HomeMy WebLinkAbout*CC Agenda 11-18-2014 Revised REVISED
Tuesday,November 18,2014
• Agendas and Staff Reports are posted on the City's Internet Website (www.dublin.ca.gov)
• Agendas may be picked up at the City Clerk's Office for no charge, or to request information on being
placed on the annual subscription list,please call 833-6650.
• A complete packet of information containing Staff Reports and exhibits related to each item is available
for public review at least 72 hours prior to a City Council Meeting or, in the event that it is delivered to
City Councilmembers less than 72 hours prior to a City Council Meeting, as soon as it is so delivered.
The packet is available in the City Clerk's Office and also at the Dublin Library.
Title: City Manager
3.1. Recognition of 2014 Inside Dublin Participants
The City Council will recognize the 2014 Inside Dublin participants.
Recognize the 2014 Inside Dublin participants.
3.2. 2014 Business Anniversary Awards
The City Council will recognize those businesses that have been in Dublin 20, 25, 30, 35, 40, 45 and 50
Recognize those businesses that have been in Dublin 20, 25, 30, 35, 40, 45 and 50 years.
3.3. All American Label Recognition for Environmental Efforts
The City Council will present a certificate of appreciation to All American Label for its example to the
community for their pursuit of renewable energy sources. Specifically, All American Label has installed
a solar power system at its facility, curtailing the high cost of energy and reducing its carbon footprint
within the community.
Formally recognize All American Label.
3.4. Recap of splatter Event
The City Council will receive a recap of the 2014 splatter Event.
STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Receive the presentation.
3.5. 2014 Dublin Farmers' Market Recap; Recognition of Sponsors and Supporters
The City Council will present Certificates of Recognition to the sponsors and supporters of the 2014
Dublin Farmers' Market. Staff will also offer a re-cap of the 2014 season.
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Receive the Staff report, formally accept the contributions, and present the Certificates of Recognition.
3.6. DSRSD End-of-Year Drought Update
The City Council will receive a presentation from Bert Michalczyk, General Manager for the Dublin
San Ramon Services District, updating the City Council on the current drought conditions and
providing a summary of efforts and accomplishments to conserve water citywide during the drought
Receive the presentation.
3.7. Public Comments
At this time,the public is permitted to address the City Council on non-agendized items. Please step to the podium and clearly state your
name for the record. COMMENTS SHOULD NOT EXCEED THREE (3) MINUTES. In accordance with State Law, no action or
discussion may take place on any item not appearing on the posted agenda. The Council may respond to statements made or questions
asked, or may request Staff to report back at a future meeting concerning the matter. Any member of the public may contact the City
Clerk's Office related to the proper procedure to place an item on a future City Council agenda. The exceptions under which the City
Council MAY discuss and/or take action on items not appearing on the agenda are contained in Government Code Section
Consent Calendar items are typically non-controversial in nature and are considered for approval by the City Council with one single
action. Members of the audience, Staff or the City Council who would like an item removed from the Consent Calendar for purposes of
public input may request the Mayor to remove the item.
4.1. Minutes of the November 4, 2014 Adjourned Regular City Council Meeting
The City Council will consider approval of the minutes of the Adjourned Regular City Council meeting
of November 4, 2014.
Approve the minutes of the Adjourned Regular City Council meeting of November 4, 2014.
4.2. Reaffirm Continued Participation in Alameda County Urban County for Community
Development Block Grant Funds
The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development has requested that the Alameda County
Urban County submit resolutions from each participating agency reaffirming authorization to
participate in the Alameda County Urban County for Community Development Block Grant (CDBG)
funds. The City Council originally authorized participation in the program on June 17, 2014,
Resolution No. 109-14. Approving this new resolution will ensure the City meets HUD requirements
and retains eligibility to receive funding.
Adopt the Resolution Reaffirming the Authorization of the Continued Participation of the City of
Dublin in the Alameda County Urban County for Community Development Block Grant Funds and
Execution of the Revised Cooperation Agreement on September 16, 2014 by the City Manager.
