HomeMy WebLinkAbout*CC Agenda 08-06-2002 AGENDA
Tuesday, August 6, 2002, 7:00 p.m.
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· Agendas are posted on the City's Internet Website (www. cLdublin, ca. us)
· Agendas may bepicked up at the City Clerk's Office for no charge, or to request information
on being placed on the annual subscription list, please call 833-6650.
· A complete packet of information containing StaffReports and exhibits related to each item is available
for public review prior to a Council meeting in the City Clerk's Office and also at the Dublin Library.
1.Public Employee Performance Evaluation pursuant to Government Code Section 5~957
Title: City Manager
Z Existing Litigation- Government Code Section 54956.9, subdivision(a) - Name of Case: City of Dublin
v. Dublin Land Co., Alameda Superior Court No, V.018100.2
3. Anticipated Litigation - Significant exposure to litigation pursuant to Government Code Section
54956.9, subdivision (b) - ONE potential case- Facts and Circumstances: Government Code Section
54956.9(b)(3)(B): Emergency response costs and booking fees
4. Anticipated Litigation - Initiation of litigation pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9: ONE
potential case
5. Existing Litigation- Government Code Section 54956.9(a) Name of Case: Livermore Area Recreation
& Park District v. Local Agency Formation Commission of Alameda County, Alameda County Supetfor
Court No. 2002055268
3.1 Acceptance of Gift to the City (File # 150-70)
The City has received a donation for the Dublin Senior Center in the amount of $500 from
Ms. Elsie Tu. The donation will be retained by thc City until such time as a project or need to
expend the funds is identified.
STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Accept gif~ and direct Staffto prepare a formal
acknowledgement to the donor.
~.2 Youth Advisory Committee (YAC) Appointments and presentation from outgoing Youth
Advisory Committee (File # 110-~0)
The terms of office for the YAC will expire in August 2002. Sixteen applications for the
~002-03 term were received for the youth member positions and one application for the adult
at-large member. The Mayor recommends appointing 13 members to the YAC.
STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Confn~ Mayor's appointments and receive presentation from
outgoing YAC.
Special Presentation by Parks RFTA LTC DawnLee DeYoung and Mayor Lockhart
(File # 610-50)
3.4 Public Comments
At this time, the public is permitted to address the City Council on non-agendized items. Please step to the podium and clearly state
your name for the record. COMMENTS SHOULD NOT EXCEED THREE (3) MINUTES. In accordance with State Law, however,
no action or discussion may take place on any item not appearing on the posted agenda. The Council may respond to statements
made or questions asked, or may request Staff to report back at a future meeting concerning the matter. Any member of the public
may contact the City Clerk's Office related to the proper procedure to place an item on a future City Council agenda. The
exceptions under which the City Council MAY discuss and/or take action on items not appearing on the agenda are contained in
Government Code Section 54954.2(b)(1)(2)(3).
Consent Calendar items are typically non-controversial in nature and are considered for approval by the City
Council with one single action. Members of the audience, Staff or the City Council who would like an item
removed from the Consent Calendar for purposes of public input may request the Mayor to remove the item.
4.1 Minutes of Regular Meetings of July 2 and July 16, 2002
4.2 2002-03 Contract for Services with the Alameda County Library (File # 600-40)
At thc City Council's Fiscal Year 2002-03 Budget Hearing, the City Council approved
funding for 21 additional hours of service at thc Dublin Library, as well as for moving
expenses to move thc existing collection to thc new Library. An Agreement between thc City
and thc County has bccn prepared for execution by the Mayor.
STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Authorize Mayor to execute Agreement.
4.3 Dublin Swim Center Roof Replacement - Contract 02-13 (File # 600-35)
The 2002-2007 Capital Improvement Program includes thc Dublin Swim Center Roof
Replacement Project. Plans and specifications have been prepared for the project and thc
project is ready to be advertised for bids.
STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Authorize Staff to advertise contract for bids.
4.4 Computers For Our Schools Project (File # 600-40)
The City Council will consider authorizing the City Manager to execute an Agreement with
the Dublin Unified School District for funding computer technical support and establish the
FY 2002-03 matching funds under the Computers For Our Schools project.
STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Adopt Resolution and authorize City Manager to execute
4.5 Amendment to Tract Developer Agreement, Parcel Map 7537 (Archstone Communities
Trust) to extend completion date (File # 600-60)
This subdivision, located on Dougherty Road just north of Houston Place, is nearing
completion, but thc tract improvements are not totally complete. This amendment to the Tract
Developer Agreement would add 6 months to the completion date.
STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Adopt Resolution and authorize Mayor to execute
4.6 Amendment to Tract Developer Agreement, Tract 7181 (Scarier homes LLC) to extend
completion date by 6 months (File # 600-60)
This Tract includes 60 duet homes and is located along thc new Scarlett Drive adjacent to
Doughcrty Road. As the improvements arc not totally complete and will not be complete by
the deadline of August 21st, this amendment would extend thc time to complete improvements
by 6 months.
STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Adopt Resolution and anthorizc Mayor to execute
4.7 City Treasurer's Investment Report for 4tb Quarter of Fiscal Year 2001-02 (File # 320-30)
The City's investment portfolio totals $95,022,498 (market value) and funds during the 4th
Quarter were investment at an average yield of 3.749%.
4.8 Acceptance of Work, Contract 02-01, Civic Center Electrical Upgrade (File # 600-35)
This project installed electrical subpanels and wiring related to both the 1-580 Smart Corridor
project and a general purpose capacity upgrade. The project was completed within funds
STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Accept improvements and authorize payment to Morgan &
Son Electric and Lighting, Inc., less 10% retention to be paid in 35 days if no subcontractor or
supplier claims are received.
4.9 Acceptance of Improvements, Tract 6979 (Tassajara Meadows I) (File # 600-60)
This project contains 109 single-family lots and is located in castcm Dublin between
Tassajara Road and Tassajara Creek. Thc required public and private improvements are now
complete and it is appropriate to accept these public improvements for maintenance.
4.10 Fire Station # 17 - Authorization to Bid (File # 540-70)
In June, 2002, the City Council approved the Construction Documents for Fire Stations # 17
and # ! 8 prepared by BSA Architects. BSA has provided permit plan sets for review to the
City departments, has received comments and incorporated them into the Bid Set. The plans
are now ready to be bid.
STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Authorize Staff to solicit bids for construction of Fire Station # 17.
'4.11 Recognition of Sybase Drive as a private street and an address change request by Sybase,
Inc. (File # 820-60)
Thc applicant is requesting to recognize Sybase Drive as a private street and readdress 5000
and 5020 hacienda Drive to 3 and 1 Sybase Drive.
4.12 Amendment to Agreement with the Zahn Group for Construction Management Services -
Various Capital Improvement Projects (File # 600-30)
This amendment would provide for construction management services for 5 building-related
Capital Improvement Projects: the Civic Center HVAC Replacement, Civic Center
Generator, Fuel Tank Upgrade Phase 2, Front Counter Remodel, and Shannon Center Deck
and Exterior Painting. The estimated cost of services for these 5 projects is $116,000.
4.13 Request for Proposal - Dublin Ranch Area G Neighborhood Park (File # 600z30)
As approved in the 2002-07 Capital Improvement Program, construction o£thc 4.g-acre
Neighborhood Park in Dublin Ranch Area G will begin in FY 2002-03 and be complete in FY
2003-04. In order to solicit the services of a landscape architectural team to design the park
and prepare construction documents, it is recommended that a Request for Proposals be
STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Authorize Staff to issue RFP.
4.14 Approval of Improvement Agreement with Ness Family Partners LP for improvements to
Dublin Boulevard and future Scarlett Drive (File # 600-30)
This agreement will guarantee construction of street frontage improvements on Dublin
Boulevard and Scarlctt Drive as part of the development of the building on thc southeast
comer of Dublin Boulevard and Scarlett Drive.
4.15 Award of Bid, Contract 02-06 Traffic Signal at Dougherty Road and Willow Creek Drive
(File # 600-35)
This project will install a traffic signal system at the intersection of Dougherty Road and
Willow Creek Drive. A total of 6 bids were received.
STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Adopt Resolution awarding bid to Brown & Fcsler, Inc.
4.16 Amendment to the Agreement for Lease of Fallon School Multipurpose Facility
(File # 600-40)
The City is party to an agreement with the Dublin Unified School District for lease o£the
Fallon School Multipurpose Facility for the Dublin Senior Center. The current S-year
agreement has expired and it is necessary to amend the agreement.
STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Authorize Mayor to execute Amendment to Agreement.
4.17 Request to Waive Competitive Bid Process and authorize Staff to negotiate and purchase
two unmarked Police Vehicles (File # $50-20)
Staff is requesting that the City Council waive the competitive bid process in accordance with
Dublin Municipal code Section 2.36.050(a)(11), and authorize Staff to purchase two
unmarked vehicles directly ~rom a vendor.
STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Adopt Resolution, approve proposed specifications, and
authorize Staffto negotiate and purchase two vehicles.
4.18 Agreement with Kleinfelder, Inc., for General Geotechnical Services (File # 600-30)
This contract would extend the geotechnical consulting contract with Kl¢infeldcr until June
30, 2004, with the ability to request a rate increase for FY 2003-04.
4.19 Warrant Register ($5,108,218.64) dated August 6, 2002 (File # 300-40)
5.1 Request to place a plaque at Ted Fairfield Park (File # 920-20)
The City Council will consider a request from Connie Fairfield Ganz to place a plaque
honoring her father (who the park was named after) at Ted Fairfield Park.
STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Provide appropriate direction to Staff.
5.2 Art in the Parks - Emerald Glen Park (File # 900-50)
The Dublin Fine Arts Foundation has commissioned artist Ned Kahn to create artwork for
Emerald Glen Park. The City Council will consider the proposed artwork th.at the artist has
created in collaboration with the landscape architectural team for Phase II of Emerald Glen
STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Approve artwork - OR - provide alternate direction.
5.3 Letter of Support for Proposed California Affordable Quantity & Quality Water Act (File
# 660-40)
Zone 7 has urged the City to support proposed legislation which would authorize funding to
various water projects throughout California.
STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Authorize Mayor to sign letter to Senator Boxer in support of
this legislation.
6.1 Weed and Combustible Refuse Assessment Order (File # 540-50/390-30)
Property owners were notified of a public nuisance created by weeds and combustible debris
growing or accumulating upon the streets, sidewalks and property within the City of Dublin.
A'Notice of Abatement was mailed to the property owner of property located adjacent to
Alamo Creek. When no abatement was initiated, the City accepted abatement bids. The City
contracted with A Green and Shrubbery Service to complete the abatement ($8,100) and the
property owner was billed for the cost to have the weeds and refuse removed.
STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Conduct public hearing; deliberate; adopt Resolution
confirming the Report and Assessment List and direct Staff to proceed with assessment of Lien
for Abatement Costs.
· 6.2 2002 Local Law Enforcement Block Grant (File # 580-40)
The Local Law Enforcement block Grant requires that a public hearing be held regarding
recommendations for the expenditure of grant funds. Police Services Staff and thc Block
Grant Community Advisory Board have met and are recommending the funding in the
amount of $19,652 be used to partially offset the salary of a crime trends/bicycle officer.
STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Conduct public hearing; deliberate; adopt Resolution; approve
Budget Change.
6.3 Consideration of Urgency Ordinance Establishing a Moratorium in Scarlett Court Area
(File # 410-20)
In June of 2002, the City Council voted to initiate and define the Scarlett Court Area Specific
Plan and directed Staff to provide notification to the tenants and property owners within the
Scarle~t Court Area that the Council is considering a moratorium for the area.
STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Conduct public hearing; deliberate; determine if ministerial
and discretionary actions could negatively impact the outcome of the desired Specific Plan and if
the scope and exceptions proposed in the draft Ordinance are determined to be appropriate,
waive reading and ADOPT Ordinance on an urgency basis - OR - i£the scope and exceptions
proposed by Staff are not appropriate, then direct Staff to modify the Ordinance - OR - if the
City Council determines that no negative impact will result on the anticipated Specific Plan, then
take no additional action and review the previous Redevelopment Study and provide Staff with
appropriate direction.
7.1 Civic Center Library Furniture Bid Award (File # 600-30/350-20)
The Library Furnishings Bid Proposal consists of reading tables, wcb-pac stations, circulation
desk, reference desk, seating and lounge chairs for the library's public spaces. A total of 5
bids were received with the low bid of $462,778 submitted by Interra Inc. Their bid was
found to be non-responsive as they could not fulfill the bonding requirements of the bid
proposal. The next lowest responsible bidder was Agati Furniture with a bid of $480,909.
STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Adopt Resolution rejecting Interra Inc., as low bidder and
adopt Resolution awarding contract to Agati Furniture.
7.2 Initiation of a General Plan and Eastern Dublin Specific Plan Amendment Study for the
Area F North and Area F south portions of Dublin Ranch (File # 420-30)
An original application was submitted for the development of 87 acres of property located in
Dublin Ranch, south of Dublin Ranch Phase I, north of Gleason Drive, east of Tassajara Road
and west of Fallon Road. The applicant has since revised their application to request
consideration of a General Plan and Specific Plan Amendment for Area F North as well as
3.9-acre portion of Area F South.
STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Adopt Resolution either approving - OR - denying request.
8.1 Initiation of a General Plan Amendment (GPA) Study for San Ramon Village plaza at 8909
San Ramon Road (southeast corner of Alcosta Boulevard and San Ramon Road) Assessor
parcel No. 941-0164-1-4 (File # 420-30)
The Applicant has submitted a request to change the General Plan land use designation for
one of the two parcels on the southeast comer of Alcosta Boulevard and San Ramon Road,
commonly known as San Ramon Village Plaza, in order to develop 2.11 acres with medium-
high density residential uses. The existing zoning is Retail/Office.
STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Adopt R~solution either approving -OR- denying request.
8.2 Initiation of a General Plan Amendment Study for the adjustment of the Western
Extended Planning Area Boundary (File # 420-30)
This adjustment would remove approximately 2,164 acres of land from the Western Extended
Planning Area Boundary Area. The Area currently consists of approximately 3,100 acres of
ridgeland, with a series of ridges and canyons, including a number of rural residential units.
STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Adopt Resolution either approving or denying GPA Study -
OR - take no action.
8.3 Sustainability Inventory Pilot Program with the Alameda County Waste Management
Authority and Recycling Board (ACWMA) and the International Council of Local
Environmental Initiatives (ICLEI) (File # 420-10/600-40)
The City of Dublin has been invited by the ACWMA to participate in a Sustainability
Inventory Pilot Program being conducted by a non-profit organization called the International
Council for Local Environmental Initiatives.
STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Do not authorize participation in the Sustainability Inventory
Pilot Program (SIPP) - OR - authorize limited participation in the SIPP, approve Memorandum
of Understanding (Limited Scope), and determine which Community Development Department
projects in the FY 2002-03 Work Plan should be deferred - OR - authorize participation in the
SIPP as proposed by ACWMA and ICLEI, approve the MOU and determine which Community
Development Department projects in the FY 2002-03 Work Plan should be deferred.
8.4 Consultant Services for the Senior Center Design (File # 600-30)
At the February 19, 2002 City Council meeting, the Council directed Staff to solicit proposals
for the Senior Center Design and to evaluate the potential for senior housing on the site. Sta~
issued a Request for Proposal and 6 firms responded. Of the 6 firms, 3 were asked to
interview and the Dahlin Group was chosen.
STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Approve Agreement and authorize Mayor to execute.
8.5 First Amendment to Memorandum of Understanding with Dublin San Ramon Services
District (DSRSD) regarding cooperative implementation of Agreement to settle Water
Litigation (File # 600-40)
The City is party to a 1999 MOU with DSRSD for cooperative implementation of an
agreement between DSRSD and othe~ parties to litigation over the provision of water to
Dougherty Valley. The Council will consider approval of the First Amendment to the MOU
to provide the City with the opportunity for input to DSRSD on matters which may affect the
City's interests as a land use planning agency under the proposed agreement between DSRSD
and Livermore, entitled "The Tri-Valley Water Retailers Cooperation Agreement".
8.6 Selection of Fall Banner Design (File # 350-30/820-20)
The fall seasonal banners, which were purchased 11 years ago, are now worn and faded to the
point that they need to be replaced. Staff will present the Council with 4 design options for
the replacement banners.
STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Select the preferred banner design and personalization, as
8.7 Civic Center Library Modular Furniture - Authorization to Bid (File # 600-30/350-20)
The Library Modular Furnishings Bid Package is the second of two furniture packages for the
Library. This bid package will include the work stations, filing systems, shelving, etc., for the
.Library staff areas. The first bid package was released in early July 2002.
STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Authorize Staff to advertise for bids.
8.8 Award of Contract for Dublin Sports Grounds Renovation Phase II (File # 600-30)
In June 0£2002, the City Council authorized Staff to advertise for bids for the Dublin Sports
Grounds Renovation, Phase II. On July 24, 2002, the City received bids from Jensen
Corporation, Valley Crest Landscape Inc., and Bauman Landscape. Jensen Corporation
submitted the lowest responsive bid.
STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Adopt Resolution awarding bid to Jensen Corporation
($794,777 + alternate #4 $36,000) and approve Budget Change.
9. OTHER BUSINESS 9.1 Committee Reports
9.2 Brief INFORMATIONAL ONLYreports from Councilmembers and/or Staff
City Council Meeting # 599 K2/cc-mtgs/8-6-02agenda.doc Agenda Printed 8/1/2002 11:19 AM