HomeMy WebLinkAbout*CC Agenda 07-23-1996A G E N D A
REGULAR MEETING - Tuesday, July 23, 1996, 7:00 p.m.
A complete packet of information containing Staff Reports and exhibits related to eachA complete packet of information containing Staff Reports and exhibits related to each
item is available for public review several days prior to a Council meeting in the Cityitem is available for public review several days prior to a Council meeting in the City
Clerk’s Office and also at the Dublin Library.Clerk’s Office and also at the Dublin Library.
3.1Introduction of new employee - Dublin Police Services Sergeant Mike Pecoraro
At this time, the public is permitted to address the City Council on non-agendized items. The
Council must, however, comply with all State Laws in regard to items not appearing on the
posted agenda. The Council may respond to statements made or questions asked, or may request
Staff to report back at a future meeting concerning the matter. Any member of the public may
contact the City Clerk’s Office related to the proper procedure to place an item on a future City
Council agenda. The exceptions under which the City Council MAY discuss and/or take action on
items not appearing on the agenda are contained in Government Code Section 54954.2(b)(1)(2)(3).
Consent Calendar items are typically non-controversial in nature and are considered for
approval by the City Council with one single action. Members of the audience, Staff or
the City Council who would like an item removed from the Consent Calendar for purposes
of public input may request the Mayor to remove the item.
4.1Minutes of Adjourned Regular Meeting of June 27, and Regular Meeting of July 9, 1996
4.2Use of Old St. Raymond's Church by Cronin Family
The Cronin Family has been granted permission to use the Old St. Raymond's Church on
August 4, 1996 for a christening. Since the family has volunteered to clean the church and
repair the pews in advance of their event, Staff is recommending that the $10 per hour use fee
be waived.
STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Grant fee waiver in exchange for clean-up of church and pew
4.3Acceptance of Gift to City
The Dublin Senior Center has received a check in the amount of $1,245.75 from The
Volunteer Center. The check represents monies collected by the Center's 19 participants in
this year's Human Race.
STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Accept gift; direct Staff to prepare formal acknowledgment to
the donor; and approve Budget Change Form
4.4City Treasurer's Investment Report for Quarter Ending June 30, 1996
The City's Investment Portfolio as of June 30, 1996, totals $24,619,491.75 and funds are
invested at an average annual yield of 5.702%.
4.5Agreement with Recht Hausrath & Associates for preparation of a revision to the Public
Facilities Fee Justification Study
Since the adoption of the Public Facilities Fee in March, 1996, the City Council has approved
two new development projects which were not included in the projections used for determining
the fee. Consequently, it is necessary to prepare a revision to the Public Facilities Fee
Justification Study to include these two projects within the development projections used in the
Study and to recalculate the amount of the City's adopted Public Facilities Fee to include these
STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Authorize Mayor to execute Agreement
4.6Acceptance of Work Contract 96-02, Annual Overlay Project
This project provided for the overlay of various streets in Dublin which were in need of repair.
Also included in this project was the raising of the median islands along Village Parkway to
accommodate an overlay. All work has been completed within the proposed budget.
STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Accept improvements and authorize $57,499.45 payment to
O'Grady Paving for their final invoice and release retention ($40,517.46) after 35 days if there are
no subcontractor claims.
4.7Computer and Equipment Bid Award
Bids were recently opened for computer equipment and software to assist in the design and
control of the automated traffic signal system. The City will be reimbursed for up to $49,701
from Caltrans for the coordination of signal lights at various locations as stipulated in the City
of Dublin Traffic Signal Coordination and Update Project. The purchase of this equipment
($8,024.73) will be 100% funded as part of the grant.
STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Split bid award for computers and equipment between New
Technologies and Thibault Associates, Inc.