4.3. Introduction of Ordinance Amending Chapter 2.24 of the Dublin Municipal Code Pertaining to
the City's Conflict of Interest Code
The Political Reform Act requires the City to adopt a conflict of interest code that designates the
employment positions that are required to file statements of economic interests under the Act. The Act
requires the City to biennially review the conflict of interest code to determine whether any changes in
the City organization necessitate a revision to the Code. Following such review, Staff is presenting an
ordinance that would designate four new positions required to file statements of economic interest.
Waive the reading and INTRODUCE an Ordinance Amending Dublin Municipal Code Chapter 2.24,
Relating to the City's Conflict of Interest Code.
4.4. Check Issuance Report and Electronic Funds Transfers
The City Council will receive a listing of payments issued from October 1, 2014 — October 31, 2014
totaling $3,350,622.34.
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Receive the report.
4.5. City Treasurer's Informational Report of Investments for the Quarter Ending September 30,
The City of Dublin's Investment Policy calls for a semi-annual report of investments. This report
is for the quarter ending September 30, 2014, and includes a monthly transaction ledger. The
City's investment portfolio for this period totaled $158,150,754 (book value) with an average
book yield of 0.56%. All investment transactions continue to comply with the City's Investment
Policy and the California Government Code. As required by the Policy, the City Treasurer
(Administrative Services Director) affirms that the City is able to meet its expenditure requirements
for the next six months.
Receive the report.
4.6. Authorization of Staff to Purchase Personal Body-Worn Video Cameras and Approval of Budget
Change Utilizing Asset Seizure Funds
In recent years, law enforcement agencies have been experimenting with and using body-worn video
cameras. Staff conducted research and found those departments utilizing body-worn video cameras
experienced a reduction in agency liability and citizen complaints. Additionally, the cameras protected
officers from false accusations as well as provided evidence which could be used in court. Although
there are several different types of body-worn video cameras produced for law enforcement, Staff is
recommending the VIEVU LE3, as these cameras best meet the needs of the agency. The purchase of
54 VIEVU LE3 units will outfit every sworn member of Dublin Police Services, as well as the Sheriffs
Technician assigned to the Traffic Unit with a body-worn video camera.
Adopt the Resolution Authorizing the Procurement of 54 VIEVU LE3 body-worn video cameras from
Adamson Police Products, and approve the budget change.
4.7. Acceptance of Work—Contract No. 14-01, Crosswalk Improvements at Amador Valley
Boulevard (Between Regional Street and Starward Drive)
Contract No. 14-01 (CIP ST1413) installed pedestrian activated flashing beacons, constructed center
median and driveway improvements, and improved signing and striping to increase pedestrian and
vehicle safety at the mid-block crosswalk on Amador Valley Boulevard.
Accept Improvements under Contract No. 14-01, Crosswalk Improvements at Amador Valley
Boulevard (Between Regional Street and Starward Drive), and Release Retention after 35 days if there
are no Subcontractor Claims.
4.8. Approval of Final Map and Tract Improvement Agreement, Approval of Agreement for Long-
Term Encroachment for Landscape Features, Approval of Stormwater Treatment Measures
Maintenance Agreements, and Acceptance of Park Land Dedication In-Lieu Credits for Tract
8142, Jordan Ranch, Neighborhood 2 (Toll CA 111, L.P.)
Toll CA III, L.P., a California Limited Partnership, is filing a Final Map for Tract 8142 (Jordan Ranch,
Neighborhood 2) to create 36 individual lots for the construction of 36 homes. Tract 8142 is bounded
to the north by Sunset View Drive, to the east by Table Mountain Drive, to the south by Panorama
Drive, and to the west by Sunset View Court, Panorama Court and Tract 8179.
1) Adopt the Resolution Approving the Final Map and Tract Improvement Agreement for Tract 8142,
Jordan Ranch, Neighborhood 2; 2) Adopt the Resolution Approving the Agreement for Long Term
Encroachment for Landscape Features with Tract 8142, Jordan Ranch, Neighborhood 2; 3) Adopt the
Resolution Approving the Stormwater Treatment Measures Maintenance Agreements with Tract 8142,
Jordan Ranch, Neighborhood 2; and 4) Adopt the Resolution Accepting Park Land Dedication In-Lieu
Credits for Park Land Dedication Requirements for Tract 8142, Jordan Ranch, Neighborhood 2.
