HomeMy WebLinkAbout*CC Agenda 10-30-1989 AGE N D A DUBLIN CITY COUNCIL DUBLIN CIVIC CENTER COUNCIL CHAMBERS 100 Civic Plaza REGULAR ~EETING - October 30, 1989 Monday - 7:30 p.m. 1. CALL TO ORDER 2. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE TO THE FLAG 3. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS At this time, members of the audience are permitted to address the City Council on any item which is not on the City Council Agenda. Comments should not exceed 5 minutes. If any person feels that this is not sufficieGt time to address their concern, that person should arrange with the City Clerk to have their particular concern placed on the agenda for a future meeting. The City Council cannot deliberate or take action on a non-agenda item unless there is factual evidence presented to the Council indicating that the subject brought up falls into one of the exceptions under GovernmeGt Code Section 54954.2 in that a) there is an emergency situation, or b) the need to take action arose subsequent to the agenda being posted. 3.1 Introduction of new Assistant Planner, Ralph Kachadourian 4. CONSENT CALENDAR Consent Calendar items are typically of a non-controversial nature and are considered for approval by the City Council with one single action. Members of the audience who would like an item removed from the consent calendar for purpose of public input may request the City Council to remove the item from the consent calendar. The request may be made at the time that the Mayor asks the audience members if there is anyone interested in removing an item fron the Consent Calendar. 4.1 Minutes of Regular Meeting of October 9, 1989 STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Approve 4.2 Disadvantaged Business Enterprise Program 1989-90 Update This Resolution updates the City's Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE) goal statement for FY 1989-90. Staff recommends retaining the 10% DBE goal for this fiscal year. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Adopt Resolution. 4.3 Traffic Signal Pre-Emption System - Award of Bid - Contract No. 89-10 The low bid received, $98,600, is within funds budgeted for construction of this project. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Adopt Resolution awarding bid to Steiny & Company and authorize Mayor to execute agreement. 4.4 Livermore Amador Valley Childcare Task Force The City Council will review the applicants for the Livermore Amador Valley Childcare Task Force. The Task Force will begin in early November and have approximately 7 meetings over a 6-month period. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Approve appointments to Task Force. 4.5 Award of Police Vehicle Bid Sealed bids for a used 1989 vehicle were opened on October 20th. Three companies submitted bids. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Award bid to Avis Car Sales and authorize Staff to issue a purchase order in the amount of $12,892.08. 4.6 Renewal of Agreement for NORCAL Employment Relations Consortium This Consortium, in which the City has participated since January, 1987, provides an opportunity for supervisory and management employees to obtain valuable training at local seminars. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Approve the City's continued participation in the program and authorize the City Manager to execute the agreement. 4.7 Financial Report for Period Ending September 30, 1989 STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Accept Report. 4.8 Warrant Register dated October 30, 1989 STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Approve 4.9 Driving Under the Influence Emergency Response Cost Recovery Program This program would establish guidelines and billing procedures to enable the City to recover some of the costs involved in responding to emergencies by seeking restitution from those DUI drivers who cause the incident and resulting emergency response. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Adopt Resolution authorizing implementation of program. 4.10 Selection of Recreation Software Staff has reviewed proposals for Recreation software which will be used to schedule facilities and program registration. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Authorize Staff to purchase Leisure Soft Software and necessary on-site installation and training. 5. WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS - None 6. PUBLIC HEARING 6.1 Request for Stop Signs on Brighton Drive @ Callan Street The City Council received a petition from concerned citizens at the October 9th Council meeting requesting consideration be given to installing stop signs on Brighton Drive at Callan Street. The results of the City Traffic Engineer's study will be presented at the meeting. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Conduct public hearing; deliberate; adopt Resolution prohibiting parking for 54 feet on the south side of Brighton Drive westerly of Callan Street and 50 feet on the north side of Brighton Drive easterly of Callan Street and approve implementation of signing and marking changes 1 through 5 as described in the agenda statement - * OR * - adopt Resolution approving stop signs on Brighton Drive at the intersection of Callan Street. 6.2 Ordinance Relating to Encroachments This proposed Ordinance is part of the City's Municipal Code Update. The Ordinance deals primarily with performance of work or placement of objects in the public right-of-way. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Conduct public hearing; deliberate; waive reading and ADOPT Ordinance. 6.3 Ordinance Relating to Oversize/Overweight Vehicles This proposed Ordinance is part of the City's Munic~pal Code Upd~te. Ordinance deal primarily with the movement of overSlze or overwelght streets. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: The provisions of the vehicles on City Conduct public hearing; deliberate; waive reading and ADOPT Ordinance. 6.5 Ordinance Amending City Ordinance No. 55-87 (Traffic Ordinance) Pertaining to Regulation of Parking on Hills . This proposed Ordinance would require drivers to curb or otherwlse block the wheels of . "" vehicles parked on hills ln order to prevent runaways.. . STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Conduct public hearing; deliberate; walve readlng and ADOPT Ordinance. Prohibition of Parking on Amador Valley Boulevard West of San Ramon Road The portion of Amador Valley Boulevard west of San Ramon Road is of insufficient width to accommodate both on-street parking and the travel lanes. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Conduct public hearing; deliberate; adopt Resolution 6.4 6.6 Repeal of Selected Alameda County Ordinances As a result of the City's contract with Book Publishing several provisions of the Alameda County Code have been repealed. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Ordinance. Company to prepare a Municipal Code, identified which need to be Conduct public hearing; deliberate; waive reading and INTRODUCE 7. UNFINISHED BUSINESS 7.1 Zoning Regulation Regarding Antennas This item reviews current City zoning regulations and other laws regarding regulation of antennas. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Consider whether to initiate a study to amend the Zoning Ordinance regarding antennas. 7.2 Civic Center Courtyard Fountain As approved by the City Council, the City Engineer has solicited sealed bids for this project. Staff has identified financing options for the City Council consideration. If the City Council elects to proceed with the project, Staff recommends awarding the bid to Golden Bay Construction, Inc. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Determine whether to proceed with project. If the fountain is to be constructed, adopt the Resolution approving the appropriation and the Resolution awarding the bid. 7.3 Review of City of Dublin comments on Draft EIR for BART Dublin/Pleasanton Extension Project Following City Council direction, Staff provided comments to BART regarding the Dublin/ Pleasanton Extension Project. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Provide any additions or revisions to the comments. 8. NEW BUSINESS - None 8.1 Alameda County Open Space Element; Livermore-Amador Valley Planning Unit General Plan Supervisor King has proposed amendments to the Alameda County Open Space Element; Livermore-Amador Valley Planning Unit General Plan. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Consider 8.2 East Dublin Studies - PA87-031 Sponsoring property owners are requesting additional consultant technical services and refinements to the preliminary General Plan Land Use Alternates and Policies. Second agreement amendments between the City and WRT and the City and sponsoring property owners must be entered into in order to complete these additional tasks. Those agreements and appropriate resolutions are presented to the Council for review. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: 1) Review agreements; 2) adopt resolution approving second amendment to the agreement between the City and Wallace Roberts & Todd; 3) adopt Resolution approving second amendment to the agreement between the City and sponsoring property owners; 4) authorize the City Manager to sign the agreements, all of which should occur after monies have been received from sponsoring property owners paying for the additional work. 9. OTHER BUSINESS 10. CLOSED SESSION - None 11. ADJOURNMENT