4.8Fire Consulting Services
In accordance with Council direction, Staff is evaluating the options for providing fire services
to the City in light of dissolution of the Dougherty Regional Fire Authority. The City Manager
is recommending that the City enter into an agreement with Michael Harwood for professional
fire consulting services to assist in evaluating the responses to the City's Request for Proposal,
as well as evaluating the adequacy of the services proposed for other fire service delivery
STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Authorize City Manager to enter into an agreement for
consulting services with Michael Harwood.
4.9Warrant Register ($515,951.82) dated July 23, 1996
6.1Schaefer Ranch Project Planned Development Prezoning PA 94-028
This is the second reading of the Planned Development Prezoning Ordinance which was
introduced at the July 9, 1996 meeting. The City Council also certified the project EIR,
adopted a GPA, and conditionally adopted the PD Prezoning provisions and Land Use Plan at
the last meeting. The proposed development involves up to 474 homes, a small commercial
site, and a large open space component for the site immediately west of the Dublin City Limits
along the I-580 freeway.
STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Conduct public hearing; deliberate; waive reading and ADOPT
6.2Rental Availability Ordinance Repeal PA 96-019
This is the second reading of an Ordinance to repeal the City's Rental Availability Ordinance.
This Ordinance was originally adopted to insure the adequate supply of rental housing in
Dublin by requiring that a minimum percentage of the units in new multi-family development
projects be rented for a period of 5 years. Recent surveys show that the City's objective for
rental units is being met by the housing market, and the Ordinance is no longer necessary.
STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Conduct public hearing; deliberate; waive reading and ADOPT
6.3A Creative Playschool Modification to CUP
Applicant Janet Zupetz has requested modifications to their Conditional Use Permit which was
approved on July 25, 1995 by the City Council. The modifications would increase the
maximum enrollment at the Playschool from 20 to 30 children; permit the installation of two 1
1/2' x 2' identification signs on the house and a vehicle sign on a car to be parked at the site;
permit children to play in the rear yard after 8:00 a.m. rather than 9:00 a.m.; and increase the
number of children permitted in the rear yard at one time from 10 to 30 children.
STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Open public hearing; receive Staff presentation; continue public
hearing to next regular meeting (per request of Applicant).
6.4Alameda County Hazardous Waste Management Plan General Plan Amendment and
Zoning Ordinance Amendment
This GPA would incorporate the Alameda County Hazardous Waste Management Plan into
the Dublin General Plan. The Zoning Ordinance amendment would adopt definitions,
standards and procedures for processing conditional use permits for facilities under the Plan,
adopt local siting criteria consistent with the Plan, and amend the M-1 (Light Industrial) and
M-2 (Heavy Industrial) zoning districts to allow the location of Small-Scale Transfer and
Storage Facilities and Industrial Transfer/Storage Facilities as conditional uses subject to the
procedures and siting criteria.
STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Conduct public hearing; deliberate; adopt Resolution; waive
reading and INTRODUCE Ordinance
6.5Citywide Street Lighting Maintenance Assessment District 83-1
This assessment district funds energy and maintenance costs for the City's street lighting
system. The assessment is proposed to decrease approximately 30% from last year's
STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Conduct public hearing; deliberate; adopt Resolution
6.6Landscaping & Lighting Maintenance Assessment District 83-2 (Tract 4719)
This assessment district funds maintenance of landscaping along Stagecoach Road and on the
Coral Way and Agate Way interior slopes. The assessment is proposed to remain the same as
last year's assessment.
STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Conduct public hearing; deliberate; adopt Resolution
6.7Landscaping & Lighting Maintenance Assessment District 86-1 (Tract 5511)
This assessment district funds maintenance of certain landscaping improvements associated
with the Villages at Willow Creek development. The assessment is proposed to remain the
same as last year's assessment.
STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Conduct public hearing; deliberate; adopt Resolution
6.8Citywide Storm Water Utility Fee
The storm water utility fee, which provides funding for the City's implementation of the
Federally mandated Clean Water Program for Dublin, is reviewed and set on an annual basis.
