approved by 50% of the
cities in Alameda County and the Board of Supervisors before it can be submitted to the
STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Consider request to approve the plan.
6.l Town & Country Shopping Center-PA 86-050.2 City Council Initiated Rezoning for a 4.8+ property
to allow occupancy in the Shopping Center by uses generally provided for by the C-l,-Retail
Business District.
On June 23, 1986, the City Council adopted Resolutions approving a Specific Plan Amendment
and a Rezoning for the Dublin Town & Country Shopping Center. The Council also introduced
an ordinance amending the zoning ordinance.
STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Conduct Public Hearing; Deliberate i- Waive reading and adopt ordinance
6.2 Ordinance related to Smoking Pollution Control
The Smoking Action Coalition has requested that the City consider adoption of a smoking
pollution control ordinance. At the regular City Council meeting on May 27, 1986, the City
Council continued the public hearing to July 14, 1986. The City Council granted the
continuance to allow the Chamber of Commerce an opportunity to obtain input from their
members. As a result of the survey, the Chamber Board voted to oppose the ordinance.
STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Conduct Public Hearing; Deliberate; Consider introduction of Ordinance
6.3 Ordinance Amending Ordinance No. 11-84 Consolidating the City Municipal Election with the
Statewide General Election
This Ordinance extended the terms of Councilmembers until the Tuesday after the day of the
general municipal election. Because the County Registrar of Voters' Office has 28 days from
the election day in which to certify the official results of the election to cities which
consolidate, this amendment extends the terms until such time as the new Council is
qualified to be sworn in.
STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Conduct public hearing; waive reading and introduce ordinance
7.l Selection of a Name for Amador Lakes/Stagecoach Road Park
The Park & Recreation Commission was directed to provide the Council with three alternative
names for the Amador Lakes/Stagecoach Road Park. The Commission's reco~~ended park name
alternatives are 1) Happy Hollow Park; 2) Robbers Roost Park; or 3) Stagecoach Park.
STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Select a name from the three alternatives provided by the Park &
Recreation Commission.
7~2 Staff Report regarding Contract No. 86.-7, Sierra Court Southerly Exterlsion
Bids were received on July 9, 1986 for this project, which provides t~e access road to the
Civic Center site. A letter of protest was received from one of the bidders. Staff is
investigating the protest at this time.
STAFF RECOMMENDATION: To be presented at the City Council meeting.
7.3 Dublin San Ramon Services District Services Study
For over a year, the Cities of Dublin and San Ramon have been working together on two major
studies being performed by Angus McDonald & Associates and Hughes, Heiss & Associates
regarding the potential transfer of services from the Dublin San Ramon Services District to
the Cities of Dublin and San Ramon. Several detailed reports on the service and revenue
implications of assuming services were distributed.
STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Consider recommendations of the Dublin and San Ramon Liaison Committee as
outlined in its report of July l, 1986, and give Dublin representatives appropriate direction.
8.l General Municipal Election to be consolidated with the Statewide General Election to be held in
the City of Dublin on Tuesday, November 4, 1986
On May l4, 1984, the City Council adopted an ordinance consolidating the City Municipal
Election with the Statewide General Election, to be held in November of even numbered years.
There will be 3 City Council positions up for election. The Council may determine whether
the statement of qualifications which each candidate is allowed to place in the sampe ballot
should be a maximum of 200 or 400 words. The Council may also determine whether the City or
each candidate should pay for publishing his or her stacement, which will be approximately
$lOO for a 200 word statement.
STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Consider alternatives and adopt resolutions.
lO. ADJOURNMENT Adjourn to Special Joint Meeting of City Council, Planning Commission and Downtown
Improvement Study Committee, Tuesday, July 22, 1986, 7:30 p.m., West Room of Shannon Community
Center, ll600 Shannon Avenue.