HomeMy WebLinkAbout*CC Agenda 10-28-1985
REGULAR MEETING - October 28, 1985
Monday - 7:30 p.m.
Meeting Room
At this time, members of the audience are permitted to address the City Council on any item
which is not on the City Council Agenda. Comments should not exceed 5 minutes. If any
person feels that this is not sufficient time to address their concern, that person should
arrange with the City Manager to have their particular concern placed on the agenda for a
future meeting.
Consent Calendar items are typically of a non-controversial nature and are considered for
approval by the City Council with one single action.
Members of the audience who would like an item removed from the consent calendar for
purpose of public input may request the City Council to remove the item from the consent
calendar. The request may be made at the time that the Mayor asks the audience members if
there is anyone interested in removing an item from the Consent Calendar.
4.1 Minutes of Regular Meetings of September 23, 1985 and October 14, 1985
4.2 Year-to-Date Financial Report for Period Ending September 30, 1985
4.3 Approval of Final Map - Tract 5072 (Hatfield Unit I)
Tract 5072 creates 26 lots at the City's westerly boundary. The Tentative Map was
originally approved in the County as Tract 4859 (Nielsen Ranch)
4.4 Approval of Final Map - Tract 5073 (Hatfield Unit II)
Tract 5073 creates 80 lots at the City's westerly boundary. The Tentative Map was
originally approved in the County as Tract 4859 (Nielsen Ranch)
4.5 Approval of Final Map - Tract 5074 (Hatfield Unit III)
Tract 5074 creates 69 lots at the City's westerly boundary. The Tentative Map was
originally approved in the County as Tract 4859 (Nielsen Ranch)
4.6 Tract 5072, 5073, 5074 (Nielsen Ranch) - Consent to Establish City Streets as
County Roads
Tracts 5072, 5073 and 5074 are partly in the City and partly in the County. This
resolution consents to the County declaring the City streets in these subdivisions
to be County roads for the purpose of construction so that both agencies don't
have to enter separate agreements with the developer.
STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Adopt Resolution consenting to the establishment of City
streets as County roads and direct City Clerk to forward certified copies of
Resolution to Alameda County Public Works
4.7 State Park Bond Application 1985-86
The State of California allocates Park development funds under the Roberti.-Z' berg
program based on population. The City applied the 1984/85 allocation towa::'ds the
acquistion of the Kolb Park Tennis Courts. The 1985/86 allocation is $7,5,+9 and
it is proposed to be used for the same project.
STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Adopt resolution approving application and direct St,lff to
notify the State of a revision to the acquisition schedule originally submLtted
with the 1984-85 application.
4.8 Employee Benefits - Provision of Long Term Disability Insurance
The City Council conceptually approved the provision of Long Term Disability
Insurance for full-time employees with the adoption of the Amended Salary and
Benefit Plan. Staff has reviewed proposals which would complement the City's
existing leave policy. The Plan would only provide benefits after 60 days of
STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Adopt Resolution and authorize Staff to proceed with the
enrollment of eligible en~loyees
4.9 Contract 85-7-San Ramon Road/San Ramon Valley Blvd/Alcosta Blvd Traffic Signal
Improvement Project
This project involves the installation of a new traffic signal at Alcosta
Boulevard and San Ramon Road. In order to accommodate changes in the future, the
roadway will also be widened from Bellina Street to Alcosta Boulevard. Pursuant
to an agreement between the City of Dublin and the City of San Ramon, Dublin will
pay 100% of the original construction costs.
STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Authorize Staff to advertise Contract 85-7 for bid
4.10 Warrant Register dated October 28, 1985
5.1 From Dublin San Ramon Services District regarding Fire Services Study
Agnus McDonald & Associates are conducting a study of Fire Services for the Cities
of San Ramon and Dublin. Mr. McDonald has requested technical assistance from the
Dublin San Ramon Services personnel. The DSRSD Board of Directors has requested a
clarification as to whether Mr. McDonalds request is an official comrmmication on
behalf of the City.
STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Forward a response to the Dublin San Ramon Services
District that Mr. McDonald's letter does represent an official communication from
the City of Dublin.
6.1 Two-Hour Truck Parking Ordinance - Second Reading
At the meeting of October 14, 1985, the City Council introduced an ordinance
restricting the long term parking of commercial vehicles. The ordinance would
apply to vehicles over 10,000 pounds gross vehicle weight and limit them to two
hour parking. The effective date of the ordinance would be April 15, 1986.
STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Open public hearing; receive Staff Report and public
testimony; close public hearing; deliberate, waive reading and adopt ordinance
6.2 Ordinance Re Bus Loading Zone (Red Curb) at Nielsen School
The Principal at Nielsen School has requested a school bus loading zone on
Amarillo Road. The proposed location of this zone is south of the school's
southerly driveway which is opposite Alegre Drive.
STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Open public hearing; receive public testimony; close public
hearing; wai ve reading and adopt ordinance on an urgency basis
6.3 Ordinance Re No Parking Zones (Vehicles longer than twenty feet) - Amador Plaza
Road South of Dublin Boulevard
The owner of the property along Amador Plaza Road south of Dublin Boulevard has
requested parking restrictions adjacent to their property. Their concern involves
the parking of large vehicles which do not have adequate room to turn around
without driving across the undeveloped property. This ordinance would prohibit
vehicles longer than twenty feet from parking on this portion of Amador Plaza
STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Open public hearing; receive public testimony; close public
hearing; wai ve reading and adopt ordinance on an urgency basis
6.4 Cable Television Franchise Ordinance & Agreement
The City of Dublin has been represented on a joint committee negotiating the cable
franchise with Viacom. Although the Dublin franchise does not expire until
February 1, 1988, Viacom has indicated a willingness to provide for an early
renewal. This will allow for all of their operations in this area to have
concurrent renewal dates in the future. Given recent changes in State and Federal
laws there are significant restrictions on the requirements which may be placed on
cable television operators.
STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Open public hearing; hear negotiating team presentation;
hear public testimony; close public hearing; waive reading and introduce Cable
Television Odinance; Adopt Cable Television Agreement with effective date of
January 1, 1986 contingent upon the City Council's adoption of the Cable
Television Ordinance at its next meeting.
7.1 Draft Request for Proposal (RFP) for Economic Consultant for Downtown Improvement
The Downtown Improvement Study Committee has recommended approval of a Draft RFP
for an economic consultant to assist in preparing the Downtown Improvement Plan.
The economic consultant would be part of a consultant team that would include a
planning consultant and a transportation consultant.
STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Review, revise as appropriate and approve RFP; Direct Staff
to send RFP to economic consultants; Request Downtown Improvement Study Committee
to interview economic consultants and make recommendations; Direct Staff to bring
recommended proposal to City Council for approval prior to entering into the
7.2 Village Parkway Landscaping, Amador Valley Boulevard to Kimball Avenue - Median &
East Side of Street
Staff has completed the design of the median landscaping and landscaping adjacent
to the sidewalk. The proposed design utilizes a combination of turf and ground
cover. It also includes the replacement of the chain link fencing and landscaping
adjacent to the existing precast concrete wall.
STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Hear Staff presentation; request comments from audience;
provide direction as to any suggested modifications of the proposed plan;
authorize Staff to solicit easements along the precast wall from the southeast
corner of Wineberry Way to the Contra Costa County line.
9. ADJOURNMENT - Due to the Veteran's Day Holiday, the next regular meeting of the
City Council will be Tuesday, November 12,1985,7:30 p.m., Dublin