It is then collected through the County's tax roll collection system. The fee is proposed to
remain the same as last year's fee.
STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Conduct public hearing; deliberate; adopt Resolution
6.91996-97 Assessment for Residential Basic Garbage/Recycling Services
The City Council is required to conduct a public hearing in order to set rates and establish an
assessment to fund residential basic garbage and recycling services. Due to the new franchise
agreement, the proposed rate will result in a 7.1% reduction in the annual assessment.
STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Conduct public hearing; deliberate; adopt Resolution; direct
Staff to prepare necessary reports to Alameda County Tax Collector
6.10New FEMA Maps
This public hearing is a result of the City Council action of June 25, 1996 to adopt a new Flood
Control Ordinance (mandated by FEMA). The Council determined that the owners who
would be affected by the Ordinance should be notified so they could voice their concerns.
STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Conduct public hearing; direct Staff to forward comments to
7.1Term Limits for Mayor and Councilmembers
In accordance with Council direction, Staff has prepared a Resolution submitting an initiative
ordinance to the voters at the November election. The ballot question, as presented for
"Shall an ordinance be enacted to impose term limits on the offices of
consideration, is
Mayor and Councilmember and to define "term" in cases where an individual serves less
than a full term, to have the effect generally that no individual taking office after the
effective date of the ordinance could serve more than eight (8) consecutive years in total in
any combination of Mayor and/or Councilmember?
STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Consider adoption of Resolution placing the issue of term limits
on the November ballot
8.1Fall Heritage Days
The City Council will review the preliminary plans made to date by the Heritage Center
Advisory Committee for the Fall Heritage Days tentatively scheduled for Saturday,
October 12, 1996
8.2Amendment to City Council Rules related to the meeting date of City Council meetings
Staff is currently reviewing options related to televising City Council meetings on Tri-Valley
Community Television (CTV). CTV currently provides service to the Cities of Livermore,
Pleasanton and San Ramon. Due to a scheduling conflict, CTV will be unable to tape Dublin
City Council meetings on the second and fourth Tuesdays of the month. Consequently, the
City Council is being asked to consider changing its meeting date to the first and third
Tuesdays of each month.
STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Adopt Resolution changing the meeting date effective with the
first Tuesday in September
8.3Valley Fire Department Consolidation - Mayor's Committee Report
A report from the Mayor's Committee and the City Managers from the Cities of Livermore,
Pleasanton and Dublin will be presented which outlines the work to date on the development
of the government structure for the joint management of Valley fire operations. The report
focuses on the development of a JPA between the 3 cities for the purposes of jointly managing
Valley fire operations with a recommendation that the work continue toward the eventual full
consolidation of all 3 city fire services.
STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Authorize the City Manager to continue with the efforts
outlined in the report and bring forward an interim Joint Powers Agreement
8.4Petition Requesting Formation of Landscaping & Lighting Maintenance Assessment
District 97-1
The Alameda County Surplus Property Authority is proposing to have a Landscaping &
Lighting Maintenance Assessment District formed over their lands in Eastern Dublin to
maintain the roadside landscaping on major roadways within their property as well as the trail
and landscaping improvements along Tassajara Creek.
STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Adopt Resolution initiating proceedings
8.5Local Law Enforcement Block Grants Program
The U. S. Department of Justice is making funds available through a Local Law Enforcement
Block Grants Program. This program allocates funds to local government based on the
number of Part I crimes reported in the jurisdiction during the last 3 years. The purpose is to
provide local government with funds to underwrite projects to reduce crime and improve
public safety. Dublin is eligible for $13,999 in grant funds and the City would need to make a
10% ($1,399) match.
STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Authorize Staff to apply for the grant and approve Budget
Change Form
- Brief INFORMATIONAL ONLY reports from Councilmembers and/or Staff
Agenda Printed 2/17/00 1:39 AM