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6.1. Draft 2015-2023 Housing Element Update General Plan Amendment (PLPA-2013-00031)
The State of California requires local governments to adopt a comprehensive, long-term General Plan
for the physical development of the City. The Housing Element is one of seven State-mandated
elements of a General Plan and must address the existing and projected housing needs for all economic
segments of the community. State law requires that Housing Elements be updated and adopted within
120 days of January 31, 2015. The Planning Commission adopted Resolution 14-55 recommending City
Council adoption of General Plan Amendment for the 2015-2023 Housing Element update. The City
Council is being asked to adopt the General Plan Amendment for the 2015-2023 Housing Element
Conduct the public hearing, deliberate, and adopt the Resolution Adopting a Negative Declaration for
the 2015-2023 Housing Element Update; and adopt the Resolution Adopting a General Plan
Amendment for the 2015-2023 Housing Element Update.
6.2. Amendments to Dublin Zoning Ordinance Chapters 8.08 (Definitions), 8.12 (Zoning Districts and
Permitted Uses of Land), 8.40 (Accessory Structures and Uses Regulations), 8.64 (Home
Occupations Regulations), 8.76(Off-Street Parking and Loading Regulations), and 8.116 (Zoning
Clearance) and the creation of Chapter 8.65 (Cottage Food Operations) (PLPA-2014-00031).
Assembly Bill (AB) 1616 allows individuals to prepare and/or package certain foods in private-home
kitchens referred to as "cottage food operations." The enactment of AB 1616 provides cottage food
operators with the opportunity to operate a small scale food business from their private home and
requires that cities and counties allow them. However, AB 1616 also permits the adoption of local
ordinances to impose reasonable standards, restrictions and requirements concerning spacing and
concentration, traffic control, parking and noise control. AB 1616 also requires that cottage food
operators be registered or permitted by the local environmental health agency before commencing
business. Staff is proposing that the Zoning Ordinance be amended to allow cottage food operations to
be permitted by-right in residential areas subject to certain standards appropriate for a home based
business and consistent with State law. Minor amendments to the existing Home Occupations
Regulations are also proposed for clarity and internal consistency.
Conduct the public hearing, deliberate, waive the reading and INTRODUCE an Ordinance Approving
Amendments to Dublin Zoning Ordinance Chapters 8.08 (Definitions), 8.12 (Zoning Districts and
Permitted Uses of Land), 8.40 (Accessory Structures and Uses Regulations), 8.64 (Home Occupation
Regulations), 8.76 (Off-Street Parking and Loading Regulations), and 8.116 (Zoning Clearance) and the
creation of Chapter 8.65 (Cottage Food Operations).
6.3. Zoning Ordinance Amendment to Chapter 8.76 (Off-Street Parking and Loading) related to the
Village Parkway Pilot Parking Program (PLPA-2014-00051)
The City Council will review City-initiated amendments to Chapter 8.76 (Off-Street Parking and
Loading) of the Dublin Zoning Ordinance to extend the program to temporarily eliminate the parking
standards in the Downtown Dublin Specific Plan Village Parkway District for an additional five (5)
years. The existing program has been in effect since January 2013 and will expire in January 2015
unless renewed. The proposed amendments will also establish a parking standard for new commercial
Conduct the public hearing, deliberate, waive the reading and INTRODUCE an Ordinance Approving
a Zoning Ordinance Amendment to Chapter 8.76 (Off-Street Parking and Loading) related to the
Village Parkway Pilot Parking Program.
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6.4. Tennis Court Use Policy and Rental Fee Schedule
The City Council will consider amendments to the Tennis Court Use Policy, which was last updated in
2010 to include the Fallon Sports Park tennis courts. Staff is proposing updates to the Policy to include
the addition of the Dublin High School Tennis Complex and the tennis court at Schaefer Ranch Park,
and to modify the Policy language to make it consistent with other City Facility Use Policies.
Conduct the public hearing, deliberate, and adopt the Resolution Amending the Facility Use Policy and
Rental Fees for Use of Tennis Courts.
7.1. Fallon Sports Park Phase II, Contract No. 14-15 -Authorization to Bid
On February 18, 2014, the City Council approved the Phase II Master Plan and the scope of work.
Based on the number of additional amenities requested by user groups, the City Council directed Staff
to include the Playground and Soccer Field Lighting as additive alternatives to the base bid
improvements. With the bid documents nearing completion, Staff is seeking City Council approval on
one of two options for the playground design and authorization to bid Fallon Sports Park—Phase II with
additional bid alternatives.
Select the preferred playground alternative; and, authorize Staff to advertise Fallon Sports Park—Phase
II Contract No. 14-15 for bids with the alternates as proposed.
7.2. Marketing and Branding Update: Revised Logo Options
The City Council will review the two revised logo options prepared to be used for marketing and
branding efforts.
Staff recommends that the City Council review the revised marketing and branding logo options and
provide feedback and direction.
8.1. Veterans Family Apartments Project
The City Council will receive an update on the proposed Veterans Family Apartments project located at
6707 Golden Gate Drive. The City Council will also: 1) Consider a request from Eden Housing Inc. for
a loan commitment letter in the amount of $6.4 million; and 2) Consider entering into an Option
Agreement with Eden Housing, Inc. for the affordable housing project.
1) Authorize the City Manager to execute a loan commitment letter to Eden Housing for grant
application/ fundraising purposes;
2) Direct Staff to include a reserve in the Affordable Housing Fund for a future loan of$6.4 million to
Eden Housing, Inc.;
3) Adopt the Resolution Approving an Option Agreement between the City of Dublin and Eden
Housing, Inc. on Property to be Developed for an Affordable Housing Project; and
4) Direct Staff to negotiate a Regulatory Agreement, Loan Agreement, and other documents necessary
to develop the project for City Council consideration at a future meeting.
8.2. Library Expansion: Center for 21st Century Skills
The 2014-2019 Capital Improvement Program has funding to build out the expansion space adjacent to
the Children's Area at the Dublin Public Library. This project is a partnership between the City of
Dublin and Alameda County Library and will provide tenant improvements, furnishings and technology
for a unique multi-function space. The City Council will receive an update on the partnership, design
and construction plans.
Provide feedback on the proposed program and design, and authorize Staff to advertise the project for
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8.3. Downtown Investment Strategy
The City Council, at its October 7�h meeting, requested that Staff bring back options for expending the
Downtown Reserve on projects in downtown Dublin. Staff has developed, for the City Council's
consideration, an infrastructure and economic development investment strategy appropriating the
Downtown Reserve, which would make the downtown area more pedestrian friendly and aesthetically
pleasing. The City Council will consider possible projects to be funded by the $1 million Downtown
Public Improvements reserve.
Review the proposed projects in the Infrastructure and Economic Development Investment Strategy or
provide Staff with alternative direction.
8.4. Fiscal Year 2014-15 First Quarter Financial Review
The City Council will receive a financial report on the first quarter for Fiscal Year 2014-15 and consider
amendments to the Fiscal Year 2014-15 Budget.
Adopt the Resolution Approving a First Quarter Budget Amendment to the City of Dublin's Fiscal
Year 2014-15 Budget.
Brief INFORMATION ONLY reports from Council and/or Staff, including Committee Reports and
Reports by Council related to Meetings at City Expense (AB 1234).
10. ADJOURNMENT—In memory of Staff Sgt. Sean Diamond and our fallen troops.
This AGENDA is posted in accordance with Government Code Section 54954.2(a)
If requested,pursuant to Government Code Section 54953.2,this agenda shall be made available in appropriate alternative formats
to persons with a disability, as required by Section 202 of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990(42 U.S.C. Section 12132),
and the federal rules and regulations adopted in implementation thereof. To make a request for disability-related modification or
accommodation,please contact the City Clerk's Office(925) 833-6650 at least 72 hours in advance of the meeting.
The City of Dublin promotes and supports a high quality of life which ensures a safe and secure environment that fosters new
Dublin is a vibrant city committed to its citizens, natural resources, and cultural heritage. As Dublin grows, it will balance history
with progress, to sustain an enlightened, economically balanced and diverse community.
Dublin is unified in its belief that an engaged and educated community encourages innovation in all aspects of City life, including
programs to strengthen our economic vitality, and support environmental stewardship and sustainability through the preservation
of our natural surroundings. Dublin is dedicated to promoting an active and healthy lifestyle through the creation of first-class
recreational opportunities,facilities and programs.
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